06/11/1914-022' ',~e-o~ fie. ~a ~~°'-~ ~' 'f~, ~~~~tgl4 ~', ~~ ~ 1 RESOZUTIOTvT OP T~ BQt~.F~ 0".~' Ti3USTT:.~;S OI' THE CITY 0~~ t11)itit3Ell'.Tt ~.I30PT- ITuG ~T.,iiivS ~aS~f13 Si'yCII~IC~TIOT~dS ~~OP~ ~e1~VIT~~G ~. kORTIQI~e O:t~ TTi~ Rf~.~.D~~~aY 2 DI' ?~; ORTH LEITO~T S TREAT ITS T~ CITY (~ ~T~ I~?I. 3 T~ESaZVI;'D by the Board of Trustees of .the City of ~xiaheir 4 That the :City Clerk of the City of ,~aka.eim be, and he is° here- 5 b~= directed advertise ~o~ sealed proposals or bids far the do- h ing of the ~ louring described street work in the City o-f :ixlaheim, 7 towit: That those portions of the roadvray of North Zemon Street 8 which a-re her®inafter designated, be graded to tT~e official grade 9 and Waved tvj.t~t hydraulic cement conorete base •and with asphalt 10 vy~earing suri'ace. 11 That those portions of the roadway of said 1:'Torth Zemon ~~reet 12 on vrh:i.ch said ~rork is to be done and for which. said sealed pxopos- 13 als or bids 11 `be receive., are described as follows, town; ~~: 14 ~ =F - - 15 16 ~} ~~, 17 ',f~ ~~ a ~~~ ~~ ~I p _ ton rat tier ri+vaY~ ~t"~+ot~c ~ _ 18 t yi,~iuy 6Kor+mdri tow :t.J~thrr.y~ acts i t pttrptnty ,J»r_~of }V~[ ~~gign{e tat ;'I'FS- 3irrnd F_.asbdtFp to thr ae~t<r 1~c'e oT t, ' raa_d~ ~~ ~~uy `ut Ypfi4t [,empn ; 5ueat, ~ "~ i shpt tTtMttio7~• tige rWdav dC~T4Cth' Rtl ~iree4 3~,s gt~tx~ t nrt4str,y attd au~ therly ~ g Iln~s.._eat :~deie et, 20 1WduA~t~r1~ tQ Y e cen,Xea ling of i~DCNh ~, vppn Stt~st; ~ that„yd~ioa of t3ze tU3dv.~v of N ^Lcmo[i' jtreet, :~iti~ tii*Cweei~ t1µ,` ;~~nrt3~~ ~ £+rnithtr.ti pNppetty linrs 4! -1k•eet C'y~rrEa~ltret,-gtu:is{ced West• 21 _ r er'~to t1tE~ter tike of 4ort1~ ~ynoh StrCet; ~ that' V1~o ep4 4~f- t}RO 1A689g 9~; " "'~ ortb Lcm $Lrsei, ~ Gt#ivern ttte IVdrt:' ilveFtg x~u1 ~t4k$r1y rtY huts 6f 'W"est 2 ~ (."At'ser 4t}.~ . gx't utpd ~aster.3i.yG~ t,4t4 ,ceit- ter ritk o~;~Ft}ith }.emuat Sereel 1159t utr ,'sv( thr ~ cd'.1"Q Lemon 23 x ~t'~e7~'~ . ~ , ~ ~~ ~+wr1,~ , ~~+ ~ • ,~ lu~eq .,f '4Vc.~ ? titreet, ~,,. . 25 , 26 and that portion of the roadway of Taorth~j~ Zemon St~eet,r~~~r.be- 27 tween the - (/ ,<rAy.f-1~, T°m^'^ St~ 2~ ~'L+"e2~ nr.,ti.~t=1.o-r.1 -_ -fi~~-• ~""'T7".~.~'~`~,~ '°~3~3"i`$'S'"~v"'~v"'p _t 29 ~=ae~ produced resterly across said Tlorth Zemon Street 31 That s~.id notice shall be published for tyro successive weeks in 32 `\ then~naheim gazette" a newspaper of general circulation, pr~eT" - -1-- ,~~ _;;;;_ .,. ~; 1 ]]1Zb11_c~1$d ~.__:i1'_''_ C~. rc iLl:::,t c, ~ :i_1"._ ~~ „ t~~_ `~__ t d Ory: ~~L1..e1111. ~,a_.~ yaroloas~.._~. or I.id.s l1 ~ _ verec' E,o t~1e vzxc?er~:: nec 3 ,~,;-3_';; ~ler1{: oi' the .. ~.%'~. ~~~\~_ ~'Z.t~~ ~t a7' amity of be`~C?~ e .~.n~re ~~ '~_i_ ''~~ t p T :-~,t h~_s a r-"~; ce ~:n the ~itJ fall v~ ~~~t'~_ lr lui. ~ f°~rl t~7. i:a c~~::vr, G!1~ ~t,~ry 5 d t~~r o~ r,_Z;, s3.• .u, 1~1~--, .. ;r1 C' ~`a;~_c~ ~Yc~~re_c~`~ise ~: ~ ~ ,~~:, °~,I1 ~`o ,,at:~te. 6,yll yrol~OS€,~ls 07.' kJ~_dS C".~FereO 1L11St i)" ~3.CG'OI'1':c13''_? eC. by e'• ~'hecI^ _ ~ ~w••' 7 x~~i~r.a~ala to Ghe Cit;~ o~_::~.1~~hei::~, cep^Gi~1 ,~ _, ,~ _ V 8 a.x:~, arnouL~t 4rhieh sh~:~l1 tot ~1e le~'~ tl~~..f:~. ten ire ~' ce}1t o_=' tYe aggre- 9 tG' ~i,r120~1.~1t Of tC1G' ?"~r0"~:~0s~,1 Or ~ '.00'10 "~Or t'1e .:,c>1d ~.r?l0illlt Sa p~.~ra,b ~ g 10 si411ed b;,T 'ci2s 'b-idc~ers z;ad t~r,-o s~xr~eties .rho h~~sll j1.R.ct-t:~~y belore ~~T 21 o~-~i cer corr~~etent to ~.da;li r..lster can. o _Zt~l in aa~~.ble 'che s~~id ~v2xxzt 12 .over Fund. ~ubave all. st~.tutor~ e~Lelixy,~ii oxls, s~.:i.d checi~~ a-~° bond to be- 13 come -i'or"eited ~~.>^~ licii~_i dated dalll~uves, it withixx tex~ d~.~r~ :vi'ter the 14 acceA~tallce of hiti b1d, t'rle bidder shall fail to entex into a eon- 15 tract ~~=or the doing oA sait~ ~rorl~ ta.d ~.trnish the bonds recyizired. 16 axe succeeszul bidder 4Fr111 be rec Aired: to ,give a bond to the 17 C1t~,T o~ ~~~ra eim ~~hic?z shall be e~~ecxztec? b;r ~,t lest tt,ra goad: srid 18 s„-~f;_cient sureties to be aj~raved bJ the Eoearc3 0-" ~yrLxStees oi' the 19 Ci tv oL i.~ `;,-,gym ~~hich s~::.id. s~zret~_ec shall just i~'~' 1n double the 20 c~~rno~.?nt Oi s«,1d bol~~d i_n uY~encx~.mbered y~ro"y7er~;,~ Z"r7_t?:.!_Y1 t'rle St,`'.te 0'!' 21 Cw1i-~orrxita, etxclusive o~ ;~ro;~oert; e_re~ ~-,t ~ro1:1 e~}ec~.~.~`ia?~, ~~.nc~ ~rhich i 22 said T~ond: shall be coxlditioned ?ay~an the f~.sth-I'ul ~erform~~llce o-I I s ai d 23 Bald cor.~traet and the successJ'1:~1 bidder v~ill be rcclx3ired to g3_ve 24 a:^ot},er :v~~lc' adc~itio11a1 bolzd: 7.x1 li ~-e arryozrl.t ~~;o' be sp~n-raved by trxe ~' 25 :: Toard of ~rzx.stees of tr.e staid Cit~r o~ ~,~heim, ~~Thich shall b~ ewe- 26 c~~ted buT tiro good and suffieie~lt ulzretiee 4rrho Shall justit'y .n the 27 same r~l~~.nner anc~ in like alnaurt ~>rhiczx sa~.d bond sh~.ll be cond.~tion- 2'8 ed anon t~xe pa~rl:ae:rlt o-~ ~.ll l~~'aor ~~nc~_ m~~.terial ~la.-r.?13_shed upon. swirl ~rork tvithln thlrt~ dwdrs _te.}' ~~ile car~~~let~.ox~l t=°ierao~=. 29 ~~he ward of Trustees oa`' the City' o-~ ~:==;,xheil~ resE:rves th;r5 r-i_ght to z~; ject ~~ axld all bids or 'UO • ~,cce~~t arlr~ ia~,~:^t a~ ar~.J bid. 30 u; Ii ~~Ur~T~~.~R ~S~JT~V'~~:•Ti thwt t+'lp~e certain s~eci -i'7_ee~~ions marh_ ed :~:c1d designated 't8reci~~ ications i3o. ~ for the cox:~stra.ction aft 31 ~ street p~,'yin~'"-~~.~;h hydraulic cerr!e~.t~1" brc~-yen starle c:~~ Greened 32 gravel ,lad asphalt weari-~g sar~ace in the C1ty o~~ t:,~.~~>wheim, "~~.11i'a~ __ 2_.. 1 prep~~.red by ©. E. Ste~r~.rd, City ,;,,gin eer o-f t:ne Cit;;~ of a~,nahei~:, 2 and ~;•hi ch ~~~ere aday~ted by tie 3ca rd of Trusi:ees of ts~.e City of 3 ina~.ei7j} b~T resolution on t'~e lOt~2 c?.~v of ;j~ril, 1J1~, and ~~rhich 4 are on file in the office o.;' the City Clerk a_" the Cit~r off' cL21G;i2ei~ 5 in tale Cit3° ~ia11 oi' said ci'Uy, be Gr!~:t the~~ are 'rrereby ado};~ted as 6 the s~~ecificstians for the doing of said t*aarl~ and 7 BE Iy ~+U:~~i~HE.~ ~wOI~VE:~ that those certain plans and profiles 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2~8 29 30 31 32 numbered 'T1 " marked and designated "P~„ans for 1~~.vin~; street intersections ot~. y,orth yemon street, ~naheirn, California," pre- pared by C. E. Steward, City. Bnginser of the City of ,~~.aheim, be and they are hereby adopted as the yalans and profiles for the doing of said pro rk , and Bi' Icy ~`URT~R ~;SUZVED 4ii~.t said plans and profiles be ~~nd, re- main on file in the office of the Cit f Esegineer of -~3~.e said City of ;ina'neim in the City call in said cult.. 4;nc~ that the same may be hereafter referred to for all purposes by the designations here- in c ont ai n e d. mhe -~'orego~ng resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this 11th day of ~TUne, t~. ~. 191. J fires ent o:f the Board of. Trus- te of the City of rnaheim. attest. City Clerk of the City of an~he i.m. --3-- 1 ~~",T.~.T~, 0~ C.~ZI~OR:~Iri, } } 2 COUNTY ©~ aGL, } ,~.5. } 3 CITY 0~ ~iv.~;a.iyIl~= } 4 1, Z;dward' B. 1~Territt, City Clerk of the City of ~;naheim, do 5 hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed ~sid adopt- 6 ed at a reg~z3~ar meeting of the Bo~Lrd o-I' Tr~zstees of the City of 7 ~.~x2aheim held on tY~e J~th day of June, ~. D, 1914, by the follomr- 8 iilg vote ; 9 ,~ ,;,yes, Trustees, ~' 10 Z~~oes, ~?'rustees, ..~- 11 absent and not voting , T:~~~?steec , ~-rL~ 12 ~.Zd I i''arthe r eertify thwt the are ~i dent o1F the Eo.rd of True- 13 city si~~ery tees of said said resol ution on the 11th c!a,y of Jl~-'r=e, 14 . . ' _ .~. v. 1914-. ~ _: 15 ~,T Id 'JITTdF.rS ~~;~1T-~. ~a~OI, I have hereu nto set my hand and af-figed 16 the ©fficial sea.1. of. the said City of ,~aYieir~ the 11th dad? of 17 ,, JL!ne , .~. D. 3914. 18 . is 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2~ 29 30 31 32 '~ C~~ o ~ e C~ y o ~nah e i rn. - - 4--