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.~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 zl 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i''" .._ '~;80ZU`~IOT 0~' I "::_T~IOT7 PTO. 11.9. ~,:~, ~ u ,]"z Ct®1.17U 1 (''~+aT /'art -t'T•..a 'I^ nn ~~ -1 y 777~ alrl tq~"', ~, /~T-~ (~'~ ...:.~ cI~S1 V-~+' T ~ Tit ItT DT to .:l:Ja I1J1e li.(: 1.. t.u ..J V.L-~~ C~: ~.U." 1-.1.:..1'~.i lJ~ lll..:r ..1..1.:~.i iaJ 1:1, .+J "' C?~~'4I$G I~'8 INa`:'-4.:~'~~IOT~ ~'0 C~~~..~ ~ "_'}i:~ CDO:~iI~G U.~~ UIj'~Ii.:~I' C~::'~,'>IT UTt- i. ~ L`fzt ~T,?sm 7 r;1~ s r't ry 1 ^.r ,-,7+;, tr7~ Tr`a 7 -i ~ -_, T_ ~` ?:101 Tt i,.u' ~~~~,'~ ~I~:~_~,~ IT': ~ ~ 1.T'LY 0~ ~.vis~.~IT;L :.lIC$ ~,. .JaSC_.I3~.~ ~~>`. ~ 0 T1.~'EGI~~NI~IG .~~' ~ ~OIT'~T ~'=?iIC~?" T8 '~'i-rIR`~Y .'':~~TD TI~:I ~~:.'Y-SIB TTJ'' D~~DIsIB (30.3fi) ~ ;may ~OLTT'r±, 60° 58r T+i2~ rJ ~. ~'"OIT`!'T ';q-T~IC$ I" OTtE ?~l.i.~.vD_~:D Ez.~v~~r ~,~ ~'o~rY-~I ~ z1L~`~~~~~~s (111.£-~) FE:~i ~oU~wz,,y 20~ 15' ~;~uT ,1 ^l n ~ ~ TTT iT"~ is?T,sT n. <r.. rrrT"*a (16 1 ~ +it.:i.~'i r' ~ U V 1~~:. f 0~: 1 PO + .w .~ wTIC'~ Itw J_;~, ~L,a; D~..~~}~ ~.I:F~~~-3~~~V ~.~T O T -tT?:.m 1 1 ':.% TT f"ITr.-, , rrrl-f;:F i:l C~ nn.l .._~t.,~ ^c 6 9 12 } J: ;1 0~ .~l ; flI1, T IT, ~l, .. C.~ ~..J..~ I11$~ 0~ ~~~~. ~;1. _~..,.,1.~. ~ ~=.AID ~ ~;rr7 "T t1T i (~~{?? rfAr;,q __'.`' .l ~T .~'c tpi eTj;°1 }DTs T7ry ~7.'{~'~~"~ T?717' ~'t~,`?'~ '~ (tT- _OI ~... I3 l.l,.~a V1aT1 .iJa.~ LI~ti-1J vJ_ .a.] ~ SS'._ ~1 ~..~J ... .L7.l;i~li if .L 33a.L.i.J :11+y.~J/iLJl-d .J I4n'i.L~ :ice. TT .~..t~TD .~ I Gk`T' ~t ..:~' : rn~~.2 (318.8) _ .~ UT~; i ~ O~J`?$ ~ 15 ° 3 2'? ,::~.C ~ t~~ 'I ~'~; Ii~T- .~,".,~_~ ~lY l:l r~-n R1..r-~-, at , rfry-r', "~ "~'+T T~'(is~+nTl '+-r _`y..-~r. ~m~'"-~,r~^r~ ~~°f~1 ~^.t rv !71 Iy T~T1'('1 -','n .L.:.:a.'~.~;l.T.~~T(v}'~.Ll~~tl'd t11{{~fiTTr..:.t~(..~r L~+idT-.-l::ell ('~11~..y..v.~'(~..`:~.J/wYi.-_,,. ,~•{1~3{1u_..a/!~ :i..tv.'pv5u/y./a~+..~1~ 'lfi~.u~li~•.:_~'.(:~i/~ !~ 1~i 1~~...LJSJ3 J.~~.7 ~~i! ~ QYil 1~+ U!'~ s. 1~.1,~` 111.+t rrl_?+:t J.] V-Jia'L .i1J1J1`T'T Ll ! .LL.~ V i1.~. 4.~./.J.}J IT'! 131.1O.TC.1r. 4' . :~ Tip T..r ` -ri} .. T,T""' f` p'`? '~ "~ [; ."l T ; l~ r ~t '(~ n t 7ajC,1 /'t j l 7?'~n~ . ~aG:., ~, ~:_Ia..O.~T~T1_~~~~OUu _~CO~~.~>/ Ow .~~.~: w'.~:;G.~Z..~~; GOU~,._Y, 1, ~~;I~~ 0~.~~:"I~ , `'' ~: ~"CF a OU`"$ 60 ° 58 T .-'~ N L `"~''.'~, 0 ±:?L~' 1~a~~ :'0$`I'Y- Oki i.7 ?0~ T'Y-~r~I.~,'I~.TL~~"D ~"r-'a f'i'+ 1T_~rrtT,l t frt O LZL3_ ~ '~ T ,T, (24G 1.49) ~:.,~.~T; ..~~~ ~..~ S O J Uzi 2 T 8 ~.' F2,+.._I'Y `?'i~0 r~4D T Ii~,J ~-?-Gir- D~'..~`±'$a8 (52. Q3) E.~:~`i'; 1"~;T,C~ 8 OU"I~ 77 ° 04? ~::~.:l' ~',,'0 a~LTTy ~ ~~~D `~'~TI~:-- +'1 flT:s,~T~ r -r~.,-rii r 'ri f?1TT (,LO T Ta ~+~..1 TY-8 ;NETT .:~-;s) $IGiTf _,,.~~:i?~ (2ar1.8} ~':,.;~i; j:G...,~OtU:..ra. '7 23 p .+~~'~I G1i~ ii.T.ai1~.:.i.Zi.'Ti ~~~ ~~i~..1T ~.~._. .~ ~-ws~'. (~~.'~) ~......'~y. -~T..la {V~.~.~ ~~~. ~~~...'~.~~ ~~° V~ t ..~1rs. r''S T,YTI 7-TT7-nTT T7 L~-!~ i,i . rya r.~7' "la T i:T'~ ~ f!l ys 1 ~ { 1 Y~ ~) l.a?P !'l • fi1ST~, T7 r.u,..l! ~ i.La ~ U14JJ~w11 _ I..a.e13-.i 1~:~ ~~ aL...L ;..I:i .~.~TSTL~. • I'.~.ul, .:i>..uT7E.:.u T t r ~-v -~~ -r',TT T 'l~"~'n ~'7 • R1T -T~1 ~rft TTORT$ 2° 44' 8l'. 2I1~miT :u~D ~=a',T~t,ra 1xU_''1)iZ?~rIS (60.0'7) ,:1a:,~.,1.~~:.Iy1.E TTO i$ 60 ° 58 ~ T't~2 a I.''r 0 t?'la~!'I7~~.: ~}TT~1~.~T~T~ ~TdD '~I ?3L1'D:.?.'~ r_'r~2 (2l.t?3) :~':~T; ~' ~~T;O TTOR~ii 20° 15' ,:,'..~~I' ~'0~~.~' ~TTD ~~O~ii'Y-EIGTIT ~UT~D`i~D~if?S (44.48) .ti':liF I' ~0 I'Z ~.C:~ ~JE DGI?~1IiuG. ~..SOIIVT~T that tale ~~ubiic interest and -convenience re:TL2ire and that it is tine intention of the :~oarcl o~ Trustaes o ~ said Cit`T of t^,x~~zei~ to order t~~e ~ollovrizlm street i~~o~k ~o be done in said Ci to-writ; ~T~,s,t that pertain ~ann~x.+led stree~c situate in said eit`r ~:~cl c~es- criUed as :~ollo~ds, to-~~it; $eginning at a ~~~oin~ ~rhieYi is rzirt~r and tizi'rt~T-s$z :~.-undreu~(;ras (a0.36J zest South, 60° a8T East oz a T~oint ~a}:iich is One ~zundrec3 eleven atnd Forth-;ice Ti~~zndredtxjs (111.4G~} Feet ~o~ath, 20° l5T Y~'est of a ?~o3_nt ~"r~~ icy. is ons '~.2?ndred si~ty- seven. (16'7 } feet South, 69° 12 T '.','est o-F a point in t.~.e cente:c li off' ~~d~ms Street, said point in tre oent~ line ~f ,Ad<~ris Ctreet ~ein~ t~~ree hu}~dre~t ei~'F?teen ~~nc~ ei~~zt tenths {318.8} Feet ~ou-LIz, r> J 't 15° ~2 T East of t~~ e ir~t ersec'c ion of ~rze .center lines oi' ;:dams ~`treet and hest Oenter Street as s_zo~{~.z on a ~~,~ of t~~e ~oe~e ~:d- diti_an, recorded iiZ Sao<~ ~ , ~~a~e 2, ?.iscellanaous_~;eoords oa~ I,os a;n`eles Co~~-'rx~~, Ooliioz~nia; t'zence Mo~ztl~ 60° 58~ East ~-'ro hi?.ndred :~ort~-one and -~:ort~r-nine ,~~~.?ndredths (2~~1.4~J} feet; tlzeia.ce BoL~tn 2a 4 T Nast ~'iFt~-tti7o ~,nd z~zree r~z:~ndredt~s (52.3} -Feet; thence *- ~;,~,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 'oii"~~± 7'7° 0~'--ti ~ast,~t-ro lna~ldred ~'~ir~~- ;even and ei z~ cer~;~is (237.8) -,B=eet; thcnoe ~`0l?~'1 '7~r° 23~ '~1e;~t ~ig;:2~;~%-thr8e and „even -Lent~.s (8~ . Yl) fee%; thence Tor ~'~ 77 ° 0~- ~ ~7e;;i;, One ~~t?:~lcl:~•eci ninel;J_ fog?r ~~nd ~_i~~ i,ell-;'~~s (l~~'.6) ~~eet; ~~~enca I~or~cl~ 2° ~,~~r rtres~, Ni>t~rF- and seven f~undred~r~s {60.0'7) feet; '~lae~lce Nort?~i GO° 58r ~z°,~eut ~~o i i~?indeed ~G~iiri;een and ~i'4ree IZ~zndred~ils (~.1:~.0~} fees; V}ionce ?~or-~ci 20° 15~ u~Hst, For~J and fortJ-ei~~~~~ ??vxlc~red~:'as (40.8} -fee's ~;o ~~lace of be~innin~; '~e closed ??;~ ~~~?d ~e~~~n.doned. Tc~.a"~ 'che lailo deer_~led nece,~sar~r -L-o ~~e ta:_e_l t~~erefor i describ- ~d O,S fo1101r~s, "LO-4Tit; e~"1"s1111n~'; ~?"G ~~ ?~01.n~i 1'i111f'.~1 l~ "G`lir~Ur dZ7.d tr~irt~r-~i~, rr~?ndreu.~~~,~ (30.36) feei; sot?i;L, 6fl° 58r Y':,ry '- ~:~,~ti of a -~~oin~ vv ~~~ic~l is one wlundred eleven. ~.nd :ior-~~r-;. i~E~ h??ndred;~~s (lll.~`~-6) feet , sou~~'t~., 20° l~ai ;'lest of ~. 1aoi~~"~ t~7i_ic:~l iti one i~t7.`tdred - ~i.1fi;~;r-sev (16'7) fee"c soot:?, 69° l2' vest of a{-~oi~l~; in "U?~e cenJi;er line of ~dorls utreet, s~~i~. ~~oi.n-c ilk ~~,.e Gen~er line a~ ',d.~?ns 8"~ree~; being ~~~~ree ~a~u~~dred ei4}~t~en az~d e~;_zt ~~en°~'zs (318.13} feed tio??-~"., 15° 32' ~ ~~~s-G o~ ~~':le in-~er.~eccio~~ o:~ i~,,e censer li~les o~ a;c;~r~s Ntreet <~.nc~ ~',~est G'en-cer 8i;ree~ ~~s r~otirn on a ~~,~;~, of ~a~e Boe~-~e .r~:~~_cli-cion, recorded ill 3oo~~n ~, ~'~~e, 2, ?~isce?1az1eoizs =records o:~ ?o~ "~:~;ea..es Cec~rl-~Gr, C~~li~ornia; ~?ence ~oa.~~~~ 60° L,BT ~a;~i; c~~ro 'runc~_rec. 1or-ur- one ~:.nd "ort~-nixie (2~rl.~r~} -rest; ~;'_~e?~ce ~au~:i± 2° ~-~:t :~.s"~ .;?i-.~t7i- -c4ro <:,~~'td %iree hundred~;~ls (u2.03~ iee~;; "';~~ence uou4? ~t'r'° 0~' ~~::~;°t, t'.i 0 1.L:xa.d r e C~. V ill Y' ~ 7- ~ e V e ll. ~ i Cl C' 1rr`.'~l-~ "v e n-v :[1 ~ 2 ~1 ~ • ~ 1 ' , 8} feet; tri_E'%1Ce o??~;~Z 7r° 2>= ~'~est ei~.~-,~T--~'rl-ree ~~zc~_ sevelz te~a:~I~s (8~.'7) :;.eot; Uti?ence TX~orth 77° 0~ST :°!ent, One ~~zndred Flinei,~~---'our ~z:nd sip ~;enchs (1C;1('y•6} ~8et; t}.'_eC1.G'P. ~ort~~ iv ~ ~•:':T .:`ea'~'i, r T7 '~ d ~~' '~ ~ I I scV i~:c,; ,~cz Lven i ~~r r ec t~~._, ( 60.0'7 ~ c.;"~; -cnennce _'ort1~ C~0° 58' .`.'e;~~ _hrao ~~~?_~c~re:x t='_iy ;ce~l ;old r> ",f~:tee h?~_~~dre;dtl~.s (21~~.0~~) C;e%; i~ll',nce IUr'G1i ~ O° 15T .i'i::.Si; fOrt~T Li,nC~ _~Crt~r-el;-.'lt ';:??'1dreL.~~~~ (rO.`n--~.~} '^:E'~ -~O _.'1i:.C° o:~ TJe~_~~7.i1~i~~• .-~__ ,, `I ~. 1 j ~,'~ t2~,e t~ri~r boundar~.ee C~~' t~;+~ d~~ttr~.e~ C~~ 1eta~.s ~~ 'be '.~ ~' ~eete& bet~'ita~. bar' .#~ wq~'~ end ~.mtprsvenre~t'~ ~: ~~ be ~~4 2 ~~ 3 ~~ tc~ p€~" tie d~tsgeer ~~~~ ~ e~eneee t~eof: &eseribe~ 4 II Polls'we, tai-w~~s e~irur~;i,r~ ~~ ~ pcain~ can '~~,e ~'1~#~t ~~, ~,i~aite~ a" i, 5 '' ~~~ C$'~' ~~` ~elD ~a~~ point be:~' ~*4r~" ~~' ~emt ~drt~! t?° x g ~~~ ~e&~t of tie 8e~'~[tla~-est earner ~f the ~'astla~8t q~~~~ iN*~.,~,~ ti ~d 7 ~ ~d'l~rt~~IM~t QU.~,er (~w~~~ a~ 8est3~n 8,xte+~n ~1- Tc~~nsh~.p ~t3't1Er s ~ ~#j 8s~tt~~ a den {3,pj ~S-~t~t, ~. B. B~ ~ ~ t~sn~~- Nvrt~ ~m ~r 9 Meet ex ~ Meet Ci~~ ~i:t8 ;[.~ h.~~~~. an+~ ~~r~r~1~~'-~xii~c~ ~ 6:2'9 j 10 feet, ire nr ~~~, tc~ ~~~ Id~rt~.~rl~r vt-r ~~ a~' th+~ 8vutb:ern &' li ' eit'ie ;~S3.lrcys+~ Ctamper'i t~iex~e+~ sQU~h. 57a ' ~~ ~.~ ~~ 1~c~rt 12 ~, ~~ l ine I~.~~t hUnt~lrea and. ~"~.~"t~~-e1~ ' 866 ~ `~r~~, ~+~~ or ~.+~ 13 to t1~s,~~Y'e~ttex'r' line of 8oztth Th~cl~ Stream;, -E~6t~- thea~iiee South. exfen~~d 14 ~.~°' 32x ~~et 6t~.Q11~ ~3&~.+ti^~$t~4'~~r ~.~.?~1dli `~t~,~"t`~i'-S~Y~t~'t 16 ~'3.ve t~hs ~' ~ y i"eet ~~ the extent~ed r~her~ lime ~~ 1~eet ~ l s wed S terse ; tle e ~ Qnth ~a 2~ ~ Feat al€~ esi~ ~ en~d~ ~Tv rth~-rl 17 13.x~e Gf '~ee$ ~Q~e~ Street ~~ux hund.re~ #ia~t~r..a e~id f~rrt~~tw~ 1s huriQ.re~tl~e ~~,-~2} fast, tha~noe Sc~ut~. 88~ ~l~ ~ Taro hundred: 19 eigh$~' ,mod fii''r~~`taur kun~,re+~tl~e (28d. } Feet p:e~e Gi' 'be~in~xxa 20 envin~ a 4xa-tng ;~t3.d ~rar~ludin~ ~~ e~ die~ei~ a pu'b~ie 21 etreet~, evenngt and ra.~t therein f12~Yude~l! mid, rn~~ixaed. 22 1'~te #n ~.1~' Herald, a d~~ newspaper ~~` ~ g®nrrP~l e.r.* 23 su2at~.a., ~ar~.xxed, ~u~lished ~'td Qreu~.at+q~q: in end eit~r ie I~+etr+arb~- 24 deei,gn~ed ~:+~ ne~papsr published end ~~reuaer~eci ea.~.d ~'~~' 25 in ~ tke meet Snpdrintes~:e~rct to natter ~~' ~ s is zs reealeion eha~. be publ.iehed~ 27 :~ ;3tre+~ 3upexintendent c~i' e~3.d a eha1 +~auae to tae s~n~. 28 spieu.at1,~- pQe~ed a1.an~ the knee of said ~tant ~.mt~rd cvar]~ 28 3l~p~EaVlYltt n~ttieee +af the p~te88ge o~ t~i~e ~,~~tti;tigM caf ir~tentian 30 in the manner aa~d farm requir+~d b~ l~a~r, ~ eha~1 aleo ea~xse ~ 31 atlee eimi~.ax~ _n ~ubet~a.ee tta be publiehe~. far ~ period m~ ten 32 a~ i.n eaid n+-~lpap~-r, pub~.iehed ana eire~x~.ate~. in t~ait~ ar~.t~, ~~~~ y. 1 ~''~, 2 'ill I' 3 ~', 4 5 ii 6 ~! 7 ;~,~', I~~ 8 ~' .. g ,~, 10 y~ ~' '; ril u 11 ~~I ~, 12 li' ~il 13 ~' 14 X15 ~, 16 17 18 is zo 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Tl~e h~re~t prapo~~8 wnac~c ~en~. 3amprc>vett , be d+~~a+s ~.~. pur- ~u~as+~ ~ an ~ of tie 7~gi~~.atuara off' ~hr~ ~3~at t~~ C~.i~a~~cx~.~, + tit.~~ "~' .~~ ~'{~ PRaV~~ FOR ~'~ 4~' ~ 4~ : ~'I~~€, ~ '~[~ :3~8AZt~''INt~ 4R ~Zt~~NG ' I~ 1~H~ C}R ;~ ~'T .9`NY ~~'~~ ~QU98 f ~~~ ~L~"'. ~lflURT dR PZALE '~T~' ~'IQIg~~7.~$ o{ /,-r~er~7~ior1 ©r+~g~zag R+a~+alu~~n~~~ ~i,gn~~t, Pmt,, Wit. ~~~~~~t rn~ ~hi~ 11~~ ~ of ~Sar~h 19.15. 1~ ' ~ I ,~, ._ Pre~si~. ~ e~~ ~;tteafi, ~ ~ ~' Q ~ 2T,~.'F ' Q,e~T~'bi'IA• Coun~~ cif Or , ~ ~ ~,~ G"1`~t a~." .AX~t~~+- ~ III I. ~~~~. B~ :~~rri~~, C.~y Cier~ + ~h~ ~.' off' ~-sl~, +~ ~eartit'- ~~.~~ ~- ~'vr~~3.~g ~e~oSu~t~n t~~ I~t~~ ~ Via. ~.~ ~~ ~~ du1~ p~~d. .vp~~-$ ~~ ~ r~gv.la~r me~~ of 'fie ~aar~#. ~~ Trt- $~tll~t ~~," ~,~! s~t~r h~rld ~~ tie 11th. ~.~ cs~' Mkt; ~.~~.#~ by ~~~ fa1- lt7~r.s~ ~-ata ,"`lF~--~+~rER8t8~~ ~~' ` .S~c~.~..-! ~'6a cn o5r ,,-~ c<o~ 7~ ~.c., .Ab~en~ i~d not vdt3.n~,.....~r~x~'~e~~-a •-~-~. IN x-~i3 ER~C~' ~ haV~ ~.~r~t~.n$~ dint ~' .]~~ ~3~X+~~, the a~':~.~i,~l ®~~3. c-~' said ~it~ ~~~ l~k ~., ~~` I~, ].9~,8., ~ ~.. ,,' ,. ~4 ~, Ci.t~ ~~~ ~ ~ o ~ ~.