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~-~...~,.. , n ~ ~E>>~:1:t~J'~+~i3 AD~PTIivu .~,.~'T:'C.~~~'IG~1?'~'Ci~" ~~+'~~F ti0'i'CF ~RI~.'~i~ ~~'.TPLu ~ Cx.ALLOz~ C~~~ICAL ~.~~~~:~I~~.~ ~~~~ :~ ~ :,~ Z'~~.GJ~M. ........ Rasolva~. by tip;; bcar3 0:~ 'Prustess U~ the City os: An~:a~eiir t 11:",.t t,tta ~'~ C18rti~.in ;:s~3vCi~lcat Tana Tiiurl3Y~ %t.l ~t C.~t3a1~11c:-lt ~C,l~ ~tuj~:~Cl.~- icatic~ns fvx motor driven double ~ ~,a11on che~iical en~ina an3 YYa~e wa~an IUY' ts~e Clv~" of An`:~le~.~.", 4.1143. ~'Y':.:.1CXi 1it:;re ~`11E'r.~ 1!1 ull£3 o ~:~:ice o~ tn.~; City Cler:~ ui tale C:~ty o.f An;~~ei~ on tie 1lt~ :-day a~: ~i~.rc:x,l~l5, "r,e and the s~t,ria ~.re 1°~o~~eby ac'~o~ted as t:~~a s~eciiications for a ruotor asiven double ~%? ~a13on ci~euaieal en~ina nd ~~iase wagon . :`u r ti7e C it ~ o ~; An~.r~e irz. ~~ it -'urt :~cr rasolvou t;l~t tie Cit~r Cl.ryxk o ~ ~"t:A~' City o:~` Aniti~ir[1 be, c~.ri~. .1E; is ~i°r8~:~y t:llt ~'iJI"1!.,Uu i~nL t'~1.rrv3CtF~~ tG a c:1.vC~tlt~~ i:ar oeale~x ~;roPosals ar:bde :for sueii r~otc~r driven cheu:ical vn,~,ir~~; and itu:~E3 ~vanon sar 1oY aL1Cl1 $ai:i1~3CX ~rl Gazette", ,µ ~~•~:~kly trio City Posa2s ox' nAws~~,~;~~er ~:~ An~.~~siu: b;; ~ubli;~~~:in~~ a nn nice c~aZlin~ C1~.:.1C7 ~V~~Q'IISIZ~~ ~~~ ~~l'~`J t'i.i~,lll~lr~l oi: ~;{,n:~ral eircul<tion, P~a~into~., ih~u"olisale;a. s.n~, ci.rQUlata~x in t~:i« Ci Ly o~ ,An~.~xeizu. T.e said ~ro~osa.ls or bids ~.~-iI.1. ba rec~ive~ at ~Lx~.c a:YfiicQ ar t~:lo Cit;1 C"s.r.rk oy t~~, Cit~r o:t Ai1~~~1~:c~i~ in tie City ~°lall i~~ :~ai~. city u~; to 4~iailt o ~ clock P .~;. din Tt~ursda~T, the bt~i. d~;~ o:~ April, 115, at w~~icA. tine 4:nd ~lucs sC.i1~ bids wi11 ba opener.. Each bici wu~t 'aa accorupanied by a ~.c~d ~.na ~yu~~icient bona executed "ov at least t.wo ~,ocd ~.n~. s~u~ici~^nt ~ur~~ties Uo ~~ a~:.pxovea .ey i:~tC &a~:r~i v~ Tru:~t"~~;~ of tz~ C.ty ai' A:t"1cetiC7.Iti, w~a .~is,ll ~~,ua.lii`y in dou'ole ~„:(t~~ ~zr;ount o~:~ said. box~~., in unsnCUt~b ~re~~. p~rcr.~rt~r t{it.iri t~r~ State vi Cal:~.~:"ornia, ar by s. caraoratian auta~oriza~. t~; :execute "oon~.s and unciextakin~s ~~it~*in +:~i~ SL:-~,te o~: C~~~.iS:'c~rnia. in a :emu::. e~,ual to at laaat tsn ~,~;r cQnt a:~ tn~~ a~~unt o f' :~uc~: bid, ar by d c~~aek c~~rti.~:i~'~ ~:~T~ <<^x responsible bank wit'~~in ttze ~Z~~~~, ~ t ;~ t e o C µ ~. i :~ o rn i s i n l i k ~: ar;~o u n t i ~~--~~'~ --'~~ ~~~~ -~- ~^ ~~~ ~ .,.. ~!~ G ti~ ~! /~1~ 1 2 3 4 r 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~H 19 zo 21 22 z3 z4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4, ... _._.~ _ , ., ., _. , _ .a ~~ _ ~. , w _ , ~. ~ ~ ,_~~~_p~c ._'~~ v, ~.~---' .,__ - ___. ~_. -. ~ - ~_ ~.~ .; _.~ _~~'?e_t. _~~_c: _ ry ~ ..r _ .. ,~ ' ~ ~ r ~• .. .. ,-, ~ ,"~~ ~ C, ,ilc . , , .0 _ --- _ __ ~, . -, ~ U . •~ 4 - ,' . _ ,, - . 6 ~s'~ ,i(~._ _ r~ ~ , .. _ _ _ , J• ~~ { ~ 1 ... ..,. ~ ~, ,. _. ~ ~ ,s :- , '_~ rT~~ ~c' ,lyi~ ~., Ei _ ~ "(i. ., .. .,7 C' 1. __ vQ _. ~ ., ..., v ~.~ ~ f)_.._U _. .~.. .. ._ _.... ., _.: ^ r~ ~..._ ._ u ~ ~~ _. _ _ _ ~~~ - .~` _ _ _..__~.._.c~e .,_.,.C_ ~. _.. _,. . .. __ _~. _. _ :e-}~. {~e, ~,~.~, Y?.e -.. c'=c.~E:~~ ~_. ~_•l_c~~c'. ~~n re~ ~~-~-- ~.,~~_1 eu _-__~ct ., „~;.._,., _, - M ,. ~e>. p ~ '}r~r 9 .:. r' Aa 1 2 ~ 3 4 5 Q 7 8 9 10 11 lz 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 zo 21 zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~9 30 31 32 c _~ ~' w ''pp~ r 1 ~7' 'g 1} -, ~. , P ,, ~ ,~ __~. _~,.ce~~;- cc_ :~----~ 1r_~..~ ~ - - , . : . .. -, ~ : r " ,, ..:. ~e ~~+ ~ -~ i ~ ;:. , ' l •. ~ `` '''' 9 ,,,, l `J u ~ i ~^ , J..~ 1,~, ~' ~ ? `.. -~ E. C `~ ~: ~'FTr--~z-£_ ~ _ . .. E3 L:~~ ~2 C _ -- __ ~ (~7 _,.,r ~ er_ r~_ ~.~~~,.e Ca_ ~ o~ ~ls~. <, r -~~ {, _r _- ~, ~ :~~