05/14/1914-002-~, ~~ (:ITY OFFICIALS BOARD OF TRUSTEES V% t) ~~ EDWARD B. MEiEILITT, Clerk and " Ez-Officio Asaeseor _ MAX NEBELUNG, Preside$ t~ ~r// ~ JOHN KEI,LENBERGER, Marshal and WILLIAM STARK rna `tt/ 7, ~ 9<<f E x-Of lcio Collector FRANK S. GATES i' ~ Ter GF.O. W. HAMLER 1..6. HOWARD, Re order JOHN H. COOK CITY CLERK'S OFFICE A. L. LEWIS, Electrical Engineer O. E. STEWARD, Civil Engineer HOMER (l. AMEB, CrTx Arroavex BOARD O F TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Anaheim, Cal.______________________191___ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ --- -_ ~~Z~ '~ ~~~ C~ ~~ n ,, ,. ,, /~~~ ~d''~,~ _-ram- ~ _ _ -! ~ ~-~. ~G~% v~E G _ __ ~ _2~ /i ~ i -- ,~ _-- ~, ~zti-~2._-~~ ~ c~ - ~~ ~ --~~l~U~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ,~ = ~~ ~/ , ~ / !~'~-~.Z~ ~~i7/li.~-~ .~l.Oi ~v_. /.Gww~.f J~~O D. 4 D ~ _` v ° ~~~ ~~~ \ ~.- , ~- ~/ ~ F ~. ~- i ~~ a ~~.e ~~~-~(' CITY OFFICIALS Y BOARD OF TRUSTEES EDWARD B. MEKRITT, Clerk and `` Ex-Officio Assessor MAX NEBELUNG, President JOHN KELLENBERGER, Marehsl and WILLIAM STARK Ex-Officio Collector FRANK S. GATES JOHN HARTUNG, Treasurer GF.O. W. HAMLER LAS. HOWARD, Recorder -CITY CLERK'S OFFICE JOHN H. COOK A. L. LEWIS, EleMrical Engineer O. E. STEWARD, Civil Engineer ISOMER C+. AME9, CITY ATTORNEY BOARD O F TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Anaheim, Cal._____._________________191___ ,~ ; ~ / C/~ l/ ~ ~_ -- ~~\/~ ~ _ ~`~' ~ C~~ ~ ~ i• /~, ~ ' ~ ~~ (/ ,,. L ~ ~' ~ ~ ss ,~ ~~ ;~~ ~~ C~~~ ~~i r~ n ~ ~ ~~~~ ~` - ~ U - `~~~ _ t V V Y'/ /~~ C/ /lam ~(N"'~ /'V i / ~//~/ / ~ ~ ~ ;~-~.. v~l.!~ e~~. f .l~~c~-7 ~~ ..~ti~t-C C~C~ ~~-t.rt C,<cL ~ ~ ~ /cam /v/ ` / /~-i-_ ia-~-C ,4gnl,C~( C,yry}- /~{Gt/ ~jI/ ~1~1~q~ L!~~G~ ~~~ ~ ~c~c.t~-arc.-~ ~3 • / lac i.~r,...~- ~- - __ !s W F'~ ~/ IU,.lkagr, ~~'Y 1 2 3 ~ I 5 6, 7 8 9 i4 11 12 13 14 25 27 18 Z9 24 21 22 Q3 a4 ~8 27 28 ~9 30 31 32 :N THE BO.~D OF TRUSTEy's OF THE CITY OI' ,A~AHEII'~1, STkTu OF CB.ZIFOBIVT . . BIDS ~'OR t~.ESOZUTI4~ ACCEPTING ,FIRE .~iFP,ARt~.TUS BO~;DS OF THE CIT'~ OF A2T~I~i. .. RESOZVE~ by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim that the bid oftvrti~l~ ~rti ~ ~i~z~~ made for the seven. thouean dollc.r fire apparatus bands of the City of An~.heim, smi~cl bid.. bein par end accrued .~_r_terest to the data of delivery with a premium of ~ 5"~, 6d, for said bonds, b.e and the same is hereby accepted subject to the conditions made in said bid, said bid being the high est and best bid received for said bond; and it being for the best interests of the City of An.ab.eim that Maid bonds be sold. I, Edward. B. ~t~erritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly in- troduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of trustees of the City of ~.nahsim, held on the l~~`,,~ day of I~ay, 1914, by the following vote; ayes, Trustees ~s Noes, Trustees ~-4- - Absent and not voting, Trustees ~zm~ - y C e r o e C~. y o Anaheim. I hereby approve the foregoing resolution this ~ ~f~- day of I~ay, 1914. Preside of the Board of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim. CII