02/13/1914-025~~ ~ 1 xESOLUTIarr o:~ I~T~TI~N rro 1 a RESOLVES by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim; 3 Section 1. that the public interest a~q.d convenience re~q.irs 4 and that it i~ .the intextti4n. of ths- ard~ of Trustee.a of t~i ~it~ 5 ,;, __ ~aheim to order ths. ~m~.l©wix~g sheet wor k to be done in said 6 city, to-wit: 7 29 section II. It is hereby determined in pursuance of an act of 8 9 10 1 ]. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 ;`ohs Legislators of the State of California, entitled "An act t© pro. 31 amide for veor~k in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, all®ys, courts, 32 laces and sidewalks within municipalities, and upon prop and s'i.ghts of wag awned by municipalities, amd for establishing and _~, b~ 1 changing the grades of auy such s~ereets, avenues, lanes, e~.leys, 2 eourt~s, places and sidewalks, and providing for the issuance and 3 payment of street improvement bonds to r®present certain assessment 4 for the cost. thereof and providing a method for the payment of sia.ch 5 bonds,' sppro~ved April '7, 1911, that ba° e-:1° ber tss~e'~t~ rep=, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 resent the cost of said improvement. Said bonds shall be serial, II extending over a period of nine years, from the second dsy of Janes nary next sudeeeding the .date of said bonds, a~.'~ even proportion of .the principal sum of which shall be payable annually on the see- ond day of January of each year by coupon after their date, until the whole are paid; and that theinterest shall be payable semi-an- nually by coupon, on the second d.sys of January anal July respective ly of each d every year at the rate of seven per cent per annum, on all sums ~.npaid, anti 1 the whole o f sea. d p rincipal and interest are paid. mid bonds shall be issued in accordance with sad in the manner pzrovided by the afo resai d Improvement Act of 1911. Section IIZ The Orange County Plain dealer is hereby designat- ed as the newspaper printed, published ~.d circulated in said City in which this Resolution d~f Intention shall be published. The Clerk of the City of Anaheim is hereby directed to publish this resolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper, and to post the same for- two days conspicuously on or near the chamber door of the Board of Trastees of the said City of Anaheiffi. The Street Superintendent shall i~edistely cause to be conspic- uously post~td along the line of said conteanp7-ated work or improve- meet and in front of all the property liable to be assessed, noti of` the passage of this resolution of intention in the manner and form required by law. Section IV. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance to said act of the Legislature of the State of Cal.iforn e entitled, ~~ Act to provide for work in and upon street: avenues lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks within municipalities __2.,_ 1 d upon property and rights of way o~med by municipalities, and fox 2 establishing and changing the grades of any such. streets, avenues, g lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewa].k~t, and providing for the 4 i~suanee and payment of street improvement- bonds to represent cer, 5 fain assese~-en~s for the cost thereof an~.,,c~Y,~,a ~~- fvr ~h~q s payment of such bo nds, `~ Approved April '7~ 1 `~ ! 7 The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Board of g ~'rustees of the City of .ariaheim this 13th day of February, 1914, sn g .~~ approved and attested by me. 10 11 ~ President of the B~ of True, 12 tees of the City of A~ieim. 13 14 ~tte8t; 15 ~•r 16 17 Qitg Clerk of the City of 18 l~riaheim. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 --3-- 1 2 t 3 i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 ounty of Orange, } SS. } ity of Anaheim. ) I, Edv~~a~~d B. Tdiexritt, City Clerk of ._the City of ~.n~,hem, db ereby certify the.t the foregoir.~g Resolution of Intention No. 11Q~ was adopted at a regular meting of the Board of. I'x~a.stees of the City of 1~i°a eim, held on the ~~~:_. day of Fe'ora~vey, 1914, by the follotiving vote. / c .~iy e ~ , Trustees : ~/f ~r~ ~.,~'~`-":'~T- ~ c~-m-~~ ~" --~ ~~.,_ Foes, Trustees ~.~-4,,~,~ - .z. .~.bsent and not voting, T`rustee~; ~,~~-_. I±~T `~IZ~'dES~ s~E~'~'Oi'+' I have hereunto yet my hand e:nd affirmed the official real of the City of ~n.aheir,~ this 1~~Yr day of Febra~,ry, 1914. ~~ City Clerk of the City of ~3.nahe i m.• ,2 ~ ~.~