02/26/1914-019~.o-v-~e. b !, ~..~.~ ; ~. ~., e9 ~ ~ f. ~ ~,r ~~ ~.;,° m ~, ; N~ s,-7i~ZjTiCX 'I'~~T~R~ ~`~~rjY G=~' ZII~TG`0?~T, ~iV~I~~ IT',r ~?; j CI`IY 0~' ~~~~E~ i.LIT°Z • RSOTUTIOTr ~iDO~zI%~.G -.uiT4S _ ~i? ..>~.~.CIT' C.:zl...~NS. i 3 4 +'SOI~V.ED that -phase cert~~~_n speGificatians ~.narrtecl _~.rld de~ig~- 5 Hated °'Specifications TTo. 5. .nor the canetru.ction of street n~.~ring 6 Zvi th hydr:~.ulie cement ~~.1:lci bro'_•~en sto?ze ar ~ Greened gravel ~.nd ~.s- 7 ,1z~.lt wes.ring surf€~ce in the City o_f. ;n°C.:heir~, C`u.lifarxti~ , " preps red 8 by 0. E. Steward, City u`xzgineer of t'rze City of r,.zz~~heim ~i1d ~~~hiGh 9 • were $~.dopted by the Ba<..rd o-~ Triz:,tees of ~~,id Cit~r of :;~1.~heim by y c 10 re~:~olzztion on the lOt~~ c~_~~y of April, 1913, -~ti~1 which ~.re an file it 11 €, the office of the City ClerT~° c~ r the City of ulz::hheim ire the City ~ 12 T3-all in s~:~,id City be a:n~. ti~.e~r ~~re hereby adapted ~s the specifics- I 13 ti ons for the wo1°k cif }:,~4v~..r_W the ro~~.dt~r~~-~y o:~ i~i:r~_ca In ~~.vexzue in sf id 14 city -Pram ~~ line e~"tendix~g ~a2~th from trze 3_IlterSectioxx of the T~~ortY~. X 15 l~ral~erty ling of Dincoln s~.venue ~~Jld the Westerly pray;~:exty li~'ie of 16 T~torth ?'est Street to tree cea:zter line of I~i.ncoln ~.vexicze ~~,nd at rich 17 ~ • TT ~- axz,g~Ies to said center l~_ne :-,.~xzd fro~z ~: line e:~te:nc.ing _ gar. ~,h f:c~om 18 the intersection of t'ne ,Sou.th. ~~ro.~erty Line a,`° T:2r?.cGln ~vena.e axed 19 the '~`lestexly pra;oertT lir._a of i?arth"Te~~.t Street to t'ze tenter line 2 0 ~ ~- r ._>. c~_ center l'L n e t o ~ Sze a _F Zi nG a 1n ~~v ez~ ue ~.~i d ~.t r i ~~~Zt <~~:~.~' le ,_, ~ o _ 21 „esterldr city Timit^ o'.'° ~~~-~~ city; ~~''-d that tha~;e certain ~1-:_ns 22 ~.nd ~~rofi-lei numbered "1 ~'C'~ ~'~e"1`"'~4~ted ~~ "Pl~.z~. of iaropo~sed Im- 23 ~rovement on Ziz~GOlxa..~ve~zue, ~.r~~,~.eim, Ciforni~.,! Drey~~~,red by 24 0, E. Stetiv~.rd, City Lr..gi~.leer of 'the Ci'~y of ~~i<^,heim, be ~~~:,.d they 25 ~.re hereby 3:doytec? Wis. the 11~.a~s a:c~a prof.le^ fax the ~r~a_c7~ of 1E~~v~-ir g 26 e.sy~%zalt p~.veaaent al~ the hereinbe-Fore de~igz~U~.ted ~Drtion a-f t~-e 27 -ra~~dlRa~.y of Lincoln .kvenue ir! a€zi~. city. 28 ~T~D BE IL ±'UIiIT~R 2LSOZV~D t1~~it ea~_d ~pecific~utior~.;.:, be «:z=d 29 rern~>ir! oz~. .file :in the ~~~'_~.ice o= t;iie City Cler"~ ~'t' ~:~id City o-f 30 ~,;~~ieim in the Cit~% T-~11. in s<~id etty end 'cs,t>.~~, Laic? y~~lr_',.11~ ~d pro 31 32 f~.les be `''~~ 7~emain on file in tb.e office of the City Iiz~s_neer o-f the City of r~n_~'r~eim ix:. t':~e ~ity I:~.ll ixz s~~zi~~c city .~zsct -~,h~-~ the ~' ~__l_ I~ ___~ _. q ~.~~ ,,~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~U:r~e ~'l~.vr heree.fter be referred to -~'oa~ all ,~~urj~o~e~; by the de i,- n~tiol~~; herein co~~?t~.iz~.ed. ~i~e fo redoing re~:olu.tion i~ ~,i~~necl, ~.1aproved find s.tte~~ted by ?ne tl~i~ ~ 26th d~~.y of a`eb:~~ct~tir~T, ~ 9Z4. ~--~ ~/~ ' / L,~ ~~~ flee ~ of the City of a1n:°1~.eina.. I S.nE 0:~ C~.LII'0 ~T,?I ~, } County o f Orange, ) ~. City of ~.n.~.heim. } I, ~dw~,rd B. T~ierritt, City Clerk of the City of ~~.naheim do hereby certi-F'y tha ; .~ ~yP f oregoin~; re,~o lut i on was passed ayld ~.dol~ted ~a,t a re~zlar meeting; of the Bo~,r~ of tiruate@S of the City of ~aheim held on the 26th day o f ~ ebruary, 1914, by the follovr- ing vote; &y e s , T sus-tees ~- .~:/ ~1C : ° ~~- . sloes, Trustees ~~~ nb s en t ..gin d not voting , I" rz~ s t e e ~. ~ ~,~~~ IiJ '~I~~ESS ',T~i.~~.:~0~:~ I -~i~..ve hereunto e~; my hand ~Lnd af- F~_<~ed t~~.e officio.? ~e~~1 of the City o:~~' x~t~,aheim this 26th d~?dT of ebz«u.e,ry, 1914, City Clerk of the City of xn~.he:im __2__