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w °~ .~~ ~ ~c a3 , JR. ~. li, ~~/~° 1~ e ~~' 1 ~SOZUTION 0~' T~Iy BOri~ 0~' Tp~U TEAS T~ CITY 0~ ~.Iur~TIE:I&g, ~OP- TIiIG PL~~?S SP CII' IC.;i~'I ONS ~' OR P.~.VIIIG g p-ORTIOT~ 0:~' 'I~i~ RO.~'~~1iY 2 0~~ r7p~TH P~iII.~I}EZ1'HI~~ CT ~'' T ITS TF~ CI TY `U~` i~3~tiEIPzt. 3 ~COZ~r D bq' the Board o-I' Trusties oI' the City o~ 3.naheim; 4 That the City Clerl~ o~ the Ci~d oi' .t~ngheir-~ be, and he i_s~here- 5 by directed to advertise -Ior sealed proposals or bids nor the do- h i.ng of the 'olloti~in~ described street ~-aork in the city of gn.ahein, 7 to~ait; That those ~~ortions o~ the roo~dtnt~y o~ North ?'hilad~lphis. 8 Street ~~h3_ch are hereinafter desi~;riated, be traded to the official, 9 grade rand paved with hydraulic cemer:~t comerete base axed t~~ith as- 10 3ahalt wea:cirg suxf'ace. 11, That those portions of the roacl~radr of said n?orth y'hiladelphia 12 Street on w}h said ~aark is to be dene~ and -for ~~rhich said sealed 13 proposals or .bids will be received, ~~re described as :~ol.lows, tovai 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 _ 25 26 27 2 9 ~ ~~ ~ ,ZGvc-~ 3 0 ~~~ _ l/ 31-'" x 32 GL ~ 'i~ -- - 1 -R.,. 1 2 ~9t3y~.gd1 ,-3~+~ ~yray~ bi~.~ ~~ ~~3V'~d ~~ ~ d ~~ YY~~ V.L. ~ WN ~w+.i~~a'L'wi~~MMFW Y WK7#I~ i#~P V4'# #~+ 3 n 5 to fed '#~- '~~e ,~d~~~ s~ra'~~.~- ~.~i~- ~l.1 '~.~.~'' ~~ 25 4~~, "~ ~ Jk1~ .~,Q C~.t~ ~~ a~~. ~~ ~~ b~- a,~pt,.- 26 fed ~~' '~- ~ +~. ~~~t~S~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ X13 ~+'~~.'' 29 ~~~ ~, O:? ~xu~t~~ ~?:~' ~~~ fly" ~~~ +~~~~~~ '~ ~$,1'~ 30 mod, a~s~.x~s ~~~~.~~~~#'itt~~e~~~ ,~p~~ ~ .~P ~:~+~ 4e~xa.~.a3.Q~a 31 x~€3~t pav3.ng w~.th ~c~~~~,~.~.c~ .,c es~en~~,,,~'''ty~4~t ~ ~~ ~x~. ...,..~ 1 prepared by C, ~'. Ste~~rard, City Engineer of t'ne Citzr of ~lnahein~, 2 and v~hich mere adopted by the Boe.rd of Trustees of the City of 3 ~:naheim by resolution on the ICth dey of .April, 1913,~.n.d t~rhich 4 are on file in the office o.f the City Clerk of the City of gn.aheim 5 in the City Hall of said City, be and. their are hereby adopted a.s ~ the specifications fo-r the doing o~~ said work and -~--~•° 7 BE Ii' ~±'tiH'~'? H~~OZV ED that those. certain Mans ~.nd profiles 8 numbered "1 ~~ rnar~sed s;nd designated "Mans oT paving Street in- i ~ tersectioa~.s on North Phil~.delphia Street, Ana'neirn, California.," ~~, 10 prepared by 0, ~:. Ste~rard, City Engineer of the City of ~~naheim,be 11 and they are hereby ado~~ted ass the plUz~s and profiles for the do- 12 in, of said v~ark, ~Zd . 13 BE. IT i~tURTHER HES©TVED that said p1~~.ns and profiles be a~.d re- 14 main on file in the office oz the Citeir £ineer o{ the said City 15 of ~n~lleim in the City :t%a11 in said city and that ~t?~e same. nay be 16 ~~ hereafter referred to for all pu~~~oses by the designations here- 17 in cont ai ned, 18 mhe foregoing resolution is signed, approved znd €vttested by 19 me this 11th day of June, i. ~. 1914. 20 21 22 23 7 ~'re _ 'dent of the Board of trus- tees of the Cit~J of ~~nahei:n. Attest. 24 City C? er4i of the Cit;r of 26,x,,,-,e,he im. 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 --3-- S~'i'if1..~':' ~}~ 4r,c~.~,rT~~d.wTT.~'~f ~ll t C I Tyr Q~" .~~, ~~ ~~~rt. ~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2+8 29 30 31 32 I, ~at~~ra. ~3. Terri ~~, C~t~ ...Clerk vt ~~~ Oit~r Q~ t~n,~h.®im, ~c~ ,~ her®b~r cear~ki~ that the ~orv~oin~ xas~l~xtia~. ~~s .passed and ~.dopt- ed at ~, re.lar meeting o~ the BAard ~~~;~tees o the C~.~' a~ Bx~.aheim held the th da~V ~~ Ju27.~, ~. _.~~ 1914, b~ the :Ps~~lpw- in~ vote; 1~y'8 ~ , l' x'tll~Rt p t~ ~ , C eS ~ ~'~ 4`°~ .A`~aen~~ ate: noc voting, ~x7.a~tee~, ~£~._ ~..-~-.~_ .ltd Z further certi~'~ that the :ire aidk+~n•L o~ the ~3o~~.ra. ~~ ~ru~- Ceres of said ~~.ty sued said re solution car. th$ 11`~h dear o~ ~uxae, lea ~}s ~~"~`sw ZTT ~'='ZTTtiL~$ ~°q°i=~~t~a, 1 have he.~er"a.xato sett ~~ rya a:ad ~.f~i~e~. the af'~iai~~r1. deal of the seid City ~~ As~a~eim the 3.Z.t~r. da~r of C~ [ ~. ~- c~•r o- a -~ ~, .~xIEa.Tr.e~.xa. ~~.