05/14/1914-024.iN THk: T~:~TTER 0~' P~VI?G `1RL RO~;.1)>`d~Y O;' ~1GRTH OTa STREET TT~T
CITY 0~ ~.IT.I~. /~~ !9~ ~
'~;5 the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim did, on the
lath day. of ~~ebruary, 1914, pass.and adopt 3d~s Resolution of Intention
Tdo. lI2 ~o order" the followin.~ street v~ork ~o be done in said city,
t0W 1t : ~"'F1ir` u'e`t~~gtt~t;"~'~,•~,~erirt'S4~e~e
..,...,~ ~5i'~!Y~;r.>bieti'Sta~cvet to tN~' Nor+
tPte ,roadway of North Lemon
;. ~~ 1 g -:}.iYtween qh4' Northe[Iq. and' Sau•
fftt~s p# West Alberta Street
ratetly to thecepter Jine of Nortlt
~tre~t; and ting that portion of
t adway'o#,+'~orth Lemon Street, lying
Let tf fihe A€v-riy'and Southerly prgpkrty
[in ~ 1 , l~!'eat Sycamore Street produced
VC' ~ to,the center line of the roadway pE
"i o ~ Street; and exceptjng that ~ pdr• ,
tioxt 3#$tittF~~z o~ h°orth L$lnon Sgeet;
fyin,~ tweLtE the ~V'p~'t#ter:y $ttd Southerly
ropertyy. lines of t9S'e'at c ore Strcet; pfD-
~ ~uFed L•'asterty to tite cgntef line of t}ie road-
way of NorW 1'.earen Street; and excepting
that portion of 'tht roadavay of ~TOi~ Lemon
rrrodiiced W ' teily io Yht canter t{ne ot, ,North
i.ettvut . S~-" LAeg that pordozt, of
t~ so~dway, 0~"'t~rth" -pmvn ~t~.@ct., Jytzrg
hetN#Ren }`lart~ttrJT ~n~~
f ~f o y Prop c ceh 1Rre~r
_ ~ .
.y ~ .~ rthlhe road.rtr A
t ,~, ~.1 Lty iinry~ CFt ~~
CS ~~ RPierig to ~t`ett',
1 r ~ r '~tr¢et nlid 10.7CMQlLit4$':
tis'pi pa rt~x.;, ~ ~ ~ - WIt of aia~k$-Lemon
Strcet, 7~-int' ~~4wc-~n ,t}tc ~ocfhlerly- w'~d SOµ~
therty "pr arty liaei of l~'(yst Chames Str~st,
~ptged '4Gtsterty to t11¢ meter ire of >Ygrth
I~emgn Street; and ezcepti that portio~ri; of
ttie roadway of ytarth C.e'mor3 Strcet.: lying
ttetaiteen'the No~tl3e~l'~ and 5outher[y property
li,nes.of West Chanties Street, produced East-
~erly~to thb center lihe~~ef ;ivo~th Lemtt~~n~ Street]
be gradedto the official-grade and p3~ed with
hyydrau;io- cement Concrete base and wrth as-
phattfc wearing surface. "
~.ND ~]ISl~'• the City Clerk of the City of ~,neheim tid thereafter
cause said Resolution to be publin.~hed by tiro suceessiv~ insertions in
The iCr•:~rzge; Co~'~1t~r al~in Dealer, a net~vspaper of general Circulation
printed,` published and circulated weekly in said City, :and
'~ S the Superintendent of Streets of said Cxty did, immedi~.te-
ly after 'the adoption of sa~.d resolution of Intention, conspicuously
post, along the line of said contem~~lated work and improvement, notice
of the passs.ge of sai~ Resolution of Intention in the Wanner and form
required. by law, as more fully a;~~pears in the affidavit of the Super-
intendexi'~ of Streets of said City on file ~n the office of the City
Clerk of said G~.ty.
r A,
k; ~~:
~iBR~AS it aprears that no owner or owr~.®rs of property liable to
be assessed for. said work hav® made or filed vrritten protest
against the proposed ~vo:~°'~ v~ithin tY~e time provided by law for making
or riling such protest ~~nd that the time within wnich such protests
could be `made or filed. has expired.
TI~B~~'ORE $~ IT ~~.c:SOI,V"r~D by the Board of Trustees of the City of
That said Board of Trustees does hereby find and determine;
(1) That all acts and filings necessary and required by law to
~® done to confer jursidiction upon said :hoard of Trustees to ord®r
the doing of said work, have been done and complied with.
(2} That no o~rner or oy~ners of property liable to be assessed
for said work have made or• filed written protests against the propas-
ed woxk within the time provided by law for making or filing such pro-
test and that the tim® within which such protests could be made ag
filed has expir~-ti and that said Board of Trustees ha..s acquired juris-
diction ~o order the doing of said work.
The foreg~a_ing Resolution is signed, $pproved and attested. by me
thi ;~ 14th day of ~iay, 1914. ~
' President e Boar o ru~_
tees of e City of Anaheim.
County of Orangs. } SS.
City of Anaheim.. )
I. Edward:' B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of $naheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passe~a and adopted at
a reguler meatiaag of. the Board c:~ Trustees.,of the City.. of Anaheim he Td
on the. loth dap of May, > 1914, by the following vote:
Ayes , Trust ®es ~,,.! u.. S~1 ~~ :~' Y3 ~-
Noes, Trustees .~z~.~._
~.bsent and not voting, Trustees ~.,.~,~ ,
T~[ txdITTTESS ~VHER OF I have hereu~zto set my hand and affi:~ed the
official seal of the City ai .Anaheim, this 14th day of May, 1914.
~~ -~ .
- City C erg oy ~tne u~.ty oz tut~ss~a~.~u.
_ ~ 2....