02/13/1914-035,..,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ ~ ~--~- /3, ~ 9 ~ r'~SOZtJTTIGw~I ~i~ Tt:L' ~Qrli,~ G.`+'~~ 1..~Van7T.~liii~7 V..H~ i~,u liTrlY Vi li~`~L3.J71, li1.U:1~.YG"' ING ai'IV EST~ZIS~III~zG "~ GR~~ + Oi` SST SYC.~;~~ORE STRi~T I~~ S:~IV CITY ROTei T~iE ~STERZY CiJ~3 ZI?` ~ 0~ ilG3TN. ZOS A.NG ZES STEE~T, r~.;,~:T1DEI} NORTH~RZY ~C~OSS SST SYC1~O:~E STR~.~ET TO TI.~.~ i~STFL~ZY CURB ?'~T3:SE Ok~` T3QRTH E.~ST ST,~ET, E~TEN~JETi ~~ORTh,~RZY CR10SS ~..~' ST SYC~iOR.~ STRE.;~T, ~lD1.D Cli.~i3GIi`?G $IiID ESTxBI~IS~~IT~G T~±E G~~.DE OF ''4~``uST SYC~:ORE ST " ,T ?~~BOi:I TH ~`~ST~RLY CUR}3 ~ T=`~~ 0~, ~_TORTH ZOS ,FiTbGEIES S`1'.t ~~'~T , I'~T?4'T~:~yD TC~,T3~ZY ~C80SS ~~,ST' SYC~?sTOi:E STREET T'0 T~~~ ~STERZY CU3u T~TT,z+. OF ,.~u~~RTii ti~IEST -S`~."~'T, E~.TE.:~~JED T~ORI'l~:ZZY xCRQSS :~;~:5'.C SYC~~OR~ STP~T. r- ~'B.~S: The Board of Trustees of ~,he City of An~zeim did. an thel llth day of 13ecember, 1913, by i~e~olutiaxt oy Intention Na. 10r, die Clare its intent~.on {1} To change and e:~tablish the grade of East Sycamore Street i said e~_ty, fmm the Easterlt;~ curb line of ~~orth Doi .r~ngele~ St:~'eet, extended Northerly acro~e East Syc~r~ore Wreet to the ;~eaterly cur li:~~~e of north East Street, extended Nort>herlvT e.cross East Sycamore 'i reef and S , (2} To change and e~ta•bli~h the gra` of ;'pest Syc~rno.re Street from the ',,eeterly curb line of North Zo~`:.ngeles Street, extended Northerly across ;'hest S3rc~nore Street -tc~~ t?~ie EasterlJ curb li~ie of :~. ?forth ,rest Street, extended Northerly moss est ~~Tc~~c:~°e Street, and ,;; ~'-~.5; The e.faresaid resolution d~.rected the Cite Cle-'k o-~ paid Cit;~ of g,za~iei~n to y~ublish and post for c+r•1o' days: such Resolu- Lion of intention: and ;r~.t?.E.t7.S; Said resolution of iiiter~ti 4:n by ~-~s Sd': po~~ted ay~.d ~1,Z~bli ed for -i;s~ro dc`~;Ta describing the r.,roy~o~edchange of grade, ~r_d ~I~`+' ~+' Tire Superintendent of Streets of wad CiGJ did cause a '~l.otice to be -~;,;~ted c ~i~N~ ic~~oak~ly~ a1..p~ t~o~,e po:~~tion~ of 1::,.~t Syc~~rlore Strea~~ ~trid Vest Syc~rno-we Street, de~~agnu.ted in said reso- lU.tian of int ention v~here ~ucr~ change a~td modif ication oi' grade wa t~ierein proposed to be made o.t not' ,fore "tY~o.n one b.lxxrdr°d feet in '1 distance apart ands-not leis than. three ~.n all, vv'sich s~. i d no tice were of t'ie form required by la~Y, .,r;E~:~E~S: S~.id Superintendent similar irl ~vb st~.nco be pu'oli~~ and of S~eets dic3: ca~~se a rlot~i_ce ;~~; ~,ed b •:t~f:~a insertions in the C { ~~ -=1-- 4i 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 :ountd~ P1ai~LL Dealer, a weekly ne~~r~y~ er of ga,:~e r~,l circi?latian, Iari ,ed, publi~!ed ~~- circulated in said City. a~' ~yaheim, ~::~d ~~, ~ No I~rote~te were filed against eaid chu.~e of grade, iow t'nerefo-re B~ IT ~pZVED by the Board of Tru~tee~ of the City of~sahein; (1): xhat the gre.de of East Syc~.more 5~;~'c~,~ ,~ "~=~?-~'- citJ~, rom th® Easterly curb Line of ~torth zos elegy Street, exter?.c~ed ~~aorth- r erly acro~s~ East Sycemare Street to the ;ve~terly curb line of ~~~owth East Street, extended ~~o~rtherly across East S;~c~ore Street be~:c~d the ~~~,~As i ~ hereby changed and est~bli;~hed --- 2-- 1 2 3 4 5 __ g 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (2); ~~'~.~at t~~s ~r~~~:~e o~' „`e ;t SJcamare Street from the T%~Te~terZ~ curb Line o:~ Forth I~a~~ ~=:.ri~~eles ~~;reet, extended ~JortherT~ acrow~ '~~dest S3Tc~.nore Street to the ~:,^ t es:°l~r c~~rb Line of Forth ~,'de4t Street, extended ~Tortherl~~ _~cro ;= :.=eat SVrcarr~ore S'~reet, be anal tl~.e game iw here'~~, c'~.~^~ed ~~l~d c '_~.~~~ ~__xed _-~,__ Er a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '~ 12 13 14 q 15 t r _,...._.~. ~.,._..._.r~, _ 16. [~' 17 f ~18 r ~, 19 20 21 k 22 23 2 2 28 29 30 31 32 The CitJr Clerk sx~~,ll ca~z~e th_ re^olution to be ynubl3~hed by On8 irl~er-tion In ~:~?.e ~=r'c~Zl~'e (i0il"tlt~T ~.ci.1.n ~ectler,d VTee~~~.~ r1@t%vSl~ily~8r of a general chi.?°acter, ~~rinted, published ~~^d cirezzla.ted in the City of .an~heim, Co~vr._t~ of ON~n~;e, ~t;~~.te o.e C;~lifoxni.~., The foregoing re~olztion i~ si~i~.ed, a~y~roved and ~.tte,~ted by me th_i.s l:~'c?~ da,y o±~ ~.~ebru~vey, l9 ~_: ~, ''~ y_°e~~ident of ~;he ~oWr of True ' tees of the City oy ,~z~;.~iein2. ~. __q___ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ ''3 } ~ ~ ~~ `.i a uY~ ~y t") 1. ~~ _y, ~`~,~. ~ e f } iJ ~J t rc ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ,. ;a 'y~ I, ud~~.rc~. s~~. ;e-r_~xitt, City CI~r~ of tl~ye City of ,~j~~,~~~.ei~, co hereby certif~r -Lr~~-t the foregoing resolution w~,e p~~~ed mad ~do~?tee fey the ~v.~:~~c~ of '~'x!~.stees of the City of Anaheim, u,t ~ti xegul~.~x r.ieet`- ing of said Eoo xd of '1' ~~u~;t ee ~ '~aeld on the ~tl:~. day of ^~ebrr~~:ry, 2914, by the follo.-~ing rote: ayes; ~^ri?sees, T~ o e ~ ; T rus t e e ~ , ---,--~ ~, . absent and not vo~-i.:~~g; Trustees, ~,nd I fuxtl:Lex certi~f'4T that ~`z~-e I~re~ident of the ~3o~.xG of 'Ir~u.~stees off' soil City o-I. t~Y1~1ei121, i ~j-ed ~~-~~_d re~olutiox~. on the l~' day of ~~e~~xuar~T, I~314. . Ilya ~~~~IIId~SS Y~~i'-ECi I hove hexeurata :set my hand~~.d ~.fi.°~.ed ~Y~.~: Uffi<;iaT seal of a~..i.d city this I3i~h d€~v~ o:i l~ebz•u~.ry , 1014. ~L.~.t~--~. ~ ~~ Gity Clex?;~ of +~i1e City of ~2u, he li=.