06/11/1914-028a! 10 1~ l~. 13 1 ;: Z6 1'~ I8 ~; 19 20 z 2Q 2~ 24 26 2~' 2+6 29 30 31. 3 ll~ Ir,T m~ S.~.AT~R 0~~ P.~V IT?G T~J RO.~.DI~AY OF ~OL~T~i CLz~UDII~~. ~~ '''ET TiT THE CITt~ Oi' .~I,B~iE.T.~~. ~.1iI1r7 V.U U 1 10TH 0.~:~ •L~ ~JillaiLU V l' lJ Vii ~Slil l! ,L .L, Vi. n.r~l T ~ • ~~~OLVEs~-.,'~;~,,~,"t the board of Tr~.istees--.ef the City= of ~ ^. elm, having in open session•on the 11th day of June, 1914, publicly opened, examined and ~.eclared all 'sealed pro~?osals or ba.d~` offer- ed for the following street work, to-vrit; hereby rejects all of said bids except that next herein r2en- tioned, and hereby av~ards the contract for doing said work to th J lowest responsible bidder to-wit; ~- tiyh' bidder sa d Board of Trustees finds ~o be the lo~~ve~t responsible bidder ~.t theprices ~pecified'n their proposal =an f~.le for acid w©rk, to- wit: ,< The Cit,y.::Clerk of the City of .~nahei;m is hereby directed to post a notice. of this award conspicuously' for five days on or nea the cher~ber door of the Board of mrust~:~s of laid City o~'':~naheim and also publish said notice b~T one insertion in the R,~,nsheim Gazette," a>weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in said City and hereby.. designated for tha'~'ir- --1-- ... f ~ e _. f ,. '"'i"~+, ~ ~k ~.. .i.. 1. s' .. .~ ..~ :-.1' aw.._L _ __.. _-_ __.. _. _ _. -i~~ll~~~~l~~~~l ~~~+ ~~ Ili I I 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 lt3 11 12 13 14 _-: 16 1'7 1&: 19 2D 21 22 23 i 25 26 27 2 28 3t3 31 3'2 ST.~TE 0±~~ C~IFTU^~~IIA, C V V 1T i~Y ~.~~ O~d t~` J , : s.i tfi. • CITY Or' ~:'~i~t~HEITF~I. I , Edgard B. I~~;erritt , City C1e rk of the City o f Anaheim do hereby certify that the foreyaing resolution vas gassed and`" ado~- ted at a regular rr~eeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of ~1n.aheim on the / 1 day of June, l~l~-, by the foll.o~=iing vote: ;ayes: Trustees, Cook, =tack, Hamler, Schneider and Brun~vorth Ttroes: Trustees, none. absent at~d not voting: Trustees, none. IZ3 ~'TITNE~~ EF3ERE0~ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this /day of dune, 1914. ~.,~.,~Y-r-~3 ~.c~~~r~--~ ._e ~. ,. City Clerk of the City of ~n.ah e im. __~__