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~~ .,~, .., ° ~ ~-.'7 - - ~" .~ 6~~ ~ ~+ ~ ' 1 ~~a~az~~~~z al~ o~~ ~~~a, ~a~~~~ a~ ~=~~~~~~~ a:~~ .~ Czr~~ Q~:~ W~~~~L:Ix, a wy~-' zy~ y~~~.~ C~aa~z~~G qtr :x,~ ~:.~k~~~ a~~ ~~ ~ :~~~a..~.~~ ~(~~~~~~~ I:.~~~ Cx~~~ c~ a ~~.~~~~T~~, 3 ~~~~i:~.~iS the ~o~,rd of ~.'ruetee~ of the ity o~ ~,i.1~{.heim did nn ~ .Y _ _ 4 ---, _.. _. ~• _ .._,.,..'~_. _.n... .. , _ , file ? ~;th d~,y o~ a~;L~~~,~~t, 115, ~~~~ e,x1d t,~t its ,;.3.e~olution of S ~' Intention ~~io. 12~ to order the ~ollatnr:in~ ~treot work to be ~~ono 6 ix~ ~~~:id city, to-~~it; 7 lh~ t ~~;'est ~3ro~,d~~~y Str©et i:e1 ~~t,id city, he clooed ~.~~ in ~~~.-rt, 8 exxd, yt~...~,~,~ the :Yureet ~~:zl,t:; r~_a,te~iclent of the ~U,id C~t,T o~ .~~-~:~;;~~~eim 10 dick. there~.~ter cn.u;:e to 'rye ~a~.bli ahed~ ~~,i~.d ?~o~ted. in the r..aa~~:~er ~;xzd 11 ~'o-rrx rer~~.red by ln.~~r, notice ~ a i' t'~?c ~e~~e~e o~ ozid ~:,e oltition of 12 I~~tention, s,nd 13 ,`~'~:L.a~w~S Yld ~fri.tten ob jeetion~ to ~•,~.id.r<<or:r or irx-nroverae~xt hr~~ve 14 been m~~de nr ailed tt;ith tl.:~e ~~ity Clerk ~~ the paid Cit,~ ~;,nd the 15 t~_r-te for ~ilin~ r~~ czi objection; ~~~`~v~~:;~; e~nired, y y 6 , :.lU.~w be ~.~ r~; solved by ~~~.e I3o,Nrcl of '~'r~a._tee o:~ t'~e 17 (city a°~- ~na,heir.~: .{. ~ ,~ ~~.' t. t ~ r - .":t r..6.. c7 cry c ~ •t- ~ I ~.,a. , ~h~t ~~he :~<;>.~c~ ~~o`].rd n~ .~ rug ~,ee,, dae ~ixxd ~~~c': do ~ ~.rrriine 19 that x~o ;rrittexz ob jeetion 1~~~,,; been r~txde or ~':ilad ~~rit~z tho City 2® Clerk of w,:~id Cit;~ o~ ~~ri~xeim ~,xid t~x~,t ~e,id ~3or~rd o~ ~rza~tees 21 hL ~,c;;.izired jurisdiction to ardor ~;~~id work, z2 CaT~v: T~x:vt °fi;he ~o:Llot :i.r~~~ Strcet t~a'oxk be done ix1 ;~~id city, 23 to-t~. it : 2~ h~~t ~~est-_.~ro ~~~.dt~~~4~vr street in s~W.id ca.~;~ be clc~~ed ~.ajx in Ian,rt. , 25 ~h~xt the 1=~?d ~ee~~ed x~ecestiarG to be teen th©refor, ~.xd ta,".ich 28 ~.. i<~, teen ti~erefor, is de cribed w,w :~o11c~;~, to-grit: z~ 28 Zv lime ~v~ ~~outh ~€s~ SrteEt, in~r 'crt~* ~arft~ (~~; feet South, i~#'te~t1 Ong-3tnlf { jjKi~; degrees ~:aet cif r~~ +~e~'t~r bite of ~:est. I~troa~l~R'p:~ °St ~41~'ce South fi Teen ate a~i -('IG?$`) de~r~s Fast along t}ie ~ ; 30 ~-+~r~y line; ofts8.iei ~ovth'A~~i '~ cif}} _fcc±t;,thc~ttc~ Sc~~tlt SkS~ fottr~nd~aie-ha1~~~4?~) ~tegreea 31 P~'~~r#xr`-tlfg ci~r;3a~g~crf-;; ~*exd~- recut, g~ ~t~ , 32 ~~~~'~,~,~ ~~:-t.~t~~~: ~~~rt,~t {mot, 1 d+~ '"" ' ~~ it " ~res~.rct -East Cinc of°'~+ - J tYYenc~3 ~Yofih ~ long ,laid "~a;t ~a~~ ~~irt~'-cibi~t ~un~lrt<t~h, ~. ff t~nCe hIo~~t~ ~eventV-!p S`tY;a'':~ _. ~y""^L~Y@C~ .' tiWf!Iit~P-t~tU v ~ . {~3~» ~ "~,'' , ` 6 ~. . ~~~r . a ~ ~ ' 'J u~ ~,j~~~L t:~ci~ re~a~: E _ 7 ifornia. ':..~ ~' 8 end ~11~,~ ;s4.id ~or~ion of t~.~ic~ ~~eo~; '~road~r_..~ ~~;ree~ in o~~id ci~~;r, g b~: ~,nc3. the ~ax~e i~ t~areb;~ cla~ed. u~, v~,eated ~x~d ~.'~°~.ndoned, 10 :'1[1~~D: ~h~,t ~~Nic~. ~o~~,rc~ of '~:~ru~~Gees does c1e~;ertnine end c~ecl::~re 11 ~h~,~; no damage trill rewul~ froze a::id .~~ork or ir~~y~rover_ien~; =~:'~~c3. °ro~ 12 ~,he clo~in,~ of n:,ic~ '.es~c 'xsro~~d~~rr Street u.:~1~. ~~i~,t no ~,~ e;~~rlen 13 i~ neee~~~,a`y' tY~ere "or ~.nc1 t1~~t aao co~..~:~i~~ionaro ~"ra.~,l~. ':~e ~:~?.nointed 14 ~~o a~,~~~a 1~ez~efitw or c~.~.ra1~e~ or to h~.v~: ~ensr~.1. ot.~yerviion 15 0~' an~r a~,i~ervi~ion of ~4:id k°~ork or ir,~.~rovernent or of U1ie clo wing 16 0:~ ~~,id otreet in n~.rt or otka.ei~~ri,~e. 17 The foregoing re~ol~~.tio~~. i~ ~w;i~ned, a~~x~roved Ord ~,tta tec1 b." ~e 18 tt~ia a4th day of October, 1915. -~ ' ~ _ } '~ i 19 ~- r: re;, n o - e oti r o ~.-r~~.5 ee 20 of e City of zaheim. 21 z2 23 24 :,;_ 25 26 27 28 28 30 3~ 32 ~ _ ~~ ~' 1 R1r 3 ~' 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 zg 2s 27 28 29 30 31 52 .. ~~~~.~~ ~~°~.t G.~-SLIT ~; ~.Iy~., } I, ~d~J~,rc'~~. I:~erritt, Git~T C1.e~^~~ of true Cite o-~' ~~=`~:u}.~.aitr~, cio ;,.ere"e~T certi~'r t~iat the -~:°ore~oi~l~ rewolu~ior. ~J~~ ;~a~~ed ~~,n.d ~~do.~- ted ~,-~ ~, re~.Z~:,r r~zeeti~~~ of the ~o~;~rd of ~rc~ate~~ of the City of a~ra.~,heim, }geld oYZ the 14tAz d:~.uT of t~c~t;ober, 1~1~, b~- t ~~.e -~`o_l~.o-:.~_i_ ~,~ vote: t~./~lryryT`'i~.~>~.Ti ~ ~ x"lZti .'{t'i. 8 t@~ ~` , -~ vrr~C /~ nz ~ t. 16~i~ ~aa ~~ ~,r..~a ~,! ~~~ ~~ ~ ~w~.-r- ~'-_. ox-~ iJ V r°LI. iJ ~ r~~ lI Pi Gi ~- ~ p'y~~:. ~'-- ~,`., ~,nd Z f~trthe-r certif;,~ ti~~,t the ~re~i~~eia.t of tine ~o~,rd of r~~r~z~;tee~ of the s~~ic~ Cit~T o1-' ~~'x~,zeirn ~i~ned, <~ax1d ~=~~~roved ;,aid ~y re,~olution on the 1.?l:th c~a~;r o.~' Goober, 'Z915. ~, Ti~T 4~`TTIr.~~a~ 1?..~~~OT~ I h~,vehere2:.zlta ~~.~ t ~~T h€~ild w~id a~-. iced tn.e o:~~.°icia'~.. ~e~. of the ~~Lic~ ~:it~r of o,heirn t'a:~.a ~~-`~'` dad of October, a~. 1~. 115. [~ ~ P-tr'aJ--- r:..v' ~l S ~t. a. yam..' "~ - ~--~-~+~----~-~ li ~. t ~T e 11 ~ 0 ~ E ii J.. '~ ~;% (J ~.~,1'1~,11 e _ ~ ' ~y-~ ~- ~ s-t.v / ~J,er.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c ~-'J f i~~~.. -~..~ s, c. ~ c~c-,-,-i~c~c., ~v+c ~ ~. ~ti 4.. o-~ '', '-• _ Gilt- GL ~'l~f Ls-L'L~ ,G/~Q Q. cL o~ i2~L7~~1... ' _ .. .~. _.... _ _ . _ U.. _ _.. / . ~ /~4'i.m c..w+~o+(,~ ~~.yt-~( f, c L.~ C1--r-r c(l ~yZ C G tiL.~l..a~~ Ci L-t-+'? ct~va ~ /`""' i. ~ C ay~~ n 3 ~ v v O , / ~,,L 1 ..s--t r, • ..-i- ~s-Yt.c.a.rti,~ c c~~ ci,i.. i(,«~~. o ~ /S o~ --.~.v-<.~~.. ~ cam. ~!~ 'L - 1/ - / / '~:C /~ ~ ~f a. t. C o-Z~l.. ~ ~7 tt-t-/ir ~(-•O 'E~'L~iis-~-t 4'C 4.0~ Cv(~ ;•y ~~ ' .~~ frY C'.~~-~~-t c~...a..c G'i~~-~.tii..~-,c. ~4,..i ~C.--t-t C a-v--t V Gvvt c~ ~-C,t~ Lv ^ / ~- / / s C~~ V~t C (>> t Crt.c. m -t. ~-vct~J /~~-c cr,-t cal c ot.~ /~J+-r `-~ /'~ a 2.! Gt.- c L cr' L ~~ c ~ 4 ~~ /~l t C. cnt~ c~-c_cra-r ~ q ~7~~~ . i / J~17 (~ /~ //~' _ /S / / / ~ \~~s- ~. ~-O ' \/~t.-C.a.'i- Q ~-'LO ~~ ~ O-c,-~~~ ~~'J~l ca..~t-+ t ~ (t!' Ni-~.v'{. iX / ~~ // / `~~j-L%"f.~ . ~~!r-4<.., ^; f~ pis.-I ~~.~_C :-t ~r ~f't~ it ~l'Z.L Ci C,.~-1,y C'.`~C.. ~~; ti'lC c-~/ iL~t£. ['"~V'~'L/f`j CrL~~"a/.f jar`/J C~'"l4