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.. ~ ~ ~~ P fJl9/E 1 ''~`~OZrJmTOT'~7 O~ IT?~~Tk'.'IOT? nTG. 118. 2 T Ei ..'..1 ~.. p.LlJ Ifl~~J DF :7..+-~ ~.J ~.s.:'W fl~ 1~:~ i..~-:J i.: flh 1L1~ l~ iY t.7..1.'~X.1:.1:~ ~:i, ~- 3 ~Ia,:~RING II8 IIu'I'l.;~T1IOTd 'i0 Oy~D:~ ~~li~ CI.08/ItT?G U~"_' O' `.illt~'~.' C:~.~'?' "s.IT'~ TJ1~T_ l~A~ ~~ ~1'~~l 1i._t t'~'i~r "1 .ri~l~` ~:',~T.2 ..`ill Vii ~~'.' ~a..''~l .'V..'~a~ ~:ir: 's~+Ft~... .U D~ IN C I .. s 0 ~~ ~~ .T I J.:~ E L I D 07 T.0 e "~ f : (f1 ~ ?fTl *7 n .-, 7 ra','~ .r T Tr-;e l r-n ~ n fh TT~'ill* y?" 4 ~.~GITa'I7I~TG .~: .~ .~OII~L Iii ~IT.~ ~0..:'~__~~~I,Y ::zip. 'ZI +.~.~ 0~, TI~:t. uU~._.:..:..::z:S .:_~i- ~Iy'IC ~-~>IId:.~OD CDi..i~A~.;`.Z, ~'03f?'Y~ l~.':r0 .~:r.~ ~~VEI~'' iM~,r,TDR/D1''$8 (4.07 } ll ' S a~. DU ~T3, 57 ° D8 i'~'~„'i~: i DP 11 '~flIT `.,' ITT ii..~i ~'~:i~ln~~~~r`t'TJ ~,`.i'uri'~~R 1,Iig~''~'i 0~' ..~~' ~(R~ ~ ~ RT f'~ ~ ~ ~- ,.r~ T~ r i Y i ~r ~ iTr3 -~ ~ //'-'tt rnr sz~ '~' j.TT+• l-y ~ ~ ~ Q n1, '"+T. ii,`..:,.. s,. ~~ ..~..J 1 f ,.~~S,IaI -- G,d-p74TY ~~R~- ..J..~1 ~7j~iT~ VS:r1Y 1..:x.;4 .. ~:4 )a1 -~~,isi ~... ~'lu 6 .~'~'~IT~Ca- `Ir_3~.I: ~"(7I~"D~..~:9„~T ~.!~~D ~' `?~NTITC ( j Puri ~OU~:~, a r' T -~ ,, E+~tl nrr-i ? -~17~~;t .il T? !'7 nT"ay ?~ T~l?;~: T?°'~~ t51 3 .T~. 15 ~2 .~~_~. ~ OF ~ ~_~ iT~ T.~y.~.~C I0_~ O:~ ~.z ~~ C.~~ ., ~~ I1I ..~~ D_ ~;L.T.ra'.s.:~, ,~ ,.,1_~1..t'n (~ , ~ -?1 -r 1'x'7 ('t-~T•T /'1rP~ C~ ^~ ~?`~~Ti r~ .~ rr . T ". ~",-T T-.T T s '7 , ATE? ; `1?7TiS 'G~ t~ "~'~ }r i11.iJ~.L wS.'i~ .Ui`.l .. l1,.-4.~ .L.:..lll 'v l~i....l.~-1 'Y ~ Y ~.: `i O J ~ },'~Ll.:. V.+. -L t1i.~ ~D.i:i Jd i 1JI- lflTd, LWCU..~~.1.+«.s~~I..ar .JVVw`+. r-if i~..U.iJ f^:~LV.~~~ ~ ~V.~-.r .: .T.- l:t.J~~'.~. LVUi:TmY! 1 T~ f1l f `t?~ r n i11 T O I Tai . ~?'';~ r T? ~ r.~ ~ ''1 Z T ~~~~ C:'-~I:I?~O~~~Iai; ~.?~TC.~ ~vU~.h II ~:5 u~;,8~y 0~~.~ hJ.~.~_?.~,.3 sl~'T.~ luIT3.u TtiIT~~~IY-POUR ~~~ ~D"STS (159.94} ~~~`~, ~TT~13C.~ SOU`yuT ~r4°• 49' ~~8~, 9 OT~P IitTic:~i)~D! T'?'I-2`~T.~: _.~T?~ti'~I:~~~~~~Y-:~'~~~U.~ ~?UTD~~.~S~T1 (10T9.6~.~) 'F]'u~;] I'~~..~T~C /mow flLT j.'a~i 2 ° 44 T ~ n~'L , r't :.,sfl 1J. 1~!: r~iL:~~ 1~.au~D ~~~'~TJiii "~;LY ~i~J Tti l~:.~.'i.J.~iJi ~.Cik+ ~ [wDD. ~~ j 10 y':~La; `I'T7:~s~C~' SOUGH 74° 23T ~`T~"I ?IIT;~Y-ISO ~~~D SIGHT NUT~T3R:1~'1F8 02.08) P uT; T~~ 'TC:~ 8GU1Ii 88° 51' o~~~~T Ii;IGTTI <uiD NJV.~;TY OTI~; ~1- 11 ~ ~.D~IHS (£3.71) i ~'I'; '~'?iI;TC~ T;fl~t:`wI 2° l~:4T ~i°s~S :it0 3tTs~'T}PwD 1';~~TaT~T x'OUR ~~D 8I:«IY-B.:~V::T~a IIiT'''J~:=;I1`'A'?iS (22~. 6'7 j J~'EEi ; `.1.'il~SC. + T:'JR`?'Ti ~~° 12 49 T ~.','.~`I, T';I~'EI'Y-ti~V~' _''~.?;J TT~:It?2lY-SIB ~IUTD'T??S (97.36) PLAT; Tii~PT E !;~ a T ~ J n rr~ 7t -, ~. m'Cr l ,a n..r-, T ~s r ~T;~l rt T'OT?_II 28 4.5 ~y. ? OT~~ T JI:.yT~.~D uli~~-LOUT. 11.~~D ! :r~l`,I'Y-11YIT~I:.. HUTxD~.~..~D.t 13 (164.29) I'LL:l ; ~.' T=;~ C~ T~TO?:"a~ 69 ° 12 T .~'~~8 it fT'~d?.'T`Y TY- T~~ ~~TiD '~'OR~Y- A S:~VT.~Ti IxrJT~TD.;'~DTHB (23.47 j ~~-_.. ~ L ; .y L.TCI; 8flU1'H-T 57 ° 08 T ~,w '~-± IRTY- 14 71 ~ ai r t'l',`~'~i.l' i'i T"'F ~ „-s ~ i-, -`Tf. ~n ffl ~ rt l '4't ?"T 1+T I TT, ~~D ~.::.~~;;1'Y- y~.:~..::. ~~L 'tDl~~z.~?8 (35.23} F~~ ~ .~0 ~.Lii~E OL D~GIT,~'yl~. . 15 ..,.,..... 16 , r'SO~T D i;~.a,t she y~ul~lic in-~eresf; and oonve~~~ience reriuiye aid 17 tt~~.~ it is she ini;en~;ion o:c i;~?e T3o~.rd o7- Trr?stees o~ s~>>id Ci~J o~ 18 :~,:ic~.l~_eir~ ~0 Ot3.8r ~~3e 0110Ti`ilYl~ ,r-'t;rE;e 1`.'Or~ ~0 iJe C1.One 1''? ~`~l.iCl Gi~i~, ~-9 G 4-C11.'t ; 20 T'_nc`~.'; ~~"~~,'~ Ger~c~l.n t?l`1naTlled street S5_~;La<~,te in s~~,id ci~~T end deS- 21 cribed ~,s :~011o~~rs, ~;o-tlit; ~e~;in:t.~inM ~ ~ ~. point; in -~~~.e ~or~(:her1~T 22 ~r~,~;r line oz 'one ~ou~l~ez°n -~~ci~cic Railro~.d Co~-~~~J, ~+~or~~Y-~;c~o ~.a.d 23 aeven ~r~and~.°ed ohs (~-2.07 } .~ ee ~ out~~, 57 ° 08 T :~s'u o-~ a ;~oin~; in 24 the e~~snded center 1~_ne o~ ~.cl~.~.~~:s ~~ree~t~, said ~~oin~ in i;~~e e~en- 25 -~o>~cf ~hro~ dec3_ cEn~t;er line o:i ~+d~~,r~~s 8~;rec;c i~e~~.1`~ ~~IsiG'@ ttundred,~~~r ~.:~.d -Four (343.4 ) 26 ~ ~ en ~t~ s (} i'ee~ Sa~,z-c3x, 15° 32 T ~~,st o~' -1; ~,.e i nlcersection 27 o.i ~>{e censer lines o~• _'.d<~r~ls 8tree~ ~~ ~d_ ~;fes% Cen~:er Street as s~~o N/isce/%rreous 28 on a m~:~ o-?~ U:~e 3oe~e addition, recorded in ;3ooTr 3, P~~;e 2,~Record 29 01 IaO~ ,~I~''eleS COi.il~t~~r, ;,`~~li-I~ornia; t`:}1enCB ,~.0'l.1'f;t1 2f3° 45T ~rO.S~~i pne 30 T,,nLLared iitY-nine t12d n~.ne~GJ-o~zir i1U~'dredt'r_s (159.94} i'eet; thene 31 io~v~U. f-4° 49T ~'~es~ one i~'t?~zdred nine ~,~.i~cT i<yt~;,--~~ ot~r ~_'unci.red'c~.s 32 (1094} feet; ~'r~e~?ce 2octGl? 2° ~~^' ?iu,Si, ~t~o hu;:{c~rec. ,s~.~. i'o~urueen --1- 1 2 3 4 5 Q 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 v +ztt,~~.dred-~;:n~ (~Qa.l~) ~ee~; ~~iletlce ~o~~t-~~~1 '7~° 2~' P1~es~ TltirGy-i;t~ro end ei<~t n:ixtd-redths (~2.0~} "ee~; -~~-_e~~_ce ~ott~l~. o~>° ~1' ~~~'es~ ~;i~~I~t sr?d' sezre~ltT-one ~ttnc~~ed-cils (>~~.'71) ,~ee'c; ~~~-~ence ?or~~LL~ w~ 4~x' '.`~'esc .t~',-o ,tza:tdred °ctren;~-seam `~i1ct si~~t~~-e~ren !~.?~.d~.~°e~.~L_~.s (2~;~w.~i7) :cee~i,; ~henc~e TOr%it ~-~'r° ~C/i ~'"~?.NU ~:[.212'`G~;-,~~eVei1 ~:,Y1C: 'v`s11r~G~'-~S1'~ i1~i"t1G1"8di;w1S (Jrl.J6j ~%P,-~; ~t;zlenCE: ~TO_C~~C1 ~.C3° %~1 ~.;~eS't,, (lzle ~'Lttildl"ed Si~':^~'~'-a0lls' wtLCL u'.:e'.::I'i;~j- ~~~~_~1e ~±f~~1c'~re:~-~hs (~~t~.29~_''~et; ~;~ ~nce ::oz°t~? 6~° l~T EL~.sU, 7~.rer~«~;r- i.{ii.'2e 2i1C~_ "1'C)r'~y-SeVeP_ ~:1L'.t1(;i.:E'c'C~~:.~15 {,`~.,~i~f~rf~ ~eeti; ';~lei1C8 ~"0'it.'i;'_t? ~l° ~~~ 'ti c•/' `'~i 'S ..'_i..• i ~ '~"1' c`.r i -. i _.-~7i , ~iti+ (c.3c°7 2c~1) Sve'`t, ~o aa~G wlirtf l_Veu:J.1i ~'::vt.i; -,,_..'ve ~.i _1dr~C~~~~ • .:.~Zc Ce Jam' ~)C;~;1~1n1:r1~~ ,Je~'. 10~`•E;C~.. tt"~ ?:i1t'_ t.~~~t~t0neCi-• `.i~,1= a "i;.e ZaY1Ci CLBG'T'leC~_1:1Cf=C, > _c.'~riY ~~0 ~Je "~c`fi..;.:ell t,~:!e:Cef©~' l,' ~`_@f;rl'fJ- .~_ -, , - f ec< <~:; -~~olioryr~,, ;o-:;i_G. ~e~ia111~.ii ~~,-i; ~ -~oin~; ~_?1 ~~~e _or~~?~o11~;T v;~~a,~ ~_:i1e Di` ~(;iv `,,;Oltv~~G~'ri1 _`_'~Ci~i G $$i~r0~d (;01R~'12:~:iv%, sOr'~j-,Z7C) ~.i1d SeVBn '.1i7_t1C'~ "eia~~1S ~ !-~. ()~ ~ ~. ee~i So:t'G~._, ~i f ° Qo 1 '=c~.~~ o ~. c~. ?~C)i31~ 1i1 ~~e E;~., Uei1~''!8~ CeY1~:~Ur ZJ_i1e C)'~ ~jiC~.'1'1~" ~~re@~, `~"~1.Ct ~?C111?+~ 7_i'? iJ'C1e B~~~E'11deC~ ii forfy fhrce four GG1~;vr ~1'17.e 0~ ~iC'ciI'15,L;1'ee~ U~:i.1;; ~;'t?ree L1Ili"lC~reCi cz21d^ ~ (~4~3.~ ) { _• i.~ ve., G;._~ r f a.x_ n .1~a.•r..~ 1} .1.eG (i t,~.o~._l,•__, `~ - O r-rF~ f ~..~, r.s. ZJ -J Fa :::.. ti7 (~ a.-•, ~1" ,~ f_ r.* Q.L (~.`LC~i ~. ~.. I~G.L SG(.'~'l~_0:.~ OS_ V11 Ci ee~l~ em li_~e ~ o~ a.u.:~~:, ~,~-~rce ~ «1c1 :.'e~~c ~en~er ';; -GreeEJ ~,;, >> _o~~a~ 0~1 a Misce//Aneous rlu,;n of -'cAie ~~oe~e µ:,c?.c~_i~:io:?, _~~o-~G.ec_ i:a ~oa~~ ~, ~:~~.~e 2,n~~eeords o ~;os a.r!'eles ~o~.i~ ~'~~~, Ca?-~-- ot~:~i~~~; ~,_}.e*~_ce ou~a_. z,° ~^.~,r ~~s~; o:+,e _~~zzn_ c~~et_ ~,___ ~~r-nine and z1~_~zeU~•-~.~~'~_.~. ~~~ .. ___s ._ ,. ~% ~c,eG; ~~ c3~~ee ~Ott~~:1 ~f. o d_c~ T ~`~eS~i , 0l1@ .1'~.1'1(~ ~°e(~ (i-!_`'1e _. _C'. 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G.U~?ti (~'''7. gib) ~~'UB~; .__. .._C:B T~'0_'U~_ h ~' _~!,[ ,:e_:°G OYle a_~1.:1~leC t~l :G~~-.C Olt. _ ~1(^. ..'eY=G;,'- ~1.:L'1e I~.`~ ~C~_"'vC~_~~'1S ~~ G'~'-•:mac v1i; _ii U'..1.(P,. _: CJ Y' 12 b/° ~ i~,T l~``i~:i,-i; tl'r+e~~_ ~•• ~%}lree ~,,.li(!_ -l.~ow.'tief'':eVtil _'_~,:1Ci._c:'E)CLt,a1{; (~e_i,~irj) ~ee-c; i;a"@:C1C:e ~C)':l'_y J"T° d~ 1:f ~~;u t• tii'~.,1 i/'~d-i: VG`S ~:~S1C~. v~~`1 E:s'~"L°T-i11_1"(? r'~~?71 ~ rl j eJ i.}. L.e c~ .L `~: `.'+{~ Jl';0 -~?~u.C@ ,~.._ r' ~ i ~ e _10._ edt~~ , U__" Jeri '?11 n4 • --~-- 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1~ 16 ~hr i, -~~_o er>uol° ~~ r~ ~~o ~<<,.~ ,~:i.~,~ o~L -~:_e c'is-~~^r:ict of ls~?~; ~.o ~~e 2,i ,. ~ , ~.~ r. ~ ,i~ _, ~ v - C ~ r ~C C i.,;;i .,1.C_ 4e~a,~.. ~~!,. [ ~ t;i_~t0'~Tr'11~:.~,_~J .Y?C~ 't,0 i~8 .~ti`SesS ?- ,~ 1 -~ uV _?~,u~ ~r1e r.Ur1v,~'6,t, CO St .:::?~, ~, `~eYlSea 'L'•Y~,'r!e0'r=t .-,w E3 C~G'sC:i'j.i'Je(:~ „r~ _ ~ ~:,~a ollo~~s, co-~;,ri~;; e{°inYsiri~~; :~u ~ y~oint oi.~ ~t'r.e ~es~; ~i1~G~ T,i::.its of `. iJa~e C;i~`, o` l~;n.ahei.r~, sa,ic~ ~7oi~1% rein; ~:o:c~y (~-0} fee`s ::;orth 0~ lit :~er`G Of tl~e ~OG1~'~tiaest GOiPer 0~ L'+'+_t? ~~Oi"'~Y~ " r, ~- {; "_} =s ti~;3" e_r+ t,.~.~r) ©~: ,,,,ef.;l:i0i ~l'v..;;een { , ~ ~=:??_ ~ ~:+Oilr 16 } otirn ~~~ ) fJou~v..?~ y,'".+~e ...e11 {1~~ ~:~eilJ~ ~• .:..)• .J ~e ~ ~ .f'1 T i O '~r~i ,yes t; c`3. l0Y?~' ~~~~ d. '.,'est ~`~ t~? .~ iL2i~;~ l"~ ''_"1:11~.Gt:CBC~ '~?Y1C! t1"rerl"~~?-n7_ne (~ ~~ } ~. . 'ee"~, mo~~e or Ies~~, J o ~ ~e _.;o r -<;~~a~r)_- ~~r lino o=' -c_~e ~o~~ ~ ~e ~~!~~'~._ .1."!~'j.c3 j1c`?,.]_~ 104tC~, (iOlA~c31?~T; ~~%?enC;e .Jo'l:i~t;.t'_ e':r~o ~~~ .~~~vEi 2.10YI~' "w1l _ -'-7't. .~ ~~ c_ ~ o :c L . :r1LT v~ro,~;- ~.ine ei~ _t '~vx~_ureci. _~xY~~ y,~,i ~:°~Lur-,;,._ (~3~E) i'eet, ~io-re or less e x-ferio~ad ;o tie esterl~r li_~e o~: moo„"~ ~_ __ ~li ~ ~' ,_ n~ c :~~ w ~: cree-~, i;Ye:c?c,e ~0'~z-L-1, ex~er~d~d a -s .~° ~~~t :~~.st e.lon~ s:~icz~''e;~,torl~T li_r_e, ~. ~',ir~;;y-seven -end 'ive ter_t~?N {3'7.5) -~`ee~ ';o i,~,_o e~~, o7?r.et; _;orG'ew~'1`° 1,~?e o" ''enU B~o€ .~uT street; "G!YeT1Ge ,~.;o'Llt.'+.+.'? rfn-O 2.3T :'s*e,`'t c`]-,lo'_'?~ n~- ~ y ;, ..~~;,id e_~~~i,ended o ,^`~~:.erld 17 i31e of ''est ro~.clra~T ti-~ree ~ _'ot~_r ~»«dr ec~ si_:~;G= -, V~:;~o cstd i'ort~r- tU~ro 18 ri~Uuclredt~_s (462.--~) _~~'ee~;; .~"~cY~ee ti o~~~~c?:~ 3~° 5lT ,es'c fro _~~!i~czyed 19 .~ - .1.: v,, ;%~T~1C~_ -.L3.:~~ti~7'-:±'OLII. /~L7i'ic~l:'E?C' lJ~'_~ ( _ `~f~(~s ~~~~~ I$e'tJ GO LL'~. ~],GP. 0~ IJe~lY'lYtiY 20 a.V1.Y7.~?`r,3.1?C~. e<.;C; e ~i ~ Il rte-,,' e~S?Ci e=>c3].'L-f c~ 7itls?' .~ ~; ~'1'oT~? ~ ~,id C=.i ~. ~ ~ .C?. c ~~ e.ll 7)u~J l~} C 21 ~~"eP.tS, cl.Vetiues c~,a1C~. r0~Lr3_S 'G~`PY'B'li? 1Y?Cl'i~ded ~nc'~ cOrlei €i„1Tlet7_. r ~< 22 '~'~~.e ~.-?~~ ~~eimJz~ilt;r ?,er~,lc~, ~;. t~.~;,i_l_~r ne~-rs ~' per o~ ;~ eY?eral c:i_r_ 23 ?'~~.'GiOn, `lrnieC~., '?1Z'Uli.~il.eCC ~r1G! C1rC't~ltt'UC~. 7n ~cNiC? cit~r i;; ~~ereb~~? 24 ~.e~,i~naj;ec~ :~~s t~.e Y?ettirs~a~aer ~?iibli~,r~ee~ ~,r7.{ circrtl~f-ec? in r~~.ici cit`r 25 n ~1,icl~ t~~e ~ trees ~~~:~erin a=e~~.r.'~ e~a.~ t ~ Y?o-~ice of i;:~~.e ~ . pa~~8,~,e 01, tl~.is 26 esoluuioY? s~~~~.71 'ae ,~,y~lis'~.ed.. 27 ~!'11e ~°trec~t ~`, ~~eriY?!.oY?c~en-c of _ s~Lic ; ~- c .t,~ ti,.. ~ ,~ ,_ _~.l e~,u.~,e ;Jo be con- 28 _~iet?o'asl~r `~os~f;ea ~.IoY~.~ ~_e ~_i}:~e~, o:` r~~,iG~ co r_:.-vem--~~la~ad rro%,%~ ~~.na 29 _r.:y~rover~?e~~`t;, s;o~ice o~ ~; _e ~;,,~,sti,~;,~;e of ~;'~is . - yesolc?-~;ion o~~' E- 1-~_ T~.~~en~. on 30 r, ~„e m~=,Inner end ~orr_a regt~i reca_ bUT Zwzr. ~~e ,,~~Gw~!l ~;,1: , "o c t~u~~ e a 31 office sir.~ila:c in. sc?.bst~;.izce to ire n,a.~oli.;l~ed for ~, -~erioc~. of ten 32 ,oars in s~3ic1_ nevss1o€~ aver, data."olis~ec1 ~.'nt~ cireul atecl in s~ id ci~~r. i -y~-.q 1 2 3 4 5 y6 8 9 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 The herein ~ ro~~o~e~;. tiror~~w G,na ir_iy:~rovemen1c shill be cone in ,~ur- sl_~nce to ~:n act of the Ze~islwtryare o-I' the tit4~te of C~~lii'o:~~.i.a, e7 ~~..~lerl t[r'T ~ f~~ 'j:3'-~~~fT'T1T,1 -~7r~~ T ~-r r['7 " ^n r -ice r ~:~, .~GI' _~~ _ 1~,~~ ; ..l L~~«.~I~.~iG OUi, O~~e~!.i~:~Cf, ~.y~.:~JI~';G, ~:~L~' ~~:~ ~_,I~1 C"'~~`~.IGiii ;~al%iG Ot~ C ~' ^.~ T"' T TTr ,~ ~, ~n~T. ZO I~~C L..,- _ :~TQI~L'' C:; ~,, 1_g.~.~ v ~t'~L+E"', ~~,u.:v'~'i, Ia11T~~.~, :L~':~I1~Y, CO~.i ':~ ;~ t~'I~`if,~`E TI~"i~II: ~TU~.ICI~.'7~Iyi" .=a ;:~ TG' CCi3L~T.N _~;:~ ~..~:}vUI.:', ~ LL~~ ~r ;~~L a~LI: Z:~:NU ass..; ~ :~'~OPI;~~':~~r ~~.~C',-, ~ ~ _,~ k:.'113 ~/~ rV.::+~;I.:~1LT1 ,_''~V+.l F~.,:~.L T~~'~l:u.:i, TT ~,11~rov~t~l I:d.~~~l 6, ~~V~~ d ~ ~Yl ~B/~'~'i o r7 .-. r'.'e ~orego~f.r~~ ~e~,olt~~zon~l~ `>1~;11ec+., a~f.~rovec= `~Jnd a~~,e~;~,ed bey ripe ~,hl s 11 c,.? d~.uT o _~~' l.ia ~~c'~ , 191 ~ • 'revic~e~~. °`- ~~e ~;o~ru o - ' ~zrz~ ees o. t pie Cit,>~ At~.~?zeir~. .ttes-~; x,t ~ ~-: ~ C er o.~ r?e Z ;r of ~-~^ezm. `~~i.~.i'~i J~' C~~.IFO~t~I~~., Co-~~nt,~ of Orate, ) ~3, Ci ter o-!' ~~Z~~Y~eim. ) T, udward :~. 7.'e-rrit~i,, Cit; C1er?~Y of tl~e Ci car o~ rul~zeim, d certify- tlz~~u% t'rie Yar_e4oing ~esol~~tio~~ of In~cention ~o, 118, tivas du.1~T ~assec? ~~a~.d uc=.o ~~tec? ~,~; ~? red;; 1~zr ~~eetin~; o~~' t~~.e Loarc? o.i Ixyas- tees of s~~id eitJ help on tae 11t~~ c~a~r of ~~arch, 1~~15, b~,r -~,e fo1- loving vote; ,T. ~~,~ ~~. S~/~n« ~ltR.. r3,~w,,...~, Toes- -_~!~uutees ~,~-,.~~ - .,absent ~.na ~3ot voting---rtz~tees ~.,~.,~,.,,~ Ian '~iTI'?~U ';, ,~: ~ O' I ~~ave ?zerezz~~to set r~~r ~~c~.nrl ~.rZC~ a:Fzi~.ed ~c~.~e ofz'ici~.1 seal o:~ s[zic~. city the l!t'r~ day o7~ .~~,rc~y, 11.31.5. Cit;~ Clem a -aye Ol -~T o .~,i1a__e~ m. __~__