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1 ~~ 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 ~" 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 " 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 0'~`~''`' 1 ~ ~` k.n M ~~ ~ ~ ZESOZUTION OF T~ BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE; CITY OF ANAHEIM, ORDER- ING THE CLOSING UP OF THAT CERTAIN UNNAIVIED STREET, IN THE CITY OF ~t~EII~, T~~HICH IS DESCRIBED AS I'OZhOt~7S ~a ~~U~~ ~~ ~i~ticr~c' latn of thQ cenier'~ ~t'enti 'Vest Cen a ront~ of the ~ioek d in ,F~vnk, ,~j Page ecorcis c?f;~..I~od ., ifuri?ia; thence ~3 ~intite& East t-d~rn id ~~forty-nine ht2t ~e youth fast •E'itt~--~~v ax S~.E!~ j feet; them 4`nzi,mite~-~;ast, t- !e'ven and: ,eight ninety-~c*u~... ~ Pct; ` Eh~r~~ a ~'~HERFAS the Board of Trustees of the Ci~~r of Anaheim did on the 1 tY day of b~arch, 1915, pass and .adopt its Resolution of Intent-ion No. 119 to order the following street work to be done in said city,towi '~'. c that: cE~~¢in ~ '~nn~ra(;~ r ~ent~~ Street '. nk 3r ~,3,~~~e ~, Mis~~_ ohs, of Lod' A~ngeies , nia; thence Knuth i~ `[its ~xst two hundred:lfor~. ft4rty-Wing ,ht~ntTrecltl~ (d~J:4~; t,~ence Sou6;}~ 2 degrees, d4 ~n Fast ~ iffy-two and throe hwt i~2:8~~1 feet; thehee South.-7? c ()4 rtzinut~+ 'fast; two huiidrecl aev~n s~irl eight tenths ("-'8'P.8 thence ~©uth 7$ degxeea 23 r ~'4'ss$`~,`'.`}ghty-theme 'and s~veA 0~ miA~tE~ ~ Gst, o~ie - hundt~ ni1t tf;?Pt1uT ante eiz tentSS::~ '~?~`, t#~ezice, ltiortl~ 2 ciegree5 < tee ~'4 est tv and. ~e~e~ ors ~~P tnl feet; ~ .~._.....~ ~~ ,.,,.,.,.+ac .,~IVi,aa~ ~~.= r 9! ~ 4 .,. j' 1 ANI) ti~ 't`~EAS the Street Superintendent of the said City of Anahei~ 2 did thereafter cause to be published and posted in the manner and ~I~' 3 form required by law, notices of the passs~;e of said Resolution of ~~ 4 Intention, and '' -_' ~T3EREAS no written objections to said work or improvement. have 6 been made or filed with the City Clerk of the said City and the 7 time for filing said objections having expired, 8 N0~', THER~I'ORE be it resolved by the Beard of Trustees of the 9 City of Anaheim; 10 FIRST; That the said Board of Trusteed does. find and determine 11 that no written objection has been made or filed with the C ty 12 Clerk of said City of Anaheim-and that said Board of Truste®s has 13 acquired jurisdiction to order said work. 14 SECOND: That the following street work be done in said pity, .. , 15 to-wit; 16 ~r~~'thq~`~i~m un?ia~ned ~sii~~gl3:n said e~i - ,,,~ d' ctesc~i 1"/ ~~ £ol~o~~: its-v~hs ifie~ wing at a vach' is Th 8 ail thirty-six 18 ~8~ ilSt V $ ~OiAt Wh '" dxed~. eteve~ and ~#ar~ . h~YicYxedtlin : ~ t 11.4Fr } feet Sauth, 19 green 15 'minutes went crt' a `; whic,~, one hun~l~d :si~tty~ t 20 (~fi'~' ~~ Si~uth, G9 degrees 7' ' ufE a. tiV~st n~~ F,oiht ~~ the ce o~ ~i,d~ins S~ree~t, said point 21 ~egnf,~r'}vze cif' Adams' Street ,th't e hundrnd. eaghte~`it and t: t~_ .($1~,8} fe~~k ~utli; lb de , z2 `33 ;tSt~iate~ ~~s~t'bf i;he iJtitersect I thG; ~ xer Iin~ of ~4d Stree ~'~t enter street as &h0arn 23 .iii a the t3oeg~e Addition. ree '~a4~'~, pag~:~e I+~i4i!eftai~~a ' 4 24 t tW~~re~ e ~~~ `4 " ~tr~r ("~1 #9~. 25' ; _ ~~:A ct~T~e~ ~ .. `~~t~c,-t~a'o antf 'tE ~e~ 2g P~'3 feet; thence ~tii d. ~~ tni~YU~e9 F:a~t, 'fwo huncl~d +~ xergtr and -eight't~nths`t2`3?.9~` ;' thence South '74 degrees- :~,3 ~ Q,"f 'UVest ~g,~tity~three :Anil seven (SSs71 feet;. thence 3tiorth 77 d" [~4 minutd~ `b~Test, ane ' hu~re~ ~' 28 ninetv~$t~f and'~x tenth~~ ~ )~ eFt; thence ".North ~' degrae~~ ~ `tees ~~~~ Sixty A~nc~ seven , "~~ i•ec}ths~ GQfl.Q7)~fe~t thence~No ?~rgree:;, ~8 n'ztrt~xteS West 'I'wp ~ed tiit~eea~ and t3trc~ hpn 3Q '1~-Od}`'tee-t; theneQ h~ ,' *rais 1g zxsiR~rtea Faa '" e~~ht'3zuntjredG#s ~., > ~# s~'1 31 a~~ nr ~e},nnr~ing. ~ ~ ~. ~ _arnlctnett. ;.<< _ y 32 ~.. ,~ 1 2 S f 4 -~ ~~ ;,~ k 6 ~; 7 ~~ 8 i 9 i io 11 12 13 14 ~', I 18 16 I!~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2f~, 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 and that the laud deemed necessary to be taken and which is hereby taken for that purpose is described as follows, to-wit; j ,tic ~eiit~r Tine oaf ~~. J; of 't 111 till CL'ntC3Y. ;~8 ~ing ~liree ]i`~ azicr ;ei$hrt ten4hs Eu1S ., ~cEe~ees 3~ .~iinute~ P~tioii of the Winter ~~it~ r eG xn~a ~r{ast CentQY°. ~ hn ~~ ,map, of the Boe.g~e ~iecT,in Bonk 3", Page ~; s &e~lr~T~ fif I.os - An ~~~T~~orttia; thetlce Sa~Yt $~iiriute~ East trio huz • ~~, foY{;v~nine hi~nr~n .'eet;.theiice.South Z'~~ re~ I':r~a :Iiif~~~rt~rq,-aria ~ f~4 nxin~ttes_ ~~,~;t, tV~',!3 ~~aee d~:3r~t and that said unnamed street in said city, be and the same is hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned, THIRD: That said Board of Trustees does determine and deolare that no damage will result from said work o r improvement and from the closing of said unnamed street a~1d that no assessment is neces sary therefor and that no commissioners shall be appointed to rise s any benefit or damages or to have general supervision oi~ any super vision of said work or improvement or of the closing of said stree ~ or otherwise. The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this 2~rd day of April, 191. ~ Press o Board o Tres- - tees the City of Anaheim. --3-- s _ ~ ~' ~j . i ;. 1 ~' S TATE OF CALIl~4RPTIA, ) ) ~, 2 ~1 COUNTY OF ORANGE, ) SS. I:. ) ~ ) 3 ;,!CITY OF ANAREIM. 4 ~~ ~I erk of the Cit of Anaheim,, do I~ ,, I, Edward B. Merritt, City C1 y `hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted 6 at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- l !heim, held on the 22nd day of April, 1915, by the folloyring vote; 8 o ~' $y C' c u ~ ., :....=,, ~ es• Trustees ~C ,~ ~L ~ ~ ,~ '~ '~~ ~~ 9 ~! L~ Noes; Trustees ~~- y 10 ~~~~'~ .Absent and not voting; ~ Trustees ~ ~~, . dl 11 !~ 12 j~~' And I further certify that the President of the Board of Trus- ~~~: tees of the said City of Anaheim signed, and approved. said resolu- 13 ~, ~~ tion on the 22nd day of April, 1915. 14 IN ~TITNESS p"~IIruREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed th 15 f...- official seal of the said City of .Axiaheim this 22nd day of ,~pril, 16 1915. ,,~: ~ , 17 ~~ . ~-~;-~y _~ d '~__ 18 City Clerk of the City of Anahe 19 20 21. 22 23 24 2s- 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 __4.._