02/26/1914-0141 2 ~• o-~: f``° 4~a ,,, TTT~ .~~, ,-,T~,~ ;; ~Oi i~iQ_ 114. RCS 0~~ _I OI._~ -.::. _ ._...._ ~-- --- ,`i ~'~Q~:I.T~IQiv ~-`~ T7~u 7Qi:;'~~yl Q' ~~~lj!~1T!i:~>> Q~ Ti+ ~ CI~'Y 0~ ..1~i Lt~Ilh~, ~.'~- T ~' ~ IN'~`TT nT~T- m~, rA?i1~R '~' `'a QI,08:CNG LT~ I T r ~T' O' -,:rES~' BRO. CZ:a.~~IhCa ~ li rJ..~ Resolved by the Eaard of irtastees o:~ the Cit~;~ of~;.a1~,heim S~ci ion l-: ~h~.t tree -~]t,~]_i c interest and ca~~venience rs;auire mid that 'it is the ~"LL~teaati0^ of the o~~rd o_~" ~r~.s~'~aes ,~y 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '? 15. _ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~` 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the C;it~- ai' ,~tia'~eim to order tha clos~.n in 'n~~rt of ',Test ~3road~~ay Stree~~ in said City; Th~kt the laYac~ dee??Zed neeess~~.r;~ to be t~.ke:n therefox is de~,cri'~E ~s ~ alla4yTs,~, to~r~ ~: ~e~inr..ing at w' '°~ai_=~t ox~ the ~~'esterly li~~e of ;~o~.zi;h ~,Yest .Street -r i3~. s~~ic_ c~_ty, forty (4Q } eet as ut c, , -fifteen ~~^Ac3 ane-half f l5~ } degrees East of ts~e ce:,r~;e-r l~.ne o_" pest ~ro~~d~Vay ;street; ther_ce So~a~th ~Sifteen ~z~ad one-h~.lm (15~ } de~ree~ uwst alot~ the o7'esterly lime of said -South -:lest Street ten (10} Feet, th.el^,.ce So~~th Seve~:~ty fo~~r ~,nd one-~.~~,lf (74-";~~} de~~:ree~ ~Fest ^y~a.rallel to the center Line o ~= ~„Te:st ~iro~dv~~y Street, Sim h~.~nc?red twent~r five ~Y'~t~ 'two tenths (E?5.2} feet to -`she present ~wst li'~Ze a~ r~~.ln-ut Street; thence %orth e,lon~ paid ~.;~t Line to=~~ canri th.ir~y eight hl~~-~dredth~ (1Q.38~ feat; trlence 1'i0rth Se~fent;,T _e0tzi' e,i:1CL ane-h~~.1=i: (f ~-`~ } de~;reeS s•;'~t ~ .,._~.r~.llel to the ce~~ter lilze am 'eat 3ra~.dtY'~~~ Street si :~_ hundred t~~Tentw two anal moor tentl!s (6uu.4} feet to the -~,I~ace o:~" begin~~ti~~ anc? 1~airg ~ strip a~' 1~ nd te:~. (l0} feet wide exte~.nir~ from t<he ~~;esterly line of South esti Stree-i; to the East Line o~~ taln.,at Street; tha,: Nort:r~e:~lj7 line ;.,f ~~,i ~. `,~-riP is ?~~}°~+.llel to ~d c~i`=t:~r1. fortYr feet ~outherl~; at r~.~ht ~n~les from the center Ii~ie of ~~est Eso~.d~~~ay Street arm beil~~ s. ~.~artian a f lat. th-i rty ti°~ree (33 } ~.~•- ~r4~n. T~~~s~~.e 1 ~:~nd filed :°a r heim ~;~t en~ion G,s sYioti~n on .€z r~2ay m~:de by record i Yl the Office of the Ca~.a.nt~r tecor~ier om J;,as ~.ngeles Col?nt;~: C~.lifa rni a. Seetio.?_ 2: !iht:.t the eltteriar ba,~nd~.ries of the district of Lands to be effected and benefited bVr s~.ic' work ~~nd izmi~ro~'ernent and. to s; __1__ 1R 1 r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 •I 14 15 . 16 17 18 19 20 ?: ~. 21 . 22 23 24 25 ~, 26 27 28 29 30 i 31 32 be assessed to ~~~;~ ~'le d<~,niaVes, cost a;nd ex~?enses ~tl1ereof, are des_I criT/ed 2s follovrs, tozrit; ~eginr~i-r~.g at `~y~oint on the ce_~~ter line of South ~'~est Street thir~- -ty { 30) feet r?ortherl;r fr o~.1 t;'r_e So~~~;~h asterizT corner of Lot I'~~irty three (33} ,~Zaheim. Extension as 'r~o~rn on ~. m:.~y~ made by I,m. Iia•~el :and: filed far record in t'_r_e office of the County ~~ecarde-r o7_ the Coi~~ltyl of I:os ~:~geles, St€:.,tc of Galifor;:~.i 4 , ~thenee ~yorth erl;r a.lo~lg the center line of saie? South ';;rest Street in s~=>id city , ei~'rit hundred f-tve and twenty five hundredths (~Q5,~v) feet to the center line o ~1est 13roadw~ Si;reet; thence ~,esterl~v~.Tang ~..,l~.e center line of hest Broadwe.y Street Sim hundred seventVr five and fart~r sip ~.~~ndredti~s (6'7.46) feet to the center lir2e of ~~'d~.~laut Street;. thence South a.loxa~; said center l~.ne five h~ur~dred twenty seven (52'7) feet more o less to the ~'ort:r~erly right of w~.y line extended. i~etiterly :cross 'Talu.~zt Street" of the Sia;.tyT (60) ~'oo~ r.gla.t of .ray deeded.. Tay r'm. o.y to tie Southern Pacific Com~~any Tay cZeed recorded in. Book 142, paUe ~25i~ecards of Or:~uge CaL~nty, C~.lifornia; tl'ience Easterly a.- long said right of way line and right of ~r~~y line extended to poin of begir~1ing, s~.virg, excepting ~.id excludi.ng from s~~.id distr~cLt alt public streets, avenues and ro-ads therein included a;,~d co-:lj;aznd Section 3;- `ihe Or~:~.~lge Co~a.nty plain Dealer, a vveekl~T newsp~.;~er of a general circulation, ~~rinted,published ar.d circulated in se.ie~ City is hexeby designated as the netivspaper published~.nd circulatei iw~? sa,ic? c~.ty ~i.n t*rhicT~ the Street ~'uy~erintendentTs notice of file p~~.ssage of thi V resolution ~h~.l l be publ~.shed. fihe Street Suyaerintendent of said city shall cause to be conspie~ uausly posted alarm tine line of said. conternpla~ted work ana improve went, notices of t'~.e ~?assage of ti~..;~ resolutia~. of Intention in th '~ nzo.~~~.er and ~'orrn re~~zired by l~.w; i~~e ;~r_a12 also cause a notice Simi la,r in substance to be x?u'a1-ishecl by four successive insertions in said. ne~~spaper, ~~ub7.3.shed anc~ circulated in said city. __ 2_.. 1 ' 2 3 4 5 I 6 ~~~~. 7 8 ~ 9 10 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Section 4: The hereil`~. ~~ro>>osed ti~~ork grid improvement shall be done in nursuan.ce to an e,ct of the legi_sle,ture of t'le St~.te of Ge.l- if ornia, entitled "~-n Pict to ~~ rovide for ls.yi ng out , opening, e~- tending, widening, straightening, or closing up in whole or ~.-~ ;part any street, square, laue, o,11ey, court or,pl~~.ce ~~ithin rnunep~.litie: ~,~.~ 4~,nd to condemn an~1 ?cay~_ire ~:o.y a~~d X11 lonci =~+.nd pz°oyzer'cy necess<,ry or convenient for that aurpose~r' ~;~LL?rov ~:~ ~~v-~"ej= 6, 1~vS~ The foregoing resol~~tion of Intention is signed, a~~provsd and attested by me this 26th d~~y of ~~'ebru~.ry, 1914. ~ I d ~~~ _.._ i :resident of the B and oi' Tx'~-s- tees of the City of ~in~hs$Iil. .~,tt e st City Clerk of the City of .;Ir:.o.heim. STGTE a~ c~.zl~o~~~~rl~., ) ) Co~~nty o f Orange, ) SS. } Cit:~T of s~riahe~m. ) I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the: City of ~n.e,~.eim, do here by certify that the foregoinu resolution of Inten-~ion Teo. 114 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trus- tees of said Oity held on the 26th d~:y o~ ~~el~riz~.~r , 1914, by the fQllawing vote: j . gye ~, Trustees .~- ~~.c,~,...-9 :6,~~~a ~ ~-rG ~`~ ~~, ~.bsent and not voting, irustee~, ~a•~-+-~-e~-- ITZ ~JVI`l'l'ISS 1:'~IiE:`'~EO~~ I have herei~n.to set.r~~r ha~1d oxld affirmed the off icial seal of said c it;; this 26th day of I'ebr~:t ru , 1914. ' City Clerl~~ of the City of ,g-rlaheim