03/26/1914-012r! ~. ~~ ~~- ~~ ~ 'I ~` ~ E~~ ~9A' f/ 1 9~HER&AS ot~ the 26th d€~g' of February, ~. B,~t the .Board of 2 rusteea ,of t]~e City of ,Qxiaheim did pass end adopt its Resolutioa 3 of Intention 1~~. 114 to order the elosing'ro~.p in part of Wl~st Broad- 4 ag Street in -said city, and 5 WgERE9,S the said Board of Trustees did thereafter, to-wit, on 1914, pass and adopt ite resole- 6 .., the today of --~~~-~-~.~.. _ _~_ 7 tion ord~~aing ~~ closing np in part of said West Broadwag Street 8 in said City of Anaheim., and g ~RLAS it is the desire of the Boarel of Trustees to rescind 10 said resolution of intention ord®ring the closing np in Bart of it said street, 12 ROW, TB~~EFORB, BE IT RESOLVED that" esid Re solutiaa of Inters 13 _~ tiers p'o. ll4 Aaud that said resolution orcrring the closing ap in 14 part of West $roadw~ Street in said ci1~-, be and the same is 15 _~~ hereby re sere d and axinn,7.led. 16 The foregoing resolution is signed, .approved and attested bg 17 me this 12th dsy of August, ~. D. 1915. ~/~ ~ 18 Pres en ® oar o rus- 19 tees` the City off' Anaheim. 20 - Attest: 21 ,, ~ , c.L~ 22 ,- y er o e y o Axi 8 m. 23 24 25 ~, 26 27 28 28 30 31 3Z --1.... ~~; , ~ ,~ ~! --- 1 STAVE OF CALIFOR~I.A,, ~ 2 Gounty of Orange : ~ SS • 3 City of 9p.ah®in. 4 I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Ana}a~im, do $ hereby eextily that the foregoing resolution was pawed and adopt- 6 ed at a regular meeting of the Board of trustees of the Gity of 7 Anaheim, held on the 12th day of August, A. D. 1915, by the fol- 8 lowing vote; 9 ,,dyes, Tra.stees: ~ ~~~' ~C r~1~ ~ °~ to DToes, Tractees• •--~~L~,~ __ 11 Absent and not voting, Tra.stees;~ ~~•.~ _ __-- 12 13 IE WITNESS ~~REOF I have hereunto s~-t my hand and sffized 14 the official seal of said city this l2th day of August, A.D.1915. 15 .~;: ~~t~~~, ~C~~. , 16 ~.y e o e yo 17 Anaheim. 18 19 20 21 zz 23 z4 26 zs 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ .~, --2~--