06/11/1914-0071 2- 3 4 5 6 7 - I 8 9 10" " 11, 12 13 14 18_.__ 16' 17 18 19 20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 ~~~ ;~~~ IN `Cis ~i~.i'iE~ 0''' ?_`^.VI~=G fr?~ ~~ RO i:4J ``~Y 0' ?TOT~i ~~'HIL~~~~Ij1'~:iIai I~~OZa~TI'IOT'{ O'• s'ri~ 0_' C~?iTRi~.C~ ~'O.i '~70~~~.. j~"CI,ti'' ~;y, 2h<~,t the ~oar~.. of I'ru tees. of the City of ;:-~lahe3_m, h~kti*i.ng in olaer~ sessio~~ o~~ ti~.e 13.th ~a.~ cif J~~e, 193^~, L~u'olicl~T opened, e~zamned and declared all sealed prorosals or bids offer for the f olloe~~in,~; ~f,re~ef; tn.~nr1_z_~. to-~i't xxereby -re ject^ .all of said bids e~~ceo'~ that lzel~t herei~z men- tioned, and hereby a~rards the. contract far doing said work tQ th.e lovrest respo~ible bidder to-vJt: +' ~ ~ ~ " tTrhich 'ba_c~c~.er said o~.xc~ of ~ir~astees fig to be' the 1:oweat res?~onsible bidder ~~t 'Lhe prices ~ , r. s1~eeified in 'Cheir proposal on fi7_e far saic~_ ~-ror?~, , to-uvi t; ^` v/ ~ __ ~' ~'i~.e City Clerk of the City of ~~na'~ez_m is hereby directed to ,~ host a nat'~~e of this a~varc? ca l~r~?ic~:.ou~Tsr 'fox five d~.;c oar __1_- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 f.. 32 nee:>r tl:~.e chamber door o_~ ts~e ~o~tirc~. of `.'':rc~.stees oT ~-Y~~~id City of ~nahe ~.rn a~r~.d also ~~~'c~'o~.i sh ~ Uzi d not1. c e b~ ane in ~e rt ion in the rr~ii1'.~"!e1~1 ~`xu,ZBtte~fT cl, tree:.=:~.~ ne`°esyo,~'~er Of'' ~°,,E;YI.Er`c'.1. C',~_:CC;11etl.O}~., 1~r~_nted, z~ublisied~ anct circu7_~~ted in th® ~ aid C~~_t~;r 4:~G~ ti-tihich is here'a~- desi~~.ted for th~.t ~~u:~s~ose 1~y ,~.aid ~~awrd a:~" '"rt~steeS* there being no d~.ily j'?e~~~y~wper ~, f eneral c rcu1.~ t ~ :-~:~; ri ~~ted or publ:is?~ ec~ in sa~.d cify. The Cit~T C1e~.~~_ o s~~ic~ Ci~cy :i_s y:l?rther i_nstr~.;_etec~ °;o _~ast co1~-. SI)iC:~.~0~1s1;;r ~Oi." f :LVP. d:=.;;`S G~- or r~'.e~~:i t~:1t'. (i~''_c''.x'~'1.~Jt::.+^ dC>Or OJ' t~'1@ hoard -'' T~- ~ ~~ -~ ry=~ ~` '-'~r OQt~~~' !?.." the SpeGi~!:ic~,~;ioz2s ~'or said 0 s_ .~_ S'tl ,.~t E, ~ S fl i. ,,~~.i ix ~ i U ~, C° .~ .r ,'JOr~C, 'Gr'i11_E1'1 S~.1Cs ^t~cGi f1C:cit~ 0_-~~ ~).'e Il1~ir~9C' ct ' ~eS1.~'n~tBC~ ~,~j~?8cl- ficat~.ons r,,o ~ fo_e the construction of st_~;:et j~aVin~' ~~ith-.hydr~.u lic cer:~ent a~td brolLen stone, or_ scrEened ~r~.vel ~~..1c1 ~.sY~h~a.lt ire=4r- i1~, ,arface in the City o: ~.2a~~ei.~:, n ~ifornia 1;Th_ich s~.it tio.~ci :ricatio7:~s ti~axe ~:~dopted bar sQd Board of~°T~.zst=es 1~~r resolz on on the 10th day o-~" ,~?ril, 191.3, ar?d ~tire o~ -file ,_;.~ the off-ice of tom. City Clerl~ of the City of ~ir~.~.hei?~ i~. his of~r'i ce ~~.n the City Ho.11 i.xl s Ni d City, 'That in ra.eco rd~~.r? ce z°~; t'~. Resol~zt:?_ cn of Intention ~o. .115, ~ya~,ss- ed and ado~tec? by th.P hoard o_~` ~~~r~.:tstees of the City of ;inab.eir~, a.t ~, re`ular meeti ~Lg of n~f.i~ Rua rd o-~ Trustees, held an the 6th day of i~.rch, 1914, said 3o~.rc? of Trustees clues determine. end declare that.. t ,~.. --2-- 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12~ 13 14 16 1T 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~ . 26 27 2~` 29 30 31 32 ~!''~1'.'. fOre,~~~©l~`.~g :~'eSO~Ttt?_0?~. l+' s7_giled, &~Ijroved cv~r?d attested by ~_ me tlli s 1 l d~:J off' ,T,:~.e, 114. President of the Bo~.x°d of T~a.s- tees of the City a~ ~Lr1.~.nem. attest. n ~~ a„- •~-1 J • ~racr_~~ City Clerl~. C ~JLT~z ~ ~~~' ~?~' C ATti~ GB. S S. I, Edvrard B. Tkerritt, City Clerk of the City o~ ~~.ahem, do hereb~T certify that the foregoing resolution t~-r~.s y~~.ssed ;:~x~:d ado~a- ted at a regular meetin~~; of the Bo~.rcl_ of :trustees az the City of ~neheim on the 1 ~ ~ clay o-e 3~~ne , 191, b`~ the So llotving, vote ; .yes, Trustees, C~~ ~~ G ~ ~ ~° hoes, Trustees, ~G-o-,.~ -- .~b s ent e:n. d ~.~o t voting , '.~ rus t e e s , .~-o-,.~~.. ITS ~.'~l~S ~.:~iL~C~' I h€~ve 'nereur~to set my hind ~.nd. a'fi~ed ~- t^e o~fici~,l se~il o=,`' the said City this ~l d~~y off' ~T,zxze, 1914. City Olerk of the Cit~T of tln~tii~e: --3--