02/26/1914-016 E~'°`~°`' ~/a X113 f~~a~ ~ 1 ~sazuTloT~ o~y' ~j~~_~~ o~,, c~T~~tr~.c~ .~'o~ ~~ t:~o~T~. o~ 2 P~VIT~G I'HE i~0~..D'~=inY OI{' I~ITiCOZT~ ~V~rTrTTE ITS `~~T~" CITE 0~' ~`rTT~HEI~,T. 3 .,..____.^__ -_ 4 Resolved. ,~. ,.ward © ~rastee~ :._..,.. of the City oaf Anaheim, 5 ~ having in open session Qx~ the 11th day o~ ex- June, 1914, opened, 6 ermined and publicly deelaredall sealed proposals or bids offered 7 for the -followir~ street work, to-wit; 8 That the ~~?lfnv3g ry[ , nco!h &renut 4n vaid ctty Erom a l3Wc P?itez~iny~ .`3vuth- from 9 ~YtYCr ~'ptid'+j oy, . t~tp~~ ~Citih Yofxrry 3~xc T,tts ~ 'tb,,. ~«tt;~~ ~~~~z ~ /~ 1d ~ir~s~ ~:~ m~,'ycnter i,rz~ tit~~ ~€ ~ of Li}1y`ain Rrrnvc aura ~;'r1~ht ~Ft lrar'tt, said - ~to[th ~~ ~~ ap+J"ir.ir•~ a !r^ ,e~[t pr '~ectco uE t~c `+4~ e' ~t Rp~ i ~ , , ,.t v l ~tRk.;~~tsepln \rct}ue. and tTSQ' +t r~ ~~. "~ne'Qf ~'.1~orxh ~4'e>;t Se+'Eft tb the k.'~ ~ e. S;toeyYn_ xlvenrrs 1nt1; ryt xigltt ~1 6tc ? tb L +' 4 ; y O t ' kjriC !!s_ ;C,eti~t Q>'YlAd kYf~ ~ffXCeptiil~ thfe~f:r~ 12 OF7 ,>J~;~, rr~d48y' r+~ L:IRCVI~ 3ve ~i t1Vffi, 4' 4rtd ~~af, ~yi ~}i.~ it~>iN[7,KC `'b'Ytld~~y~r~Q, Mo.. ~. it? q~4!¢wpG-. aittl' 13 ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~, 14 c~' .~ .. , ~, 15 ,,: _, _ ., - , 16 rv ~" ~, Tiitc - ~ z4c t ' '~ 1,! ry , .~~p~t .#<s to card ~ ~'%3zh~ ~d ¢ r,+~'- zeRd~nd.. orth .from iitkf~F~ectjiln ac th4t`~ uth itrapcrtyr iftte pf, . nrentu ~n1 ~ ~y"B?kerly prn7irftX 18 t4Yx-Kt E~grt}z Thalia ~4ieet tv thteP„ter tisrc 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2+8 29 30 31 32 ii L4rtz~~ A*,y~et , e'z>;d ~at. rigItf •z~t~c~ea w vat ~ c2a5er ttiti he ~ graded to thd` ala's' ~ ~ mod ! avedd P rth Ay~lrau]~c getmgtit ~ eo'n, base arid- yrtth :tsghalue weOriftg sur- f ~a t xmrk shall hz d,ne ;n aceot"s1a~t wtf,h: the hf1=, prpfiles and sppecifieatiofis tlzc efoe, xhit'~ said p[ad5.-a21(1 profiler were-.~d~t~$.bY. tltt.lS~~r~©s~';"zaaee~ aE the 4>ty of '.*.>,-afgetm, . by rtsa5~kinn, :on the, z5tlt day a5 7^tbrnatp, ~~9ra, Jrr' rrtimberrtj `t G~~ .m,4d are marked and .. eras ratrd T'Iafi.3~rrOps,vcd irt~tlrremcnt nn A.tn~}'n A~Crtuc ~t`iheitu, lTatlfarnrn,'' atEd are ntt,f'de vi the o~i~r tlf the l'itg $aiyincQ# ~r, urr,, rx:<~Q ~it~~~t~!,th .tea ,~~;~;;~; ~.t.;~~,..N. ~__._ ~ .., . ter. ,~_ ;,, Hereby rejects all of said bids e:~cept th.~~.t nee<t herein men- tioned, anal hereby awards the contract for doing said worl~ 'to the lowest responsible bidder to-wit; ~ . ~ -~.=-.~-LL~~-.__s~v`'~ ~4Y~r~~~~- t,:rr, at the prices specified in their proposal on file for s€~.id vrork, to-wit ; /~_ / ~~-~~ " f ~! --1-- ac ' i i i' 1 ~ The City: Clerk of the City of ::3naheim is hereby directee~ to I! ,. 2 post a notice of this award conspicuously for five days on or nea~ 3 the chamber door of the Board of Trustees of said City of dnaheim ~ 4 and also publish said not ice by one .insertion in the "gnahe3.m 5 Gazette, ~' a e~eek3_y new~pa,~er, r~rinted, published and circu~.ated I' 6 in said City and hereby designated for that purpose by said Boo,rd I q 7 of Trustees. 8 The rCity Clerk of said City is further instructed `~o y,ost 9 conspicuously for five days on or near the Ch~.mber door of the 10 Board of Trustees of said City a copy of the Specifications Z1 for said vrork, which said specifications are marked and deeg- 12 Hated "Specifications Tao. 5. nor the construction of street 13 paving ~vzth hydraulic cement and bro:~en stone, or screened 14 gravel and asphalt vlearing surface in the City of ~.ne.heim, 15 Cs.lifornia,n ~~T'nic?'1 said specifications were adopted by said 16 Board of Trustees by resolution on the loth day of April, 1913, 17 which said s~lecifications are on file in the office of the. City 18 Clerk of the City of ,t~,tzaheim in the City Hall i_n said City• 19 That in accordance with the Resolution of Intention Na. 113 20 passed and $dopted by the Board of Tx~istees of the City of Ana-- , 21 heim, on the 26th day of ~'ebrt~.ry, 1914, said Board of ~'rustees 22 does determine and declare that 23 in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia, entitled "An act to provide for _ 24 work in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks with- in municipalities, and upon property and rights of way owned by municipalities, and for eatsbllshing and changing the 25 ' ""°` grades of any such streets, avenues, lanes, '" alleys, courts, places and sidewalks, and' providing for the issuance and payment of street improvement bonds to repre- 26 sent certain assessments for the coat thereof and providing a method for the payment of such bonds," approved April 7, 1911, that bonds shall be issued to rep- rZrr resent the cost of said improvement. Said bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of nine years, from the second day of January next succeeding the date of ~$ said bonds, an even proportion of the principal sum of which shall be payable annually on the second day of January of each year by coupon, after their date, 29 until the whole are paid; and that the in- terest shall be payable semi-annua]ly by coupon, on the second days of January . and July, respectively, of each and every q O Year at the rate of seven per cent per a7 annum, on all sums unpaid, until the whole of said principal and interest are paid. Said bonds shall be issued in ac- 31 ~ cordance with and in the manner provid- ed by the aforesaid Improvement Act of __ _ ~:a. '"~ 1911. 32,.~ ~._ --2--