05/14/1914-018,.... .... , ~ ~v-~°f. ~
ITT m:'~ ~~"TT~R OS` I'~zTIT?G T?~. ?~0'_D'_~3y O~ S,I~'TCC?I~i:,~ ~~rI'T1E ITT ~;'~~ CIS 0.~
it_~_~ Ir,T.
~ ~J021L~'1'IO?" I)E~°' ~RI~~I~vli'G n'ii'~r" '~'?! ~ DO.~l?D 0~' 'n~iUSI' ~i~.S I?=~.5 t~G':,-[ilx~'i."~:J J~'~IS-
R T.1 T 1 lT?'
DIC'IIOId I,0 O~J.~R T~:U ~Za~.
~,lr;..u! '~''i~: fl'ilt3 TiQc:~rC~. 0'£ ~`~'Z7 ~ tF3e ~ C" %~.ile Cit;~" 0 ~ .i1:.:u3.F.l:II CZJ_C;! , O1]. viie
C'.c.~, 0~' e~rUc~~t'~; , 1/.~f, ~ G~.~iIJ_ ~..ia.0~)t, its ~?ea~C~l~?_t1.0~ Oi I~i
wTo -+l- -;;~ order`~~;~~e -"olloT i~~~_~; street Troy°'::. ~o lie ~:'_o=ie.;.~n said ei~t~;.~,:
o: i~~.;
ut the r~T~aln~ay~OY~~it?taI ~~ venue in ~airS
{tom a,lilit si~~ d¢~3syp~~ Y.dg~erh Eram t~q
~~cti ett UC i]te 4Sbt?~_~{ s{~,~9, tint of
In ~1ren ~ an_~'. t}tK e t . F~p~rt~,.
! Vorth l~'.ees ^ti16c~ tci itlt tpntn~ 11nt
UtcRln"~I~r en ue ~frd 3~ r't~~+s shl~des ~t~a "83iQ
er 3ine end fnxiz s1mE e~tndrii~, North
~ fhi-. i~~teratttioa of the. ,Qifrnih 7?n5perty
siP Lnc ~kn ,?.r~~n ne m, d chc -A~'f9t¢riy'
Krty tgic of ;tiotth Yb'ca? ~,trceT tb th
pr Iinr of [rnco4h Srearte ~nd at is&
es -~psaid center liiir; to the ~~'esierlg
13rn:dr bf, eaid- pity t~excctrting therefrom
vpnation n1' t~ ro2rlway of L.i3ktoln .Ave-
`1'klriC teta~n thr asst and Yr'csr [srop-
Irnca of Cark*ton .4i'enue prow-Cad opYh
the cenier~_ lii+r of - t„iricgin , 1ce~tue;. and
~zu1g thst In~xBiQn of the rua.lwa. .f i,iri•
dPsenuc c2,brt-r~et~.~ a;,r~~e c~~XYrfldvSg'
Et f
,~b~ lia-~it'eet {a kheceriter liite-
YC9.N, ~VCrI>i~ i{Il(] ~1t ,frf(ht 3[ljjt~} ltd
renter, tdneJ 'be giadfd, fig, the" ial~
acrd p$vc with ~hvdi:~ft3ic'xem~t eon-
base and with ':l.5yh~.'':ic ~¢eat'lts~ snr-
.~~;~ ~ ~_ ~,A~ . lie C i ; ~ler'~ o:~ ~~he uii;~~ o:~ _~.,.~:leim c~icl ~~~~e e~.~,~ter
t~.. ~_~~e i~'. ;fie ~`•Oll..ti O11 "u0 ?ti G' y :lid! _s_,_~?.eCz. -M v.. .;'.i0 :~Z.-~CCe~,~1V8 ~'s_`ervi0"t1S In
Ella Or;~.-f?e Cou:~~ty rl~.irl ~eu~ler, a re~~,rsp~per o:~ ~ex3eral c~~c-~~l~~-cion
~~.i~7-cec, _.~~z~al~_shed ::;,~~c~. c iyclll_v~~efd t:.reelrl~T in ._,~i~:~ Givy, ~~ld
`!K~17.L°i1~3S' r1 ~ ~. ~ ~"'~ ~~ 27 , ? '_':Ti18C~.1'~.Ge-
~ha 5~;.~ eriutencl.e~ t v.~ S-c.~ ets of s~.d ~~it,~ c°.id
ly a:~~cer ~Ya,e .:.daption of s~.id resolution a~ Intention, conspicuo~a~ly
~~. post, ?long th® 1in.e of said coriter~ al,a,-ted ~orl: F 11Ct improverlexlt, 1*iotices
of the t:~2 sage oi` said Aesolli-tiolz off' I~::t ei3tior~ ill file ~~lanner ~.nd form
required by 1~.~~, ~.s !,lore fully e.ppewrs in the s.ff'i davit of the Super-
intendent of Streets of said City on file in -c~le o~I'ice of the City
Cler'~ of said City, esa.d
ii~',~,iiS i~ apl~e~rs th~~-t no o~,rner or oti~~.ers of property liable to
be assessed for said ti°ro~ have ma~.e or filed ti~Tri--cten ptest 'w~,ainst
ehe proy7osed ~~ ~. yri~thilz the time rovided. by laT~r -for r~~,?~ing or filing
~~ __
such faro to st ar d ~h`} ~~ the t i~~ze vri't~~ in ~l~ic~:i s~.c'_2 trot est s could be made
or filed has exyfised.
i~~:'C~ &~ IT ~Z:~aOI~~t.B b;; the Bow rd of Trustees of the Cit~T of
shat said Board of ~~rustees does hereby fnd~.d d.e°~ermirie;
(1} That all acts and tr~in~~ necess~~,ry and reeiuired by 1a~1 to
lie done to confer jurisdiction u~orz saia ~3oard. o~ ~ru.;~~~es to order
the doing o f said pro rk, have been done and cflm~li ed ti~rith.
(2} That no over or owners of ~ropertvr liable to b~ s.ssesseci
for said v~ork ha.~e rllade or filed ~~ritten ;?rotests against .the prof os~
ed warp z~rithin the tir:e i~rovided by la~J for making or ailing such 1~ro-
test and that the time rv-ithin t~vhieh such ~g~ro•ests could be made or
tiled hws expired and that said Board of 'Iru~tees has 8cquir~d juris-
• diction to order 'the doing of s~:.i d ti~rorh:.
~~ The foregoing Resolution is sued, a~rovedand attested by me
this 3.4th day o~ :May ., 1914.
' res~ e o ie oo.r o rus-
.tees ~;he City of Anaheim.
County of Orange, } SS.
City.. of 3x~..aheim. }
I, Ed~~dard B. Merritt, City Clerk of the pity of ~,~xtaYieim, do hereby
certify that the _foregoing Resolution vas ~aa~sed and €~dopted a.t a reg-
ular meeting of 'the Board of Trustees of the City of ~aheim held on
t'ne 14th day of M~+'., 1914, by the folla~in.g vote;
. ire s , Trustees ~'~ -- ~ Sam/ u:al<.r. ~d YJ .,~v~'
~. Noes, trustees .mil-a,.~,_
absent and not voting, Trustees ~~...
IDT `:'IITI:IESS ~h~i3.~:0~' I have hereunto set mr hand and affixed the
official seal of the City of ~i,z2aheim this 14th day of Ma~~ 1914.
City Clerl~ of the City of Anaheim.
1 ~
ed to be accompanied bf a check payable to the City of i~naheim,
2 certified by a responsible bank fox sr~. amount which shall. not be
3 Mess than ten per cent of the' aggregate of the prop o sal or by a
4 bond for the said amount so pays~bls, signed by the bidder and two
5 sureties who shall justify before any officer competent to admire
_...__ 6 inter an oath, in double the said amount and aver and. above all
7 statutory exemptions.
8 Thursday, the 11th day of - ~''~-~+ 1914, is hereby designated and
9 fixed as the day on which, up to the hour of 8 o'clock P. ~~". the
10 said proposals or bids. shall be received and the said notices shat
11 sa specify.
12 The foregoing resolution is signed, s.ttested and approved by me
13 this i:4 day of 14~a~r: r 1914.
14 f President o oar o ru --
{ ~ tees of the ity of ~,,naheim.
15 fittest.
~~ ~J 7'YLwt.~f '
• y: er a he C~. y a fire ieim.
17 ,.._,,,_ ............--- -----
19 County of Orange. ) SS.
20 ~
City of .nr.~.heim.
21 I, Edward B. T,~~erritt, City Clerk of the City of ~,naheim, do
22 hereby certify that the foregoing xesolution was regularly passed
23 and adopted at a regular meeting of the ~3oard of Trustees of the
24 City of Anaheim held on the 14~t. day of 1914, by the fal-
25~ lowing vote;
26 _ Ayes, Trustees (~C `
27 Noes , Trustees `~-o-~-~---
28 ,absent ~4nd not voting, Trustees, ~~ --
29 ITS WITN`~SS ~'dHH~1u0F I have hereunto set xny hand anal affixed the
30 I seal of the said City of Anaheim this :14th day of T~ep_, 1914.
~ ~ `~ • n'1
S2 ~ ~ City Clerk of tiie City of ,~.uahei
t __~_~