02/13/1914-033_ n „~. ~L. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .g 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~., P-. ~' ~ I~ ~;'~;, bc, ~,= 0=' IRUa'~'~~,~ G:~. 'CITY 0~+° .ti .. R.SOZrUlIvl~i a~~ F~~~~ :~u ~~ u ~~-~ ~~~~s o~ : ~ ' cz~~ of ~ITti, l t~+TD I`iYi- l°14 ~L U~RY y ~c T-~`~ION ITdG ...:.uG u'i ~.ilC~:'`I.::L a~~ , 1~ S'.~aT'~:J D,nY OI ~I"~OmION ' . , ~ T~ ITu ~~.ID GITY ON T~- TI-uI T~t~Y~~IT;I?vG m~Fi t,. R~S~=TT 0~ ECInIr a:~ , ~7 Sri ?~Y a~ ,T$S~'uT~~3Y, I~'14. ",~i:t:~iS the hoard of '''r~.a~teen cf the City o_" t;,:zoi~eire did bdT Or- ~a~.r~a%~ce Tea. 269 of raid. ba~.rd of Ir~~~tee~t, c~.ll ;~`zd order to be held i~:? the se.i.d Cit;T of kx~a'~ei-r~, a ~~-~~eci~.l election on the 2'7th day o,° J~nuaxy, 1914, o'c° t'ne pux=po se of ~ubnaitt_r.g to the.. que.li- •~:iFd voters thereoy the prol~~~s`Ltions hereinafter set fcrth, `..x-d y,~,~j,~.a.~ paid Ord~.1L.r~ce c,~:a,ll~r~ and ordering ~o.a_d c~eci~. elect- ion way, dul~r published as real~.zired b;; law and as appeo.rs from the affidavit of E~.rl R. ~.b'be~T on file in the office of the C3.ty Clerk iri ts~.e said City of ~.~.iieir~, ~r,.d ~'~S a'~ ay~pears th~.t said special ~`elec:~~i~~. way. dul~`ha~.d in accordance with law ~-2 f. paid call on t'n.e 2'7'~h d~.~' of Jo.nuar~.-, 1914 os ~zfares:~~vd. and that the polls for said election. were kept open during the t3~e re~_ired by lo.w and t'n~,t the some was held and con ducted. ;end ths.t the vo•`e~ there~a,t received acid canvassed end tae retu.rris thereof a~certair~ed, detern.i xaed ex:{i declai ed ~~~ therein y~rovided and according to the I~:TJs of the Sto.te of California, and ;~~~;g~ ° ...the :hoard of !trustees of the City of 3::~.heim did on th ~~ f~_r. st ?:ioxid.a.~t a.ftex sail election: tovuit o--_z fhe secoxzd day of ~`ebru oz~, , 1914, meet in sneci2l session er~d proceeded to c€-;,r!va~s the returns o1 s~eid ~peci~±7_ election as rc:c~v.ired by law and did at suc: meeting, adopt a resolution vahich said resolutian. did state the whole number of votes c~-zst ir.~ saa.d city e.t sa.id special election, the pro+:~o~tions voted upon at so.id special electia~a, tk~~ number of votes given ~.t each precinct fcr e~.eh of ,e,i d pro pa si.tions dote upon o,t ~~vid specio.l election, t'_~.e n-~snber of --ates given e,t each prec~_nct age.inst each of the }~ropo~.itions voted upon of such ~Z~e~- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~,- 29 ~ 30 31 ial election, the nurx2ber of va ~,:es given Zn sa~_d city for each of ,.,~ ~`' --1-- v 1 2 3 4 -~- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 uch pror~ositions voted upon, the number of vote„ given in said cit ,ga,in~t each of L?ch pro~?o~itiarl~ voted upon whc'r~ ,~a,id resolution gas duly ent erect upon the minutes of paid board, and i'J~RE.~S the said Board of Tru~tee~ of said city did meet on the _3th day of Febru~.ry, 1914, in regular session a1u proceeded to ;anva~e the retu.ln~ of ~;a.id special election and the result of ~ai3 canvas was duly found and determined. I:P I~ T~.3i.,~EFORE resolved, deterir:ined and clecl_ared that the ~sid 3oaxd of Trustees of the City of ~.naheim dace hereby ratify and ~anfixzn the said re~~alution of ~si_d Board. of Trustees adopted at paid meeting held on the .second day of Febraary, and does hereby ratify and confirm all proceac_ings had acrd done a.t said meetia~g, and that aa.id Board of T~^.zstee~ do e~ hereby find, determine and declare e,~ follows; (1} That the whole nt~mbe_^ of votes east at said ~pecia~` elect~_on ction El i Precinct Tva. 1 was e n (2} That the ~rhole nta~nber cf votes c€~s~t at Maid special election. ction El i precinct Teo. 2 was 142 e n (3) `c'hat the whole number of vo to ~ ce.st at said ape cia3. election in Election Precinct Teo. 3 was 162 (4) That the ~rhale number of votes cast at paid special election Preci~zct ti i~o. 4 was 241 on in ;lec (5) That the vrhole number of votes carat at said special election I ~aa~: 7fi5 (s) That the pro1~a ~ition~ T,ro ted upon we re ; T?o . 1. Proposition to ir~cu r~a bonded 8ebt by the City of • gna,hei~ to the amount of ~7,QOQ.00 for the pur~~ase of t'r~e acquisition of fire app€~ratus for said City, .such ~I debt to bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum per annum, to be paid semi-annually; principal and interest payable iyt gold coin of the United State of ,~merica. --2-- 1 II No . 2. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Proposition to incur a bonded debt b;,T -fobs City of ,Axxa.aheim to the amount of ~~8,000.00 for the purpose of the acq~a-_~ition and construction of a building for municipal uses, to-wit : ~. building for the ~.z~;e of the fire depart- ment of said city, such debt to bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centuxi per annum, payable semi-an- nually; principal and interest to be paid in gold coin of the United States of America.. r 1:x`0 , ~ . Proposition to incur a bonded debt by the City of ,znaheim to the amount of <~20,OC0.00 for the purpose of the acquisition of land for park purposes, such debt to bear intexest at a rate not to exceed six per centum per annum, to be paid semi-armually; principal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States of ,dryerica. (~} That there were fo,ar election precincts vaithin said city for the pu~ose of holding said special election, which were des- ignated "Election Precinct I~Yo. 1," TME7~ection Precinct ~ 1:do. 2," "Election Precinct I~'o. 3,^ and "Election Precinct Rio. 4," and the boundaries of which were respectively as follows, towit; Precinct Tdo. 1. Beginning at a point on the South line o:C S tion Sixteen (16) , Toti°~nship %'our (4) South, Rar1ge Ten (I.0) ~rdest, .San Bernardino 3ase and T:ierS.dian, at the poir..t of intersection of said South line with tree I~Iorth and South center line of said Sec- tion Sixteen (16), thence East along the South line of said Section (Si;.~teen (16) to it intersection ~v~.th the extended East line of "yalnut Street, thence TiTor'ur~ alcng said East Line to its intersection with the Southerly-line of Lat 3l, ..ii.naheim Extezasion, as shovrn on aI map :Wade by VPilliam Hamel and filed for record in the office of the County recorder or Los .~ngeles t;;ounty, Cal-ifornia, thence Easterly along t;r_e South line of. said Lot Thi rty--one to the center lice of South sTe t Street, thence ~,ortherly along said center line to its intersection with the extended Northerly 13_ne of i`Test Broad Street,', thence Easterly along said T~;ortherly line of tive~t Broad Street to its intersection with the center line of South Los y,,r~geles Street; thence ZTo-rtherly along: the center line of South Los ~.rigeles Street extended to its intersection vaith the center lane of East Center --~--- 1 Street and crest Center Street; tne.~.ce '~Testerl`r Tong- t:r~e Centex lin 2 of ';feat Center Street to it}a il~teraection t~r~_th the 67eaterly baundar 3 line of said city; thence Southerly along the said ,7es~terlg bounds 4 't ine of said city to the point of beginning. 5 Precinct l~~o. 2. Beginning ~}.t a point where the center line of 6 ~`~est Center Street intersects the "`~esterly bGUndary line of s~~_d 7 city, rr~ning thence %uortY~.erly along acid r~eater3~T baundary line to g a point ~chere said ~eaterly boundary line meet; the ?`drtherly boon- g d~.~ry line of said city at the north ~rewterly corner thereof, thence 10 Eas=terly along said T~~Iorthar~;r bound€.a.ry line to ~. po~_nt ti--rhere said 11 North°z"ly boundary line inter~ecta the center line of TSorth Zoa ~n- 12 gele;a Street; thence Southerly along the center line of said T3orth 13 Zoe ~ngelea Street, produced Southerly tv its intersection Frith 14 East Center Street acid ~~e;~t Center S%:r~eet; thence %ceaterly along th 15 center line of ~'~®st Center Street to the point of beginning. 16 Precinct No. 3. Begi;~ali.ng at a. point where the center Tine of 17 North Zos ~ngele,3 street intersects the Northerly boundary line of 18 said City; running tber;ce Easterly alo~~g a9_d i~Tortherly boundary, 19 line of paid city to a point ~r~~ere s~.id baundary line touches the 20 Ea;~terly boundary line of >a.id c_?ty at the ~?orth Ea;"~terly cor~.er 21 thereof, thence Sout'!~erly along the Ea;~terly baund€~ry line of said 22 city to a paint ~~rhere said Easterly bound~.ry line intersects the ~i 23 center line of East Centex Street, thence ~fes~terly along the cente~,l 24 enter Street to i~he intersecf;ion of said center line line of East C ~ 25 of East Center Street i~zroduced '"~ea~tarly to its inter~~ectio~~1 w~.th 26 the ce rat er line o.r PTOrth Zo ~ ~.ngele a Street ~~,:r!.d South Lose 1:.ngele 27 Street; t'nence T~'ortx~erly along t~~e center lit^~e of ~`orth Lo" eles 28 Street to the paint of beginning. . 29 Precinct Tdo. 4. Begixv:~ir~g at ~. ~~7oint ~,°rhere the center line of 30 Ear t Center S~,~xeet ~nter;~ect,~ the Easterly bound~vr~r line of said 31 city, r1za-~ing thence Sa~~therly alon~c said. Easterly boundary to ~- 32 point ~,rhere t11e aa.id Ew;~terly bot?ndaxy toi_cre the Southerly boun- -.-~-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 •14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i~:~ry of u~;_d city at t}ie South-''es~terl;% cornc:~ thereof', thence ~~le~'.terly ~~1ong s~.i.d Southerl;~ bound:arjr to a point where said South- erly bound~~.ry interwectr~ t'rle center. line of So~~th Zo ~ •~,ngele~ Street; thence TYorther7_~ along the center line of paid South Zoe ~:ng;ele~ Street y~rod~,~ced T?orthe°r 1V° to its intersection v~-i-th t'ne center l~.r.,e of East Center Street ar~d '°re~t Center Street; thence j Ea.~terly along the center line of Ea.et Center Street to the y~oint of be~inni_ng. That. the number of votee cast thereat in said Election Precinct To. 1 in favor of rroi.~o~ition No. one First aforesaid, ~.;~as l that the number of vote ~ cast there~.t, in paid Election Precinct No. 1 e.~ain~t the paid pro-~~o~ition No. one a~ aforesaid way that the number of votes cost t'nereat in Election Preci.:L~ct TTo. 2 one first ition Na ~.~°o ~ ~~ ~ ~. c -~ 96 in fa~aor . of Pr~._~o that the n:;m'ber of votes cast ~he~eo,t in w~.id Election Precinct 4',4 T?o. 2 a~;~.in~t jai d ~zraao ~ition No. one ss a.fo re~oid `°~~~~~______ that the number of vo tee cast thereat in said Election Precinct "~~o, 3 in -favor of sai d -orayosition TTo, one fi rst o,faresaid wo.~ 127 ; that the number a~' votes ca4•t the?"eat in said Elec-~ion Preci~~c{~ Teo. '~ ~,gain~~t paid ~roy~ ~ition ITo. a?~~e -fi rst a:~oresai d way ~3 that the nLUnber of votes cat there€~,t in said lection Prec:~_nct TTo. 4, in favor of ~~.id nroy~o~ition T?o. one first aforesaid. way 183 ; that the number of votes cast theree.t in s9Nici Election Precinct Teo. 4 again t paid sarol.~o~itiori T?o. one fi rot ~zfo:ces~id way ~51 -- ~- a-'- , nul:bez of va vex= cast ti~.ere~~t, in ,.-~.;_.a L].tf in favor of paid j~roT~o~ition TTo. one first o.fore~aid w~.~ 574 ; z~s ber of votes cast there~.t in ~!.id ci#,~ o.g~~~n"t paid x?roj oe- the num 176 ition To. one :First a~oreaid eras Lhut tl~.e number o_~ vale,"~ ew 3t thereat ir.. said Elec-t:ion Precinct TvYo ~ ~ favor of -.;~roy;a,~itio~~. :'~o. ~ 1 i econdl ~.fiore~ aid, w~. ~ .: TTo. 135 ; ~ch t tl~e nur~~be.° of vote ~ cast thereat in ~eid;~lectio r m~. 1 Precinct No. 1, again~tt said Proposition ~o. Two, secondly aforesaid. 2 was 75 ; that the number of votes east thereat in Election Pre~'~- 3 einet No, 2 in favor of said proposition ~o. Two secondly aforesaid;, 4 wasp 83 that the number of votes cast thereat in said electio~. • 5 Precinct No» E, against said proposition l~o» Two secondly aforesai 6 was 55 ; that the number of votes caret thereat in. said Electiojn 7 Precinct No. ~ in favor of said proposition ~To. Two, sscomdly afore 8 sai d, was 115 that the number o f vo tee cast the rs~at in sai 9 Election Precinct ~'o. 3, against said preposition No» Two: secondl 10 aforesaid was 41 ; that the number of votes cast thereat in 11 said Election Precinct No. 4 in favor of said proposition Y4o. Two, 12 secondly aforesaid was 156 ~; that 'the number of vote 13 cast thereat in said a is ct ion precinct ~~. 4, against said propo si 14 Lion No. Two» secondly aforesaid, was 83 ; That the num- 15 ber of votes cast thereat in said City in favor of said prapositio 16 4 No. Two, ssesndly aforesaid, was 48'7. ; that the number of 17 votes east t'hs~rsat in said city against said proposition 2~0, Two, 18 - secondly aforesadwas 254 ~~; that t$s number of vo ts~ cast 19 thereat in skid Election precinct No. 1 in favor of said propositi n 20 No. Three, last aforesaid, was 51 that the number of votes 21 cast thereat in said Election Precinct ~To. 1 against said propasi- 22 Lion ~o. Three, last aforesaid was 1~6 that. the number 23 of votes cast thereat in said election precinct ~o» 2 in .favor of 24 said Propor~ition loo. Thrso, last aforesaid was 29 that the 25 number of vatss cast thereat :i..n said election precinct No» 2 agai t 26 said propo si,tion No. Three last aforesaid, was lOC ; tba.t 27 th• number pf votes cast thereat in said election precinct p'o. 3 28 in favor of said proposition ~o. Thre®~. last aforesaid was 5~____; 29 that the nu,nber of votes cast thereat in said Election Pr~einct 30 No. 3 against said proposition No. 3 bast aforesaid waa 9_;t~ 31 the number of votes cast thereat in said election precinct 'No. 4 32 in favor of said proposition No. Three last aforesaid, eras 5_,_, 2,,„,,,, .... 6-- 1 hat the number of votes east thereat in said Election Precinct No. 2 against said pr©position No. Three last aforesaid, was 161 i 3 hat the number of votes cast thereat in said city in favor of said 4 roposition No. Three last aforesaid was 186 that the number 5 f votes cast thereat in said city against said proposition No. 6 brae, last aforesaid was 543 ..and, 7 yggFR'~AB, it is apparent therefrom that morn than two-thirds (2~3} 8 f all the votes cast thereat were in favor of and authorised the 9 incurring of the bonded debt for said proposition No. one first a- 10 ove set forth.; towit: a proposition to incur a bonded debt by the 11 City ©f Anaheim to the amount of ~7,400.OQ for the purpose of the 12 equisition of fire apparatus for said city, such debt t© bear in- 13 crest at a rate not to exceed six per centum per annum, to be paid 14 semi-annuallg; principal and interest payable in gold coin of the 15 nited States of ~,meriea; that less than two-thirds of all of the 16 ©tes cast thereat were in favor of incurring of the bonded debt fo 17 ' said proposition ~To. Two, secondly abov® set forth, towit, apropos - 18 tion to incur a bonded debt by the City of Anaheim to the-amount of 19 8044.44 for the purpose of the acquisition and co nstruetion of a 20 building for municipal uses, towitz a building for the use of the 21 fire department of said city; that less than two-thirds of all the 22 votes cast thereat were in favor of the incurring of a bonded debt 23 for said proposition No. Three, lastly above set forth, te>wit A 24 proposition tm incur a bonded debt by the City of Anab.eir~ to the 25 amount of 2~3~404.04 for the purpose of the acquisition o~ land for 26 park purpose, 27 It is hereby Further Resolved, determined and Declared; 28 That more than two-thirds of the voters voting at said .special 29 election voted in favor of said propo sition No. One first afore 30 said towitt .A pr©position to ~~cur a bonded debt by the City of 31 heim to the amount of Seven Thousand (7.444.44} dollars for the 32 purpose of the acquisition of fire apparatus for said City, suc --7-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7~ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 iebt to bear interest at a rate not to ezceed six per centaur Per an gum, to be paid semi-annually, principal. and interest payable in fold coin of the IInited States of America.: and did thereby author- ize the incurring of a bonded debt to the ~anount and for the purpos stated in said proposition and therefore that bonds will be issued to defray the costs of the improvements specified in said proposi- tion to the s~aount therein stated; That two-thirds of the voters voting at the said special sleetio did not vote in favor. of said Proposition No. Two, secondly afore- said; town; ~ proposition to incur a bonded debt by the City of ~, Anaheim to the amount of Eight Thousand (8,OOd.~} Dollars for the' purpose of the acquisition and construction of a building fob munie~ ipal uses, tkmit; ~ building for the use of the fire department of said city and. refused to authorize the incurring of the bonded debt to the amount and for the purpose stated in said proposition and therefore that bonds will not be issued to defray the expense of th improvement specified therein: That two thirds of the voters voti-ng at the said special el~c- tion did not vote in favor of said proposition No, Three lastly aforesaid, towit ; A Proposition to incur a bonded debt by the City of g,naheim t,o the amount of Twenty thousand 020,000.00} Dollars for the purpose of the acquisition of land for park purposes and refused to $uthorize the incurring of the bonded debt to the amour !, and for the purpose stated in said proposition and therefore that bonds will not be issued to defray the expense of the improvement specified therein. .._ 8-•, ~~~ ~ I, Edward B. Merritt, Clerk of the City of Anaheim, hereby certi- l fy that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly introduced 2 . and adopted st a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of 3 Anaheim, he~a on Thursday the l:~th day of February, 1914, by the 4 following vote, taw it; 5 ~~ ~d ~ "~~-fC' Ayes; Trustees, ~. 6 Noes; Trustees, ~z_~ 7 Absent; Trutstees, ~J 8 9 10 City Clerk of the City of 11 Anaheim. 12 1 The foregoing resolut ion is hereby approved thi s ~13.th day of 13 February, 1914. 14 res en o e o Trustees of the City Anaheim. 15 lg, ~.-- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~ 30 31 32 ~ --9---