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w;. _ n ~, _. ,.., ~.. ~~~ ~3 ~ ~ Yt~r~*l ~~ ~' /~' 1 RFc~E?LUTION QF T~ BOARD OF TRtFST ES. 2 BBSOhV by the Board of Trustees of they City of ghaheim that 3 it is the sense of said Board of Trustee that the fo~+r p~-rmanent ~ _ voting precincts now existing in said city, axe inadequate to ac- s commbdate:the rapidly increasing population of our city aad that 6 7 fob the proper accommodation of electors therein, eight permanent 8 voting precix~ets should be established. Be it f'u.rther resolved that this ward does.. request the Board 9 10 of'Superviso~s of Orange County, Califo~aia, to create eight voting 11 prsc~nets w~.'~hin the said City of Anaheim as soon as~,prac~icable, 12 said voting precincts to be numbered anei grounded respectively as 13 follows, toe'it: 14 No. is '~ Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of s8id city ling 15 and running hence Westerly along the Northerly boundary pf said 16 city to the center line of North Palm Street, produced 1ortherly to 17 sa3.d Northerly boundary line;, running hence ~o~'~herly along the 18 utter line of North Palm Street to a point w~.ers the Centex line o 19. Na~th Palm greet intersects the center line.of best Cyprus Stre 20 in said city; running thence Easterly a~ang the center line of Nest 21 Cy~trese Stxeet to a point where the center line of Best rres~. 22 Street intersects the center line of North Clementine Street; thane 23 Southerly al®ng the center line of I3ara Clementine Stres# to a 24 point where the said denter line of Nozh Cgeq~entine Stre~st int~-r-- seets the ester line of Nest Center Street; .thence ~restexly along ~_ 25 ~ 26 the center line of ~`dest .Center Street t+~ the 1~est•: bodary line 27 of said city; thence North along tke saici~: Vest boundary lin 28 t~ the poix~fi of beginning. 29 No. 2; Commencing at a point whex'e the center line t~f North 30 ~~ Street, produced Northerly,. inter~pcts the NortYierl.~ boundary 31 lir~.e of said city; thence Southerly slt3g the `center lind~ of North 32 elm Street to a point where the center line of North P Street ..: i~:terseets 'Che center line of hest ` C~e~s -Street; thenc~~e Easterly ~:. n ,~ 1 al@ug the tauter line of V'~est `Cypres:s Street to ~ point ~rhere the 2 .center line +~f Cdesv Cypress. Street intersects the center :line of 3 :North Clem~nt3.ne Street, produced Northerly across said West C;~- 4 rem St rest; .thence Southerly along the venter lies of North Gleams 5 en'~ine Street to a point where the center line of North Clementine 6 .Street, prodced Southerly, intersects the center line of ~fsst 7 Gsnter Street:°, thence Easterly along the_;centsr line of t~1~st @enter 8 Street to a point where the center line of tiVest Center Street, pro 9 duaed Easterly, intersects the center li~.e of North Los Angeles 10 Street, pro doted Southerly; thence Northerly along the cuter line 11 of North Los Angeles Street to the Nartherly boundary line of said 12 city; thenc® ~lesterly along said Northerly boundary line to the 13 point of beginning. 14 No. 3: ~om~aencing at a point where .the cent er line of North 15 ' Lai Angeles Street, produced Northerly, ~'~.nter,~ect.~ the Ne;her2lr is bat~n.dary link of said city; thence Easterly along. said Northerly 17 : b©undary linA to a point where said Nort+~herlq bou:~dary 1:~ intsr- 18 sects the ce~.ter line of North Olive Sheet, produced Northerly, 19 tt~ said Northerly boundary line; thence Southerly along the center 20 21 22 23 24 25 t, 26 27 28 29 30 ~ 31 32 line of North 41ive Street to a point where said center 'Line of Na~th Olive Street intersects the center line of fast Sycamore Sheet; thei~cse ~festerly along the center line of fast Syaamore Street to a point where the canter line of North Philadelphia Sheet, produced Tortherly, intersects the center line of 9Test more Streets thence Southerly along the center line of North l'hia- delphia Strut to a point where said ce~ater line of said forth Phil adelphia Sheet intersects the center line of East Center` Street; thence Vlesterrly along the center line ,of East Ceet er Strut to a p-Dint where said center line of East G~ter Street, prod~ceed ~Vest~ er1y, intersects the center line of North Los Angeles Street, pro- dueed Southerly; thence Northerly alor~ the center line off' North L¢~e Angeles Street to the point. of beg3~ning, 2. ~._ ia':. t. 1 2 No. 4; Commencing at a point where the. center line of North Oliv :Street, produced Northerly, 'intersects the Northerly boundary line 3 of said city;:.,running thence Easterly along the Northerly boundar~t-' 4 line of `said oity to the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence South 5 erly along the Easterly boundary line of ..said city td a point v~here g the center line of East Center Street, produced Easterly,Ty~ntersect 7 the said Easterly boundary line of said oity; thence West~rrly along g the center line of East Center Street to a point where the center g ~ .line of East Center Street intersects the center line of ~I4rth Phil 10 adelphia Street, produced Southerly, across said East Center Street 11 thence.Northerly along the center line o~ North Philadelphia Street 12 to a point where the center line of North Philadelphia Street, pro- 13 duced Northerly, intersects .the center Line of East Sycamore Street; 14 thence Easterly along the center lane o~'~;East Sycamore Street to a 15 _,:;poimtwhere the center lines of East Sycamore Street intarsts the is center line Qf North Olive Street; thence Northerly along .the ce~rte 17 ;::`:line of I~Iorth Olive Street to the point of beginning. 18 No . 5 : Com~uenc ing ~.t a point where tie center line o f be st dent e 1 ~ Ile. 19 Street, prod~oed Nesterly, intersects the aVest bounda~ot' said cit ; 20 thence Easterly along the center line of West Center Street to a~ 21 -point where the said center line of West Center Street intersects t ~ 22 center line of South Clementine Street, produced Northerly, across 23 said West Cuter Street; thence Southerly along the center. line of 24 South Clementine Street to a point where the center ldne of South 25 Clem®ntine Street, produced Southerly, intersects the center lino a 26 West Santa A.ua Street; thence ~~esterly along the center line of Wes 27 Santa 9s-a Street to a paint where the center line of ~iTest Santa 28 Street intersects the center line of South Palm Street; thence Sout 29 erly along the center line of South Palm Street to the SAta.therly 3© boundary line of said city; thence 4~esterly along the Southerly bo 31 dory line of 'said city to the East line of ~-~alnut Street; thence So 32 along said Est line- to the center line of Ball Road; th~-nee West long said center line to the west boun~ line of said city;'ther.: NortYi al:orig~ra#aid boundary line to place o beginning.. 3, ~- 1 No« 6: Commencing at a point where the center, Line of South Cl~ 2 entne Street., produced Northerly, intersects the center line of 3 West Center Street; running thence Southerly along the center line 4 of 6outh Cle~tentine Street to a point where the center line of Sou 5 Cl~nentine greet, produced Southerly,terseats the center line o 6 Vest Santa ~. Street; thence Westerly along the center line of ~P'e 7 Santa Ana Street to a point where t}ze dater line of West Santa Southerly 8 Street intersects the center line of South Palm Street; t~tence ilo 9 the center Line of South Palm Street to the Southerly boundary lin 10 '' of said city; thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary line of 11 said city to a point where the center line of South Los Angeles 12 Street intersects the Southerly boundary line of said city; thence 13 T3ortherl;~ along the center Sine of South I,os .Angeles Street to a 14 point where the said center line of Souz~h Zoe Angeles Street, pra- ~'~ E . domed Northerly, intersects the center one Wit Cant Street, 16 produced Easterly; thence besterly along the center line of West 17 Center Stre~rt to the point of beginning, 18 Teo. ?: Commencing at a point where the center line of South 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I,os Angeles Street, produced Northerly, intersects the center line of East Center Street, produced Westerl~t; running thence Southerly along the c~n.ter line of South Zos Angeles Street to the ..;Southerly beundary line of said city; thence Easterly along the said Souther lg boundary line of said city to a poi~tt ~rhere the center line of South Q1iv® Street intersects the said Southerly bounders ]:ine of. said city; thence Northerly along the t~~enter line of South Oli~re St reet to s point where the center line of South Olive Street, in- tersects the center line of East Santa Ana Street; thence Westerly along the center line of East Santa Ana. Stre:st to a point where th center line of East Banta ~~sa.a Street intersects the center line of South Philadelphia Street, produced Southerly; thence Northerly along the reenter line of South Philadelphia Street to a point whe the center lin® of South Philadelphia 'Street. 'produced P~grtherly:, t.ers.ect:sv~1{he center line of East... Center Street,; thence Westerly ong the center line of East Center greet to the point•of begin- ., _, :.. v ~ng• - 4. ~. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 loo, 8; Commencing at a point Vrhera the center line of South Philadelphia street, produced Northerly,. intersects the ca~ater line of fast Center Street; running thence Southerly along the center line of South Philadelphia Street to a pt-int where the center line of youth Philadelphia Street, produced Southerly, intersects the canter line of ~P,ast Santa ~.na Street; thence Easterly along the center line c~~ East Banta ,6na Street to ~ point where the center line of East .Santa tlna Street intersects the center line 4f South OliTe Street,. thence Southerly along the center line of South Oliv Street to the Southerly boundary line of-.said city; thenet~ Easter along the Southerly boundary line of said city. to the Sou'hea#terl ...earner therm; thence Northerly along the Easterly boundary lxrxe o said city to a point where the center line of East Center Btreet, pr©duced Eagerly intersects the said Eassterly boundary line of s d cif; thence tYesterly along the center ldne o~ East Center Street to the point of beginning. ~d be it fuxther resolved that the~C~ty Clerk be aid het is here by directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California, The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this 13th ds-y' of November, ~. D.~~L~.7.•` ~ ~/~ _ A Presider of the Board o s- tees of the City of 8riaheiam. 8.ttest: City Clerk.: cJ'w ,, 2 3 4 5 ~. sTk'TE of CAZIFOx~zA, ~ t Cauuty of Orange, ~ City of Anah+~im. j 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SS. I, Edward. B. ~Territt, City Clerk of the City of Anab.ei do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passe and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trusties of the said City of Anaheim, held on the lath day of November, A. D. l'13, by the followffi~~ng//vats: / e S, T r1I S t e e 8 ~--'Y'£.Cn_ ~~~.~~ ~ cr.~,-a-~-[ r--~ _. Noes, Trustees ~~_ Absent and not voting, Trustees ~-~ And T further certify that the President of the Board of Trustees, signed said resolution on the 13th day of T~ovem- ~. ber, 1913. IN ~~dITNFSS ~~HEI~OP I have hereunto set ~ hand and affixed. the official seal of the City of Anaheim thi.# lath day of November, ~.. D. 1913. ~~C.c~Y~~~r ~ ~ , ~-(BLS-y..r City. Clerk of the City of .Anaheim. ~ 6.