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~, ,~. .~, ~, -91a~' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lC7 ~ 17 18 19 zo 2I 2~ 23 24 25 ~. ~_ ..- ~~ 27 ~8 2~ 3~+ r ~ .Hy ~j V J4 _4~ ~a~c~ ~~T~.c ~ c,,y ; ?r,.~Tr<~,ra~n pia . ~..zi. ' ~_~_~~r~~, U~1e ~~ablic a.Ja~uere„~, ~;,~,~i ca~~venienee recui-r~ t~z~~ one ~,~,~ -rk ~:~d irr~ro verve n-c he y~eina~ter ~e sc-ribed sew uld 'rye done, and .~~j~.~S, in t~~e a;;,inian of the aoard of Trl«:-taus of t 'r~.e ~it~ of ~~JZel~eim, swirl con t e;~~l~.te~ T-rar~:: we d ~.~.;~rov'8r~ez~.°c i ;~,x~.d is ]7erebcT (declared to '+~e o: ~~lare thaj~ loc".l ar ordins,:~~~ 13~zblic heneyit, ~ nm?-y ~-y~^i , ~'.l Sri y 7Tr i ~~i .: t~l/..yei1J V ~.~,~.. -,_,t r^t Y`~. ~,cz:~rx aye w.~r~~~~: „~, ~:~ac~za }'~ 1. "'~zwt °~; ~a.e . e~zzbla.c _ irte~e; ~, :~t t„xld convenience renuire ti~.s:~ it is tine iJ~.teltio~i o' '; he ~owr~ o~ 3'rustees of tie flit~r of ~'iJ~~leii~ to o raer tae ~:o..lot~ii:i~~ s~~reet Cork °~a be doze i~~. sa.id cit~~,% °I;o-wit : -~ (1)• 'ghat the o~:}d~~.~T o~ i~.,t ~road~°ra~ Street ~'ro1~~ tf~e ;"ester- lvT ~rope-rt~- line o".~ South Nast "f:reet, y.roducec~ uoutherl~;~ across sc.id ~aast ~roo,d~r~;- Stree-c to tie ~~Ws~i,o~•1.~r proport;~ line o Sa~zVh :~o~, . ~.-'i~';eles 'treo~J, ~:rac"aced o~°~l~~erl° acro~~Y ^,tl.id ~~4~t :uroadt~a,,~ Street, {e~ce~~,tix~~ ,~ore-E'rarm~ tw~o.+~ portion Q~ ~cl~c road~a~- off' ~~,st Troad~-~ra; Street 1~~'in~ be-~~s,een tie o,sterl~ ~^:,;12d ;-,jesterlvr ~ro-rert~; ~_ ine s o ~ o ut h Igo e Street , pro ccuc e cY So ut he rl ;r across the ro acl~ray a~ sQ.id .au,st .'3r0<o.d~:rae, ;tree"v, ~J2d e cepting '~i2£;CB:LrOrIl t2clt ~nartion a -~ tree ra aclrr~ o ~' ~~ ast ~ ro :vc1,°~r~;r -~ r e :~ U l~-infi; ire t~~re en the :~ ~;;, °G e r1~r and ~e ste rl~T aro-:~e ri;~r lzr~e s o fi gush ~i,ree~, ;pro ct~zee d So L~therl;r ,crass file r03d'~'a~% a"~' said _'~~,5°G :~ro~J,dt:'~;? ;,"treet, aYld Al.ce~~tl.i1 there;~rC171 t~iat portion o.% tazo ro~°;.d4r~;5 0 mast ~~ro~d~~a~ ;~-ureet, l ~- ire.;,; bet~eeu the- .~~,sterlLr a~:d ;euter~!.G,r ~-,ropert~, lyJ~e~ a~° ~c~~_th 1~`ir~.e ~t re et , ~7 :i:b `i~:t7.c t3 G. uo Z' thy' r~ yr ~`3,C3 :'"a s."-. t~ 12B ra c~.C~:ii$~,' a ~ ~`.."~ ~:.J. d ii r Fn-~ t ~:CO c".,.d~u'~rc`a...~; "" °` ~ ~ • ~ ' ere: ro,? t'riat ~.~ortic~~. oz ~~he rosd~a4~ o%` :~~~,t Lro~.d~-~~ ;ureQt, l~,Ti r° ~}etree~a ~J~.e "~;usterl;~ w-~.d °.~esterl~r 7~:~~faert~T ~ii,IG-a,~", a:i e~,0i?ii't1 Or~tne S~,reet, ?ro~:.~~cec~ ;vt?`W.tJerl~,. ~;crOSS '~~'1Q a°o~~d- rra~- of said. ~e.st ~rac,ticlr~~~- ~treet, ?c1 ee:ceptiri~; ti:~er•e~'rar. tt:.L"li po .. ~~ _ - _. .. h_ ~ t 1011 a ~ is x1e `s"o ~,d~°r~. 0 ii t .~ v .~',~` :~"0 ~,di~1`c.3,~J' a 4~,rE: 8t l,',Ta.J^~" 'f~E3i.Tr~'eE'.i °Gie ..~'.i ~;~ t erlJ a~.d ~1re sterl~~ prope~.^~~t;% 1i~ie , o~ So uth ~gtcazison Street ,1~ra ~7uced ,Sout~ierl,,V across tine i~ad~ra;~ oa' said Nast Broad~'r~- St t,~J~d e~>- k~-,tin; t~iere~ror- that ;?onion a tare road~r~ v~ ~s.st adZray --I-- . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 ~~ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 2~ 2~3 ~9 3C3 3~. 32 .•q ...,{ ~» - ., - i ~ _ ,~ ~ , _ ,- , . _. _ .~ ~ ,.. .., _. ~ , ;_. ,,. a. - .~ . ~.... , . ,~.. ,_. _. _. ,. , . ,_ .. .._. ~. , }. ., ~_ .: .. _ r . . ,._ _,_. ,,; r_ .. - ~. ._ , _. .~ , _ -. . , . -~ ,. _. -. .. ._.. . ~~~ . J _._.. _. ....- ~ ~ r --- __ _ ,.. . ., _~. 4 _.~ . V ... .. .... ,. _. -n .. .-.. -- ~ -~ r ~ '. v .. - i ~ s., -... ..J~ w>.. e: ~ a r • i .r .+. _ .. ~ .. .. ... .. C:.v a -. ....+ ... ~ .... _, _ ^,~» c. .~ -, ,_, .. _c ..__ ....- f _... ,.. ~ ~ ~ , y _ ~ o ,., ,, e , , , _. ,_ ~. _~ ~ y "1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. r ~ 1 _. _ produee~. I~o~uherl;~ ~o ~'zo :.~~ c ~~r e li~ o~ ~` . , . aic~ ~,~~ T~.~o~dti ~~y ~trQet .. -. .. .- . _~ , . _ ._. , ~, _ . ~ , ~ ,, _ _ ,~ _ _ . :E, _: . .. , . ~ ., ~ _i. ~ , . , , . , t, _ _ ~. ,~~,r ,~ .. .~ - _ . v , _ .. _,. _ _ ... ~, , _.~_~ .~_ ~. ., ' ~- -~ , ~ ~_ _ ,. , , ~, e~,, ,1. .~, , .. -- -_ ,~ , ~ ., ,. ~ , ~ -, -. ,.,. _ ~ _ ~' ~ ' „ _.. ,^~ , '~ n l_ .. _ . _. ~ 1 , , i n ~ . u . __. __ __ ~ ,~,., - . a~ - -- - ,~ . ~ - .. ... v.. ~ .~ ....4: . -,... . _.,~ - ~ - .~ e. ~ n ... , ., -K ~ -.. - ... _ .. _, _ .. _ _ _ . ,. ~ _. :. - s ~,~.r_ __ . ,~ ..., _ G. ,. ,-, ., ~ a ., . __ ,. _. ti _, r ~ - ._ -, ,; .,. ~ _, 4 - .... ...t :. _ _. _ ,.. ~ n. _. i ~ ~ • i ,, .. . ,~ __ , ,, ~ ,. .. ~. , ,-, ,_ .-... ~.~ . ~~ ~ ~,.t. ,. ~ . y .s n ..._ .. __.(. ..._ .v••... n A! !'a" ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 lz 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2f 2,7 2~ 2 30 31 32 ginning a.t th~ intersection o i~ t~~e c,~ntex line o:~: ~;ast Proadway Stxaat and the ~'asterly property line of S~outT~ Bast Street sxten ed Nort~.erly to t~.e canter lines of said Es.st ]3raadwc~~r StxaQt; ~~cnca on ~ curve to tT~a ri~iit wit'r~ a radius of seven (7) feet ten' end ninety nine hundr~aciths (IC~.3~) feet; tTzence ~esterl~* parallel to tha center line of s;~i~. B"a:~t Bro;~dway Street, ona xsundre~d forty your feet; tT~ence cn a curve to tha ria~st wit. a radius of sev©n feet twenty ono and ninety nine T~undrautx~s { X1.9 6 feat; t7ience BasterlSr parallel to t~:a center ling oi' said T~e.st Broadwa~yr Street one Tiun~.red :~orty four (l~~) :~eet; trac;nc° on a curve to t as right wit r~. r~~.iu;~ o saver { 7) i"et ten ~~nd ninety nine hundrecTt~;s (IG. w~9) ya~;t to pl~4.c:~ :~:' be~innin, And axceptin~x• tT:~erefr~~zL t:rse,t ~~ortion o~ t~za roadwa,T o~ Best Bro~:.clwa~r Street lying witr~in a Tina dese3xibed e.s :col? ot~.rs: ~eginn ing, at tr;u ~ntarsaction of the; canter line o:~ ~'~.st Bz'o~~dwvy ~tre t and tTse t~esterly r.~roperty ~ ire of South FtosA ~tr:.et extend°d ~'or h- arl;~ to t't;e canter a.ine of sai:i Bast Froe,:i~ray Street; t-:~7enee an curve to the ri~~~:~t ~: iti~~ a radius of seven fvut den end ninety nine a~und~~adt:~~s { 1~. ~) fact; thence °esterly p~r:~llgl to the cent r line of sui;± East broadwa~r Street tMsraQ 1~unc~.rad sixteen feet; ~henCe ;can a curve tc tT~a rig~~t t=pith ;~ ~•adius of seven { 7) Neat t~~anty ona, an~T. ninat~T nine =~undredth;~ (~l.Ca~) feet; tTsQnce Ea;~terl~r para3.le1 to tha c:ntcr line c:~f s~i~i East Hro`~,a~va;r StrF4et tz.r:;a a~undred sixteen (;~].~} feet; tT~anea on a curve t:~ tT~e rig~t~it ~vitr~ a xadius oi° :,evan (7) feet tan and ninety nine hundxeTtT~~s { ltd. ~9 } feet tc pl:~ce c f beginning; .Any. egcnT..~tin~, t!Aere~"rose tn~.lt port~.on cf ti~~:~ ro4~d~v~,y o-T" Es,s~ Broad~wray Street lying wit:~in ±~:~~; ~. ~.n: d~scri~;vcG as follov~~s: ~3=- ginnirig ~xt tha interject.-ion oil t~:R~:~ c:<-inter tin: of Ee.st ~3ro~.d~ra;r Str cat gnu th~~ ~o;~•t~,rly ~~xopaxty. lira of T't siz ^ treat, axtendoct :~ort~ic~rlr to {w,e cer~tVr line of sai~T B'~xst Bro~dti~r~,f Stroe txencfl on ~. cured to tip.? r:i~t~t ~.rit:}}~ a rad;u~. o:~ s~=ven ('7) feet .~ - :~- 6) fit; ,~ ~~ ~~ ~~...~. 1 ten and ninety ninw ~run~rc~:~2s (1U.~~) Feet; thence Wa ~tarly 2 p~.rallel to the center l'' ne o~` s~:x East Broadway Street trirAe 3 r~unarr,~, sixteen (3l~) eat; tz~enca on ~. curve to txie rig~2t x~Fith 4 ~ 'x'`~`~.u~ ofseven (7} :eat tt~r4nty one and ninety n~.ne huh ~~redt~2s 6 01.99} fait; t~2ence Eststerly ps.rallQl to t#zy center line of 8 sai~. ~:ast broaarra~r 8tr~~st truce :~~un~ red si~~tQen (316} yewt; 7 t7enee on ~ curve to tine rigi~t wit~i~ radius of sQVen (7) Feet g ten ~:n,a n:~naty nine ~un~:redths (1G.°~9} Feet to pla.cc~ of beginning,! ~~ g And Qxcaptin; t:erafrorr: t:~'2,;~t portion oa tt~e roadway oi' East ~I 10 Broadway Suet lying ~xrit:iin a line d~;scxi-bra as Lollo~ra: be- ll ginning at the int°reaet_~on of tz~.v center l~.nc of Eaet Broa,at~Gy ~ 12 St.raet ~~n~. the ~'~:~tar1~ pxopwrty.line of Sc:ut~. Vine Street pr~- 13 duce3 idort:~erly to t:~.~ centQr line c:~ ai! F~;;~t 13ro:~.dws: Stx°?t; ' 14 t:~2ance on a. curv to tl rigl.t ~~ritt. ~. rs.dius cf s4 van (7) x~'Qet 16 ten -and nine°tJ nine ~~un~~r°d~t{la (lJ. ~;~) feet; thence ~'aetexly 16 parallel to the cQnt3r line of said East F3ro~:3we,y Street ninety 17 one (9.];) feet; t~..~nce on a curve to ~F:1ie ri~;rxt t~!it~ ~. r;z~;~iuc oi' 18 seven feet tt~enty one a.n~. ninety nine (21. ~~) w~un?r9dti~s S;t; 19 thence ~'~st3rly parallel to thti c<nter ling of said East F~roa~:pray 20 ktxaet ninety one (~l) feet; ~~i~«~nce on a curve to the ri~2t with 21 a radius of eeven (7} feet ten anc~ ninety nine ;un~.re~t~=s (lU.:9) 22 feet to place of bQginr:ing; 23 Anc:~ axceptir~g ti.erefr~:~~: txis.t portion of t;.e roadw~.r of East 24 Broad~r.y Street lying ~rw~ tzlin 4a line uesCribe;~ as fo1loYrs: Bpgin- ~~ n~.ng ~t 3. point 121 t21U Ca?lter 1a.nQ U~' E&Ct 1~rC~c:~,1.~.5Yi~.4T w't."i"U'~~,,ty Su.l~ 26 point beinu t~nrenty (~G) feet Westerly prom the point oi" inter- 27 ;,action of the centQr ling o:~ sa.it~~ E>v~~;t Braa~.way "treat any. t~?ta 28 Westerly propexty line of ~aut;~: `~ran~e Strr,et, produced narther- ~9 ly to tlaa center line oi: s.:.i::~ ~'~x;~t L;ro;,dway "tract; ~::~2ence on a 30 curve to t:i~iQ ri~~~t E~riti~ a ra.c:~ius o:ti seven (7} :~aet ten ~znd ninetT.~~ 31 Wins (lU.~~) "rlun~.radtl2s feet; tkse,nce Westerly pzrs.11e1 to tx~~e 32 , center line of s~i~~. East Fro~,:~w,:~y "treat ninety one and twenty - 4- A `~. ,, 1 2 3 ' 4 ~ 6 6 7~ 8 9 10 ~ 11 12 13 14 15 i 16 i 17 I 18 _ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ' 30 3I~ 32 4 r five .un~.radttis {`31.25} :aet; thence on ;~ curv° to the ri~t~t vrit~ ~ xudus oz seven (7} :~~'eAt t~~enty one and ninety nine ~lundreatr~s (21. ~~} feet; t:'~ience Ee.sterly parallel to the center line oi' ss.~~ East Esroad~v~xy* Street ninety cne txn~. tw€~nty wive i1un:.:~r~:.=~t~1s ~~1.25} iaet; ~; ~e,::~ce aa~z a curve to ~~.~e 1^1~'~li; ~~;-ith a r€ dins ds seven ('7) :~~;et, -den ~.Zd ninet~l-.nine h~~.~~.d-red~;hs (10, 3~Q .- to place a.f ~ae~,~.~~ni~:,~, - ~,ncl e~ce~-~i~i~; t ~~e re:~rom than, s~o rtion a% t3:ae ro a.d~'~ ~T a f East Broadaay Street lying. ~pit~~~in ~ line dv~,criba~. as follows: '~®ginnin~ at t]i.Q intersection o~ the center tine of E~.st Broad- ~'s.y ;tre4t and the ~ostexly prc;;~,lt;* 1in3 ~~.~` ~,.,u'-~ Atchison Stz.et plotluC:~u ~Tort~<ti~°ly to t~Le center line o~ sai~. ?'aBt ~3x~a~ v~ay Strut; th;;nce on a curvy to t~.G ri~':it wit.a a radius of seven (7} ~`e t ten anti ninety nine ?~,undxdths (10.9} feet; thence ~;'w:~terly p~,ra7.lel to tl:v center line a vai~'~_ EL~st Braad- gray Street two ~unur3a t~irtr A~~ur and tx~f:°~t~.' give ~~un._~•eclths {254.25} feet;; tt:.encE~ an ~. curve to the ri~:t vtith a ra.iius o:~ neaten ('7} ft~st twenty one and ninety .nine Fiund:L dt..N (21.~~ } ~eet; th~;nce E~sterl.;* parcllel tea the center line o~ said Es.st Bz<au~.way Street two ~~und.r~~.d t:zirty four ~.nc~ tv~renty five, l~undred~ (N34. u5} feet; th :nee an ;~ c•uxve to the ri~~.t with a radius of seven (7} feet ten c.nd ninety nine :i1unC+,r~ut~i4 (l~.w:~} feet to ~~l~.ce of beginning; Anti a~aeptin4 t~~erefror~ th~:t portion ox t:hc ~'o~.dwa~T of East Bro~.dvaay Street, lying ~,rit':in a line described us lallowsc Begi Wino e#t the point cf intersection of the center ling of East Bro~.d~~ay Street and the T-.•esturl~* prapexty line o~ Kroeg°r ~Stroa produce: N'oxthexly to the center line oi: suid. E~.st Broad~ray Str thence on a curvy to t~l~ rig_~t ~*iti a radius of ;;ev~:n { 7) i~et ten ~.n~~. ninety nine ::aunareutris {lU. '9} a:eut; t~~.~nce ~'~sterl parallel to tl:e co_^ter line os" ~~~~ia. East Eru~.a~ray Str et tv~ro l~un;ir:~ sixty ono (261} ~:e°t; ti;ence on ~ curve to t~:ti ri:g'.~t ~ar~ u raaiuc of seven ('T} f~;et t~~+~enty cne ~n;~ ninety r~in;~ ~.undrr;dt~ (21.90 feet; t'~ence E.-~st~:xly p~.ra11e1 to t~~~ ccntoz• lino o: -~- e~ t'h ~s ~~ a,,:; .~, 1 ~ai~ ~:ast Broadw~xy StrUat t~ra ~unar;~u sixty ane (2ul) fet.~t; 2 t~ie~tc an c1 curve to the right Frith a radius a seven (7) fast. g ten and ninety nine ~.un~.reaths (10.09) feet to place of begin-~ 4 nin~,_ , 5 ~ ~.nd excs~:tin~; tYlBrsfrar~ that portion Di thE~ raadv~ru~, a:~ 6 East Braaa~rs.y Straat lying tiyitAin a line dascri,;bea ae ~:'alla~s: 7 Be~inr:in~; at this paint at" int¢rsectian of ta:; canter line of 8 East B~:a~d~:r$y Street ~.n~:i tie ~'astarly property line o~: ~a~elrose 9 Street praducad vart~erly to t:l° center Tina of se.id P~:st ~iroa~ 10 ~e,y Streat;thencs ~'est~:rl,T e.1on~; tY~a center line ai' s~~i~d East 11 ~3ra~.~.say Street fi%raw I~~un~;irsu. (Svi~) i:a ~:t; ti u~ncs one. curve 12 to the xigiit ~rrith ~, raczius of :,even ('7} feat ten ::end ninety 13 nine (10.99) ~un~r~;~tl~s ~~~,t; t~enc~a Easterly p~rellel to the 14 ~ canter ? ins o~: said E~~ut F3ro~.~~y Street t~ro~undr::,ci eig:ty'six 15 ~ (~86} felt; t~f_~nea an a curve to ~.:: ria-~t .~it,a ~; re.diusaf . ,16 savan (7} feet ten anc~ ninety nine hunirct~t~~s (10.99} feet to 17 place of be~.nnin~; 18 ~ ,And axce~+tin triere~'raTT ti~.t portion a~C" the roo.c~~ay~ of Es.s~t 19 Broadtivay Street, lying trrithin a line 3agcribe~ as follo~r;s: Be- 20 ginning ~.t the ~~:;int a intarsectian of t~~=w~ center line of t+'4et 21 the Braa~.way Street an~ti~°e~~tsrly praperty Tine of Souti~. Olive rtxeat 22 pradu:.~e~ i~~artiier3y to txzL c°nter line of s~.it~. r~,,ti~=t Bra~~~ray Stree " 23 thence on x curvy to ti~~; ri`,~~t ~§rit~~ ~. ra~.ius of eaven (7} i'eat 24 ten ~.n;i ninety nina ~iundreaths (1G.9a~) f-eat; '~~iancc, ~e~sterly 25 parallel to t:na cent:;r line off' saii E~:st Brae,d~~r~y Stre°t tYlraa 26 hunura:i sixteen and t~~irty tr.ree sun~rsdths (31f~.43) :feet; thence 27 an a curve to right rait~t a re.liua uz a~3ven (7) Neat t~vanty any 28 ~.n~. ninet T nin=e r:.un,~redths `~ ~~~ ~ 4 °~~ S (.~1..~.,) e,~t; trance Easterly ;~~.zuli.e: .29 to t~.:~u center lin~^ of se.ia East $:~oa:°,.vV~ty Stre,at three hundred sixteen ;end taiir~y t7~r.» ~.undr:~~.tr.s (316.3} ~~ut; ~t~,.n~€~ an ~ 37. curve to the rift 4it~1 ~; r~,:~lius a:~ a~ven (7} ~`,:;et tpn ~~nd ninat, 32 nine ~~iunc~:a ~,dths (lU. J9} yet to p'' ~:c° a:° °beginnin~;; ~_ it; 1 ~n~. excapting therefrom: t:ic.t portion o~ t~:p r o.3~r~~y of 2 East Fro~3w~y Strpst lying wit'r:in ~ lima d~seribat~ s.s follotia~s: F3aginnin~; at the point of int°rsection of t:~ia canter. Iine o~" 4 East ~3tost3.wrxy ;trot e.nd tha ~'esterly proparty lira ot` ~"outh 5 Fhilac~plplzia , Jtr:~=st pro~ucec~ nort~larly to t~~? center lima of a4~i.a~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 East Bro~c~~n~ay- Strict; thancf~ on a curve to .thy ri~r?:t rvit~ a raaius of seven (7} :feet ten ant ninety nine .x~unar .dths (10.90} Feet; themes Westerl;,* paro.llel to ~F~. center line of said. East Broe.~.way Streit three ~_unared si~tesn s,nd t~lirty three }aun~Yraaths (51~,. ~3} i'est~ ttisnce an a curve to t:"1e ~'igr.~t ~~ith r rauius o s3vp~ ~est twenty unp an~~. ninety nine ~unars:~t~~.s (~l. ~ u } ~isut; t~~..~nc~s Easterly p~ra.llel to t~za center line u:f s~~icE E;;tst 3ro:-.ciw~y Street tYirae hunGrod sixteen and t~irty thr~~ 1.unurAdths (3~0. ate} Beet; thence on a curve to t~~v rig~.t ~titn ~ radius o~ seven (7} feet ten an3`ninaty nzne ~~,unur-,.~::ths {1~~.oQ) =:;wt to place oi` bp~innin .; And. excepting ttere~ro~ t~s.t portion of t~~a roadyr~a~yr o~ ~;a~~t Broaa~;ey Street lying witain a line da.scribs~. as follors: Eegin- nin,~ a.t the .point o~ intereection ox the centar line of E~.st ~3ra vra;~ 5trast end the ~pcterly pr~~~;orty line ow S:~ut~ Clsuain~. Strp t, pro~uced ~'orti~s~:~l ~vo 'aim centar line off' .~aia Ec,st Brop.d~*ay Stre t; thence on a curvy to tha rigi~t ~~it~ a ra~ius of ueven {7) wept ten e.n~. ninety nine :r~undrsaths (10. w~) feet; to pnce ~'esterly ;~arallsl to t~~p canter line of s;-.~a.~~ F~.st ?~ro~;c~ra~• ~atrpat ona ~:un~ ~. rau Tarty (14~) iept; thence on ~ curve tr: trc rig;~t ~~~~itY~ ~ xaai s on ssv~;n (7~ feat twenty ona e.n~. nin~:ty nine un~.rpat~is (51.09 ) :feet; dance E~~.~terly ps.re.llel to the center ling of s~.ic`z Es~.st Broaciwr~y Streit onp ;;united :Forty (140) ~.p;t; t~~snce an ~, curve to ti~a ri~;rlt ~;;•it°ri a re,~.ius o~ s~aven (7} filet ten any ninety nina xzuncire~zths {10.99 :pt to tha pl~.c~~ of beginninG; Ana exc:pting tllarAt"resu t~ic.t portion o~~: ~~~iaro~~e.~~rc.v of Fs,s F3ro~:dwa~r Streit lying ~7ith e. lin=e c~escribua ~~s follar3: Be~innin -'7- 1 2 3 4 fi 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~i ;~: at ~ poin-~ in t~~is center line of Ea~;t Broadwa;x Street, ~~id point of be~inninn~ ~being ane ~~undre~. seventy six (l7~) feet 1~e~tarly of tine ~cint ~ of intar;~ection of t~~a cente~:• .ine a:f said East Eroad~vay Street and° th'° "'~u~t'~rly property line of Sc:uth Clau~.ine. street pxaducad j xvorta.arl,~ to th:~ ceiitar line of u~_iu Et.~st ExosAur~4ray Stxoot; theric~ on a curve to the ri~kAt t~fit~~ a ra.~ius of seven (7} feat tan '~ an~i ninatp nine Yxundre~.ths {lU.~~} .~:uet; t:rience i~ustarly paralle to the center lino a~: ss.id East Bro~:~d~vay Stra~~t one hundred t~wren four s.na savant;-;en ~iunc~r~atb.s (1~~.1'7) feet; th~wnce on s. curve to the right ~°it~~ u ra~~ius o~: seven (7) feet twenty ons and ninety nine hunu.xe~tha 01.99) .~°et; thsncu Eastexly parallel to t'riW center ling of ~~;i:i East ~3-raad~ray Strwat one ~.unar~d twenty lour anf:~ s~:v~;nteen zzund.r~;~tY:s (1~~.17} feat; thence on ~: curve to ti~c~ xi~t~t, ~rit~. ~ radius c, seven { 7)~:~;at ten ane ninsi nine :un~.redths (lt~.:s:~) t~~et to placw of bc~ins~ing)£`b~ ~,raded i to th° o:::~`icial gr~.~.a,.n;i paved ~:~ith zydraulic cement concrete base ane. with asp haltic wearing urf~,ce. { ~) Th~.t p~rkin~ r~~e canstru~cteu. in t~~^ i'o11ov+TinY~ da,acri'ee portions of the xoad~;ray o:~ Fast Hxo~.ci~*e,y Stxeet, to-~~it: 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 2£3 ~9 30 31 S2 TY~at portion oi` t:~~a road~4ay of Ecat ~xoadv~G~.y Street, 1 ~~rita~in the 1in~; de.serik~ea as ~:ollows. Beginning; at ti-Ae inter- ;y section of t~1~: cantor line of East Broadway Streit ~,~nd tl°iu ~'este Y property line of Sauth Fact Stre~,t extendee. ~rort~~erly to thG can er lin• of said East Bro;;d~c;:ty Street; thence on a curve to the nigh with a radiua of seven (7) feet ten and ninety nine hundredths {.,10.99) feet; thence '~esterly parallel to th~~ center line of said East Erc~adway Street one hunur~u :forty foux (l~4) feet; thence o a curve to the •ri4~~t kith a re.dius of seven { 7} feet t~;enty one ane ninet~r nine ~undrec~~ ~~.. ~9} zeet; thence Etta. terly parallel to the center line a: s~~,i.. E~a;~t .~road~ray Stxeet one t:unared ~br four (1~4) feet; thence on a curvy to tii3 riga:t with Gc radiua o seven (7} fs:~t ton and ninet;r ninti rundreatYis (1G.99) feat to ~3- fi ~. i r N G 1 pl;~ce of beginning; 2 Thut portion o~ the ro~~.dw~2y oa E~.st Braadw;~y Strac~t ~:ying 3 ~rit~iin ~, line aescxibud as follota~s: i~eginn:ing ~t the i.nt$xsection 4 of tea center line o~ Eact 13rosd~~ay Street and t~:e 'Westerly pxo-. 6 perty line of S~~ut',~e Rpee'Str.°,.et, exten~.ed ~~ortherlg to ti3e Centex ~ lime o:~ s:~id East Bro~.dwuJ Street; theme on a curve to the right 7 with a x~.•;~ius oi' s°ven (7) fast ten and ninety nine :tLUndredt~.~, $ (.10.99) feet;j, t~ience Wetitexlyr ~a_,uxallel to tree center lino of s~.i~ 9 East Broadway Street tx'~rew ziunc~rvd si~.teen (~1G) feet; thence on 10 a curve to the rigit :~~ith a radiu:~ ci seven (7) feet t~~venty one 11 and ninet nine hundreatliU ~ ~' ; y parallel y (~1.9~) i8et thence F~ysterl 12 to trle center line of s~xi~ Fast ~Sros.dway Street three riundred 13 sixteen (3l6} feet; thence on ~~ curve to tYie rig,t~t with a radius 14 of seven (7) feat ten an~.~ ninety nine Yiuncixedt'ris (10.99} feet l6 to pl;~ce of b~~ginriin~r; 16 T~iut portion of tai? roadway of East 8roa.dr~ay Strt~e,t lying 17 within the line describa~. ~s fallor~s: Beginning s.t the inter-- 18 section or the center line o;~ East ~3rcadwe,y Street and the ~est- 19 erly prnpexty line of T3ush S`:reet, extendea I3ortherly to the 20 center li~}e of sari East Broadway Street; thence on a curve to 21 the right Y~ith ~ radius of seven (7) :~eet ten c.nd ninety nine 22 hundredths E10.99) feat; thence Westerly parrallel to the center 23 ling of se.id East Broadway .Street tn.ree Yiundre~~ sixteen (31v) 24 feet; thence an a curve to the riga~~t with ;~ xs.~.i.us of seven (7) 25 .feet tc4~enty one and ninety nine iun;:ire~it~is(~31. ~~~}) fs~,t;trence East 28 -_ erly pe.rallel to tiln center line o~ s•~.id Fast I3 roadway Stx®et thr 27 liundrad sixteen (v1S) feet; thence on a curve to the right c*fith a 28 radius of seven (7} rest ten ;;end ninety nine (1Ci.99~ hundx;~dt:hs 2 ~3 feet to place of beginning; 30 That portion of t~~e road~:.~~y* of East Bro~;~~.~ray Street lying 31 within a line de~scrib~3 as follo~~rs: Beginning o.t the intersection 32 or the center ling of East Braad~ray Street and t~~ie Westerly pro- . _y_ ,; e it ,LL., 1 2 3 4 ! 5 i i g ~ 7 i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 32 party Line of South Vine Street produced Pdortherly to the center line as s~xid East Brawdway Street ; thence on a curve to t~is right with a ra~~ius as seven (7) feet ten and ninety nine 1.un~- redths {'1C~.~} feet; t:~ence ~lesterly parallel to the centerline of so.id E~~st i3roadw~.y Street ninety one {91} feet; thence on a curve to the right whiz a radius of seven {7} feat twenty one ana ninety nine hundredtas 01.88} fret; thence Easterly parallel to the center line of said Ec.,t ~ro~.dway street ninety one (91} feet; trience on a curve to t~-~s xig.~it with ~. radius of seven { 7} feet ten and ninety nine {1G.99} fast to place o s beginning; That portion of ts~.: ro~dwag of Ee,st :Sroe.d~~ay Street lying witriin a line described as ~'olla4~rs: Eeginning at a point in the Centex line of East ~3ro~;dway Street, s«id point being twenty (~J } fee~k Westerly from the point of intersection of tl~e center line of Baia E~xst i3ros.d~ra~r Street and t~~e Westerly prapaxty line of South Orange Street, pxo duced Northerly to the center line of said Ewst Eroadway Street; thence on a curve to tho xigi~t with a radius of seven { 7} feet ten and ninety nine hun~.ra~~ths (10.99) feet; t~ience ~esterl~x parallel to the center line of said East Broc. 3vvay Str uet ninety one and t~u~aenty five un~r dths (l. u5} feet; thence bn a curve to to rig,~t with a radiue of seven (7} feet ts~renty one and ninety nine nundredth€a (N1.93) feet; thence Easterly pt~rallel to the centerline of sai•~ East ~3road~ray Stre et ninety one and ta~ent~* five ~~+uncirou.ths {91. ~5 seat; '~he~.ce on a carve to she ri~~}}v cJ~.t' a radius o-.~ seven ('7~ i:eet, ten ~c~ nine nine h~u~.ZCi~odths (1©.~9~ feo~, ~;o .~~l~~,ce of he,~ir~nis~; That poxtion as tale roadway of Fast 2roadwe.y Street Lying ~~ithin a line described a:~ follc~°rs: Beginning at t~~e intersection of the canter line of Ea:~t Bro~xdwc.y Street any. the ~e:~terly pro- perty line of South A.tc~iisan Street produced Northerly to the center line of ae.id East ~3ra~:~dw~y Street; thence on a curve to t~"ie xig'ht with a radius of seven (7} seat ten ,end ninAt~t Wins Yiundredths {10.99} feat; thence ~esterlp parallel to tine center -lU- - ;.= 1 2 3 4 fi 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 l6 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i line of swirl East 13raadwap Street two hundred t~.irty lour and twenty five hundredths (2~4.~5) rust; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of seven {7) feet twenty one and ninety nine hundxeciths (21.99} feet; thence Easterlq parallel t© the center line of sari East Braact: ay Street tiro liund.rea tx~irt~r .~aur and ~~undra dt hs twenty rive/{ u34. ~ 5) feat; thence on a cuxve to tsxe tight with a raczius of seven (7} feet ten and ninety nine hunc~cedt'rzs (1(7.99). feat to place of beginning; That portian of the ra~~,dwap of E~~st Braa3way Street, lying ~ within ~. line describbad as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of Ee.st Braad~rrap Street and the WestarTy property line of Kroager Street, produced Norti~arlp to ti2a center line o f said E;:'~i;t Bro~.dws.y St-teat; thence on a curve tm tr3e right. v~ith radius of Bevan { 7) fast ten ,nd ninety nine hunaaCadths (.1.0.5°} :t'eet; thence Westerly' parallel tp the center ].ins oi` s~ici East ~sracd~~ay Street T~:°ro r~iuncir4u Sixty one { ~~1). feet; thence one curve to the right with ~. rs.dius of seven {7} feat twenty onr~ and ninety nine hundredths (w1.99) Feet; t~~ience Ea;~terlp parallel to the canter line o sw~id Last ~3ro~.d~t~a Street two hun~:~red sixty=one .(~8T) feat; ti,ance on a curve to thsxigiat Frith a radius of seven {7) feat ten anci ninety nine {10. hundr<~dths feet to ple.ca ai' beginning; That portian of the roadway of East Broadway Street lying within a line described as falla~rs: Bag3.nning at th9 paint of intersactioa of th° canter line of past Braad~~~~:p Street and the .. ~ Westerly property line of ~alrose Street pro3uead Nartherlp to ~' the center line ox said Ea~~t Broe.dti~ax~ Street; Thence ~Testsrly ~ clang, the center Tine o~ .said Fast Bros.d~c~.y= Stxeat three ~undro~. ( 3U~ } feat; .thence on a curve to t ~a~ right Y~rith a ra dies o f seven (,7) feat ten. and ninety nine ~iundre;:~ths {19.:79} fewt; t~zance East arly ps,raTl~l to the center Tinw of s~:id Ee.st Broa~.wd.y Street two hundred eig~:~ty:cix { N86) feet; t:r~ance an a curve to tape rig~lt with a rad.iu~ o~ seven (r} ;eat tan and ninety= nine 71unc~.raattxs -ll- f! 2.. I, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 r 15 16 17 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 z9 30 31 S2 -~. (10.99) feet to ~:l~ice of beginnings ~, That portion of t~;e rar~.dway of Ea;~t Broadws.y attest lying; i ~Jitziin a line described a s follows: Beginning at the point of interseatioxt of tine center ling of East ~roadv~ay Street and the l~esterly ~atoperty line of Sc~utli t~live Strsdt i raduoed ~~Tortherly to tua center line of su.i~ Fast Bra~adway Street; thence on ~ cup to the r~.ght ~Yith a radius of seven (7} feet ten and ninety nine rundxa~.t~s (1.:39} Feet; thence ~esterl'y parallel to the canter line of said Eaat Bxoe.dway Street three a;.undrad sixteen and thirty'thrse ~:undredths (316.33} feat; thanca on a curve to right with a r~.dius oi" aeven (7} feet twenty one c.nd ninety nine i~undreaths (~1. ~9} f8et; thanca F~a~tarly para:Llal to the canter line of said East Bro~:;dway Streit three hundr~ei siatsan any. thirty three ~iunu.red the (316« 33) feet; thence on a. curve to tr right with a radius o' seven (7} Feat ten and. ninety nine hund- rawths (1~.9~} feet to place of ~k~aginning; That portion of the roadway of East Broadway Street lying ~yithin a line da.sea~ibad as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the canter line of SMa~~t Broadc~ay Street and tie property ~lesterl~fline of Sauth P'hiladelpslia Street produced Nortiiexly to the center line of ss.id East Braadvray Street; thence an a cu: to the ritllt ~,vit~ a r:...~iu.~ u:~ n~zr--,n (7) .4,.~:,t t~:n ~4n~. n:;.ne:*r r3.n; 1G. 9) :-.undx:~f~s ~ .c-::-''; ~h a~ .. ~ '"~33terly parallel to . thr center line of said- E~~ct Broau~ray ;tryst t~.roe :iundred siatean and thirty three ~~.undxeiths (316. ~;3} feet; tl~:ence an a ~~arv to the right with a radius of se van (7) i'eet t~%renty one ninety nine hunureaths 01.99) feet; t~iance Easterly para].1s1 to tape center line of acid Ed~at Hro;~~.v~c.y Street three hundx:d siatasn and t~~irty three ~:un;~redt.::a (316.33) feet; t~.,nce on a ~ rye to the right with. a radius o-: seven (7} f .at .ten s.na ninety nine iun~.r (1G.;~) :~aet to tlxe place of bc~~;innin{ T~:at pozticn oi" the raadway of East l3road.s~ay Street lying -1ti- ~ti~ 1 i 2 3 4 5 ~~ 6 7 8 9 to 1.1 12 13 14 16 ~C 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2S 29 30 31 32 wit:rxin a line d~.acribad as fo11,o~+5s: Beginning at the paint of intareaction of tt~e canter line of Fast Braa.d~ray Street ~.nd the ~'a~terly`pro~'erty lino oi' South dladuine Strpat, produced i~~orth-. erly to tia,e ..center line o~' s~~id E;a~t Broadw~.y Strsat; thence on ~. curve to the right with ~, radius o~: seven (7} f ~:st tan anci ninF~ty nine hun~.redths (10.9} fa©t; thence V~Q;~terly parallel to the Centex line o~: caia Ea.3t Broadws.y Street one ",~undr°a forty ~19~} feet; thence an a curvy to the right v~ith a xadiua o f ~;~ van (7} feet t ~renty .one ninety Nine ~"~undreaths 01.99 } 13:t; ~h~~n~e Eactarly parallal to the center line off' s~.id Eaat I~roa:~ray Street one "~iundr~;d forte (14C)} fast; tzanca on a curve to tt~a right vrith ~. radius of seven ('7} fs~;t ten and ninety nine ~~undr=laths {10.99} feet to place o ~' beginning;. "ghat portion ox fns roaciw~y of E~;st ~iroaci~ray Street lying ~rVit~~in a Tine d~scribsd ao follows: aginn~.ng at a point in Q f ~a e iz~nin~; t:ie center ling of East Bra~dv~s.y Stre:t, said pointbeing one hundred s :-venty six ~l'~.'6} feet ~ecterlg of the point o:~' inter- sactian of tlza center line of said Ea.3t x~ras.~vay Stxeat and the Rs;~terly property linaof South Claudine atrefrt produced Norther- ly to the center line of s~.id East Broadwe.y Street; thoncp an ~. curve to t~~e right ~~=itc~ 4:. -radius of riven ('7} fast ten e.nd ninety nine l~undrecitis (10.99} foot; thence Westerly par- -13-- x,1181 to the can- 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 is 17 18 19 2~6 ~~ 22 2~ 24 2~ 2~ 27 2t3 ~~ 3~ ~gupl~ J2 der line oi° said Wit;;;~~ :~~o~,d~~,~>% 2~~ree~ ono i~~~.:~Actre;:i ~=,~en~v°-:our old n '~ ',,~="d ~'~ ( "' 17) ~'ee~; valence on a c~a3've ~;o ~i,~~le rit°h`~ ,~even~,een a_ .mil re~:.u,~.s lu`~. - ~,;;-a`~~:~ a r adaus o~ seven (~) Beet, ~+el~~;e;~-one ~~~ld 3lanet~r nave 1~7.11.- c?redths (21,99) i'eet; ,levee ;a{~,sterlr~ parallel to t;~:e cent;er line oi' ~2~.d ~,st ~ro~~d:fa v~ street <l;e ~l~z~~c~~e;~ '~~"~-e~.2u~r-.Coat a~~zd „eventoen ~li;.~lc~red ~~~l (124.I'7) ~e~:~; ta~ence an ~ cz.~rve to ~,»a wl.~:~.~, ~..a~Uh w rada~za oa: seven ('7) i'ee-~, tel'3 mac? 31ine't--nine ~~~:~:adx'ec~t~.~ {1.99) Beet to y~l,_,ce o~ be.~ 3.x~la .~.;~;; tllo,t ;~ :,icy 17ar~i1~.~; be ~ro,ded nMc~. a:'illed tC) file O:LrtaCa3~. ~rCu:1E: ,"'i"~s? 10u.r~ ~~~ivuble ~'o'r' uaxle ';1~.I1'Ea:"l. u;sC'i. ,s",rQt7- iil~ O :~10~de~"S, ;l""~:,1>.`."~, ,~-~!1x`1i~J~:Je1~T Or V~''8e~~ `~~.~'.1 t;.,~ ~~IO'~'€'11, ~;?:leclu~sLeC~ a;`lC1 r~o r e ~ .~. ~ is ~I4a.~1~~ d~ ~,c:~'i sae d o n ~.~-e yala~s~ ~.o ~, ~,- fl arzd ~.arko 3~xld ~e sib; Ilu, ~ e d rr~Fl ~. o ~ y ra~,o ;e d I~>ap rc~t~en~ie n~; o n ash Li~."0ad~:'a~ street 4:,I1C~ 'eSt ~road~~,ur ,~treet~ a~,~la+lei~l~ C:3~.ao1"Ylir~.~~ 031 .file in file of~'ico o~ the Cita~° ..1~.~;ancer in tale Cat Y ~3a7.1 in s~,;id c its. (3) ~ll~,t ~, cerle~lt c~,?rb be c~,~l~~;;~:~_LC~Lec1. i=~ <~wst :~w~.~~:7,d.rw~;. ~ureet e,x'o~und the ~ao,rki31~ xlerein'oeia Wo do scribed, {e~~ce~t ~,lorl~ t"xle roll©~ ink described line o:~ said ~~,~''.~-ing, to-grit; ~e~;ix3z~.i ~.i; c~ie ii1- tersection of the center lino o ~ mast ~ro.ad~~a~' "tree-;; and 'c~~e `7es erlc; -;~ro~ert~ line o~ ~;~el~.rose street e<L-~;ended ;a ^therl.~; to t~3e ce: ter 1:i?~e of ;sid '~~,st ~road~`r~;7 Stree'c; thence a'o aterl~' alo_~ said cenUer line three h~4uicw°ad (~OOj ?~eo-u) i~? acco~~dar~.ce ~~i~,li a~14.'~s i~.u be red ~-Q ~Zd ~~ar:~:ed '~~d c±±ass~'?:~~aed 't~'la~. o~ ~~~ro~~osed Ir.,`a~x~oTroi3e~-zt O n ,.~,,,~, v ~ r t~ iJ.d'GV' €3~~T a~', ~ :C°e e'i;~3CL i'~e `~~; _'~~_)1"0 c~ C~.~;::~' a~~`,~i: rG' e u , in,~''C'lf.' 1?'.~., ~%u'.~. i f- 01"L11c1, it O~1 .La.le lYl _~1.1Q U '.:..'1Ce 0.~~ u~1E' G7.~~ ,~t.t.t~:'7..21ewr o~ uv'.lC~. c7.1.,;''y 131 ~ ~.e ~ i't ~ Ha11 .~ n s ~1 d c a. t E~. (fls~ ~.t1a~ ti3e .1'Qdd'<,T o1 ,,ea'ii ~r7C,drr'~ ;~'~rcet r07,C1 u~1F+' L",~„~~er1 'jJ i.°Ct ;~) e G ;." ~.-~ i:1C' 0~~" r~`..0 ~%~. ~'~7. ~ 8I'1.01.1 ~ "; x'e e v , !") '© dZ~.c t; C~. 0 i? u I1 rl~' c ~.C rd a;~ ~i ~le ro~,d;~-.~,R a~ ooid. "yresv ,~;~a~ ~._;.~ - ~;,ree~ ~o a 1a.~ie -~,:~o~~L~ced 20~~herly ~; . `,~,C: r0 ,`"-.~ ~ YV 1 ~C' r0 c`3i~y ~ ~'' 0 i. 5;x,1. d o ~' v~i .u'."0 ~,:3,C1~ , ,^,.,;,,'' s~,, ~ "t"t e~ , S ~. d i7 i°0 G1zC e d 1 bei.n :i~~,-r~t?,3. 1e1 ;o ld dista~lt 9'estel~ thirtJ~-~~'rlree and seve.~~;~-~ ~.andredtra.s (33. '70 -~-eet ~.t ra;~,ht SAL",le s' froa~~ ~~le z~3o :.~.ur.~ont~,1 ceilto line ay 2o~~th T,o;~ ~~~l~;eles ,ree~G (~:.ce-r,tirl~ ~Lle°rerom t~.L~:t .~or~ior. G'~ 'G~1G ro 2J~Z"+'~ O 3 rJe St r~r0 ~,~da ~~ tee {~ , 1~Tin~,A 'oe `~Z'Jeen ~ line t7rC)- `uced So~zi.~~erl~~ to t~se eeni~e~.~ la.no off: ;~,id Td`es-c ~:'o~-i.dt~~;,r ~trect, ao3d -nrac~~zced li~.e 'oe~~~t; '~~ar~~l.lol to,~=~-d' dis~~:~.L ~lestcr~.~~ ~iir`~;cT- ti1r~ e si"ld Ne Vei1t~''- j'aVe :1~~ad1: e ~tll,~`i (•=~R7.'~~ ~ _~,E~ wit, c`~jli 1"1,-,c~~1JE'i ~',.7141e S' --1~:-- 1 2 3 4 8 7 9 to it lz 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3~ 31. 32 ~; ~ ~ ~ , _ z_, ,. , n ~ _,. a.~ ~ __. _ ~_,. - .., .. ,.~ e _, C.. - - ~. ~ ' , n .. 1 .~ ,. .~ n = • _ ' ~. -.. ._ • ~ _ ~ . ~, . _ ~- _ .. ,. ~-. ..~ k, _ ~, . _ - ,, _. .. _ .. -, fy -... ~ U ,. .. . , r... ~ , ,,~ ._ _. ,. ~~. , Y ,. _.. ~ _ _. . ~ _, ., ,. . ,_ ~,_- _ ~_ ~„ ~. _ ~ " -. _,~ , . J _• _~ ., -. -, ~. , ._ _ ~ ~_ _ .~ _.. . _ .,._ r. ,-. . . . , _ _. .. • ,, . .. , .., t n -r , - _ ,. ' - n {~ ,. ~ - ~ - - ~ - l' , - ,. L1.. , ..... _ .. a ,... ~ .__., _ ~ _ ,., . ~ e J_ .~ . _ .. '+ _. z ~_ ~n'-, ice+' n.n _.,~..,_ ~• _ _.. '~` f ry ... j . _ , _ -, ,. ' ., ,, ~_ f..,. - ,. ct ,- .. . _, ~ , , , .. .U . .~ ~ , ~ _ __ v _~ ,. .. ..,. _a_ - - _..,. „ _., _. .. ., ~ -, ,. - , ,., ~, r. ' ^~ , .. .. .. ~. _ _.~ 4 -.. n - ' -.^. a v - ,. . , ~, „. ,_ ,-. ,; „ --- n ,__ ._U__ _. __ ~ -- .. _. - ; ~ _ .. , . ., ." ., r i ~ ._ ... . ~.. l ... .. _.. . 9 . _ _ 15_ . , .. _ _ -, ..: . .. h . ~, ,. _ . , nn _ . ~, -. ,.. ~ - , ~.. -, _ _ , z ;. ..., y _ ~ _ _. ^, . _ , ~ , _~. r ~ ~_ ~ , : ,~ .~a _, _ _ . v .,~ __ .~ 3 . -_ ,~ ~; . . , .. ... .. ! n • ,~ ca c ,.. _ .~. • - - ~ ~ ~ .fir, ~ '' . - - , ..... 4 _ . • ... _ - .~ , , _ ~~, ~ r _ n ._, - _ ~, . ..-, , .,, _ . _ _ _ ~ „ ., .. ,, _. _ __ t , _ . ~ , _ ~ , 6 q , _., _, _ ,._:, . _ , ~, ~ .~ : e ~ ~~::_ ~ c ~ ti ., ,_ _, ! - n (7 f1 '. r __ ~ - ~ -~ ` n.n .r 9 -. ~ Irv` ,~ rT . c~.. ® _f_ ~ 1 . .. ~ , I v (.i ~i .x2~i~ ~ ~ ~7 , 3, i? ti 11 __ ., ~_ n ,~ ,, _ :, • ,-,. 12 _ 1 _ ~i J_ _~, ~ 14 .. _ ~ _. „ 1 ., ,. ~ -, .._ ,..,. ~, , , .. ~ _ _ .. - - ;r - ., . ~. , _ ~, . . e _.. _, ~, .. .._ _ _ ~. r , 16 . ,._ ~ , ., _ . , _, , . ., . ~, . _ . _~ ry l r .. ~ , .f fti .~ ( - ~. ~ ., -' ~~ - _ ., I I ~ 18 , .. , .. l1 -. ~ r. ..~ ~ ~ .._ - ~ .. _~. ,s - .. . s J .,. ...~ r -~.1.. , r .. .{, 4 ~ ,,; , i .. ., , .. .. __ . w ,. r ~ } ! tai ~ 19 . rv ~' ~ ~ ~ . ~. _. J . . ~ . 20 ~ . , _ _ ., _ 1_ .._ wee e ~.. .. ~ ,_ .. ~, .. ~, • ~ ~ ~ _ . _ ~. 24 . n n- . ~ ~ ,~. ,_..,~~-~-i . ."~, ., _ ~ ~ L.'_ 'I ri r n .rye _ "; , ,-> _ ~ ~ , _ ~ _ . ~ ,. _ ~~-• _ ... n ..... 1. .:. .:. ~'. .. i ~ ! ~ ? G ... .,; -, .~. ... ~ ~ .. ~ -- ,. - . e _. ._ -- .. , _, w ~ 7 . , . ry, ,~,. - ~ ~ r~ ,.~_ - . ,,., _~ ., , - -e~ ~r_ i . . v x - , ~ ~ e _ , 27 - ._„ - n ~ . . ~ -~ .,e~~j, .. ,l~,~ ,., e~.. ._ . ~, ~, 28 w ~ -, . , tr,, .,. ~,.. ~., ~' ~, ,. 3e ~ - c~ ~_. .. 1 ~ , 1 32 -~ ~ ~ . _~ , --16-- ei 1 2 3 4 6 f1 7 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ' 2t~ 21 22 23 24 ~5 26 ~7 ~,$~ ~~ 3~ ++32 J ~i ~.. sho,~ ;Lortlon o1 the ~adt:.r~;,° o~ ,,,'o~u ~~:•oad~rfa~~ ;°Z;reet l~„:Ln~; ~r1th~..n) '~. 1111e d8~'Ctibf;Ll. its :3=CJ~~_0i~a': .~ek;7_i1ii~LT'1a r°~.~r ';)Q:1.:.~.'G 7..Z1 -i;'lle ct;:illiE'.~" Line ©~ said ~~e.~-,`u :~~°OadV~a~T ~'G1.e@"~, ,c.,u`~,1.C~. ~1Q111"u C}"~: Je;~•ii1i1:L11~; beii2~", ~;h~^ee ?~undred onQ ~a.c~ ~~:oy'c~ hund~red~ia.s (301.~a} :~ee% 1'aesterl~ :~ro~' tale poin-~ o -n"carsec`~ia3a a:~ `vi~.e cen~:;er line o-~' u yid ':`;asp :U~."oa.d~'~a~' ul"E'er ~7.CL °ti11E ;;!e sterl~f nr0~1e i v~, 1111e of ~~•a Ll~~. Za ~ .;3.fl~c",~-E S :~°.':~~'Ge ~ s ~~ro duced ~`o~'thewl~;T to t r~.e cen-~e r line a:~ u~id ".':est "~3z~~ ~~..~, street 'i;he:ClC:e On fem. Clir~,7e °va pile ~ ~" ~"i, -`71.'v1 '. Y'.`.~.E3.iII.,^.> 0`.' Sev ex]. ('7 } ~e~'t , to ~.11t. ninetvT-nine h~~.~dred`~hs (10.30 sect; ;~leT~a.co .'~o s'~er1~T ~~~.r€r~ lel v0 pile Caen"per I~?I18 a au,.~-fl ~:~,'v'Sl; :~Oc~.C~:e'J:.~` ~~:Y'eE:"t, `~~°d0 ~7.'lL1C~.rE'•C~. ~0?'~~~- -~i. n ("~3 ~~} :ef'i-u; 'G~iE1'1fre a1~.~« c'lZrYe ni31e =~'Td ninQ~ J; _ a i~ a~.a y1t:~sc:~re d ~ ~1,~ ti - . ~o t~1e ri~lry ~ ~;~1tr~ ~. r~.di'tz;~ o-~.: seven ('7 } feet , -LtienU~-a~3e and nine- h~lndrodtlis Tr -~~arallel to the center line ~-nin~(21.99} meet; ti~lence ~~sterl~,~ ,. O.!_ Sc'd '~e~it ~rOad~Y_ ~~,,``i,:G'(:E''v' "~~a0 ~1i:=i1G~iZ'$C~, 'f'Qr-G~'-'~'].lI:3E as1c~. 121x1e~~- eiv1~ h~~Tldredths (~~~3.38) ye et; ~;~.~ence on a curve 'Ga -LTe rilt grit: ~, r ~ i °:'i ~ _ <'].P.1i ~'- T17. Tae hU.~..~. G~.l°e C'_ [~ :l;:i (~.. ~ • / J } ' w ~~~,di~,~; o_~_ seven (r) :~eEU, -cen ~,.:_d 1 Beet ~o solace o:~° be inl~.inu; 'chat u ~.id ;~~r:~~1n~ 'ae graded and i'illed to _~he o~:~-~c~.a~. ~;rs,de ~rr:~°~h loa:z. ~v~i Vable °~'ar `~=ze -~la~~~:~a1k a~1c1 u~ro~ 1Y1L; 0~ :~10~'rBrs: ~;~'aSS, ;;~.i1"r~a'!~beru 0::." u"s""ens: a?1 v.S~ shav',~n, s'~',eclfled a1.c1 more ~?ar'~icu~~,:-'1~;~ c'Eesc;:°i"~aed. an 'she pl~~.s for said ~G~o:~k n~LU~ber- ed ~`-0~:1d marled a~~d desi~;~late~. 'TI'lan. o: ~=ros?osed Iz~~?3^~o~'emerlt on fast Broad~v'sy Street and ~~'est Trna.cl~°:~;r greet, ~~nlei~, Cu~1:~orniE ~ on :~:ile ij~ the oys ice o~ t}.1e 0it~; "~n~ineer in t~1e OitGr I~a1~?_ 1n sad city. ~. (6) T:1~,~ a eer~ellt c~?rb be co _1.,crr~c~;ed i11 ~a~~.S°~ ,~r0 ~T~ ~.~ ~c~:e ~ a:.covnd t"'",t1G para~inP he~oinbo:Lore described (e:cei,t ~,.on~; t'1e ~allo~ in4 described li3ie o~ s:;:1d ~ar?~ir~, Uo-wit; ~;e~innin~; 4~t ua -~,~]oint 1n vile confer 17.31e O i '~8 S``L' -~;raadt: ~; ~~."`~1"eE;t: s".id ~)Oia':% a'~ ~Jei^,'1.31."•11 be17'x~ .-iy~;een (1J} `.~eet :`r?e,`i;'?~~..~° :~r0]"a1 th8 "1~U7.11°"`v fl lil"~erSOC~l.C)n Q '~'Zle CentC:'.~ 1?ne aw' SuiCl '~';"ea"~ ;~raad~"sU ~'ti'E3$t, ,`'s,,~"2C~ t}1a ":'f.'~r-,"~:€3Y'~.V ~7 ~~ ~,er u~ line o ~: .~ `~~ ., ~~~Lh Sao s ll.,vle s =-cree ~ , _ ro c'l?ced a :~~-L~11er1~r to ~+ 1~. J. ,e t~~le ce1~ ~ r "' o 1. ti ,_e ,- ,t-~~, Street • C:V1. CI. Yd ti V .J f. a ~~~. 1 Ci.~ J -~,.,e j:~ce '.;"e ste'rl~~ et a1.o -..l*r,_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2f 27 28 29 30 31 32 .-.~_~ i wi d C en ~ e r line 0 le i1 t3i1Ci y e ~ `'' 7_u= ~ £' ei ~;,,i1CW ~o r ~ GT n1 s;iC ~7.'iZ.Y7.dZ'a i ~ ~ =~s ~1~j•C]_~~ lees v11ei1Ge :~oy+hC~-"~-~- u.~ ~'J•}l~~ c`3.?1~lea; "GO Sc31~.d GOn~JG'.1 l:ine evei:~ ('7) -i'oe't) in ~,cco a'c~ ~lce .. i ~~t l l ~ uzs n~us=ue ~.e d T'~-(?„ ~~U ~ ~..r~~ed ~1d desl~ i1G.'~86~. „~1~~. 0 ~3. 0._t0,`-red ~.Ta:~tOV8T21E'i=~ L}x1 ..~i~bvu ~io2~~t":~~r ~vre@ J. .:-, J. a- ? t :i.:~0 x'111. `t ,t C~ i2 "~ i7..e 3. i`3. ;,;ze (}'~~,_. 3i2cj. ~'a' E' .~",, t~ ~ i 0 sd~r d..i ~.~`• t; r e e V , iii ~? ~ ..e l~l , C c~ ~ t 'iCe ©~ %lle v1.f,Ej '._;nL;ineer li. ~he C11+~' %ull In s~~id G`it~T• ,~C~ICsTt 2. i~1~.~ u~xe ~,~.id co n~~m;,lu~ed~roa:l~ of ir~l~7roveri~ciau, ire pile Ok~ii11.0i1 Of `GT1e :vOci'~~ U1 La.iL,`;';ce 0-(' ~~le Ci'~u 0~. ,~~l~.~l@iF1, 1S Of ., n,~Lts- ~~ ;•,h ~ ~-~ix~lic ?zene-~~..t ~zc~ ;,aicl ~"o~ ac:. a W gee; ?lerebG;r c~eon~res ~,a~~~i -~~~e c~isVric`~ ixl ;~,iti, wive. o-~. ~~.xz~xel~x'aer~ - ize sited U; s~~.d ~'rorl<~ or ir~~ro;Ter~leiz~ ~.nd -L-o tae ~„~se ,ned ~o ~~~~u ~o st s ~;izc~ e:~L~~ense s thereo.~ , i s de sc°ri'~e d. as xo~ log: s, fio x it ~3e~ in- k1ii1~ ~,~; she T~To?~~..°e~:~erle;; oozxl:;-.~ o~ T~o-~ ~ox.'~c~-e~.~;sx.~, (a~3), ~ ~~~;ii~~.l a_ ~~osdil o~ ~n~~neM, ~" urlo`Vn on ~, m~ll~ rocordsd ii'1. X3001. 4 0:~ weds ~~ It'E-' ~ ~c~.,~' u11C~ C>jQ, ~G'GO.~C~s 0:.`~ ~t0 ~ ,;x.1~°e1_eS \oi.~lx~V'•j', ~,'~~.7.. 0 ic4',.; ,~.z.__ ~e (~ ~1Ve- ~e11.~'it~..`'~ ("T"ina c`?) u:rzence. ~~~sterl~~ ~o~x~x ~~:~znr_'~red v~„~e~~~,~<-o~ sn. ~ee~ ~.1011~; she ~o_Lhex.~yl1.iie o~. Zo"~N .,~ ~'o x~,~r niT- (~~;) , C -ri T:iz1a.1 r~.'o lrn 0 ;,l~}.E:1I11; "U ?ei1Ce ~oc~tlie,.Alv,- one lltlildred i'i~tJ-si~L ~~~1d t~-rent;~-give llx~.~:zdrec~tsxs {n:~6.G5 0;1oi~x~; tlxe ~,ster"i_v- nine o-s" Zo U ~'OrtVr_si~ {LsG) 'ca 'clle 0 t?zer~l~ nin o~`~' ;rest :~-.~oad~ra;~' °~reet; t~le~.ce ~::I~.ste:~ly°, ~.1.ofi~ she l~o~~~herl~,- 1ii2e oz: i"Ie;~~ ?~~ad~°~J C~rce~ .~.i~.d ~rle :yOi;,J~_z~1 1. sl~;reet, ev~enc'tcd, i:x~o hunc~rcd (rCC) Beet Lo t~.ze=~,s'~~erl~ line of n ele s StrecU ; trt~~ence :0 w~tzerl~ s,lon~;; ~lxe ~.~,stern~' ~o Zzth Zo line o r ~o nth Zo s ~~.11~e1e s S ~ 1^oe U ~~ a1r e~ hx~ :,.dr e d ui~yiv-Five ~.d dive--~ei1i;1'l.ti (36.5) ~ee-c; ~;alence ~:t.sterl~- ~?~,rallel to uhe T~o"'"I;h- ~I erly line o~ :~~,st ~ ~ :;;d-;;-~r ~°t,reet ~~lree hx~~-~.dre~ ~ct;~mn~vT-nine and _ , n ~--r c (1 6} :feet Lo zhe ,,-es~erlf lime o-.~"' ~outlx Cn~,udina .7 ~. J'•r v e i_ kl ~. v f.. J • ,~ J_ : ~., roc i --' w r ~ 0 17_i1e TWO iYL7.ildre d ~; ~ re e ~: ; v aae ric e ,a o 1~ U ~.e -'1 ~ r.J1. o i1~ s <,~i. r,`~ ~e st e rl ~~- t"~Lir~J ~~.ZCti dive-";ei1-G~1`. (~~O.J) Teet; Thence µ~sterl-u ~~~,rw{llel ~a 1.R ~-l 11.iie O:i ,;:'.~~ .u'0~?Cl~'~.,,r uureet~ e.~~'rly ~.1iilu.re~_ ~: one .o u~zo _ seven <~.1xd ~hir~V si:. ll~uldredtlzs (B3'7.36} Feet ~o J~he .~~7•sterl~ line o ~ ~o ~tt?z Clive ~i;re et ; ~zence ~o~L~.tlxe rl~ ,::~.on ~ s°ui d ~~s.,e,rl~ line. t'<?irteen u.i`id 1ii12ei;~-t~r0 11tY1Ct"iE;r~i;i`1S {la•9~~ '~'ee~ ~o "file w0:'"`uhS~•P•s~- ern~ cornor o_" Zo ~ Cne (1) + ~rlith u~ld ~~1z's ~.,es~xhdivisio~.~.s sil0~ {ce7 F-• oi~ ~, r~wA~ recorded in Zooi= 4, ~~~,~;e Jl, I~Ii;:.;ce]_n~:ileous T~.o.~?s o Cringe ~`- ~ ~li:ornia• thence ~L~s~er1~,~.on~; "she :~o~~herl~; line o~' C o li:~~ ~ ~, , C ~. , LOts pne (1), ~t~ro (~), Ahree (~), your {~!-), '~.ve (5), ~i~ (~), __18-- ~~ '! `~ 1 2 3 4 6 ry6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 is 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2~' 28 2g 30 31 32 .~. "~ n a -. -r -„ n 9 - n - -~'! ~ , ~ n r ... t? r ~ ~; , 1. 1.~.., ^~ ., t° •- ., ... {~ C .~ V ~, ~ - _. ~ ... .. -~ ~ , . . ~ - C}. ~ , , _. , ., ,. , _ ~' ~ ~ . ., "' ^ - ., -.n f11 . . -, n ~• _ n , l . . . , ..~ - 1 -~. ^ _, , .. _, f . ' n . , ,, 'r ~ ~ F` '~ r t- tt~ + J Z ~ _ .. ... ... 7 ..., - ,_ ._. ~ ~ _ _ -, , , ~ ,_ . ,. _ _. -. .~ ~ : , _, ... v _ ,,. ~ _ -- _ , ~ ,. _ ^, • ' ^~ p 1 4 a '!j f - -. ~ ~' ~ _ ..d _ - ~ ~ ... E ~ • ... J.. .. ~ f .vim .. .. .-: u , -, ...~ ~{ r G .. r . . , .. ,, ~At - . _ _. v ,. 1, .. - . ._ ~., ~u n ~. „~. 1 y ~ , , ` , ~ ,. - .. c ~e .. ~- . .; -- , _ , _, ~ - is ~ _ ~ _ ~ - , ~.., c , . _ ,. -, ~, ` - -.. . .. .,. ... . 7 ~ .. ~ r, ._. 1 ... .. -t ... ,.~ . ~ y~ .. .. ,_ . ..- .. .. _.. ~ _. ~ -, ~,, __ . ~.._a. he .. ., ~, ~~ ~E '~ - - , ~ ~` .G ~. . _ ~ _ ,~ ~ v J.. . w V_ ~., - ~~ -~ r, _„ ' . _ . _ _;0 ~' _ ~ . . ~~ rv ~ .__. „ - ~ „~ ;~ Y ~ ~~ ...,- cy ,. - ` --1~-- d ---,.. ~ , ._'t_ n ,R ., _... s _, -. n - ~ i ,-n, - f. ~~ ~_ ~ 9 _ ~ _ ._ l~, . ;_ ,~ a .,. 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