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} Y { A9 r~° ~~ ~ ~f 1 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2fl 21 ?2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A Rya ~i~LU'~'IJI~ p~ '1ii~: ~3vllNI? ~F' TIiU'T~, ~9 ~~" ?'ti~~~ wSTY BF A~iAg~;IB~, T~ ABA1'~, .~ RTAI~~ ~tUI~:~T~C~ ~I~'r~Il B~.ID CI~X Ott ??'~VI~G CERTAIN ~:~Du F~:~OVA~D ~'fiCb C~:fiTA,i~t S~'ItF~T'~ .Ai~D II3~t~`AT ~ A~~~3 U~'~A+~ PRIVAT3' ~'R(3P~RT'~ ~'ITHIN ~AII~ CxTY. • r • + • • • • • ~ ~ • e • • r 1~HF'R,~A,, th8 Boar o~ Tru~tee~ o~' t2~€~ City v~' A~~~,hc~im did, 'on t~~a ~5t2i clay c~~ Au~,u~t,l~].a, pae~ and adopt ~ resolution ~io~;lari;cs~ a12 ~re~ds pro~rin~ u~~orz cxt<~:t~ :3°4x~~etw; and rs~.de~ralks ~ri+ u~~~on pr9vat~ p:Tsaperty, ~°+Itttz said. W196c~~ be~.r ~aed~ Q~ ~ ~fiin~y or dAre~iy ~n~.ture or attain ~~:ck~ ~ ,,are ~xa~~,~tli ~.~ to baaosue a ~ir~ r~ex~ac~e whsn ~xy, or which axe ot~aer~iae noxious ur r:ianga~~u~~'~v k~e ~ pun9:~.c nuisance, ai'~d, ~~i~F+i~A~-, t,~3r~8,~,~ter, to-~vit: on tha ~7t~a d~~* oi' Se,ptacu'~at~r,1915, t~ze atr~~* Su~aerxntenaarnt of t.re City off' An.s}xc~i.4 ii;~ c~au~a to bcs co~sp9.4uuu~ly p~~ttad ire Front of t~~e pxc~~~or~;y on ~r~sic;h or in front ~;~ ~~h~.ch Bch nuiea~.ce exists, =~.t not uar~;~ t~.an one nun~;;~rvd ~~wst in ~i~ta:nce apart, and nvt less than tl~xee 3n all, notices tc~ ~.es~ty waed~ in t~~e manner aia~a.y.fc~xu~.pr~crstir.e.~by- :~awt, All a}:~ ~r~ich xi12. rc~ar~ l~*lly appear irx i+11~ ~.ilwv~Y ~1 ~Gi~~ i~'»~~:r~l~ +Ju~J~~~,~~$~R~~~ G1 r1 .L ~.A.~ ~~ 4~4~~ ,~ c~:~~'icc; ©~ tie City C1a3r~ o~ €s~i:i City ~~-d, ~4'k~~RFA;;, said. notica v~4~r~~ pa~te~ uox~; tlx~=an dive Sys prior to tae tri~a nor hearing ab jeotiona, anci, i~R~A2,, no ab~ ect ian~ ox rxatest s try the r~roposeci resuvval of c2~ weeds b~ave been made ox •1fa.l.c~~: ~t09i~, TH~R~FCR~, BE IT ~~ UL~'~D BY "cH~" L"~ARB ~7F TRiT2T~•.°S aF TIIF CImY QF kNAFiI~f: $sc~ic~a 1. That said Board c~~ ;'ruste~s c~c~cs tiexaby c~~clare ans detearuine that it ha-s acs~ui~#-d ~uaw~.sd~it~t~c~n to or~i®r ttaa xe~rioval of sucA~ weeds e.s prav~dec~ by lam. Sect#~,on 2. 3ai~ Bo~,xd c~:~ "~xuea~a do~~ ~~reby cyder tiie ~troet ~tperintendent off' tree City o~~ Anah®irr; to abate a _l_ 1 ~33isi nuisanp~e by having; •G~ze ~,~ed~ re~erreci to removed, and he and ~~is a;~:~~t~~tts Ur deputic~:~ are ~rereby ~aapre€~~sly* aut~ori~ed 3 to entor u~aan private ~xo~°~rty .for that pur~~o3e. 4 ~ec~tic~~t 3. A11 fl~ auah ~eed~s axa o~vin~ upon 't2ze sttra~et~r S ana :~id~wal~s and an ~xivato property vr~thin t~~e City oi' 8 Ana~lv~i~, and. tYze iolla~rin;x is a ~eaript~.c~n of tt~~ pr3.vate 7 ~~x•oporty up.~a ~hic.la su~~~ :~e~~is axa grov~fn~ anti do no~v exit, 8 anti. u~ the ~sariv£aty ~~rape~rty fronting vn ~aue:I~ ;streets ara~. sir3er- 9 ~a:Li~c ~vtiere such greeds ax`e grooming and ~~ exi~tt, tQ-~ritt 10 Lets on~- (].), Two ` ), Three (3}, fur (4} and Five (6) 11 ox Bock A of Virte~rard L~~t H3 a:~ ;~:anwn on a m;~p recorded in 12 Hook ~4 0~' I3~ed~, a.t pa3Q ~,, Records ~~ Loy ~tngele~ County 13 Ca.iforr~~.a, franti:~g upon :~~ist Cygre~s~ ~tre~t in sa~.a city; 14 Lr~tr~ Sic (~;}, ,dine (~) an~3. Ten (14} in ~3:~a~:k "~~" off' Vina- 15 ;~arci Lo°~ ~}~ ~,~ s.~o~rm fln a sip r9corcied i~ Bc~Uk 34 of Heeds, 16 a~;, paise b9N t~~T Hecorda of Los Atlgele~ Counter, Ca~.~.~orna, i7 .srorai;in~; on ~Urti~ Philadelphia :treat in :~a;i~ cit rr; 18 Lots even (7}, ~igtit (8}, ana Ei®~ren (11} in 81oG1: ~ of 19 Vi:avyard lot A3 as :~ic~~n an ~~, uaap reaord+~+i in ~3a~rk ~4 0:~ Deeds, 20 T~a€;e' b~~, Ret~c;rci~ of Los An$c~les Cr~unty,, Ca1i~'nrnia, (ranting 21 on i~o:cth Ozive atr~st in ;aid cit~'a 22 Lot k7:e~en (1T) i.n ~slc~ck C o~ vineyard. Lot n~ a~ :~7own oxt 23 a ~.~ racoxd~ld in Aook ~4 cif Deeds, at ~~,~e 59 u, R€~coxci~ cif Lc~ 2~ A.~~~~.;~s Coua~y, C{~~.i~~urna, ~'xonting an uii.y ~txe~~t in slid 25 GitY; 26 Lets Tfx®lve (12}, Thirteen { l3~ ,, ~nc~ Fourtoen (.14} i.n 2~ Block ~ a:~ V~ngyard. LUt i~3 as s~~orrrn on a map r~cord~:d in Aonk 28 ~~ of ,~~,~;~.~ ~t paE~o b9 , Reccras oz Loy ~1x~g~1e~ County, Califa~-• 2g nia, zontin~ can ~a~t Center street in i3 ai+v; 30 Lots Ted, (1G}, Pleven (11} ana T~elt~~ ~~,.~} and. the ~a~.~ter- 31 ly one-~`~alf X2/2) of Lot Thirteen (13} Block F of a re- S2 subdivi~ian pt Block. F of Vineyard Lot ~!'- as s~iawn ors a tap _~- i a 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S2 x~~cuxded in $o©~ 1, pis ~4 of L3.csrtti~sa ~urvsyoxi ~ ~;k~~;;, Bsu~r~.~ off' ~Jsa.zl~~s Cou:~t;~-, C~s.~..f.:z::r~~.~,, ~"ronwln;.~ :an ~'~ ~t G~ntsr Strast~ in ~~id :it~,~; T:t~~ E~~tsrly 2~3n (lU } Wiest o ~ Lot ~'hxsc () , all a~ Lot T'c~ur (4~ ~.rz~, #:i~r3 ~atexly '~~asnty' ~svsa~ (~7) ~sr~t o~ Lc,t uix (,6} in ~31ock ~ at a rs-~aub~iv~.c~i~in r~~ H1c~ek ~ of '7~.nsq~rc~ Lc~t I33 a;~ ~3~apt}n on ~, ~~~:, recor~.~c~ i,n BQOk ;~$, ~,~ ~3, bfia~asllansous ~~sc~rd:~ o~ Lori ~1n~m~1.a;~ County, C~a'..i.~~xn~~-, ;~rvntin~~ on ~t~.:~t C=~ntc~x Strs~t in s~.id city; Tba gout.~.,s~rly t1~~,rtr (~) ~ et o ~ Lc~ t r7i.ne~ (8 } an<;i X11 Ci;~ L~7'u3 ''t421 X10),. ~'l~~vs~~ (1.1)a :in;,~. T~slr~ (1~;} 3n ~14~c3c D ofi '~i~~oyar~i Lot 3~~ a~ ~axo'~tn oA a zap r~co:~d;~~ in ~3ook :~4 of Dssds, ~t i~~i,~t3 ~i;,w„ R•~~crar~s oi` ~©~ An~;o:l~~~ Cou,xtty, C6~.~ifcaxa2~.a, roxit l%ta ~V~F. ~I• .jy~M{i7 /y t.1~..J~~~ ~1Yi'ir~'/~, ~Ai' w. 4~.~. 1.( ~i .i. {1~A Lots S1Xt€~8?1 (1G), zdinctcQn (1~, T+."cnty (~t;~)~, T~snty Ox2s (~l}, an~i T~ent~- t~~o {~~), in B1c~vk ;~ c~~ t1'i43 ~;~ntra Fc~ Tr;zct ~s ;~11U~'®'n O17, r~ lii~t~3 rE3CUTG~E3;1 ~.ti ~:;Ci'K ~., ~~1f~~,~ ~a~, ~r:1:30`)~,.~.cl~'18Ui1£3 Bocuxc~:~ oy Lacy An~slc~ County, C~zlit'orni~, .~`xc~rtin~ on P~r~:~t Gs~~tsx ~trs~~ in s~~.id ::itys I,ot~ T~rsnty i`~ve ~ 25~, "'~va~ity c ix ~ 2~), TtTM:~nty seven ~ 27) 4~nt,~ t~~~nty ~~.~Yit (;s~ in Black- 3 a~ t:n;~ $unta ~s Tra.ct ac s~~own can a ~p rscar~.~d in Book ~7,., p~.~8 4~3, Isisc:sllanac~us ~'~F,cuxa.+~ ~~.~ Lc~s ,A.n~;ol.os County, Quli:orn~ i'rontln~; on, ,.+.7orth Atc~ti~son Str~1E:"~ 121 ~c"tibt: s l w;~ ~ Ttrs '~l~~3tor7.y :~ovsntaon an=~ f~.vs ~srat~kxa (1. , 5~ fast off' Lot Forty nft~s X49}, s~l~. cox" Lc~t~ k'it'ty ~fiti), Fifty one (51~, ~'i.~ty t.~o (~,2~, gif}~y' ta.r~~s (;a~;), Fi~:ty i'r,ur (;~4), P'x~tyl'ive ( ~5}, ~.nc~ F3.#ty ,~~.~ (~~) a.n ~~:~uc~~ C o~ tho ~iotsl B~~l Campo 1'.raot ac ~.~lo~n cn a Liap z scarde3 in ~`3ook 24, at ~aa~ss 69 and 7V, ~.iscal].a~eQUS Rscor{.~~ u~' Lo~~ An~.~;],s~ Ccr~nty, California, ironti.nb on fast Center ~trs:t in paid ~9.ty; Lots Forty sight (48~ <xnd Forty tine (4~) in Black ~ of 3~ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31~ 52 ttxeriatel ilal C~s~~~o 'r'~.•~~:t a~ ~i1o:~n on ~. ma~.7 recc~x~.oa in Boob 24,, pages G3 ar.~, 'lU, ~di~~c:~llaxxaaus~ Reaorcii~ ~~ La~~ An~;:.z1.es Countys CaliP~:.:~rx:~a,, ~rc~nt:~n~.~ c~t~ ~~.>~t Center t~tre~t in ~aic~ city; Lots ~i~,~xt (+~},; aiin~ {~)s Ten {~~ ~levan (~.~:), Twelve { 1,2) ~ and '~~rtean { 1 ~) in Black C ~x the Co:rt~3r Tract as oao~rn on a ~iap xoc~r~.€~ci ~.i°i Batik 1.4, at fi4tE;c 13 0.: ~~iacr~ll~xneous P,~€cr~r~~; of Loo A.~x~;r;1R~~ Caunt;~, C~.~..a:~c~.rtx, ~:rur~.tin~ an Past Ci~31ti'l: ~t~~3~'~ in €~~.~~. ;;ity; T~xat ~3artaa.n lot, piece .~ para~~i9. ai' l~.nc~ ~ituste in ' s~aiG. city an~i~ c~eecri~a~~~t as fellows, to..~rt: Beginning a.t tht~ ~outPzwa~starlyr comer o,~ Brie Kani~; Suk~c~i~~.c,n ac ~~iown an a map ra~;axde~ in Baak ~, page 20 a~ ~~.scse~,lan~3vue ~ap~ of Orange Oaurbty, Cal~~'arnia.; trxOnc~3 ~a~terly ~~.r;ri~; tte SUUtlx~::rl~ :line as tea said ~Q.nig 3ubclviion T~xrse .~und~f~~ t~csnty oig~zt ana n~.no tantlz~ ~ Diu. ~) :`eat tea trxe ~er~texlp lino o.~ 2out'~ Clauciina Stxr~ct; ~~~arc-e Sc~utl~ozly along Baia ~'~:~tArrlg~ lino Orxo xun~:~xed ~a~1a ~'art~ viz {l$rti) :~:~at to tie Nox~:~~er1~' ling of .~a~t 2~,nta Any ,~atx~~ct; than4~ '~a~torXy along s~i~ Northerly ling Tarae~ Hundred, tk}~ent~ ~iglxt a.nu. ei.gnty ~'iY~ ~x~xn~i7Cc~;;.tt~s3 ~~~3~3..~5) ;twat to the ~a~terly lin6t o:~ 2autYx Lo~~ ~#ng,e2e~s Stx~~e~i thane NSrthexly along said ~~etsrly lzn~~ One ~~un;c~.re~ :ar~~ si~~ (1~5) ~i'ez~~t tc~ tie pl{~c3 of hogiAxxiri~;; Ixcantin~ c~tx ~.~:t Sar~t~. Anix "root in said city; . 'fine ~er~terly anc riun~re:i anti fif;;~-en (,11.5) foot of Lot 4nc (1) ~~ncl the ATortherly Ten anri t.~enty Ewa hun:xc~~.ths {10.22) fc9t o~ tl:~e Weq~texly on xuncirgjc~ ax~~ fift~ren (1~.~u 3;eet of l,ot T=~o (~) in B1QCk ~ of Rotaxaexr~el~c A~xd~.tit~rx a~ ~~~c~~r~n on a map rc~curdad .n Brack ~, yaa~;a ~2, ~:i~ue11an4~Juts ~~Iap~, xecc~xcis of ~xarx~;o Caun~y~, C~lii'Urnia, ~~ranting orx Nc~~tix Low An~,ol.c~~ Stxo~t in r~aia city; Lots 'Phl.rtp two { "~2) a Thirty thre! { ~3), Tl~cirty four ~ 34) : M 1 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 lI lz 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 zl zz z3 2~. zs 26 z7 z8 29 30 31 S2 T~tirty five ,(3~) and Thirty nine (3~} ~,~ ~loctk A of tre C3enter Tract ~.~ shp~rn an ~, m~etp recaarded in F3ook 1~, e.t pe.ge 13, E~i~aell€zne<~u,~ Ret~vrd~ of Lai ~ng:~le$ Cp~ty, Calfi'ornia, frantixtg cn South Loy An~ele:~ Stxec~t in :~ai:;~ aitpY, L©t~ Tara (~), Three { 3}, Four (4};, 8aven (7}, ~ig~at (.8) , and Nine {~) +~~ the Krreni~ Sut~iivzcion ~ e~~o~vn on a map rec~orc~- ed in Ba©k 6~ at p~~e. NO of ~fli~cel7~anaon,~ l~ap~, Fec:c~rcie o~ ~;~sa~;~ County, Caliza~n~.~, ~'~onti~.~ on S~ut,7 Loy An~eles~ Street in as"d1Jl 4ity j T,`ta N~arthcrl~;~ C~i~ i:itanclxf~~,~ anon fi~t~r (15U) Feet of Vineyard Lut GS ~.~ .~=x4wn on e reap xecur~.eci in Huck ~ of De.:~c.i~, at pa~ae 6u:~ a:a~~. 63Q, Reac~r~.e off' Lai A:~ ele$ County, C.~lif~°r:~.ia, i'rc~n~iug on ~a~t Santa Ana treat in ~{yid airy; i,atr~ :even (7} and ~i~tit {~) in H1t31~~ C o:~ tzi~ fey*n 'Txac~t Annez aG3 eho~ an ~. ~;ap xac~x, ded in Bc~s~k` 7, ~.t pf~~~$ ~, ~i~aell- 3ne~;u~ 3~ap~, recbr~-~:~ c>f (3r~.n~~ Cr~unty, t~a~.ii`oxni4~., i"xonting~ an ~e~rn ~3txeet is aa.ci caity; Late T~~lve (1~)„ Thirteen (13), Fr~~.rt~st (l~), Fifteen (1~) xn~. S3.xtecn (1~} in 81.aek C at the ~eyn Tract Annex ~.~ ~hot~, on a zurtp re~xaed in Buck 7, at pale ~ u~ ~ieQe1 ianecus ~~-p~, Reao.rd~ of grsnge Cat~nty, Ca1ii'c~x~nia, frantin~ on ~VUrtil Leuevn Lot flrt~: (1) in Fi~.;a;;l; A ~~~ e'.~;rn ~`tr yet A.xkx;i~sc. ~~; ~:or~n an ~ ~~p rec~axder~. in Bcc~k 7, at ~'~~e 5, ~Si~,c~~llane~u~ Recoru.e ~,:~ Or~n~re Cc~untY, Ca~.ifornia, ~'x•c>rtt3n~ oz~ ~~JTt~z L~a,~ ~z~.,~,]1r3e ~tre©t, in e~.id city; `G'tae ~~~rth€~r3~r fifty { ~a0} f~?rtt ~~ ~`.ti~k ~'r~ta.fY~exl.Y one hundred (lOiC) ~.i:t:3i:~ ~~i L~t~ T~~~ti~3.va (1~) cf ~,;e 4r~.ginal Tc~~~r ~~ A.n~aheim ~~ ;~iXav~Tr~ an a reap recorded in Book 4 of ~d~ at pa~;ee fi29 and 63G, Reocard~ Qf' Loy An~ele~~ County, C~.li~'c~rni<~, frantin~; can Pdc~xt:t Leon ~'~reet in e€~id city; ..~_ 1 8 3 4 6 6 8 9 10 11 1Z 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 zl 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~~ ~~ 29 _,~ 30 31 32 Lai Si~'~e,an (lEi} Ui' :Stuc~c::cl.~~ ~~ 8ubc~.vi~c~n ~~~~ at~awn on ~, w~~.~ r;~cc~xc~~a ire Boiak ~, ~~~e 4~, 4i1.~:o~lkdr~~,uu a~.a.~a~, ~t3Cc::7C`d~3 o~ ~lraxt~;~ C+ot~n~4~, C~:~.ifoz~xia, faant,~_n ~n 8c~uL~~x Le~4on 8tr,,~at in ~~~~i~ citpi That ~~rt~in l~at, ?~ieoe anc~ paxaal t~~ lana situate in th~- city' o:E' An~.ha~i~, Count;r of Orange, ~3t+~t~1 0 C~:xl i ~uxnia, ~.nd de~cril~~~ as fallo~3, to-wit; B~ ;inning at ~~~ i~xt~r~ection o~ t.~ ~iox` ~he~ly li.na of £~tuoakle ~v;~z~u~, Ana ta~~ ~~ c~tsri.~ lino of Soutai ~,,vi~ A.n~~ioc~ Street ~~ si~~o~n on a ~ o£ ~;l~o ~3t~ueckle~ Subaivi~3ian, x~c3ar~.~3 in L~oc~k 8, ~~±£~.~re ~ c~i' f~i.~~.~~;ll.~neoue ~da~ey ~~~cax~.~ ~~' Oxc~rir Cc~u~Ti:e~, Ca1i~'c.~~ni.ca, then~s.~ ~r~~t~~x:~y .long the ,~uC;i u:;liZ',~.~' lixi~ i;i Stuo~;kl.r ,Av~~nu~ c~x1~3 aatuix~~,~ ~an~. ~i:~ty' (15U} f~~t; tt1~~T~c~ Nox~~'~~o:~l,y ~,a~~r~xllol ~c> ~wu€;h Lr:ft~ .~,.~1~:;~ ~ ~~ s`3tr98t, :~i:~ty (Guy ~`~-dt; tr~.~.~nce ~;a~terly ~~:~r~l~.~l to ~tt~c~c~:l~ Avazxue,U;no ~lun~.~x~~~ <~na fi:~t~;- (3.~is::} .~a:~t to t~zo o~tex•1.y la.nk~ o~ South I~{?a~ ATx~;~le~ -~t~'~.}~t; ~il~'C2G(. ~C> 11'~i~r;I'i~' cl].~A~; ~cil~. ~'~ ~terl.y line Sixt;~ (>u} .~e~;t ter va:1;3 ~l:~G~; a~ ~~i~~.Tlrxing, xaczin~, can South Lo .x ~.?°~ ^ ~ ~ s ~t r :: ;; ~; in ~a a. u c: i #::~ Lc~t On~a 41}, ~u (~}, Three (, r n~:~ Four (4}, in Block C oa ~ ~u~iJivi~~.an of Vir~g;~~~ru Lat ~~, ae ~ho}.~n an a m~~p recorded in Book 17, ,~~.~~~ t~ of A°:i ~c:~~.l,~,n~:~caua ~eC~ard~.~ ~ ~,~~~-~ Ar,,~;c,1e~ Counter, Ca~.ift~rni~~, f:xonting un I~ox~ix Cl~~.=~ntin~~ Str~h~t in said e Iaot~:~ ..Levan (11), TtRar~ly{~ (.l~-y}, Tixi:~i~~n (lei}, ~'ourtee~n 414}, aTa~i ~°l~t~ez~ (lei} in BJ.ock ~ o~ a ~aub~..3.rris~c~n ci Vin~ye,rsi Lot ~Fa ;~~ ;~xu~~~Tx can a mad xeCf~arded in look l.~ at ~ug~3 '~~ a:~ ~i~c3c~llan- :~au;~ Rccor~~, of Luis ~~.~,~~le~:~ (:oun~;~, C~~;:.ifc~a•n:i.~, ~:r~-ntang an ~`~O x t;l1 L{3a.G~zx ~tJ. `~~4J~ in xai~ u i ~l; i,Ot~s '~tlre~s (~~i}, F~~ur (~}, ~'ivc~ (a},' Six (13} ~~raI T~r~~.~ty a1~3 (mil) ].n Blaw~ ~ ~f 3 ~ub~ivi~ion u:P '~'lrtey~~x°~. Lat ,tib Li.f~ ~~lo~~n un a .~ xQ4ordec~ in 33oak 17, at page 7~ o ~ ~i~cel.laneou~ Rocoi'~.~ of Lai Angeles County, Cal~.nrnia~, fxonting on North ~~~. 1 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 2~ 25 ~ ~ 26 27 28 29 30 32 $2 t3le~entine3 ~tr3cat in ~~id a~.ty; Late 8~ven t'7}, F~,i~'~ {<~), ~xne {~} ~n~4 Ten ~lU} in H;1aak K of a eulfa~.vieic~n o:~ Viney~.xd Lc~'~ ~~ ~~ shown on g map xecordad in B~auk 1T ~t page 72 of ~~isa~~.l~Meoue Re~cc~rde of L©s ,A:'z~o:1e;~ County, Q~.1ifc~rnia, fronting o~ Nc,xth Legion ~trest in ~~,id c~.tyi ~c~t~ IC1o~rW~:~ X11}, T~elve ~],~}a Tni,rteen (13), t~aurte~n X14}, Ei,c~tES~n {~,S}, ;~in~t~ar~ ~1:~}, ~li~ T~~rier~ty ~~~t}, in ~31ock K cif ~; ~ubd3vi~ion of ~~.na3~a.rd. Lc~t I35 ~~ ~~c~wn on a trte,p reQarc~- ea in ~s~ok ~,~', ~~aga 72 of ~Q#.~c~~~1.s3nac~us R~ac~rd~ of I,oe ~in~;c~zee Cr~unty, Cr~x~,fr~rnia, ,Fronting an ~'as : U~nt~r Street in ~~i~ c~itYi Late ~~.even iii} ~n3 Twelve X12} in B3.ock I of a ~ub- :liv:~iah of Y:i~~~ay~r:i Lut L~ ;~:~ alzown opt a me.~ xc~coxdec~ in Roak ~.`~,~ *~~ ~'~~~ '~2 t7~ ~i~cc~ll~.n~c°1a ~i~3CC+Tt~3~~.~~' LQ~ 1"+~tgt3lc~~ County,, C~zl.i~;uxni~, (ranting on North ~e~.sn~ Sheet in :~aic~ city; The Sout.R~arly thiruy faux (8~} feet cif Let Fifteen X15}, tle sdvx~t>~.er~.l six ~~} fFot cif Lat .a~X~~J$n t~G} and. the South.. erly Faxty ~4C)) P~~.at cif fat; Si~.teen in H3.oc;k I a~ a sub3a.vie~ia» c~~' Vineyard Lot I1~ e,~ s~lo~~n on ,~ ~4~p re~rded in Bonk 17 at f,a~,e 7~ of ~ec~~i.lc~n^~u~ ~~ecor~.~ of Loy ~1ng=al~;s County, ~ali~'-. arn3.~,, frantn~; pan ~3c~rtYi C~,e:~enra.r~~ Street in eaicl c~.t~*; Let ~'a~-x ~4} 3.n Elock ~ of ~ ~ubal'vieion of Vinegard Lot D~ a~ el}own c-n ~ ~,r,~, xecaxd~si in soak 17, dt ~~-ge '7"~ cif k£i~- wcl2aneoue ~ocorce of Cx.ng~ Cc~~unty, C~1f:Zarnia, tront3ng ©i~ Nurtli P~.lzu ~~T~;c~t in said c3it;~ Lots Fifteen ~lf~}, Sixteen (16}, seventeen X17} and 3~'7~~ttt~~3T1 ~~,~} :.I1 ~~.vC~C I3 t7f A ~Li~iGl1,V`1~i~.Ot'i Uf ViT2+~ga~~d ~rOt ~~? ~;~ eb~awn an a u~~~, recr,rcted in book 17 ~t Page ~~, ~~.iec~ell~neou~r Tecurcl~; of Las AnE;elec Count;, Cal ~.forna, rontin;,~ on p~vrth Palo: Street ~.n ~aic~. city; Lote Twenty thr~~;~ (.23}, T~~enty four (G4}, Twenty five (2~}, Twenty; eix ~ 2~i}, T~renty seven { 27~ and Twenty ei.g~.t (28} -7- P in x~lockri of a suL~ivi~u~. of Vineyard Lot I~6 as ~Sio'6Cn on a 1 r~a~.~ xe~;crdod, i~1 ~ioc~k 17, at ~a~e.72 crf ~i~aell~:ne;aus Raoorc cif Lc~s~ h~~~el~~ County, California, fronting pn hest Center 3 af;r~o i~ in .~, .city; 4 Tta~m,t -t~ertair~ Sot, piece anti ~arc~~l of laxiu situate in 6 t~~e City cif lnazeiua, ci.~eaxibed as follct~e, to-a~it ~ ~e~irrning 6 a-t t~ inte~csewtioxi oz tie ~'ester~,;r `lire fli' ~toxth ~i~~lena 7 8 Strout end tLe N©xt;~:arly line cif ~fe~at 4sntur :3treet a~ s;~~o~n c~a 9 a rua:p o.• a sttbdivisiori of Vinayarci Lot 3 Hecc~rded in ~3oc~k 17 10 a~ ~'~'~~ 7~ of ~dis:;:ll3ner~us Aecuxds c~~' ~ An~ie;~ CouutY, 11 Caitvrrii~; tnoACe ~estexly aiung tt~e ~Tt~xt.herly lute ref hest 12 C~~~~t~~ s• ~tr'~Qt ~Q foot; t~aeYioo .~s~rt.~iexly para~.lel to tn~- ~ost- 13 erly lino of No3ti~ Felen:~ Stroe t~, one lxi~'-~xed and ~:`ifty one 14 (1~1) fnet; ~,~ience ~.aoterly }parallel to ~~o Nos'tiier:l,y' lino of 1S ~'e~t Cantor $treet~ fifty (:~U} fe:~t to t.~e i~o~:torl.y line of 16 i~`osth ~-ielt3n~t Str€;;t; t~-ianaa Southerly ~.~on~ s~iti ~~'e~texly 17 lino one Lundxed fifty ono (1~I} root tc~ tYie placo cif L~ginninBs 18 fronting on '~aat Cont~r ~ axcet in r~a:id t~tY; 19 Lvt Thxao (3), tl~~ ~ac~tarly fifteen (lb) :rest of Lc~t 2® FUUr (~}, the ~3;~tarly i`orty (q.Cj} feet c~! Lo t ,~'aur (, 4) and 21 the 9~ester2y forty (4U} feet of Lots Fib (ri) and S3~ (~) ~f 22 tll~; LangenY~e~c~er Txo.Qt as ~b.ov~~s~ on ~. mag te~c~4Tded1 in ~c~s~k 3 23 a~:. page X51 4f ~iscel3.aneous Recoxcls of ~ Angels County, 24 Calirorni~-, ~xontin on Vest Gezatox Str,~+~t in e~.id c3.tY> zs Tne Sot~thex~lg fifty two e.nd five tenths (58, 5} feet of 26 tree ~ortrierlq sixty ors anc~. five tentn~ ~ 61.5) feet of the 27 ~e~~Gerl,y one •;hundrsd fifteen rznc twenty fivp hundr~ciths (118. ~~} 28 feat t~f Lot Thirty Tiro (32) off' t~'.e Orig~.i Town o:~ ~nahei~ as 29 ~xo~n on a ~;p r®corde~l in Boob: 4 of Lee~~.a at pages 8~;9 and f~84 30 of Records of Loy Angeles County, C€~lifoxnie~, ~'?~ont3ng on Narth 31 Letsion 8txset iz~ safe: cit~r; S2 -8- 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 zl 22 23 24 zs 25 27 28 29 30 31 S2 Z'1ir~ ~~~:it3t~ira.;yr t?~:ant;r (ND} ~~~f~., a Xu~tt I3a.rie ~ ;z}, the ~E3~~- ~x:e.Sr t.trir~:g :Civ~ ~:.~a) foot ~1 Lc~t Nina (~}, x.11 Qf Lt~t tan t1Uj, tt~o ~e,~i~r1~f tin (1C} a~:~ct cat Lata~ ~~,ever~ and Twelve (l2}' ana tie '~e€~terly cn~ bunired (lir`t feet c~~ Lour eleven X11} a:~.d Ts~*elv~~ {l~?) in t~..e Langenberger Tract ac eho~rn on a uup rvc3o~tiF~t3 3r~ Bork ~ at i~ug~ ~~1 4f ~,isaellanec~u~ ReGOr~1e of Lc~ Ari~~~,ce uounty~, Califc~xn:ia, ~'rc~;ta.za~; on ~9est Center ° ~3tx~~°t a.n ~aiei cite. Stec wivn 4. ~,~,~ ~~ur~ z~Y~al1, b~ c~sne anti ~ixa~a weed r~c:~ov~t.~ ;in ~Cvc,x~i~.~.t:a3 z7itta t~~u pxca'~'1~-1+4~Me ai' an ;~c3t of the Lc~i~laux~t ofd t~~ ~t~-tr~ c Califurnia;~ sntitl~d ~Ax~ ~-t~t ~.~t~aor:i~.~.ng r~unicipalitiec tv a.oa~.a~°a nr~xi~aus ter ~~.t~garnue r~~,F~~~~ grr~~riA~; u~:~~n the ~txeots nx ~iciatl~rlks, nr upUn private ,~rup~rty c~?$t~zin ~uux~ici~~alitie~; to bc~ ~: publ3.c nui~anc~~r, ;:x~=;atir~; ~ lien u;sorl trig; prcp~rty frori~in~ open such ~txeet~ or k~t~.ew~.lk~ ar up>orz ~i~iciz ~ucll nui~;ant3~ ~xi~t~ fax tx~e ao~t of abating tl~c ca:us~". 1"~~~~.;rove~. ~a~r wG,~.~1.~~. `the ~'ur~goin~, r~~oluWiun i~ ~g~ed, approved and Aattf,~teci b;~ r~,c t"tzi.o ~.=~th ~,ay oi' ~~+pte~alDer,,,115. J/ % --~/ '~~~~~ ~xe~ d:~`~'tt n~' ~:ii9 '$nax~~. cox Tr~~st~34~~ of tY~u City a~' Ar~aheirti. Att~~t: City Clore; o~ t}~~ Cx.t;* a t° Ac1~~.~i~ i:ii • ..C,. n ~~ a~.._ 1 s~am~ v~~ CA~x~aar~~rz~, CGU~1T'~' 0 ~' Q~i~iVG~i ~3. 3 CI'Tx i.}F ~NA'~~f. 4 5 I,, l~~~rra~rrl Vii. ~~erritt, Citg C1or~ ui t<~ ~ C~,ty U~' 6 ~nfl;t.~j„t,a, ~~~TH~'~' a~~xtifv t:~~.t tcz :~c~~4°,~c,~~~~ x~:~alu~ian era 7 ~.uzy 3;a,~~ed anc~ a~~~at~;l at a r~~;u1r r~8~ti~~ u~ ~~~ie~ ~3o~ard of 8 Tru~to~~ of tine City v~ An~~~~i~, za~.~. ~n t~t~ l.~ti~ d;~y o.~ 9 ~?~tu~~sr, A., I?. 2w1~, ~~ tie fc~Il.o'~i~,~ '7`ot~s 10 AYF4 fir~z~t~ai3..~?~~.,;~5,1~;.;.li ;}G~,.,-,.~~n ~~~./-~-~c~alf~. 1~,~~--.s~., 1 ~ 1~~V I''.s iJ' L +~ 4a ;~ {i °;~ ~s i Y • • ~. . ~~. i • ~• . . • • . • • • b • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • s 12 P~i~~T'~~T A~~L~ Z~u'~ V;)TI~dG, Tru::~t :c~~. ; ~»~t ~ ... • ...... • .. , . . 13 And. I cur ~a~yr c~:a~t~,;~r ut~~~t i~f~ ~'x:€~r~~.~l~nt o~ tY~i~e 14 I>~i:a.~u v~ T~~ustc~c~~ o' t:e Cit~* oA ~"I1::tx19~~s1 ~i~ne~. ;a.r~~. ai;~rcvad 15 ~~i~! xk;s+~lutir~n er taxe l~t~i daJT ~~ ©ctc~`~~x, A. D. l~lb. 16 1~;, ?`~ I'i°I~~~~ ~ ~~~3F~EOF' ~ h~v~ ~z~r~~,.~n~~ ~~t ~y hand. 17 i<n~ ~afi::~i~~s~. tno o ~~ ~.ri~~i. ~y~:~~. cat ~ ~ f3ity taii~ 19~t~~ ci~.~r of 18 Oct;;~:;x, ~:. .~~. l~l~. 19 ~~.-.~ `~- ~ • • • + ~ ~• i s • • i ~+ ~ + • ~ i • i ~~ • • • e • 21 a4 Ciity Ck.~xk o~ u1~x~ City a~' A ~h ~~ ilxi . 22 s 23 24 25 26 -•1J-. 27 28 29 30 31 ~ 32 . ~a~: