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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .~~~ ITT '1.'HL I,:'1T~R OT.~ I'~.T~rIT~TG TFE ROiBT~~Y Oy 1`dORTH I:L~,0T1 ST ~'LI IN T~ CITY OT` .~.N~iEIl~~I, C~LII'ORT1I~. R SOZUTIO~I ©RDERI:'SG ~'~OR~. Resolved la~~he Bo€~rd of ~ruste®~ of the City of ~.nabeim; Section I. _. That the public interest ax~:d coizvenience recd?ire anal ~~~": the Board of ~us'~ees of the City o~ ~nah~im, ~nursuant to Resolut- ion of Intentn Tto. 122 of~the Board of Trustees of said Ci.tdr of .dnaheim van.ich said Rasaluti on o f Intention TTo. 11~ was .duly passe and adopted b~ said Bos,rd of Trustees on the 13th day of February, 1914, hereby '" ~~ 'reef work to be done in ss,id city, tov~it ; C~ _..1_~ ~, _ ==- '~ ----- - I 2 3 4 5 _. ,.__ _ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section II. That. it is hereby determined and declared in ;.~tzr- suance of said Resolution of Intention iIo, 112 anal in ,.pursuance of ~ec~zon .L11. :III of the herein propnsect waric;~~ done ixt yt~r e Y+i -~a~d ~cc aT the iYture of Lhr~~~C~ifnbtii~', entui.+c., azt to ~cuYidc for woYSF na an& n~b.i ;~+~4ue~, }Qaa. tLeFr,_eahri~, ~iu~ees Section IV. The Gity Glerk of the City of ,c~xxa.'neim s.s hereby dir- ected to post eonsnicuously for five days, on or near the chamber door off' the Roard of Trustees of said Gity of helm, e notice of said ~rork inviting sealed ~;~roposals or bids and a copy of sy~ecifi- cations Inc. 5 ~xdopted by the Board of Trustees of the said Gity a heim on tYxe 10th day of x~.pril, 1913, and ~~hich are marked and designated "Specifications ~o. 5 for the construction. of street paving- with hydraulic cement and broken atone, or screened gravel and asphalt ~~a€~ring surface in the Gity of ,F~,naheim, Gal'ifornia, Tr h is also directed to cu-ease ~~, cop~r of said notice to lie published tvrice in the .'~~ n ~. h e i m G a z e t t a. ,'~ a weekly ne~v~;~aper of general circulation, printed, published axtd circulated in said cit which said newspai~er is hereby designated for th~~.t ~aur~~ose. Said notice shall invite sealed ;~roosals or bids for doing the t--cork ordered and shall refer 'to the ^pecit'ications ;z~osted a.nd ox~ file, which said notice uhull recRZire all pro~~osals a~' bids offer- sd to be ~.ccom~s~:.nied bur ~, check ~~a.;;ra.ble to the Gity of :~.na,'neim, .._~__ 1 2 3 4 5 _ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (+eerti:£ied bps a resy~orlsible bank yo-r ~~~,. amount ~hieh nhWll not 1~e les=. "uhG,'li ten per cent 0~ "u~ie ~~`ref~;u,te 01~, tale ~:i'^0 `;OS~L~. O:i ~1~,% c4 bond :car tTe said ~~nount so L~e.~able, ;~i~~lled Ta;% -~'_e )i<~der ~~,nd t~rc~ sLire"%ies vrho shall jGt~~c y ".;~~:~:o2e ~.:~~~ o~`:'-~icer co.w;eter~t to ~~C~r~1J_n- . _ _~, _ ,. _ . 1 ~';,~3'~' ari Or:a.~,~1, ~~:~ do~;zble i~~".€' ,~,`~~3C~-r'?Ot~?lt ~1.Y1.C~ nY.~,,' :`.wl~' ._ 0~''G .. ~ ~.. .. _..d_ .: ~--- ~.i~i'.y°~~ 'r, -%he l2th day o:E Ju~.e, lJl~- is _.ewe~;= ueslgn~.~~ec~ ~a~d ~.~i_~ed ~~ J:~e day o~:r ~-~r'ic~i, u~~ ~i~o the hour atf: So'cloc:~w r. ~u,. the s~Jid ~royose.ls o~' bids shwll ue ~neceived ~~~c+: ,a1e~ S~~id ~rvuices rh~.,ll ~o specify. ~T~:~ie i'ore oing reso~_ution is sib-:..zed, ~v°c~uested ~~,ila ~v_7roved b~% me t )~~~- `~ 14th day o f R~3r, l J 14, l~~ reside o j~J roar o - .~~.zs- tees the City o~ .~u~.oheim. .~t~est. ., ~~ ~~~ . Ci y ~ ~ r.~ o~ ~e City o - ...~~.~ia.eim. ) " Coaaxity ~.~ Orange, ) SS. } " .City of ~~a eim. ) I, Fdt~rard B. T~ierritt, City Clerk oi' the City ofi inarieim, do he by certizy that the ~or8~oir1~; resolution was regularly passed ax~.d adapted a,t a r~~;ul~~,r meetirl~ o~ the ~3oa.rd o~ f"rustees of the City of .~naheim hold az~ the 14th day of l~tay, x.914 by the fallavririg v ..yes, Trustees C~,.iC ~'f~C S~ =° y3 TToes, Trustees r~bser~t ;end not voting, Trustees, IN ~7ITN',GSS '~V7I~1~0~' I have hereunto set mr Yi;~nd acrd affixed the seal of the sa3. d City o f .~n~.b. eim this 14~~; de,y o~ T~~ay, 1914. City Clerk o:f the City of te; _..3__