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,A.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 x, 26 27 28 x. 2~ I 30 31 32 ~~ A RESOZUTION 0~' T~ BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T1~E CITY OF AN.&,UEIM, DELL ING CERTAIN NQXIOUS OR DANGEROUS WEEDS GROWING UPON THE STETS A~9"i SII~WAGES AND iTPON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY, TO B~ A PUB- LIC Nt3ISANCE. RESODVED B'~ TIC BOARD OF `1RUSTEES OF TEE CITY OF ANATI~Il~: SECTIOR 1. That certain weeds are growing upon certain street. and eidewstks and private property within the City of Anaheim whicx said streets, sidewalks and private property .are hereinafter des- cribed, and which said weeds bear seeds of a wingy or downy nature and attain sweh a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry, and are otherorise noxious -and dangerous. SECTION' 2. That all of such weeds so grow~.ng upon such street and sidewalks.. and private propertpy~~within said city which bear seeds of a wi~gy or downy nature ~s~d att~i.n such a large growth ~~ as to become s fire menace when dry., e~ .which are otheravisa-_nox -- ions . dangerous, are hereby declared to be a public nuisance. SECTION 3 A1.1 of such weeds which are herein declared. to be a public nuisance, are growing upon the streets and sidewalkks and on private prapert;~ within. the City of Anaheim, and the -following is a description of the pr~.F~ate property upon which such weeds ere growing: and do now exist, and .of the private property fronting upon such streets and sidewalks wh®re such weeds are growing and. now exi st , tt~-wit ; Lots One (1), Two (2}, Three (3}, Fo~.r (4} end Five (5} of Block A of Vineyard Lot D3 a>s shown on a. map recorded in 13aok 34 of ~ee~dsas at ~sge 592, Racorris :ei'~l,a~ Angeles. County, California, fronting upon East Cypress Street in said city; Zots Six (6}, Nine (9} and Ten (l0} in Block A of Vinyard Dot 133 as~sh~vn on a mad recorded in Bc>t~-k 34 of Deeds, -page 592 of Rec,o ids of I,os Angeles County,. Oalif orni a, fronting on North Philadelphia Street in said city; '3 Zots Seven (7 } , Eight (8~ , and E1eve~. (ll } in Block A, of Vine.. yard I,ot D3 sus shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Dee Page 592, Record.` of "Lo-s~ Angeles County, California, fronting on Fort --1-- i ~"` ... ~- _w ~ E I'~ 1 Olive Street in said city; 2 Lot Eleven (ll) in Block G of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on a map 3 recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, at Page 592, Records of Las Angel®s ~'' 4 County, California, fronting on Emily Street in ss,id city; 5 Lats Twelv~a (12}, Thirteen (13) , ,and Fourteen (14) in B1.ock G g of Vineyard Iot D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds ? at Page 592, Records of Los Angeles County, California, fronting g on East Center Street in said city; g Lots Ten {a„Oj, Eleven (ll) and Twelve (12) and the F,asterly 10 one-ha1.f {~) of Lat. Thirteen (13 } in Black ~' of a re- subdivision of Block ~' of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book T 11 12 1, page E4 0~ Licensed Surveyor's daps, Records of Orange County, 13 Cal-~-fo rnia, .Fronting on east Center Stre®t in said city; 14 The Easterly Ten {10) fast of Lot Three. (3}, all of Lc~t-_Fe~.r_____,. 15 { 4) and the ffiast a fly Twenty-seven { 27) feet of Lot Six (6 } in Bloc 16 ~ of $ rs-subdivision of Block ~ of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown an 17 a map recorded in Book 28, Page 63 ~iseellaneous Records of Los lg ,Ax~~;eles County, California, fronting on Fast Center Street in sai 19 city; 20 The Southerly thirty (3f}) feet of Lot Nine (9) and all of Lots 21 Ten (l0), Eleven (lll, and Twelve (12) in Block D of Vineyard Lot 22 ~,~ D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, at Page 592, 23 Records of Loe ,~n,gele s County, Cal ifornia, fronting on Forth Las 24 Augele s Street , in said city; 25 Lots Sixteen (l6), Nineteen {19}, Twenty {2Q}, Twenty-ono (2l} 2g anal Twenty-two { 22 } , in Block 3 of the giant a Fe Tract ss shown on 2ry~' a map recorded in Boog. 2l, Pegs 49, ~~is~ellaneons Records of Las 28 Axtgeles County, California, fronting on East Center Street in sail 29 city; 30 Lots T~renty-five {25}, Twenty-six (6), TaQenty-seven (27) and.. 31 ,k Twenty eigbtt {2g} in Block 3 of the Santa Fe .Tract as shown on a. 32 ` ~ map reeorde~ in Book 2l, Page 49, i~~isaellaneous Records of Zoe An __2.._ <~ ~, ~' ~ ' ~~ 1 ',ge~.es County, California, fronting on North Atchison Street in said 2 Ij'~ c it y; 3 ~i The t~esterly Seventeen and five-tenths (17.5) feet of Lot Forty ~~~nine (49), all of Lots Fifty (50}, Fifty-one (51), Fifty-t~vo {52}, 4 S ~,Fiftg-three (~.3 } , Fifty-four (54) , Fifty-five (55) , and Fi~'ty six ;! it 6 ~, (56) in Block C of the Hotel Del Campo Tract as shown on a m~ re- 7 ,,,corded in Book 24, at pages 69, and '70, lt2iscellaneous Heco rds of 8 ~iyos Angeles County, California, fronting on East Center Sheet in 5.~ 9 ~",,said city; ~'I Lots Fong-eight (48) and Forte-nine (49) in Block ~ o~ the 10 j;:' ,, X 11 '~~ Hotel Del Campo Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Page s 12 j~ 6S and .?0, Hiseellaneons Records of Los Angeles County, Califor- i 13 ~ nia, fronting an East Center Street in said city; 14 Lots Eigh'~ (8), Nine (9), Tea (1Q), eleven (11), Twelve -X12}._ lS and Thirteen {`l3) in Block C of the Center Tract as shown pn a map ; ~~ 16 recorded in B~c-k 14, at page l3 of I42iscellaneous Records of Los 17 Angeles Count, California, fronting on fast Center Street in said ' 18 city; 19 That certain lot, piece and parcel of land situate in said city 20 and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwesterly 21 corner of the:':~o;nig Subdivision as shown on a map recorded in Boob 22 6, Page 20 of Miscellaneous Baps of Orange County, California.; 23 thence Easte~'1.y along the Southerly line of the said ' gQnig Subdi- 24 vision. Three-hundred twenty-eight and nine-tenths (32:8..9) .feat to 28 the Cesterly lino of South Claudine. Street; thence Southerly slang 26 said westerly -line One hundred and forty: sig (l46) feet tg the Nort 27 erly line of East Santa Ana Street; thence westerly along said 28 Northerly line Three hundred twenty-eight and eighty-five hundredt] 29 (328.85) feet to the Easterly line of South Los Angeles Street; 30 thence Northerly along said Easterly liri~ One hundred forty-six 31 (146) fast to the place of beginning; fronting on East Santa Ana 32 . Street in said city; --3-- ~i ~' 1 The @Pesterly One hundred and fifteen (115) feet of Lot One 2 (1) and the Northerly Ten and twenty two hundredths (I0.22j feet 3 of the o'~e ste rly one hundred and fifteen {115) feet of Lot Two (2 ) 4 in Block 3 of RothaermeZ's Addition as shown on $ map recorded in 5 Boak 4, Page $2, Rti.scellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, g Californi8, fronting on North Los Angeles Str®et in said city; 7 Lots Thirty-two (32), Thirty-three (~3),,Thirtg-four (34), g Thirty five (35) and Thirty-nine (39 } in Block ~ of the Center g Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book Y4, at Page 13, A~iscellsn x 10 a©us Records of Los Angeles County, California, fronting on -South 11 Los AnL,ele s Stye et in said city; 12 Lots Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Seven (7}, Eight (8} and 13 Nine (9) of the Koenig Subdivision as shown on a map recorded in ~~ 14 Book 6, at page 2Q of Miscellaneous M&ps, Records of Orange County 15 California, fronting on South Los Angeles Street, in said city; 16 The No rt herly One hundred and fifty (~,SO) feet o f Vineyard Lot ~ 17 G3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 4 o' Deeds, at Pages 629 and ~' 18 630, Records of Los Ar~eles County, California, fronting on East 19 Santa Ana Street in said city; . 20 Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8} in Block C of the Zeyn Tract 9xti» ~ 21 neg as shown on a map recorded in Book 7, at rage 5, Miscellaneous 22 Maps, Records of Orange County, California„ fronting on Zeyrn 23 Street in said city; 24 Lots Twelve (1.2}, Thirteen (13}, Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15) 25 and Sixteen {16) iii Block C of 2eyn Traict ,$nnex as shown on a map 26 recorded in ~k, 7 &'~ Page 5 Qf Miscellaneous Maps, Records of 27 Orange County, Californi8, fronting on North Lemon Street in s€~,id 28 city; 29 Lot One (1} in Block ~, of Zeyn Tract ,~ineg as shown on a map 30 ~ recorded in Book 7 at Page 5, Miscellaneous Records of Ora'~e Co 31 ty, California, fronting an North Las Angeles Street, in said cit 32 _,4__ .,.4., ~~'~' I The Northerly Fifty (50} feet of the ~±~.n~~eaxly one hundred (100 1 I 2 ~~ feet of 1;ot Twelve (12} of the Original Town of Anaheiffi as shown 3 ~ on a map recorded in Book 4 of Deeds at pages 629 and 630,: Records. 4 of yos Angeles County, California, fronting on P7arth Lemon Street g in said city,; g yot:: Sixteen (16} of Stueckle's Subdivision as shown on a map ~7 recorded in Book 8, page 43, Miscellaneous daps, Records of Orange g County, California, fronting on South Lemon Street in said city; g That certain lot, piece artd parcel of land situate in the City 10 of Anaheim, County of Orange, St site of Ealifornia, and described lI as follows, to-wit; Beginning at the intersection of the Norther- 12 ly line of Stueckle Avenue, and the ~festsrly line of South Los Axe 13 gales Street as shown on a map of the Stt~eekle's Subdivision., re- 14 corded in Bock 8, Page 43 of I~iscellaneo~s Maps, Records of Orange 1S County, California, thence ~'esterly along the Northerly line of 16 Stueekle Avenue one hundred and fifty .(150) feet; th~ne® North- 17 erly para1.1e1 to South yos Angeles Street, sixty (60) feat; thence 18 Easterly parallel to Stneckle Avenue, one hundred and fifty (1.50} 19 feet to the Westerly line of Souther Lost Angeles Street; thence 20 Southerly along said ~testerly line Sixth (60} feet to the place o 23 beginning, facing on South.. yos Angeles Street in said City; 22 Zots One (1}, Two (2}, Three (3}, and Four (4), in Block G of 23 , a subdivision of Vineyard Lot D5 as shorn on a map recorded in 24 Book l'7, Page 72 of Miscellaneous Records of yos Angeles County, 25 .- California, fronting on ~tiorth Clementia~e. Street, in said city; 26 hots Eleven (11} , Twelve (12} , ThirC®en (13} , Fourteen (l4) , 27 ~ and Fifteen (l5) in Block G of a subdivision of Vineyard yot D5 28 as shown on a map reed riled in Book 1'7 at page '72 of Misesllaneous 29 Records of yos Angeles County, California, fronting on North Lemoi 30 Street in said city; 31 hots Three (3}, Four (4}_, Five (5},Six (6) and ~"tenty-one 32~. (21} in Block S of a subdivision of Vinyard yot D5 as shown on a . -_~~ !j 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 ~. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~; 2 ~ 30 31 • 32 map recorded inBook 17, at Page 72 of l~iiacellaneous Records of Dos Angeles Co~.nty, California, fronting a-n North Clementine Street in said city; dots Seven (fi}, Right (8}, Nine (9) ata.d Ten (10} in Black K of a subdivision of Vineyard. Dot D5 as shown on a map reccrded in Book 17 at Pa$~ 78 of itiSiseellaneous. Records of Zos ,Angeles County, California, fronting on North Demon Street in said city; Lots ~:leven (11.}+ Twelve (12}, Thirteen (13}, Fourteen (14}, Eighteen (18~ Nineteen (1.9}, and Twenty (24}, in Block K of a sub division of vineyard Dot D5 as shown on a map recorded in Book lfi, ~,t Page fit of Mi+acellaneous Records of Los Angel es County, Calif- ornia, fronting on hest Center Street in laid city; lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12} in Block I of a subdivision I of Vineyard t D5 as shown on a map recorded in Book lfi, at Page ~, 72 of Miscellaneous Records of Dos ,Angeles County, California, fronting on berth Helena Street in sa3.d eity; The Southerly thirty-four (34) feet of Dot Fifteen (l5), the I Northerly six (6) feet of Dot Sixteen (16) and the Southerly ;Forty (44) feet of Lat Sixteen in Block I of a subdivision of Vineyard Dot D5 as shorn on a map recorded in Boob 17 at Page "X2 of ~1tis- I cellaneous Records of Zos ,Angeles County, California, fronting an '~I North Clementine Street in said city; Dot Four (4} in Block E of S subdivision of Vineyard Lot D5 as shown on ~ map 'recorded in Book lfi, at rage fit of ~Iiscellaneou 8ecords of Orange county, California, fr®nting on Tdor°th P'el.m Stre in said city; lots Fifteen (l5}, Sixteen (16) Seventeon (lfi) and Eight (18) in Block ff of a sub division of Vineyard Dot D5 as shown on a map recorded in Book 1.7 at Pag® 72, Miscellaneous Records of Dos ,Angeles County, California, fronting on North Palm Street in said city; --6-- 1 2 3,~„ 4 s 6 7 8 9 10~ 11 12 13 14 , 15 16 17 18 19 20 21~I 22 23 24 25 zs 27 28 ~' 29 30 31 32 Lots Twenty-three (23}, Twenty-four (2~}, Tv~enty-five, $2b}, Twenty- six (26 j , Twenty- seven { 2'7 } and Twenty-eight (28} in Block H of a subdivision of Vineyard Lot D5 as shown on a map recorded in soak 1:7 at Page 72 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles Count, California, front„ing on West Centex Street in said city; That certain lot, piece and parcel of land situate in the City of ,~aheim, described as follows, to-wit; Beginning at the inter- section of the Westerly line of North Helena Street and the North- erly line- of West Center Street as shown oa a map of a subdivision of Vineyard Lot Db Recorded in Book l~' at Page ?2 of ~iisce].an.eous Records of Los Angeles County, Ca1if'arnia, thence Westerly along the Northerly Sine of Vest Center Street 50 fa et; thence Northerly parallel to the Westerly line of North Helena Street, one hundred and fifty one X151} feet; thence Westerly parallel to the Norther- ly line of T~'est Cex~er Street, fifty (50} feet to the Westerly line ., .~~, of North Helena Street; thence Southerly along saa.d Westerly line one hundred f it'ty one (151) feet to the place of beginning, f ront- ing on West Center Street in said city; Lot Three (3), the Easterly fifteen (lb) feet of Lot Four (4), the Westerly 'arty (40} feet of Lot Four t4} and the ~fester~ly forty (44) feet of Lots Five (5) and Six {6} of the Langenberger Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 1 at Page 551 of Miscellaneous i Records of Los Angeles County, California, fronting on West Center I, Street i n said city; The Southerly ~~#^~~ two and five tenths (52.5) feet of the Northerly sixty-one and five-tenths (61.5). feet of the ~~esterly one hundred fifteen and twenty five hundredths (115.25) feet of Lot Thirty-two (32) of the Original. Town t~f Anaheim as shown on a map recorded in Book 4 of Deeds at' pages 629 and 630 of Retards of Los Angeles County, California, frotttir~ on North Lemon Street in said city; --'7-- ~ ~ z 1 2 3 -~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12- 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 The Easterly twenty (20) feet of Dot Sine (g } , the We sterly thirty-five (35) feet of Dot Nine (9}, alb. of Dot Ten (10}, the Easterly ten (10) fast of Dots Eleven (ll) and Twelve (12) artd the Westerly one hundred (l00} feet of Dots Eleven (ll } and Twelve (12~ in the I,angenla~rger Tract as shown on a map recorded in Bonk l at page 551 of Miscellaneous Records of Dos ~rigele s County, C&1 i.fo r- nia, front ing on West Center Street in said city; SECTION 4. The Street Superintendent of the City of ~.aheim is hereby directed to cause to be conspionously posted in front of the property an which and in front of which such nuisance exists, ~.t not more than one handy®d (100 } feet in distance apart , but not less than three (3) in a11, notices headed "Notice to Be stroy Needs," in the manner and form, snd at tl~ time prescribed by lair. SECTION 5. Thursday the 14th day of Qetober,~;915, at the hour; of eight o'clock in the afternoon of said day is hereby designated! as the time at which the Board of Tr~zstee~ of the City of ,;~naheim shall hear and determine a1,1 objections andprotests to t he propose removal. of said weeds and the said notices to be posted by the sai superintendent of streets of said city, shall so stets. SECTION &. x,11 of the he rein described work shall be .done pursuant to an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "~I,n ,Aat authorising municipalities to declare noxious or dangerous Reeds growing upon the streets or sidewalks, or upon private property within municipalities, to be a public nuisance, creating alien ,,upon the property frontier; upon such streets or sidewalks or .upon which such nuisance emits, for the cast of abet-ing the same, ~ approved May 28th, 19.15. The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this 26th day of ,August, A. D. l 5. -~ C~.~"' ~-- re s~.den ,~ he Board of Trust tees of the City of ,9~.aheim. ,Attest. ~~.-,-.r~3. „~~..r-~,~C City Clerk of .,the City of ,Anaheim. -_ 8-_ 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 zs z6 27 28 29 30 31 32 (STATE OF CALTFORNTA, } COU~'TY OF ORANGE, ) SS. ) C T TY OF ANASE Ili. ~' T, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cart ify that the forego ing resolution was duly passed and ~,, adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the h day of ,August, A. 7~. 1915, by the following vote.: AYES, Trastess ~G~~,.,.L.~En ~ NOES, Traste®s •~z,~ ABSENT .AND NOT VOTTiVG, Trustees ~~1L. ~`° -~~~~~~~ And T further ee rt ify that the T're silent ~o f the Board of Trus of the City of .9,xsaheim signed and approved said resolution on the 26~h day of August, A. D. 1915. TN ~'TTI~SS ~~~H~REOF T have hereunto s®t my hand and affi.~ed the o~'ficial seal, of said city this 26th day of August, 1915. ~~C.c..crwr y e r o e i y o Axia e . _.. g__