03/26/1914-008~° 1 ~ ~ ~?c~# i lam, a ~r`~ IN `~~ ~.u3TT R 0~' P.~VI~G `.L~ 'i4~v~"~rsY OI' ~QRi~: P~iISu~.:JEZP~Ii~. al ~;'~`.C ITu f '1HE Clrl Y Q' .al+~~+Il'r;.. 1ti r,J GI,V.~.I Ql4 ~V11IlY ti~7' 1~litll~~S +1~AY~ Sl~~,L11'I C~.TIC1'~"Sf Hr.SODV~D tl~.t 'hose certt~.ix~ sp°cific~.tions mars~ed at~.d designated "Specifications TJaf 5 :ior the construction of street psving t~ith by draul- ic cement and broken stone or screened gravel and asphalt ~~Tearing surface i.r_ the C.;% of .„helm, Cali ~'oma.ia, "~'re;creel U. E.,~t~v~c.rd~. City IIn-- gi Weer off' the City of ~naheirr. ~.nd ~~.-ilich ti;rere adopted by the :Board of Trustees of said Citrr of ;ii1ahei~ by resolution on the .30th day of hpril, 1913, and: which are on file in the office of the City- - ~ler~ in the City Hall in e~.id City, be and theWT are hereby adapted as the specifications for tn.e work of paving the roadway of North P3~iladelphia Street in said city Pram the Norther3,;T i~roperty line of East Center Street, produced Easterly;.:<across said North Philadelphia Stre~'~ to the ~3outherly property line oz fast Sycamore Street, produced Easterly a.crosa said North Phila.-- delphia. Street (excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of idorth • Philadelphia Street lying betrJeen the Tortherly and Southerly property lines of ~~Ewst Chartres Street, y~roduced Ea.st~rl~T acro~ the roadway of North rhladelphis Street; and excepting therefrom that. portion of the roadwa~r cf T~orth ~'hiladelphia Street lying betti~seen they northerly property line of East Cha~res Street axed the Southe~_y proper'~y line of East Cy- press Street, produced Easterly to the center line of 'the roadway of North Ph3.ladelphi~. Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of North .Philadelphia Street lying bet`~aeen the T~ortherly ~Zd Southerl~• property lines of East Cypress Street, produced Easterly across the roadway of Nth Philadelphia Street, and excepting therefrom that po roan of the roadway of North Phila.delphia;-..Street lying bet~reen the Northerly and Southerly property lines o-f Eat Adele Street, produced ~a,sterly across the roadway of North Philadelphia Street j ; a.xd that thane certain ..plans an8 profiles numbered "1 g" da~igx7a.ted ~P2~. of proposed • improvezuent on North Philadelphia. Street, ~aheim, C~~ arr~.ia," prepared by 0. E. Steward., City Enineer of the Cit~T of i~aheim, b® and they are hereby adopted ~~ the plans and p~.vfiles for laying a.~ph~tlt pavement off. that ~ p tio~. of -the roa~w~vy of ~v'orth i'hi l~~d.elphia Street hereinbefore designated. ~ i~ BE Ii EUP~T$ER t'SOZV~Z? that said specifications be €:nd reni~,in cc.~,.~L on films i7.1 the- office of the Gity Ear of the City of ~,naheim in th.e Citg Hall of said city and that .said ~l~,ns and profiles be ~,nd remain on file in. the- office of the City En.~neer of 'the City of ~.na- helm in `the City hall in said City, end tha'~ the same- may hereo,fter be rein®d to tic alI I,a~~~oses ley -the cI®~~.tior~e rer~ eontr~3ned The foregoing resolution is signal, approved and attested by me this 2E~'~h day of P.Is.rch, 1914. t Preside~.t of the Boar of Trus- tees of the. City of hnaheim. S T~iTE t7~ CAZ I.~' Ot~NI .~, } County ~f ~Crr~,ng~ j Ste. I, Edward B. I~Territt, City Clerk of the Cite of ~.r~.aheim do here"vy certify tho.t the foregoing resolution: was gassed ax3.d adopted at a r~~ular me~''ting, of the Poard ot° Trustees of the City o:C ~n,aheim, held og the 26th: day of I;~arch, 1914, by the fallowing vote; gye s , T ru t e e s ..~(~- ,~ ~C ~ ~-~ C ~' e~l~ Rv es, Trustees ~-o-.-~ ~- ,A.bsent and not vating, Trustees ~~-y~~~ IN T.''I TZt,'"~t~S3 ':~f~REO~ I have here-~uzta ~e't my hand ~~n.d affixed the official seal a~ the City oy ~.:1aheim at my office this 26th day of I;{arch, 3.~31~. ~~l~.Z.-y-J-13, ~.-L.l ~.r-r~._._.T____.- ~. - City Clerk of the City of .~,.uaheim. __2_-.