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Si 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~" ~p ~T~t -. rJ o -1 y' aESOZU~zoly o~~ z1~:eENrzos~ i50 115 Ql' ~lh~~ Boer o~ ~rRUS~~ ~ o~ Tx~ CI7 gE,SpyV~~ ~~ the Board of i'ruwtees of the City of .~ina'neim:. SECTIQIV 1. That the public interest sz~.d canvexxience rec,~uire and that i t i~ the intent ion of the Boar. of T~~zstees of t'ne City of ~nah®im to order the following street work to be done in said city, to-i~vit; That t'_ne roadway of Tsorth ,Philadelphia Street ix~. said City from the Northerly property 7:ine~ of East Center Strut produced Easterly across said North Philadelphia Street, t4 the Southerly property line o~_F East Sycamore Street,pradueed Emsterly acro>s said North Philadelphia Street, (e~eepting therefrom thca.t portion of the road- way of North Philadelphia Street, lying between. the TSartherly and. Southerly property lines of East C'r~~.rtre~ Street, produced Easter aeros5 the rta~dwa.y of forth Philadelthi Street; and exeeiotir. therefrom. that portion. of the roadway off' I~'orth Philadelphia Street lying between the Northerly property line of East Chartres Street and the Southerly lnraperty line of East 'Cypress Street, produced East®rly to the center 13_ne of the roadw~.y of said, Iv'orth B~xiladel- phia Street; and excepting the re£rom that portion of 1,he z'oad~'vay of T'~~rth Philadelphia, Street lying betvreen the Northerly and South erly property lines of East Cypress Street, y~rod.uced Es,Nterly- wcro ~~, the ro adway of Forth Philadelphia Street , anal excepti rig therefrom`; that }~ ort ion o f th e ro advray a f ~Sorth ?hila:delphi a Street lyi~; be- I tween the Tortherly and Southerly .property lines of East .~dele Street, produc®d Eastarly acr©ss the roadway of North P'nila.delpha. Street) be graded to t'ne official grade and ;saved with hydraulic cement concrete base and with asphaltic wea.ri.ng surface. Said work shall be dome in accordanc® with the 1~laizs, ;profiles and specifications therefor, ~~~'nich said plans anal profiles were 1 adopted by the Board of Tru;~tees of the City of .~naheim, by reso- lotion on the loth day of liwrch, 1914, are numbered "1 ~" and are ma,r d and designated, "Plan of propossa improvement an North :Phil --1-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 f 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 delphia Street, .~,naYieim, California., and are an file in the office of the City engineer of said city, in the City ;3all in said city, s~~ecificG~tions vdere ~:dopted by th® Board of ~'i2`tts- and which said .~ tees of the City of ~tiaheim, by resolution, on the loth day of ~pri.l, 1913, and `r:nich said specifications o,re marked and des~.g- nested "Specificc,tions No. 5, fox the co~:istruction of street paving vrith 'Hydraulic cement and broker st one or screened gravel and as- phalt wearing surface, in the GitmT of .~n,aheim, Californian v~rhich said specificstions are on file- in the office oz .the City Clerk of the City off' .anaheim, in the City Fall in said city« SECTION 2. It is hereby detez~mined, irl pursuance of ~n a,ct of .the Zegisl~~~ture of the Stz~te of C~.1if ornia, entitled n~ act to j~rovide for work in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, plac®s and sidewalks within municipalitiew, and upon prop- erty and rights of y~~ay ovaned by municipalities,and for ests,blish- ing and chs.nging the grades of any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidev~alks, and providing for the issu-. ance and payment of street improvement bonds to rep resent certain assessments for the cost thereof and providing a method for the payment of such bonds," apnroved April '7, 1911, th4~t bonds shall be issued to represent the cost of said improvement. Said bond~- shall b~: serial, ex~t;ending over a period of nine years, from the second day off' January, next sia_cceeding the date of s€~a. d bonds, au even propart3.an of the principal sum of which shall be payable annus~.ly on the second day of Ja~nuary7 oaf each year b~T coupon after. their date, until the whale are paid; and that the interest shall be payable semi-annually by coupon, on the second days of January and July, respectively of each and every year, at the rate of sev- en per cent per ~7num on all sums unpaid, untl_l the whole of sar:: d principal at.~. interest are paid. Said bonds shall be issued in accordance with and in the .manner provided by the afo resaid Impro~ went pct of 1911. __~__ l ~' i. ~~ 1 ~ Th+~ orange County Fla in sealer is ~zereby designated as the new 2 alaer printed, publis~ied z.~nd circulated in said pity in which this 3 Resolution of Intention shall be pu'olishe$. 4 Thq City Clerk of the City of ~,~,heim is herby directed to pu 5 ,fish this resa2ution by t~;aa ~"accessive insertions in s~.a_d ne~vspap er 6 and to post the same for tivo days conspicuously on or near the sham 7 ber door of tho Board of Trustees of the said City of ~.n.aheim. 8 The: Str®et Superintendent shall immediately cause to be conspic~ 9 uously posted along the Line of said cont+~mpl~.ted~ work or improve-. 10 meat, and in front of all the property liable to be assess®d, notic~ 11 of the passage o:~ this Resolution of Intention in the manner and 12 form re:~ui red by law. 13 111 of the herein proposed work shall. be done ir_ pursuance to 14 said act of :the Legislature of the State oaf California, entitled, 15 ".An aet to previde for work in acid upon greets, avenues, lanes, 16 alleys, court, places and sidewalks within .municipalities, ~,nd upo 17 1proper'ty and rights of ~~a;;T oj~vned bJ~ mu3.licip~.lities, Wnd for estab- 18 lisping and clZang:i.ng tl2e grades of acz;j such s-`i;reats, avenues, la~~es 19 alleys, courts, places anc~ sidet~ral.ks, ~~~d pro vi. ding i'or the issuanc 20 and payment of street imsarovernent bends to represent certain a~~sess ~- menu for the cost thereof and providing a rlethod for the pa~rrnent 22 ~,~ o~ such bonds,n apprQVed .r~,?~ri1 7, 3911. 23 The foregoing Resolution o-r Int entivn i ~ ~.igned, approved and 24 attested by me this 26th. day of T,~arch, 1914. 25 ~~ 26 ~"residQnt of the Lo .d of Trus- tees of the Cit;~ of ~~.Z~,heim, 27 28 attest. ~/-7!-~~ ~ ZT :'7 i, 30 City Clerk of the CitJ of :~.n~~~eirr~. 31 32 -- 3--- i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 } ~` I, Eduard ~3. ~[erritt, City ~ler1L of ~~le City of ~xlab.e~ii~, do hereby' ce:~~tify' that °~he :~cregoin.g i~esol_~x:a.on o;c" :Intention 7v. ll5 ~~Us ~a~sed anal ~.doi?ted at a reg~zlar meeting of the Boµ~'d of Tru;~- tees of the City o_f an~ile~, held on the 26th dsy of Tuarch, 1914, by the io 11o~vng voter ,{ ~. ,__~____ ,Q~'8 ~ , 12'1.Z~ t t: e v ~/~` £.~-~ ~C-t~ ca i 'V/( ~•• /G ~ cry'/L~ ~d ~c~..[. ~ Tu 0 e a, 11"t~~t e@ S ~-o-yt ~ ~1.bsent an.c~ not voting, yrustee~ ~~~~K__- Iii '. I i ~S S ~ri%:, 4:t' I hav e h e re vs~t o~ e t m,T hr~n c~. and a f f i, xe d the official seal o~ the amity of Anaheim, ~thi~ 26th day of ?axch, 1914. ~~,,~,,, J.-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 y ' e rte. o _ n e C ~. y a _. .~~al~.e i~ __¢._