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1! I' t Y .~~~,. 1 ~SOLUTIO~~ ate' II`1T~l:~'?'IOI`I N0. 113. 2 3 RESC~ZV~D, bg the Board of Trustees of the City of .~naheim; 4 ~ ;~ Section 1. Th~.t tree public interest ~d convenience require 5 ~,~ _ ~xa.d. that it i~ the ~_~:1-t'entian off' the Board of Trustees of t~ze: City o' 6 ~nahe~.m to order the following street ~~ork to be done in s~.~id City, 7 ', toY~it; 8 That the ra~dway of Lincoln avenue in ~€a.i.cl City from ~. line e 9 ' tending Sauth from the intersectian of 'the Borth raroperty lz_xie of 10 Lincoln avenue and the '.'~e~terly ?~ro~rerty Line oi' ?forth. ,est Street 11 to the center line of Lincoln ~~venue and. at right zngles to s~tiid 12 center line d from a Ii =~?.e extei~.din~; IJorth from the intersection 13 of ~;he South Arai er~y fine o:~F Lincoln ~~vertue ~.~ tl~ e ~~'Testerl.y prol- 14 erty line a~' forth eat Street to the center lane of 2,incolzt ~.venu 15 - _ - ~:: e,ra.d at right angles to saicc center line, to the ".;eSterly city li~ti s 16 Z of saicz city .(excepting tr?erefz~on~ that p~artiot~: a tb.e raad.w~.y of 7 ~~,venu,e l~fing between the E~w~t ~~: ~':xest ~?re~~erty lutes of lirtcoln 18 . ,,. Carleton ~~venue l~roc~~:~.ced. Sout'~~ to the center l~.ne of Lincoln f~venu ; 19 and. excey7ting th~.t ,.?art ion o f t'r~ e ro~:dT~ray of Lincoln .~~venu~ I~Ti~a.~ 20 between a line elctenciia~v~ ]`Tor trw from tl~e inter~ectia~~~ of th-e So~.:~th 21 i property ling os Biracoln ~=:.ve:lre ~:a~~d t~a.e Ea.ster_l~r ~roloerty l ~.ne of 22 Villa Bla,ce to -'cr~e center lisle ai' Lincoln .~~T-enae anc~ ~~t right 23 f dxlgles to ~a5.d center line ~-c~_ ~. line extending Nortix from: the 24 t intersect-i..o:n of ~- ire Saud? ~~ro ~er.':J. I:~ LLi.e of T~i:~ct~I.n ~',.ven;,_e anc~ t~~~.e _ 25 ~`''° ~ ~a~~~terlvr pro~ertg line cif Ville. Blase '~~ the center Iine of Tinco n 26 e and at rig'r±t ~ng1_es to ~~~.i~r center line; ~~.x1.d e~ce~ting that ve:;1~~ ~ 27 . - ~:~ort~on of the roadway of Zincaln ~;veri~ae lying bet~;eerl a Ii~:~e e-~~- 28 f ~- ~ tending 3`larth fxom t'rae inter~~ecti~: of the South L :~tiltertjr line of 29 ~i7~~a171 ;°~vetlue atld tk~ie La.sterl;ry~royerty 1~~~:.e of ~`?arth Th~ia. Str e~ 30 ` to the center Iine a-f Z~~Ficaln .venue <3.nd ~~,t rigs t ~:txgles to s~:tid 31 center Iine ~n~c a. Line e~~terdin~,° I~Tc~zth fro.n t'n.e intersectior_ of_ t' e 32 So~~ #~11 yr ny arty 11_~Ze of -Ttinc oln .~~ver~~.ze ~.nd t ~e '"e ~terly ~r,rop~e.r_-~y __?-_ ...~~ - t~ 1 .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' 1~, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 line o,^ Forth Tha.T~.-~ Street ~~a trie center Tine a-'' S,i~:xcolx~. .~venue a~,.1d ~,t ~•rr~~.e, right angles to s~,,-~-d. z~~~t~ ,j~~ved c~ii;r~ ,~~Tc~r~aa_ center line} be `~'ra,ded to lic cement eo~er~te base tl,e ~s~c~ pf~'_c;:i-.xT vd3.th a.s- ph~.ltic ~e~.rng~ surface. Sait3 word: ~ha,~.l be doge -;n ~.ccorc?«xzce with the ;glans, profiles, 1, ~ ~`?,1d pT~~n ::LY1C~_ }_fr0 "...le¢3, T?e'Y°e ~t~lc~ s?ec;..`'i.cet~a~,:_~ 4~r._erefor, zµ~T..ac_~ adoy~t~~+ by the ~ca~:.~:d of ~' .. ~~f.e ~ ,~.~ the City o-. .ir.°°,;.heim, by reso- ,, ~ y, T 1e14 >.re ~~}«rnbe rac? nZ" ~T' ~.nd lotion, on the 2otl'~ ~-t.~~r of ~ e"rarr~i_~::~Y`,~ , ~r~zrkeci J."t.(~ C~ es~.~,?'x:+~~,'ced `T1~1 n o1 O~y)%)'~ er% li~Y'0~1 el:G':t:,~G ~.~:~.y ~tlYlCaln ~i~!'8 -~ ~'" ce of the Cit ~~i -'~ aim, C~Ii~c _i=3 , TT ~:id rare o n i_ le ; _i t.•~xe o .. i ue , i~~ _ ~~ 1 ~~. Cit~T • ti;~li. ch ,r"u'~1x:eer, ~Jf ,~',.G-~~.C'_ L:.U;~7, .l._~ file vl ~y?' ~1.~~ ~ S S ~.r_ y, , _<Y]d tif~,ld ,`3~}eC~._?`iC8.~1.0i~.> `v'Te)°e <t.f~o.~te~. icy t.i:le $ou.S,,~ ,~y 'yr,~t_-Gees Of th8 ~?-' r~ r'' ,tl- !;~.~ 1iyJt11, 1J13, and City o1 r,.~7~~~im, by re~:olti?'cion on one IOt~_ c`"~~e Gi.~`~_ CJ.ti 0n which `paid sg~ecl.:%'icei.t1.01!~a r~,r8 ±'.c. 1'';:;r~ =i~?(~, i)~'c1 , ...':G'd iJy No.. 5. ;~'or the construc•fon of ,~-~,°eet 1»vl~~g t.-~_~~~ '-yvTn ~ ~.ulic cex~er:t U ~. er~.d broken stone, or sc:~eQx~.ed ~'~,t,ve-~ :-ld ~~~-_ - Ti b -, ~ ~~ l .t.. l ~.. n. , ~ in ~ ne City oz ~~.~;~:~eir~:, G~._li fo ~. ~~~ia , v•,l cl~ .,._d ~ ~~c c,~.~' ie~t i. one ~r e i', ox~ •~`ile ~_n the aw~f i c e of tli e City Clerk cT' the City c~~: ~.naheim in -~lze City ~i~.ll of s~.id Cit f. -. ~ It Section r,. ; ~_a _~ e reby ~. - - e-~; t. r7.~~ine d, in ~~~~.rs}:~~~:_~ ce of ~~. '- act of the Tegisl<a.tu~^e of the Stw~~e o1-- C`~.li~~orni:wv, entitled TT~z ~.ct to y7rovide for v~ork in anti ur~on street;;., avenuea, l~~}yes, ~~11ey~;, tour i~laee;~ and sidewalks Sri:t'ri-?~..~Z~irziciy~a~,lit~.es, ~,nd u~.on ~~roperty ~.d rights of way o~na.ed by mur_~ici~aTi'~ies, a~.zd for e~~'Gwblishing a~.d r, ~, '~ ,~~;, :,11eW~s~ _ - of <, 2 J ~~,~ c'~, ;~ U :cc e t s , -~T e .~ .e . .~ - . ~ - ch~.~'ix,.,~: the ~;r~%.~-as ~: ~ '~ _. and payme ca-urts,i?laces ~~LcZ sidetivs,lks, ar.d rrovidi~z.~; .far '`3ae ~.ss1i~xa.ce of street imr,raveme:e~t bona. to re~~rese~::.'c cert~ir.>. :~<d~sess~7le~~ts for t'r~e cost there:af ~1d ~;:covidi rig {~, method for the ~~~~~ea~t of sl-? ch bonds ~.le~ro~,red April '7, 1911, t~~~.t be~`1(~-s sr,-1 b° is.ti~l~ed to re2>-re:~ent ~. "`aid boj~d;, sl,~~=.11 be ^eri~.l, e~=~;e_i the cost of ~.l~:i i?~ ~~.rove.i~en-~. ~ ding over a' jeriod o~ nine yep-r~, from the ~ecor~c~ d~~yT of Jan~~'~s'~J ne~~'c succae~.ing the d~=,te of sa =d aonds, ~.~:. evex~~ y~roy:,ortia~_1 of the --~-~ ,._ '~ 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E 14 15 Z6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 ~, 29 30 31 32 ~rinci}~.l gum o:~ "~Y ich :~h~..ll ~~e y~~~vT~~ble an:ri~~~~.yly c~ii the Deco roc! ~~r a-,~ J~,:lkary of mach year b;; couyon ~~f~t~ex their date, until the d~?~ole ire p~~i d; and t'n~.t the interest sha7_l be payable Nemi-annually by coupon, on th e second d ays of Janu~:.ry ~xLd July, res~y~ectivelp, of each and even year c„t the rate cxfse~en ;ear cent. per anrsiun, on alI sums un~~~::i c1, ~_, unt i 1 ~+~~~. e -~ ,"-,~.~~~ -~~ri.ncipal mid interest are ti~.-,hole o~ .~ _~ paid. Said bonda shall be iss?.zed i~1 ~.ecc~rdance wit~~ en.d in the manner provided by the ~:foresaid Iz~provement ~,ct of 1911. The flr~.nge Cc ~s~~y Main Dealer is hereby desig:t~::~ted as the news-- ~-~ ~ 11t ed ~~ublishe d and ci reul~~.t ed 7.n s~~i d City in ~,~hich this paper y r~ : .~ ~esolutian o f Intention uh~.~11 b e published. The Citd Clerti~ of t}le City of :~x~.aizeim is ~}ereby directed to ?.~ub- lish t'r~is resolution by t~~~o s~?.cce,sive insertiat~s in said netfvspape ar_d to most the s~~.rrse for tv~,~o days, conspicuously on or near t:ne chamber door mf the Board of Tra.stees of the ssa.d City of '.Anaheim. The Street Sul~e~I?tendent ,~ha11 immediately cal~_se to be conspicu- ously posted s.long the lir.~e of s~vid contemplated ti~ork ore impraveme t az:d in front of alI the property liable to be wssessed, notiea of h passage of this resolution of Intention. ir_ the ~.nner and form re- wired by lair. X11 of the herein proy osed wo rk s]a all be dc~ Y1e in pursuance to said s.et of the I+egi stature of the State of C~.lifornia , entitled, ^~, aet 'to provide for work in and upon ~ttreets, avenues, lanes, allays, courts, pl~.ce~ and sidewalks within municipalitier~, . ~,nd up©n. property sand ri~~ts-of-way owned by municiy::}~.lities, aarlc~i. for establishing and changing the. grads of ~.n.y teach streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidawaI.ks, and providing for the issuance ~.n.d payment of street imprQVer~ent 'oonds to represent cer- tain assessments for the cost thereof and 3~roviding a method for ~ch a payment of stz ch .'bonds , " approved .~pri l '7 , 1931. T~~~e foregoing resolution was passed and adopted 'by the Board o~ Trustees of the City of ~.~ieim ~a1d is signed appr~~~ed, sod attar ted by me this 2&th day of :~~ebr~~~~.rv~~±~ /,~ti/01~~1~,~.~% - BreB3.dent of the ~~:lU ,~ttast. tees of the City of aheim. 'perk o f the City ca'f ,t~naha im. -- 3- - _ _w .~~. t~ i I i ~F1 1 ~ iT~~~.Py c~~ c~.IFC~~~I.~> ) ~ ss. 2 Co~?_nty of Orange. ~ 3 I, Edavard B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of ~.aheim, do 4 hereby certif3t that the fore~;oin~ Resolut~,.on of Intention Tda. 1~3 5 ~nre,s ~aus:~er and ado1~t ed ~.t ~~ re~al~3 x r~ceting of the Loe.rd of mrus- 6 -fees of the City of ~~1aheim, ~3eld on the'26t :~a~ebru~,r 1914 ~~ day of y~ 7 by the f_olloavin~ vote; 8 .l~ ~r - t ~~ -e, C ~ ~~..tr, °tY~ ~ ~ + ees . ~~ t;ye s , Trus ri 9 ~~ oe s , Trustees ~-~. ~,. -- 10 ~t,bsent and ~~ot voting, T=~~tee~ ~ ~.- -' 11 Iid +:YIT'NESS 'sdl~s:u~Q' I :rnr~.ve hereiulto set n:l~r ha~:1d. o.n.d affixed the 12 official sear of the City of .,~,naheim, this 26th day of yebru.ary, 13 1914. _.-~ ~ 15 _ ,. _, _ Clem o f the City of .~,aheini. 16 I 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 f __~-