02/13/1914-0361 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ._- -J '" 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~_ -~ --_. ~e-w~ ~.~ i~ RESOLUTION OF INTENTIOBI N0. 1~9.,,! 33 7 ~q~a ~ RF,SQLUTIOIV E?F THE BO.:~RD OF TRUSTEES GF THE CITY OF ANAHEI1tT DE- CL2RING ITS INTENTION TO CHANGE ~?a1VD EST~ZISH THE G~~E OI' E2ST SYCAlI~?0 ~ STREET IN S~.~D CITY FROIv2 THE %2~T;SRLY CUI.~ LINE OI' NORTIi LOS dDTG~+ r+`S ~9fREET, r "' DED NORTHERLY l1CROSS E~.ST SYCAIvZORE STRE:~T. TO THE VfTESTI~Y CUBE LINE OP NORTH EE'i-ST STREET , ~DED NORTHERLY .CROSS EAST SYCE~T~IORE STREET, AND TO CHANGE .2ND EST~„BLISH THE GR2DE OF ~Y:~T SYCAbTORE STREET FRORI THE ~7ESTERLY' CURB LINE OI' TSORTH ZOS 1~NGEIS STRL+'ET, EXTENDED TORTHERLY .CROSS ~"BEST SYC,B~ZOTiE STR;t:ET TO THE ~TERLY CURB LITZE OI' NORTH ~YEST STET, EXTEIV~ED NORT~RLY ~.CROS~ WEST SYCAI4IORE STREET. Resolved by the Board of Trustees ~~' the City of Anaheim: terest That the public in and convenience require aid that it is the igtentio~ of the Board of Trustees off' the City of ,2n.aheim: (lj T~ change and establish the grade of East Sycamore Stre~-t in ss~d city, from the Easterly curb line c-fi Tdorth Los B.ngeles Str®e~, extended Northerly acroa~t East Sycamore Street to the ~estesl~ curb lira of North East Stat, extended Tortherly Scro~s East ~ycaanore Street, to the following elevations above the datum i lane heretofore established in the City of ;Anaheim by vir- tue Af the provisions of Ordinance No. 98 of the City of ,i~aheim, entitled 'tg~, Ordinance establishing a Dates Flasie and designating Bend. Narks ;therein,^ passed and adopted by the $oard of Tr~a.s- tees of the ..City of 1~naheim on the 10th day of July, 1894; town; ,8.t the intersection of the South 'curb line of East Sycamore St refit and the I've st curb line o f North fast St ree'~ , the grade steal be 4~e hundred si~.ty-five and 50-100 (~65.50~ feet above the datum plax~9, at the intersection of the T~iorth curb lin® o f East Sycamore Street and the Nest curb line of T'Jorth I~$.st Street, the grade steal be Qn.e hundred sixty five and 50-100 ,(~65.50j fee's, above the dat~:m plane;. At ther intersection of the TTorth,curb line of East Sycamore Street and the East curb line of North Orange Street the grade shall be Oxte hundred silty one and 10-100 feet above the. datum pe. :p.t the intersection of the South curb line of East Sycam- -1- ,,~,,; d 1 ;ore Street ar~,d the East curb line of Forth Orange street, the t ? !grade shall be One hundred silty one and 10-100 (161.10) feet above 3 j the datum p1a~n.e. 4 ' ~.t the int®rsection of the South curb line of East Sycamore 5 ~ Street and the Wiest curb line of Iuorth Orange Strut the grade sha 6 be ono hundred sixty and 90-100 (160.90] feet above the datum 7 plane, 8 Ott the intersection of the North curb -line of East Sycamore 9 ~ Street and the u~dest curb line of T3orth Orange Strut the grade 10 ~ shall be One hundred sixty and 90-100 (160:90 } feet above the da- 11 tum plane.. 12 ~ ~.t the intersection of the South curb line of East Sycamore 13 ~ Street and the".East curb line of Pauline Street, the grade shall 14 ~ be Ong hundred fifty nine and 80-100 (159.80} feet .above the da- 15 ~ tum plane. m 16 I ~-t the int®rsection of the South curb line of East Sycamore 17 Street and the ;`pest curb line of Pauline Street the gr~.d.e shall 18 be O~te h~.u~dred fifty nir_e and 60-100 (159.60) feet above the da- 15 tum plane. 20 ~ i~.t the North curb line of East Sycamore Street at its intersec- 21 ~ tion with the extended center line of Fsuline Street, the grade 22 ~ shall. be One hundred fifty nine and 85-.100 (159.85) feet above 1 23 ~ the datum plane. E 24 ~t .the ini~~rsection of the South curb line of East Sycamore 25 ~ Street and .the oast curb line of Sabina Street the grade shall be 26 One hundred fifty eight and '70-100 (158:.'70} feet above the datum 27 ~ plane. 28 ~ ,~.t the in.'~ersection of the South curb line of East Sycamore i 29 I Street and the ~1est curb li;~e of Sabina Street the grade shall 30 j bs On@ hundred fifty eight anal 50-100 (158.50) feet above the 31 dat~an plans., 32 ~t'~ the North curb ~.i.ne of a+.ast SycamQxe Street ~~t its inter- 2_ 1 } f~ 1 J, Ii f ~ ' section with the extended center lines o~ Sabina attest the grade 2 ''~ shah. be One 3lundred fifty ei ght and 75-300 (158, 75 } ..:feet siaove 3 ~ the datu~ pleas. '~ 4 ;~ .At the intersection of the Forth curb line of East Sycamore I, 5 " a ~ II Street and the Last curb line of north Olive Street the grade 6 i" ,~; sha1,1 be O~a,e hundred fifty seven and 65-.100 (3.57.65) feet above th~ 7 oR II~~ datum plane. 8 '';{ ,,, ~ 9.t the intersection of the South curb line of Esst Sycamore 9 j ' Street and the fast curb line of North -alive Street the grade shah 10 ,$ ~I bra Ong hun.dr~d fifty seven and 50-100 (157.50 } feet above the data 11 I'~ ; I plane. At the intersection of the South curb 1inc~ of East Sycamor 12 ,~~ Street and the ~'~est curb line of North Q,live Street ~ the grade she 13 ,g be p~a.e hundred fifty seven and 30-100 (15'7.30} feet above the dat 14 ; plane, 15 ~ At the intersection. of the North curb line of East Sycamore if Street and the ~T®st curb line of North 01ve Street the grade steal 17 be Ong hundred fifty seven and 45-7L00 JI57.45} feet above the da- 18 tam plane. 19 At the intersection of the South curb line of East Sycamore 20 Street and the East curb line of Tyorth .i.ladelphia Street, the 21 ,grade shall be On® hundred fifty six (15:6,00) feet above th.e datum 22 ~ plane. 23 At the intersection of the South curb line of Fist Sycamore 24 Street and the ti~test curb line of North Philadelphia. Street, the 25 grads shall be One hundred fifty five anal 80-100 (155.80) feet a.- 26 ~ bove the datum plane. 27 .At the North curb Line of East Syeainare Street st its inter- 28 a section with the extended center line of North Philadelphia Street 29 the grade shall be One hundred fifty sig and 10-.100 (156.10} feet 30 above the datum plane. 31 At the intersection of the North curb line of East Sycamore 32 Street and the East curb line of North Philadelphia Street the. gra.d~ shall be One hundred fifty six and 00-100 (156.00} .above the -- - datum plane * : - 3- ~ ~.. - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ,.v.~3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~ 26 27 28 i ~~ ;~ ' ,fit the intersection of the T~orth curl~,,;.~.ine of Ea~-t Sycamore Street and~the test curb line of north Philwdelphia Street, the ,.~, grade ahall be One hundred fifty fiv® and 70-100 (155.70} feet ~'~ above the da~~am .plane, ~~ alt 'the inters8~~on of the South c;zxb line of East Sycamore !Street and the East curb line of Emi1.y attest, the grade shall be One hundred fifty-five and 30-100 (I55.3~) feet above the datum plane. ,alt the intersection of the South curb line of F~-st Sycamoxe Str®et and th! IA®st curb line of Emily Street, the grade shall be !One hundred f3.~'ty five and 10-100 (155.1x} feet above the datum ~; plane, line pit the North curb of East Sycamore Street at its intersection with ,the ®gt.d~a center line of Emily street, the grade shall be ;One hundred fifty five and 35-100 (155.35) feet above the datum '~~ p~~•- .A.t the intersection of the Tlorth curb. line of fast Sycamore Street and ttae East curb line o f No rth Claudine Street, the grade shall be Ong hundred fifty five and 05-1130 (155.05} feet above the datum p18~ne. At the ihtersection of the North curb line of East Sycamore Street and tl~e ~®st curb line of T~orth ~audina Street the grade shall be One hundred fifty four acid '~5-100 (154.75 feat above the datum x~ lsn e . At the iuerseetien of the South curb line of ~aRSt Sycamore Streit and tb-e East curb line of North G~audina Street, the grade shall be Ong hundred fi~'ty four and 60-100 X154.60) feet above the ~.atum pl~rle. 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 8 9' IO 11 12 13 14 .,_ I5~ 1C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3a t~ ;.-~ gt the North curb line of East Sycamore Street at its iAter- section with the extended center line of North Claudine Street, the grade shall be One hundred fifty four and fi5-1(~0 (154.65 ) Feet above the datum plane. At the intersection of the North curb liAe of East Sycamore Street and the East- curb line of North I,as Angeles `Street, the grade shall be One hundred fifty four and. 10-100 (154..10) feet above the datum plane. A.t the int®rsection of the South curb line of East Sycamore Street and the East curb line of North Zps gngeles°Street, the gr~.de shall be One hundred fifty three and 95-100 (153,95) feed above .the datum p~.ane. (2) To ele.nge and establish the grado_ of Vest camore Street 4. from-the ~es~erly curb line of Ldorth Zcs ~geles Street, extended Northerly across TVest Sycamore Street to fthe Easte~y curb line af' North test S'~reet, egtend.ed Northerly across hest Sycamore Str®et;; to the following elevations above the datum plane, heretofore es- tablished in ,said C3,ty of .A,nah.eim by virtue of the provisions of said Ordinance Teo. 98, town:. At the intersection of the South curb ..line of ~'Jast Sycamore .Street and the T~test curb Line of North Zas Angeles Street,. the grade shall be One hundred fifty three end 95.-100~~153.95) feet above the datum plane, ~1t the intersection of the North euxb line of ~J~st Sycamore StrsQt and the Vest curb line of .North yvs ~igeles Street, the grade shall be One hundred fifty three and 90-100 {153.90) feet above the datum plane. .~.t the intersection. of the TTorth curb line of a"Jest Sycamore Street anal the East curb line of Zeyn .Street .the grade shall be One hundred fifty two and 75-100 (152.'75) feet above the datum plane. .At the intersection of the North curb line of 'Test Sycamore ~~ it