06/11/1914-021i ~M ~I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ;; 16 17 E 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 .,.mss,,....... - ~~;• ; 25 26 ~~ ~~~ t/~ ~°IA~ ~`~-` f t ~ ','' ITu ';,_,-~ ~w~mTT'R 0~' BnVI~G- T~O~~TTI 71F~.~Oi~ ST~~T ITS TT-~ CITY QF ~~~~IiI:I~, ~~' S~~ O~T~ TI OTb O:t-` ~!7~.~.I> Q~` CO?~TR>~CT I' OR tTOPY. ~~,, Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the City of ,~.ah~nID, having in open session on the 11th day of June, 1914, public3y opened, exam-fined. and declared all sealed.. proosals or bids of- fered for the following street work, to-wit; streett inh said adway of North Lemon property line op y' from the southerly duced easterly acrosst Bald tNorth Lemon street to the northerly property Iine of West Center street, produced easterly across said North Lemon street (except- ing therefrom that portion of the roadway of North Lemon street, lying between the .northerly and southerly property lines of Wilhelmina street, produced westerly twenty-eight feet, to the center line of North Lemon street, and excepting that portion of the roadway of North Lemon street, lying between the northerly and southerly property lines of West Alberta street produced weyter]y to the center line of North Lemon street; and excepting that portion oP the roadway of North^ Lemon street, lying between the northerly and southerly property lines of West F "` Sycamore street center lane of the duced westerly to the Lemon street; roadway of North of the roadwaand excepting that portion Y of North Lemon street, lying between the northerly and souther, 1y property lines of West Sycamore street, produced easterly to the center line of the roadway of North Lemon street; and ex- cepting that portion of the roadway og North Lemon street, lying between the northerly and southerly property lines of West Adele street, produced westerly to the center line of North Lemon street; and excepting that portion of the road- way of North Lemon street, lying between Ines of tWelst Cnd southerly property westerly to the center shnet'o produced Lemon street; and excepting thatNorth tion of the roadway of North Lemon street, lying between the northerly and southerly property lines of `Vest Cypress street, produced easterly to the center line of North Lemon street and excepting that portion oP the roadway of North Lemon street, lying between the norther- Chartaes sLreetlY property lines of West center line op produced westerly to the excepting that North Lemon street; and North Lemon street n 1 inthe roadway of ~ northerl Y g between the West Chartres streeterly property lines of the renter Iine of produced easterly to graded to the ofrloialh Lemon street) be with hydraulic cement conedrete base and with asphaltic wearing surface. Said work shall be done in accordance therefore wh ch $alales and specifications `-"° were ado ted b plans and ~ the Cit p y the Board of Trusteeslof 28th da of Anaheim, by resolution, on the "1 F„ Y of August, 1913, are numbered and are marked and designated "Plan of proposed improvement on North Lemon street and South Lemon tweet, Anaheim, California," and are on file irZ the office of the City Engineer of said city, in the City Hall in said city, and which said specifications were adopted by the Board of Trustees oP the City of Ana- . heim, by resolution, on the 10th day of April, 1913, and which said specifications are marked and designated "Specific~- tions No. 5, for the construction of street paving with hydraulic cement and broken atone, or screened grave] and asphalt wearing surface in the City of Anaheim, California," and are on file in the office in the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, y Hall of said _ city, __1_- 0 .~ l 2 3-' 4 5 ` 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hereby rejects all of said bids except that next herein rz- boned, and hereby awards the contract fo,r doing said work tv`: the lowest respor~.~ible bidder to-wit; \ wh~ch bidder aid Bo~.rd' of Tru stew finds to ba the lowest responsible bid~_er at the pr~ees specified in their pra~asa,l on file for ~.id work, to-wit; C~ Ct~,~.~ ~ U v The Uity :Clerk of the City of .:~.nahem is hereby directed. to post a notice of this award canspictxously for five days on or: ne 12 the chamber dmor of the 3oard of Trustees: of said City of ~,nahein. 13 `' and also~publ sh said not ice by one insertion in the nAnahei~t 14 Gazette, ~' a weekly newspaper of general Qirculation, printed, pub- 15 lished and circulated in said City and hereby designated for .that 16 pur~y-ose by sa~,d Board of Trustees, there .being nc daily newspaper 17 ' : of general circulation printed or published in said city. 18 The City Clerk of said City is further instructed to post eon: 19 spicuously for five days on or near the Chamber door of the Board 20 ` of Trustees of said City a copy of the Npeeifications for sai,~d 21 work, whi eh said specifications are marked and designated "~peei- 22 f.ications No, 5. For the construction of .street paving with her, 23. draulic cement, and broken stone, or screened gravel and asphal' 24 ' nearing surface in the City of ~inaheir~, California.°' ;~?ic~x said 25 ~~r specifications were adopted by said Board of Trustees by reso- 26 lution on the 10th day of April, 1913 and are on file in the csf- 27 fi c e o f the City C1 erk o f the City of &nahe im in the City Ha 2~ of said City. 29 That in accordance with Resolution of Intention TSo. 112 pass- 30 ed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of ~~,hei, 31 on the 13th da~r of ~eb:cxzary, 1914, said Board of Trustees doh de 32 } ~° termine and declaxe that __2__ 1 2 3 4 :: z 5 6 7 8 9 to i, I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -, 26 27 2~ 29 30 31 - 32 ~ ;,~ suazt'ce ai a aEt of the Le~ialature Cf Ptak of Ca!' otnia, enti#]ed 4n adt to p vide ,tor work`- in and upa~ .atreetit, assn lanes, a3taye, Co~#rt~ p ai~rsi,,,' ~acrd sidex~s within ~111ut1iciy~l~zsea„ ,.t~Ot!' pro~jerty rights of may ~pwA~d 2$~l {rt~c~t. tar esta61i6'h1~y"'~gd CkthcA~rndes, m suCb~; slrecTta ave4ine-s. Ctrs. kye, cn aa~cs'eitd: sidttva:k3, and Pro4';~ii+B for ~&tstC~c~ arid.. payment of ~treC~ lmproce ~>asjs- v !'cpr~+~ont ~xrttdn e~c;n (s foc , eo-st th4r~CSSf utd p ti`idiu~ s faf Gaymcnt of Eltrh }~an+17i, p~, ~ggi i, . tht7( brr~s hal}; ~ i t pre ttte coat ~f .agi~ ;m ~ "_ ~ ,~ }UIX it'I #ski 6F psi , - t~~r rptk v 6~f#1 '~`-b4Tt ~et` NIIIt79 Un ~19][~, lrnt]{ CI1C" ~wy` ! ~~ zn c~ i71.T;rtat IlfC }4a[~,.. an .. 'fined .m ac(s~rdaryte vs#;b •a~ n 'tlrq• l~o+'idgd by~xlxe atnres'xld SmprGt`e9acat The fore~ain~ resolution. is signed, ~.py~roved and attested. by me this 1 ~ dsy of Junes, 191. . Bre ent o~ the Board o~ Tru.s- tees of the City of ~'~naheim. fittest. ~~,..r~ . .____ City Clerk, -- 3-- 1 u Tri TE OF C.(~T~IFO hilt I~ , : 2 COL~a~TY 0~~' ORANGB, Su. 3 C I `Tl' OI' ~~~.:..~L . 4 • I, Edw~_B. Merritt, City Cler?~ of the City of ~r~.ahei; ~, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and 6 adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the 7 City of ~naher~ on the 11th day of June, 1914, by the Follow 8 ing vote ; 9 ayes; Trustees, Caoh-, ~te,rk, Hamler, Schneider ar~.d Brunworth 10 Tvoes; Trustees, none. 11 absent sa~.d not voting; Trc~.stees, none. 12 I~ T~,'I`"~aw `~r~E~Oya, I have herel~_nto set my ho,nnd and affix- 13 ed the of~ieial seal of said City this / ~ day of June, 1914, 14 City Cler~_ of the City of Anahei: 17 18 19` 20 21 22 23 24 ~..~ ~_, i ~ 25 ~~ I 26 ~~ 27 2.8 29 30 31 32 --4--