07/22/1915-028f~ ~ II .® --~ r,... ~~ ~.a.~/" ~~i 1 ij R~SOLUTIO~T OF INTBBTIOA NCi. 122. ', 2 li ~ - _ , A BBSAI,TTTIOB OAF. TSB BOA~iD OF TRU3'PE~S. OF CITY OF 9g~YHES.~[, TaE- g Cy~EI~G ITS INTIO~T TO OAR mBS C~OSIUP I~ PART OF 8T BAO~I3+- ~'',AY STREET IN SAID CIi'Y. i 4 ~ ~SOLVBD, by the~}Boa~d, off, Tra.gt~ss ~ the City of ~,ual~im; j SECTION ~. That- ~ ~~ "Dick. ~.ntore and convenience regU.ire '. 6 _, and that it i~: the intBntiAn of the Board 4f Trustee of the City o 7 ,[~nah®im to order the closing f~ p~s:rt of ~~~t Br4adway~ S'~re.~t in sai. 8 city, 9 That the.land deemed necessary to be taken therefor i~ des- 10 crib®d as fol~gwa, to-wit: 11 ~A Doln44t1 ~ 12 ~ ~~~~ ~, r 13 ~ ~ ~. ~~ 14 ,~ ~; ;; 16 _- 37 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32'' --1-~ . ~, r .. ~ ~. . ~ _ __ ~~ ~; .,_ $ECTIO~ ~. That. the ~$terior bounda7~ie g of the distri.at of lands to b® affected mnd benefited by said work and improvement and to be ass~`ese d to pay the damages, c o ~t and expenses the reo f, are describ®d''`jas follows, to-wit; ..... 1 STATE OF CALIF08NI,A, j 2 County of Orange, ) S2. g City of Anaheim. 4 5 I, Edward B. Merritt, City .Clerk of the City of Anahei~t, do 6 hereby certit'~r "that the foregoing Resolution of Intention Ifs. 22~ 7 as duly passed and adopted at a regv.I.ar meting of the Board of 8 Trustees of said pity held on the 12th dog ®f .B,ugust, 1915, bey the following vote; . 9 ape s, Trnste es - ~ ~->C, ,~,1~ - dt, ~~~- ~I~~- - ~ ~ 10 , ~ ~...- , . ,~„ Noes, Trustees; .~- 11 Absent and not voting, Trustees: .~ 12 , ,~ ,` 13 IN FITNESS WHERNOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the 14 official seal of said city the 12th day of ~ugp.st, 1915. 15 _._ ~ c ~wt„r~`~ , t~C~c..-~~ 16 Anaheim, o e y 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' 24 25 26 27 28 2 £3 30 31 32 - 3-~ u i ~ ~ i i . ,~ . ,~ ~~~ 1~iR to~#« c ~~ 2 ~"~ Q.k ~~r{ '~ ~ Ci~~' ~-~' tem. 4 ZM B. ;~"~'~;~ t!#' ~~-:~ '` fibs t~i~~r a~' ~~~at ~. ~ ~9~, '~:'~ '~ f~~~r,t~` ~.x~fi~ ~ t~d~p'~~1d 8 ~'~ ~ x~;.ax~ m~~t'~~ of fi 8~+~ ~~' ~~it~ere ref t- tai ~~' 7 * h~ 0~i tb~3 22xt~. d.t' ~~' ~~~ ~.~.5,r ' '~ ~'t~11tt~ $ 9 j 10 ~ "~;'~'~~ ! p -- 'mot, vx- ~c 1 i+1 ~ui- ~ n-c~ u.~ 1.1 ~ ~~ 2"'~tq ~i8 ~--~- - ~- 12 1~~ ,[ t '~'r~~i,~ ~atrbe ~ 13 ;` ''~~'~~ ~~" ~ 13ta' h~~~t1~ ~ " h~ a#f'+~i! 14 '~ c~~!'~aia~, ~~ ~ti' '~- t~fi~r ~~ .€~at~~,~t,- '~.~ ~.~ q" II 15 ~~ 1'8~ ~ 16 - -r 17 ~~-~ .~__ ~#~.~"~ ~~' '~ t3i'~y' tl~' ,- 18 ~~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 zs ~~ 3~ 3~. 32 r