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-~ ~ ~..~~~ ~ ~ ~~~, / ~ 1 2 3 4 _" __ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2~ 29 30 31 32 ~~OLU~T'IOI~ 0~' T ~u~ R~.~.~ 0.%' ~ iJ;''l~S 0.~` `~iF CITY 0~ .~r~~~.IS~T, .~OPT- ,luG PS~z1S _:.y~'$1~ CL`'ICa`.~IOTtia;7~7~-.~yj0~~ ~'riVI7-T,~y(~7~~(A POy `.l'IQI~ O 'I.'i:':~ ~OAU"~1'.~1TI ~ V.ti1 1JI14 C O ` i' Y r'i Y L' J.Y ~~ IlY TlZ~.~~ v I .r~.1 `J31 ii1tT1:1.1.'u.IIlYL,• ~'~~OItVED by t:~.e ~oarc~ o~ t;,~~s~ees of the City o:~ ~~ahei~t; That the City Clerk o-~ the City o~ ,~.aheira, be anc3. ~~~; is hera- by directed to advertise -nor ~~vG}led loropos~.ls or bids ~ojn tho ~io- i~~. o~ t'ne ~ollotxring described street woY P~ i~, i;ae City of .~xiaheim, tov~rit; ~.~r~t those portioY~s of t'ne roG.dcr~ o~" Zir?coln .:~.venu8 tdhich wre hereinafter desi~n~ted, be graded to 1,the o~Fi'icit.l Ur~.de.and Paved ~~itl~ hydraulic cement concrete bash ~,ric~ ~~~:~ith ~~sPhalt ~er~.r- ins surTace. T~~.t those: Portions of the roadway o~ sa.id Zi calr± ,:;venue on th~hich said :work is to be done and ~orhich said sealed :ropos- als or bids will ire received, are described as follows, toti~t; • p `41st ~"pv {tl~m o{ the roadway of.. vic~ylu ''',: pnc 1~•tie5t ~eeeti.the' F,aet an West crty 3irtc~ p~r ton A~-eupe "Rrpdu~ 'd [o tk~r ce1~t~rP Itcy,Q ~~ppf (,uS GR}{'1 'A~aeSt tlG,. fhat ~ui`tRTh of ih_ (ca&tvey 6'~ coSn"~.venLie~ tnggbeteecn a line a€te ;`Iorf3t irorit r,e • ia~e?€~oTt?n ° of the - srxY ,~~littC' _f nz?olri ,11~~e~tvY 9ii~ ~asbeifY. Propertq tfrro of ~ ilia i'tanc t C~enECr lftrgR, f~ Cmlbin wen ur nn d at 8ng',~~ee® To' sa~"reutrr.tine ac3A a_ 1ntc. g><u '.Jort2i from /.tl+~ intcr~ectint of #re o~ez~ 1i3,e df "L3ncoln ~V~tut a~z a~ -~Ve~i,#Tiyy-YropeT'tY. Ikiae df~~iila-Place e~n~f Ijnc of LtncOln'' .~, Q and_ at " ~ ari~1~3 to said centez+ 1 pot~epn of ro~ia,~. S' 133te0~,t~ ]vengg betcti~r!<n a ~rtxe e ntiig8 tirih :'the3atcrscctjc}n of'tUe Sottth pr~Tcrtr Semite{i~'q ~1vGnur 'ttid'the Ega6}rfy..pfi Ire,{ 1r.;#lt ,i ha3ts '~t~r~t to .the Crnt~ ~ :~~~ ~i fit, n :1~C~?tre a`n~l ai, right aP ,~45 t i~:~ifYY tine. and K 1me ~Atekt4ing. ~ortt the,jintrrf+rrki4~ ofth~q'.tiaWtlt.i~T~t?Ert`~~~~ ~t~iFcrln _~r~+sitie :md t~C 'Vlkerwt~ljr I?} - ~ Jt+ o{ \uTLl1 'i'h~lia tit'e.~t 2p'tT~[cenC v}~n _ nxa~.! at _ ci~eht ~uE „~ ~'~~ fug ~.~~e o ~z~; ~nc J g~' 1 tiibl~~h~,tA. ~.~. ~t~CU.l~t~d i~ ~~i~. 4i~~' o~ ~.~1$~.~: :a' 2 ~si~. pr4pc~1~ or b~.~.~ ~~~11 ba d~~.l~~x~~d. ut~ a uns~ersi~-d 3 ~~~'r~' G`1~~C1~ C}~.' .E> ~`~.'~i~ C3~' ~•~"'sG ~ '~i ~3'~.p C~~.t3~M ~~ "t~~3~(~`r~.t~'' , , 4 ~a~.d c~~.ty ~# Or ba::~r ~.~^h~ ~ ~~acs;~ ~'. ~~~ 6 x.11 ~r~n~sa~i~ €3x ~~~. o~~'~red mtg.~t 't-~ ct~~~~~,itc '~~ cMC $ '! ~t~t ~~~~ ~?~~~ x~~~ ~ la ~~ ~h~xz t ~#~3z` C~~t c~~: tie ~fi~~• 10 ~,~~~ ~~' '~12+~ '~. ~t~.~r ~d two ~~.~~t3. ~~ ~~.~ ~h.~.l ~~'~t~ bemire 11 c~~~~e~ ~,€~~e'-nL ~~ z~.~iete~~ ~~th i~ ~~u'b1e ~.~:~ ~~i.d ~e~t 12 c~~ar ~& ~b~v# ~..1 ~ ~~,t~.~L~r,~ e~c~~~;~t~. ~~.~, ~. ~ c~~~~a: ~ ~~ bez~c~ ~~ ~~-. 13 ~3C3ff"~ :~ f3~!~,.ii ~ ~..`~ !~t?3.c`~tq ~, d~r',E3, ~ '~'i~`za fl "~ ~ d~,~ ~~'~~r $~tll 14 ~ e.eee t~:~.a+~ ~~ ~i.i ~~.~., ~:e's~ bir~t~.er ,~;,~.~. ~~:L1 '!~ e~tex ~.x~ta ~ ~t~~ 16 ~.~ t~ae~~~'ul ~~.~~.~r ~~~13. ~~ rQ~,,~~~_~~~ t~ ~.~re ~a b~. '- th+9 17 ~i't~ C?~ ~~~l~1~Py ~'~~l:~.c~! ~4.~'13 b~ r~.~~c?c,'~~q '~;~r ~t 1.~~t t~~0 ;~~+( E~rled 18 ~tz.~:~:~.ci~r.~~t ~~?~vti~ ~;c~ ~ac~ €~-~-~ro~vc~. ~<~ ~at~ ~e~u~c~. ~;~` '~~".~t8+l~il:~ia tie 19 Og t~~ t.;.~.~m ~r?r~3.~ ;~~;~:i.~. ~~.:r~~; { ~ ~~ ~l:L ~~~~a i~,~ ~.~. da~xb~ ~+~ 20 -ur~t ~~ ~ bond a.~:~ u~~~:~~e~~~a:~~~:~ec~ ~~~~.~a~a;~~ ~~~.t~a~r. ~a~~ a c~~' 21 4:a~I.~i'x'`r~i~. e:1~.~.~~~ ~ ~:~' ~r~ ~~ e:~c~.~k;;: ~ ~'-raz:~ ~ c~G`~,'~3r~~~ ~t~t3'~,43~1 22 ,~ '~- x.8.3. `~ C~+~x:~d~.~.e~~a~~r? ~.~,~~:~ ~uat.v ~'~.i~~~.v"~~.1. ~~~:~~~zn~ ~~' 23 ~.d c~c~n~r~a~ g~ ~:~~ 8~zace~~°al b:idt~.~;.~ ..~~ ~-~ x~c.~i :~~~ ~l.v+~ 24 S~ot~r ~. 8~l.d3.~:~a.a~~.1 '~~~ ~a~ 1i~~a ~~x~:.t~~t ~~ ~~a ~~,~ ~~~vsd '~ `~ 25 B+rd cif ~a.~te+~~ ~: ~~e ~~.c~ ~it~ ~ h~ 3.~t rlt~~, aka. S~h€all~''t~ es~s 26 4vtsd b,~r tw'p $r~ ~-~.'r':~~.k~i~.~~~ ;~ ~,~ ~~1~~ ~a.all ~1G#.~f' in ~h 2? _..,~. ~d ~.p~ "~-~~ Pte` ~-~ ~+ c4~~~~.e~ia thex~a~, 2 9 ~vti ~ . thy. thy. a u ~+ ~.w ~ ti~ "t u ~ ~.~ ~, ~r '~'7t1~1 ~"tk. ~,iN L' '~ E~ t~ ~3 ~}~ ~ ~1~ ti ~.':~' t}:~. ,~2R:i,h.€3 .:k.s3~ r t~) ~ ~'d'8 ~ ! 7~«i;~i. t~ :~~~e-~ 7'~•ryy~.a~;"~.e~~^~~~.1~. bi~;~,(~~~ ~~~!~}+~~yt±~{~~~~~y~~y~p~r~~~y~~~.~y r~~~p ;{T~bl~.~ +~4~~[, 3O R'y I~~` df.~~Lr~+~+1~~-+.$.A ll4 _7 S. S.E.:J h~.`ti ~,{~~h +~~ ,~{'°h Li~ih.1~~ gyp. 'iW~i V:w7l ~ry V4F dF 1~Ey:~~~.97+~1~S.i ~d A~}~~.y$~~I~IYgKy ~pV~~~:j~~y~+~~y'.^^~ ~!~ CWiiK ~"+'++~0.r~`~ F~5.3~Svi 1/.4.L .e.d ~%~r~dll r~~ ~.,~d L.V ~ ~9eF.?+ t'~ 'M RJ ~.baA M~JfA'~M1M4 Fi~W 31 S~t~et ~avi~ ZrJi~h b~s~u.1~.c gsment~,,,fxfll~e~ eterrae tax eta ed 32 ,~yrt''gx~ve~, e~~l~l`~ ~~~.~ S~u.r~`S~cze i~. '~~ Cl'#~' imsj~ ~'c~