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~;,..~.,.~ x.,,; 3 ~ ;N, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 IN TALE BOARI3 OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~II. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF T'RUST'EES, DETFRP,lIIIdIT~G ~+SUZT Ol' Si~ECIAZ EbECTIO~T 33EI~3 ON THE 27th DAY' OP JANUARY, 1914. ~1HEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. did, by Ordinance Nc3. 269 of said Board, call aid order to beheld in the said City of Anaheim, a special election on the 27th day of Jan- uary, 1914 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters I thereof the propositions hereinafter set forth, and, ~I ~~HLREAS, said Ordinance calling and ordering said special elec- tion was duly published as required by law and as appears from the affidavit of .Earl R. Abbey on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, and, yRI3EREASy it appears that said special election was duly held in accordance with law and said call, on the 27th day of January 1924, as aforesaid and that the polls for said election were kept open during the time required by law and that the same was held a t}onducte.d and that the votes thereat received and canvass®d and t returns th®reof ascertained, .determined and declared as therein provided and according to the laws of the State of California and the Ordinances of said City arid, r~±_~S, the Board of Truste®s of -the City of Anaheim, did on ~, the first B~anday after said election towit, on the ~b:cond= day_:~f Febr~zary, 1914, meet in special session and proceeded to canvass the returns of said special election a~a required by law and the result of said canvass having been found to be as herein Mated anc set forth: It is therefore resolved, Determined and Declared as Follows: {17 That the whole number of votes cast at said special elec Lion in Election Precinct No. 1 was, 2.2 ~ ~. 4 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i (2} That the whole number of votes cast at said special elects i.n l ~ 1~lection Precinct Na. 2 was^_____, (3} That the whole number of votes cast at said special. elec- tion in Elect3.an.P~ecinet Igo. 3 was ~~ "(4} That 'the whol® number of votes cast at said special electic in election precinct No. 4 was 2- ~ l (5} That the whole number of votes cast at said special ~lectic waste '~ ______• (6} That the propositions voted upon were; No. 1. proposition to incur a bonded debt by the City of Anaheim to the amount of ~7,OOO.a4 for the purpose of the acquisition of fire apparatus for said city, such debt to bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centu~ per ann~+ to be paid semi-annually; principal and interest payable in gold coin. of the United States¢ of America, No . 2. proposition to incur a bonded debt by the City of Anaheim to the amount of ~p8,000.~ far the purpose of the ~qu.isitian 'and construction- of a building for mun- icipal uses, to-wit: ~ building for the use of the fire department of said city, such debt to bear interest at a rate nat to exceed six per centum per a~~+ payable semiannually; principal and interest to be paid in gold coin of the United States of America, No. 3. Proposition to incur a bonded debt by .the City of Anaheim t~ the amount of ~20,Op0.00 for the purpose of the acquisition of land for park purposes., such debt to bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cen- t-um per annum, to be paid semi-annually; principal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States of America. (7) Ths,t there were four election precincts within said Cit Y for the purpose of holding said special electian, which were des- ignated ~'E3,ection Precinct No. l," "Election Precinct Na. 2-'~ ~lectior. Precinct Na. 3,'~ and "Election Precinct No. 4T', and the boundaries of which were respectively as fallowr~, tow it; -_2_ a, 1 i 2 1 y 3 ` 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Precinct No. 1. Beginning at a point on the South line of Sec- :ion Sixteen (l6), Township Four (4~ South, Range Ten (10) ~dest, ;an Bernardino Base and meridian, at the point of intersection of ;aid South line with the North and South canter line of said Sec- lion Sixteen (l6), thence East along the South line of said Section Sixteen (16) to its intersection with the extended `E'ast line of Walnut Street, thence North along said East line to its intersec- tion with the Southerly line of Lot 31, Lnaheim Extension, as shown on a map madm by ~~'illiam Hamel and filed for record in the office hence of the County Recorder of Los angel®s County, California; t Easterly along the South line of said Lot Thirty-one to the center line of South ~~dest street , thence Tdo xtherly along said center line to its intersection with the extended T~ortherly line of Test Broad Street, thence East®rly along said Northerly line of "v'Test Broad Street to its intersection with the center line of South Los Afigel ®s Street; thence Northerly along the center line of South I,os Angeles Street extended to its intersection with the center line o East Center Street and Nest Center Street; thence ~~esterly along ~~ the center line of ;test Center Street to its intersection with the 1tlesterly boundary line of said city; thence Southerly along the said ~desterly boundary line of said city to the point of beginning Precinct No. 2. Beginning at a point where the center line of ~stat Center Street intersects the ttesterly boundary line of said city. running thence Northerly along said ~testerly boundary line to a point where said ~Y~lesterly boundary line meets the Northerly boundary line of said city at the Forth ~~esterly corner thereof, thencd Easterly along said Northerly boundary line to a point where said Northerly boundary line intersects the canter line of Rio rth Los Angeles Street; thence Southerly along the center lin~+ o s~i d North I,os Angeles Street, produced southerly to its intersec- tion with East Center Street and Nest Center Street; thence ~gester along the enter line of Nest Center Street to the point of be- ginning. - 3-~- 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 St Precinct No 3. Beginning at a paint where the center line of North Zos Angeles Street intersects .the Northerly boundary line of said City; running thence Easterly along said Northerly boundary li e of said city to a po int where #~ai d boundary line ~tpuche s the East e boundary line of said city at the North masterly corner thereof, thence Southerly along the Easterly boundary line of said city to a paint where said Easterly boundary line intersects the center line of East Center Street, thence Nesterly along the center line of East Center Street to the intersection of said center line of East Center 8treet~ produced Westerly to its intersection with the center line of North Zos Angeles Street and South ~,os Angeles Street; thence Northerly along the center line of North Zos Angela Street to the point of beginning. Precinct No. 4 Beginning at a point where the center line of Ea.~t Center :Street intersects the Eas~te~ly boun;ett line of said city, running thonce Southerly along sa#.d Easterly boundary to a p©nt where the said Easterly boundary touches the Southerly boun- dary of said city at the South-a~lesterly' corner thereof, thence Westerly along said Southerly boundary to a point where said Southerly boundary intersects the center line of South I,os ®les Street; the~.ce I~'ortherly along the center line of said South I,os ,Angeles Sheet nxroduced Northerly to its j.ntersection with the cantor link of East Center Strut and West Center Street; thence Easterly along the center line of East Center Street to the point of beginning. ghat the number of dotes cast thereat in said Election Precinct ~Io. 1 in favor of proposition No. one first aforesaid, was / 6 t~iat the number of votes cast thereat, in said Election Precinct o. 1 a ainst the said Proposition No. one as of©resaid was ~T g that the number of votes cast thereat in Election Precinct No. 2 ig favor of proposition No. one first aforesaid was that the number of votes east thereat in said Election Precinct __4-_ !A 1 2 . 2 against said proposition No. one as aforesaid was ~-f----; at the number of votes cast thereat in .said Election Precinct No. in favor of said proposition No. one first a~orer~aid was ~Z, ; 3 that the number of votes cast thereat in said Election Precinct No. 4 3 against said proposition No. one first a~orasaid, was ~,3 5 that the numl~~r of votes cast thereat in staid Election Precinct No. s 4, in favor of said proposition No. ons first aforesaid was ~ $~ 7 that the number of votes cast thereat in said Election Precinct No. 8 4 against said proposition No. one first aforesaid was ~~ 9 That the number of votes cast thereat, in said City in favor of 10 said proposition T1o. one first afo resai d, was ,~ ~ ~ ; that 11 the number of votes cast thereat in said city against said Propos- 12 it icn ?`mo. ons first aforesaid was ~' 13 That the number of votes east thereat in said Election Precinct 14 No. 1 in favor of proposition No. Two, secondly aforesaid, was 15 f 3~ that the number of votes` cast thereat in said Elec- ~i~ 4 16 Lion Precinct Teo. 1, against said Proposition No. Two, secondly 17 aforesaid , was ~/ ~ that the number of votes cast thereat in 18 Election Precinct Ido. 2 in favor of said.. proposition No. Two second 19 ly aforesaid, was~_; that the number of votes cast thereat in 20 said election Precinct TIo. 2, against s~'3d proposition ~To. Two sec- 21 ondl.y aforesaid, was 5~,; that tha number of votes cast thereat 22 in said Election Precir~et No. 3 in favor of said proposition No. 23 Two , secondly aforesaid, was ~ I ~ that the number of votes cas 24 thereat in said election precinct No. 3, against said proposition 25 Igo. Two, secondly aforesaid was ~f that the number of vote 26 cast' thereat in said Election Precinct No. 4 in favor of said pro- 27 . postition No, Tiro, secondly aforesaid vast I.S'~o . 28 i that the number of votes cast thereat im said el®ction precinct 29 No. 4, against said proposition No, Two, .secondly aforesaid, 30 ~ was ~ ~ That the number of votes east thereat in 31 said City iri favor of said proyr~osition Teo. Two, seeandly afore- 32 said, was $ that the number of votes east thereat in said. city again said pro~nosition No. Two: secondly aforesaid was --~-_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,2 ,~' ~ that the number of votes cast thereat in said Elee- pion precinct No. l in favor of said proposition NQ~. Three, last `~ that the number of votes cast thereat wfor~said, way c~ ~ ~. in raid Election Precinct No. l against said proposition Three, las ~fo resaid was-, / ~ ~; that the number of vote cast thereat ~~:. in said election precinct No. 2 in favor of said Proposition No. Three, last aforesaid was 2 / ; that tha number of votes cast thereat in said election precinct 1Go. 2 against said proposi- tion No. Three last aforesaid, was ~ D d that the number of votes cast thereat in said election precinct No. 3 in favor of said proposition No. Three last aforesaid was ~ ~ that the number of votes cast thereat in said Election Precinct No. 3 agains said proposition No. 3 last $£oresaid was ~ . ~ that the num ber of votes cast thereat in said election precinct No. 4 in favor of said prroposition No. Three last aforso~aid, was ~ ~ that the number off' votes cast thereat in said Election Precinct No. 4 ainst said proposition Ito. Three last aforesaid, was ~ ~~ ; that the number of votes east thereat in said city in favor of said proposition No. Three last aforesaid was ~ ~,~ that the number of vet cs cast thereat in said city against said proposition. No. Three, la$t aforesaid was S ~ ,3 and, v~HEREA3• it is apparent therefrom that more than two-thirds tes east thereat was~e in favor of and author- I~, the vo 2 3 of alI ~ . ;~ ) i2~ed the incurring of the bonded debt for said proposition No. one fi~~st aboveaat forth; towit, a proposition to incur a bonded debt by the City of Anaheim to the amount of7,000.00 for the purpose ©f the acquisition of fire apparatus for said city, such debt to bear interest at a rate not to exceed sip pex centum per ~~+ t4~`` b• paid semi-annually; principal and interest payable in gold coin oi' the United States o~£ America; that lass than two-thirds of all of the vo tse cast thereat were ~n raver ~~ ., incurring of the bonded debt for said proposition Igo. -- 6-- !1 5 I.' I~ I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Twp, secondly above set forth, tot~it, a proposition to incur a bonded debt by the City of .~.naheim to the mount of ~~5, 000.00 far the purpose of the acquisition and construction of a building for municipal uses, town: a building' for the use of the fire depart- meat of said city; that less than two-thirds of all the votes cast thereat were in favor of the incurring of a bonded debt for said proposition No. Three, lastly above set forth, towit; A proposition to incur a bonded debt by the City of Ayiaheim to the amount of -20,000,00 .for the purpose of the acquisition of land f park purposes. It is hereby rurther Resolved, Detcrmineci ~.,nd Declared; That more than two-thirds of the vot®rs voting at said special election voted in favor of said proposition No, (}ne first afore- said town; ~. proposition to incur a bonded debt. by the City of Azaaheim to the am~oui~t of Seven Thousand. (;~7,000,,00~ dollars for th ~~,_. purpose of the acquisiti©n of fire apparatus for acid City, such debt to bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per centum per ~,~, to be paid semi-annually; principal and intcr~st payable it gold coin of the United States of America, and did thereby author- ize the incurring of a bonded debt to the amount €3nd for the purpc stated in said proposition and therefore that bonds will be issue+ to defray the costs of the improvements specified in said propos- it ion t o the amount the rein stated; That two-thirds oi' the voters voting at the said special elect- ion did not vote in favor of said Proposit~.on No. Two, secondly aforesaid; town; A proposition to incur a bonded debt by the Cit; of ~,naheim to the ffinount of Eight thousand (~8,OOa.00)Dollars' for the purpo€ae of the acquisition end construction of a building for municipal uses, town: ~ building for the use of the fire depart- ment of said city and refused to authorize the incurring of the bonded dsbt to the amount andfor the Purpose sated in said pro- position and therefore that fonds wi11 not be issued to defray tx ---7-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 expense of the improvement specified therein; That two-thirds of the voters voting at the said special elec- tion did not vote in favor of uaid proposition No„ Three lastly aforesaid, town; A proposition to incur:. a bonded $~bt by the City of Anaheim to the amount of Twenty Thousand (20, ~OO.OOj Dollars for the purpose of the acquisition of land for park purposes and refused to authorize the incurring of the, bonded debt to the amount and for the purpose sated in said proposition and therefore that bonds will not be issued to defray the e~aense of the improvement specified therein. i I, Idward B. B~erritt, Clerk of the City of Anaheim, hereby ccr~ tify that the foregoing resolution was duly and r®gularly' intro- duced and adapted at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cit, of l~naheim, held on Monday the second ds~q of February, 1914, by the following vote, town ; L Ayes ; Trust 8 e S , ~ £~(t r~.w+-t ~,, C~a~+-~-c.~c~c ~ c.rr1 G ~d ~~ t4 - Noes; Trustees, ~-~-~ ~ Absent: Trustees, ~~«~.lC, . .~- City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this second day o~ February, 1914. ' ~/ President of the B rd of Trustees of the City of Anahein ,. 0