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p7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .w »..,_ t- _-- - - -,.,~., _ _. -~ ,,wry-~-r*r7 J`~, -~. ~ ',?t?f:*r, 7 /l .. 4,.J:,,: 'LJ1A lJwIU V.. la .,..u1w _,''1~l .:.CVs - f _.,.~7(~ l~'~,~T (~ ?-t l '_;" 1 -~ ~;., ? e~, ~+. %%''~~,..,.1 tt1Tt?:t ~*~-r:'1ZJ f~1-~.:1 '~ - ~r.. 'T7~< y 1.1 +..-.~+.+s:7~l.. .i iJ_ti Vi _.~:t ~J VW'w~~ ~.:: ~. .~. it ... _..J:,w t,.' ~, .l. i.~.-~ V 15.E lJ'~: 2}.La..14__:.:: _1:~.:., ~+1~' '7- l in r7~ ~~~ i~7 -~r~ t'1-1"' ~`+ ..~ .r-C{, 's~- r-e-r'~Try TT'; ~'.:: '1"? ~~1~'i .~° T`T' ~iJ3«ti.:..i~.L'Jl:f I ~l ~.: ~ 1d 1..J1:; ... I Vi~Vt J. V /v~ir,J.,.s.i.~ :_.:...~:I l.rr..:Qis /1 iv 47' t.,.i: {. ,;_ ....l.~~xlg~~.,.:t:.l.;...iJ: /T~'~~1y'~ "T ''~~P Cs 1`~~"~T?."T ] ~T1-9 CIr~'T"r V;~' ~ ,rtl~.~ iIC- IS .....U_.I~:~v .:tCJ ~~...~1~1_TV ,.~. .'.)."~'~ +,.~T":T it '"5 T+r~ '- Ft?_7 t m7:` y t'lt.r T~ T~--~ ~.. '7 ?? .~~u~Ia.,:.~I.~:~G ..1 .8. _Olt: .._'_I~. Ian .L~_I :L~-~TII~~ ~~:~~:~ '.~`~0 .T.,::,D~.~~_.. (39.02) ~:~ET 'I(~~OLR'1'~, '70° ~0' I+°,E~`~' 0^' ~. :i'QIIf!j~T~C'~~`=~Iy~IjCx? I~/~TT+~O7~7_~Ii:J~~v~:C TT r ~. n-^tV/'~ D._. ,.. a.~'~~T=.~ n'^':tTrT:Z'RT TT•-"^ ~'*.',-;ti "'~TT~ (F,r /C . ! J } ~T`~L QOtJ r.L Tr ~0° :, I .~ ~ .r ~-,~ - 1 -~ i.iJ .n. t^~ i .i .,.~...i ..J.. L .i.._I J .:J1 V.i;..~ a•.A 'rl 1._:+. `.Ji.~ 1w 7 N 4- T ~;(-r~, `_. m. ~ `'T ~ ?.Tf"~ f n~_( 'r `^Si +l TTT> ~,dl T ra. T'Tr'('t7'l r4i T.~~ 1 ) l~rl .. ~.l J': l~ , a,..w ,~,` .:s. FvI~.,.~ G._~IvLL__ ~:.. 0..:~. ~~~~;~_WI1 .~T'~ >..~.:~yl ,.L.~1~Li. ( } ~:.~.::. r'1r ° e T mCfn 'fj7 -T TT r t~,.+-e ,'~ 'rnl~+'a 7' ~(' ~~'P'~`s V' 13.LJ11Si_: :: +1T?'~7TZr;'9 S OU~l~.d'17 /6'~ ~J l~ ~.~_u ~. 0~ ~~ :~0 _::d T II ~ .~;1 ~ C.~,l, .I..~~T:s~ ~.. _~.~ f. ~, ,~ ~~::. _ , .__I1J 1"I./I~TF'1 TTT Rt" ;+ +w Trrn .~a-~ +~ t "T T~}~..* '1i:s:v ~1.' J.~ ry "t y'a'-+i i rTp,~ i ?fir. ~; _ _z ~ ~~.~. C~~. ~..~ ~ -r, L?~, 0.1: .:::.D ~..;~, u ~,~ I.~, G '.t l-T~'>r:,.~ '~ u....,a_~73 t ~ f?t'!'t? i r , 7 7, f1 I'Tr ,7'_:t'.;t ~ frT T ° t i ~'-; t"1 !' ?'1 I 1 ,~IGIAy:,+..~T, .~;~aD EIG~I! r.~'~1rIS (318,.8) ,t~~l SOLTyh, 15 32 E :.a.l ~.~ ij rry-l?'~ 'Ti Ct it TT T7 iiTT"!-t 1`..T!'l...t~l Tr'!.', Cl l1?'1 ~~„' C,'!;?';7't'ttjl ~'',~ t~~'Tdt'.. ~.~ (Y~rt r!'~-^iT7 I-, ~~.~~~~~5~~.~~.I01,`,0~~.~~~ L~~ C~_~L.:~.:~ T~Tl;~,~ ~W ~:.DA~.~>/ ~,_~_~.~:. .ry~./.~. -p~f .~._~ U~~l~/~~.~.~i~ t ~ ~10"' G .. i I OBI ~ A ~m1La.~.`'~1 .~i~ :..~1V~'MSL` ~l`1T r~ i~~'_.~r3-.~~ ~1 t~a~ .rJ J :u)~I~.l.' r w~,~t~U~~.Pid~ I1.' ~VV~m J, ?aG~ Vinf, I:~I2yC Z,~T...~'°~;iiTuS ~CO~~J~~`~ OP I~08/}~~eI7'G~~;?"L/,;7B~~jCO7U:TY^,~ C.^~~II'0~'~:;I.~i.; .~'~.~Ir4nil.+'' i~V~~1'1 7O° v0' .i.:i.Zr:~'L L'i}~ J11J~'.]~iili~~ .itVi~,L1-'VV:.l 11i~.~ .CJ .LU'4~1'~r-_1IG.]~•~1 +T ,. air *j-rr"a 244 V~ _._v,'S(rt'~fT1IT;+;7~tT fT r,i o ~ t ~~, rr~'} t rT TT'~ -ors ~Ili~d~~:!,~,L L ; ( ) .~.~ s L L..,y:~ ~~ , 0~,.~I~ ~4 ~ .I.:.~ t~i1E 1~J .U~v~D w:i,~'IT ~~'~~ ~IiTY'-'i'~{} ,7~T''~~;.,~y~.~ (107 ei2) .~~'I.'; w'~y~?1rG`T SOv"T? 8S° ~±-5T ~..:~.~'I SI T.Y} '-:T;Ij ...~~ G~'L~~-~ Is VTdJ ~.,~~~r5n'~-OR~.~~~s$~a~ee.,~-,~:~:.~T~, T~.r~~~C.~. ~~U~l'~~ ° 37° 24' L;:~:l.y ~ 5.~~'..JI:~.~-~;I A:TD ~IC..~.~~-.~IGHT„I~Z'; ~.a ~_,CI, IYO_~~,~h~-~v 88 ~~ T 'C"'1~j Cs ^~ -n ~7 T~-~}~-ri ~,TTSm ~. 1,--^~ -jTT7 ~?t,'iV ~ !r 1 • 3~ ~1.'I.l'J i.~4. ~ I'I~T° t'i sJ' 1 Oi~+...r i„1,U ii,i,t..a:.~ sv .,. ~a ~:7.: .L1 .~;alaly .l.-t~I_L .13~~:~~( ~/ ) SOT~`1II L~.o t~gr ~'.:s~I_t !iIL'~~+r-~I~':~ ~..~'~ :.~'OR.~Y'-.~IGiI.~ HtJ~DFa~:~`~1?S (J9.48) T't-„-,~ n , , ...~t,-. tf/~~1 T!'°1y-1 0^~yy T '"'.a'T~~r*I rI7- (~ T-~TT~T~~T~an;^y~~ ;.~ r-r~- Jny~~}~~{~ "i r T°-!~ ;~n ~'.-ri]+,,,,r j: J,.~.1f .,. , ~ +.~.~ 1 V....l ~ ~/~ +` J.l 7 0 V 0 L'~I ills .,. J. ~l~f~ V ..~ 1! ~'~3Jii.4+41J .LI X11. 1 i .^+.~1 i ~J~ ::.L. -.1./ .3. Y~~v'- ~~'-SI.~ .'~I31~D..'+' TIIS (r..a87.26) .,t~,r!al; ryi~,~1`i~`I'`, ~:.~ii1S1 ~0° 1~' .~.i~,S1' ,::'II'r~i `.i`r? 0 .~ r~3 )"'i','~ 0 IItJNI1-~;~L` ills (5 ~ ..02 )'~~'I :I0 ~'I~.C.L: 0~ 81C-~ I.IT~II?>; G . ................ .I}SUI,VF ghat the ~ublia interest and convenience require and th~~.t it is the intention o~ the 13aa~d of trustees of said Cit~j of .,Ina'rleiLn to order the fo1la~;in street Zttorl~ to be done in said city, to-y,~it; aliat that certain unraxiled street situate in said city €~t~~d des- cri'r~ed as io11.o~JS, to-4#vit; Be~inizinu at a faint ~~r?~ich is thi-rt~r- nine and two ~undred~chs (3~.~.02) ~~eet :ortb., 70° 30' ~a;st oz a ~~oin ~~rhieh is tt~o hundred Hiner;-tcro a~.d seTrent;;-seven h!Tndredtl~s (292.77) .feet South, 20° 15' 'r'est of a point which is One I~~undred and ;~ixtUT-seven (167) -feet Soutwz, 6~° 12 ` $est of a paint in the center line o~ adzes Street, said point in t?~e center, .line ox ada Street, being tlzree hundred eighteen and ei~l~t tenths (318.8) feet South, 15° 32t ~:ast of ~~he intersection at' the center lines o~ ;.dams Street and Nest Center Street as shorn on a map of 'she I3oee addition, ~^ecarcled in I3oo?r 3, I'a~e 2, 1Iie~ella}.~eous Recarcls o~ cos .~~eles County, Ca1it'o rt~.ia; thexzce Ilortn '70° 30' ~.a~'~3, y'Cro hundred sart~our and ei~Iity-eight hundredths (244.88) feet; thence north V~ -_- ~ ES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2g 30 31 32 ~~.40 49' :oast One hundred seven ~? Zd fif ~t~=t~~ o :~u-r~dreclths (107.52 ) feet; t?zence South 8:`?° 45' :east si:~'c;.% and eiU'r~ty-si~ hundredths (60.86) feet; thence out%~. 57° 2~-= must, SeveY~ty-si a.nd eig~~ty- ht,~ndredf6j5 X76.88) eiU7~t,~feet; thence t3ort'_~~ 88° 45' '.'est one hundred nine and t~iir;T- si~ hundredths (109.36) feet; t?~ence 8o~?th ~~ ° 49 ~ '~e~t, T~yinet~r- nine and forty ei~;~3t hundredths (9~J.1~-8} feet; t~~.ence South 70~ a0' Test T~To hundred eighty-seven Gr~.d tw~~ent~T-six hundredths (28'7.26) feet; t~~ence North 20° 15t vast ~i~'-~U%-t~~=o and trao hundredt~is (52.02.) feet to dace o-~= be~innin~; be closed uy~ and ab~:~ndoned. I~hat the land deemed necess~~,rVr to be ta~~en t7~erefor is describ ed as fa1lo~Js, to-z:=it; e`inYxin~ at a ;,point Z-~'.7ich is t~~i~.^ty-nine and tv~o ti?undredths (39.02} feet :"orth, 70° 30T ast of a -point ~vjieh is two hundred n~.net~T-t1f0 Gxac_ sevent7;-seven Yrundred~hs (292.77) feet wouth, 20Q 15' ;'les't o~' a y~oint ~a~aie h is One hundred and ~i°t~-»seven (lG'7) fee, ~'o2?th, 69° 12~ ~~es~1 of a point; in tti;e center line of .dams Ntrest, said w~oin~~ in file ceYl'cer line o~f edam Street, being three hundred eiUhteen ~,nd eight tent'ns (318.8} feet South, 15° 32t ~ast off' tie intersectio~~ of tine center lines of Adams Street and ~es-c CenUer ;street as shoti-~~YZ on a map of the ~oe,~e ,;~.ddition, recorded in ~ool~~ 3, i'a~e 2, ~is~ellaneous Records of los ,~~eles County, Califo-rnia.; t?~ence l;orth 70° 30T East, y~~o hundre (,~~.ss ) forty-four artd ei~iat~r-ei~~:lt hundredths (-) feet; t_~~ence ;North 44° 49 = East One iz~:u~drec~ seven and fi:i t~r~t~vo 'nundredt~a.s (107.52 } feet; thence South 8u° ~~5' East si~''c~r ax~.d ei~;Y:ty-sic hti~ndredths ( 60.86) feet; thence wouth 57° 2~' .;~'~,st, Meventy-sip and ei~;ht~%- hurodredfhs (76.88) eight feet; thence ?orth 88° ~!-5i `.~,~est one hundred nine and thirty,%- sr:~ iuzdredths (109.36) feet; t'~i-once south ~4~ ~9, t~lest, T~iinet;~- nine and forty-eig'.~t :°?z~~!dredths (99.~-8} feet; thence South rl0° 307'~~, est T~~o huY~:dred ei~~~~~~~T-se~Ten ~:.nd i,-;','e22ty-sip l~uzdredths (28'7.26) feet; thence North 20° 15' E::.st ~ift~-ttivo and t~7o hundredths (52.02) feet to .lace of be~innin~;~; .- - 2-.. ~. ,~ ~-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 lz 13 14 - l5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '~+~~ ' ~ ~+"~;'~~ a~~ ~~" "tea ~~~~ +~,~"+ ~.~~~ '~" exfand~d 'tiD ~~S~t~'i18'6+~~"" 1i a ~c~u ~.i~ ~'~`!!~, ~ ~+8 ~t?u'~~. ex~e.~4'Cd ;eL ~,c1~,~- ' ~" pQ~~ to "~~~ ~~s~ ~~ ~~~.+ ~rC~~'~ ~ .~"~! ''t~tf: ~j~1~'E3'~1831$t -'~~~Q-@ 4~' '~h8 ~~I~, C!~" ~ ~a~~.~a'~p t'ip` r~t~'~ie~~ eim~~. ~.~ .b~t~+~~r ~~ be publ+t Soar ~. p~r~,~d a~' t ~~~ 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 o~ /n~-err~~A~ ~~ '- .' ~` r~, x,92.5. .~ ~~ -'? ~~~` ~~3 ,, .. ~~~. a ~- .~'Ee~~ ~ h ~,~--, .~°, - Q ~ ~ ~-~-a~_ .'~ ~ a -~ ., C~'~~l' ~. ~; i. .,.~».~