06/11/1914-001,,., - . _,.,. `~ ~ i. ~ e+a lJ V - r I ~'l- v-~ +'~r Y'l ~-"i.l T ~ W V ~ '~ rr.~ ~~ i.~iii~ ~ V .L. r ~ ~ n-r r'?v' ~ -. T °rntLCJII 1 {~ ~'~" ";ISEiS John s:.ellen'eer~~er, ~.s City '.~.rshal~ off' the Ci'::~-~ o~~' ~~laheim, has this da~T appointed Jo'ruz Dian, Philip Germe..un, C. I4i. Sacketr{;t, deputy marshalls ixz ~.nc fox the City of t,,na'r_eim v°ahich said appoitments ate; on file in the office of the ~itJ Clerk of the ,, __~, __,~ ~- 3 City of r,,;:jvleim, >'y ,r~;~~Cg.-.: I'I ?I;'?CI<V:~1~ that said appointments of the said John loran, Philip Hermann, ~n.d C. ly. Sackett, be and the same are hereby ratified, approved end confirmed and the .said John Iman, ~~hilip Cer_~.z~as~ sxa.d C. Ti. 'ti~.c'_•~ett, be and they $.re hereby appointed as nolicemer_ in. ~.nd for the said city. the .foregoing resolution is signed, a~i~proved and attested by me this 11th ~?_-NVT of J~~u.e , i. ~. 1914. iresz n o e hoar virus tees the City of Anaheim. S 1.~.'y~ O.s' Cri. i :I FO R:'j I.ci, ) ) COUTdTY 0~' CR.~1~E, ) SS. ) :~ CITE 0~' u~ ~:. AIM. ) r, ~, ud4rJO.rd B. Ir.erritt , City Clerk of the City os ~~n~-~~eim do ha reb certif ;T that the foregoing resolution ti~as passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the, hoard of Txtizstees of ,the .said City of :uze.heim held on the 11th day of June, .~i. D. 1914, b~ the fo1lo~r~ng vote ; e s , ~i rust e e s Ca-v-~C S C.~.tC ~ - ~ - .~S' ~'~~ ~~, ~`' y3.~-.,~-a,--~ ~o e s, Trust e e s .~Ga.,.~, - ~bsent az~.= Y~.ot voting c.G-~,.~L. - ~`-~~ ,end I further certify that the ~~'resident of the Bo~Lrd of I'rus- tees' smiled said resolution on the 11th der of Jane, 1. D. 1914• I.~ ~I_~'w~SS 'fli`.~~~0~, I have hereunto Set my hazZd. and affiTed the