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fit. d~~~.~.~_.~ a3, X913 ~{~~rUTx Q~° ~ ~4'~~ CAP ~~U~~'~:~ ~~° ~~LC CIT3~ (?r' .~i~ ~~ .A,~Q~ ~~i~~" A~ SFFu~I~'ItTIC~N~ I<'(?I~ Ff~.VI?~~ I'!~~'!L'.(~?i•S Cl~`.~`~.' CT"R '."~.~' IN SASS CITY. ~V:EJ~ bar the Board. of >~~,~t~~~ a~" the.: C~.t~' of .~rtahe~.m tkiat $hose pain ~1-~ ~.e~it~d "~~.~.ram cif 3~.te~r~acti~ ~n :.~,~"~t Gen~» tex St~~lrt in th1~ C3,t~r of -.An.~'~.eim" pr+~~~),re~. -`" "€~» ~. S~~-tvar€~., Gi'ty ~ng~.neez +~f said pity rand thQ~e eert~~3.j~ ~~e~if~.c~atQ~.s e'~..e~'~~n~ ~~~~. '"~3~eo~.f#~atione ~~t. ~ fo:~ the constrv.atigx-_ d street ~e~v3.ng w~.th h~rd.rau1~ oera+ant axzd broken stone ~~ ~oxeenew~; gr~.vel ate. a€~phalt wear3,n~ ~xrfe.cse in the C~.tp off' ~,naham, t3a13~'a~tia~, whioh said. ep~o3.fi~s-tic~x~s we're ~.dC~nted b~, the ~tt~ard. a-~ ~~ ~e ~~ the Gt~~ of Anaheim ~' reso~te~~.on €~n the a~ of_ -~r~e'~rh`~ 191 ~n+~ as#~ o~. .fig ix~ the of.~iee of the (~it~ Cler~e of the Qit~ of ~.nahe~.m, ~e ~aq.c1 thby a- hereby adapted as the plans and. s~a~e~.fioatiox~~ ~`ar the word t~f pa'b~' t}~.e fo~.awi.n~ desar~.bed portia~~s ~ tr+.e road~ra~- of Ear~t M~+~IR+IM .. ~+hi.Y ii~y...`~~~~ 4~t~ ~3. .€1ui~++h~m. E~ih~t511..=;q~r,~~, ~~i~~i,~~~~~U.~k~/ ~~~,:1~'~~~ ~~~~ ~ that portion of the roadway m t;a'st Center Street, lying be- ' tween the Easterly and Westerly property lines of South Vine Street, produced norther- ly to .the center line of East Center Street; that portion of the roadway of East Center Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of North Vine Street, produced Southerly _ to . h t e center line of East Center Street, that portion of the roadway of East Center Street, lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of Bush Street, pro• '~ duced Northerly to the center line of East ~! . Cen[~r Street - --'--, that 'portion of the Roadway of East Center Street lying behveen the Easterly and Westerly property tines, of North Rose Street, produced Southerly to the center line of East Center Street '- , _ po lion of the roadway of East Center a Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of South Rose Street, produced northerl to the center line of East Center Street) ~`~ ~~~- ~`'1$sp~.17'8d. ~':h~~ t~1$ ~r'3.t ~ ~i~.$'~"~ Gf t~l~t ~~ti~ o~ .~~'.~M be aa8 - i~t hr~~lbY instartxated to ad~rerti~~E, for seal~r~ proposals bids ~` th~r ~ ~~ pav~.~g said. pc~rtic~ns a~ East Center Street ~,~. Braid Qtr in e,oA~rd:anae with pl~~n~ emd sp+~cifi+~atiox~s, s~~d de is ,~ a filed with the sai. d. C~ i t ~ Rlexk a~ f}:~_ s a i°f i in 'ohs ~'~~ fall iz~ the f~i~ ~f .~naheariz u~ to 8 *~' ~toe?~ F ~ ~'. ~~` '~'hvxsday' the l~tb. of ~io'~'1barr - ~.~~~. pz~opo or bid mint be acoompan3.e~ by a rsheerk osrtifisl~ '~ respon~~,~le bax~ wi h~ n ~ha Slats ~' Califarrt3~a, mad.+r pa,~-bla ts~ 'the ~'resid~ cad' the Bt~~,rd ~ ~ ;~rtess 0~' ~aa.d City o~ A~r9.m as +. ~!~~~.~~ good. fa~.th aad that the o±~~e:~u1 ~~ ~,.,; w3th3.n pert da ~ a~ta?° ~ht; wc~e~~'t.~a:.~.ce c~r- 1~.~.~ b~.u., ~:~~°i;~r ~i_nto a oon- t:~aet ~vt}a. ~~,~.d. C~.U~r ~,~~ _~'~na?1o3.~^ .for ~'a_e :~:°c~'oxrx~>~.~co a:~' ^~x~-? ~.vor~. ~d ~z~.~a.i~h the boz~.r~::fi rc~~;,t~? rea. ~~~#i~- c;~ieea~ ~b ~~ '~o:c:~~~.~;i. ~o ~~:e ~ai.c1 ~3.'~~ Q~ ~;.~ia~f)~.~ ~::. ~:;..iii?1('i~"~;~C1 CI~3ii?~~,~ ~Yl t3~~8 t?~ ~ ~~,~.~.'ltr$ U~' '~.h.Q na~e~a-1 b3.ac~~r ~o ~.~r..~~G ~r .zz~~o >~~~~3 t~ eontra~ ar~.el ~"urni~h ~h~ 1~ond~ re c~izl red. she=.:~~ontr~,ct ;nuw~c bc~ accQr~z~~::~~~~,cc~ ~z~ o. i~t~nd ~.:~. an ~tno~an~ e!;ual •~i~ J~ ;(J$~" C:8I2'~, t3~ `~;~'?e f,.'0~`i"LY'~C'~ ?~:Y_'1.C'i#3 (y~ ~a~:~. ~~~r~ 'B`~'biClh `~~~.1 1JC esandit3.~-n:+~d '~:~?03 tie ~'~.i'~h~~.l ~ew~crmance cat ~a:id can~raQt ~~,n~. by ~no~hes azzd ~,t3.d._i.tL©za~.l ~ao3ad. equal fio ~~ der cent Qf the ~~m.ntxnt ~~ ~tx4~ tsozZtr~.et .y,rice ~rh~eh ~h~.11 Iae co:~dit~ic,ned n~a~ ~hhe ~-~.ent o~ a1.3. Zabar and It1~~~~3r:' al f'z~.r;tz~.she~. u?on ~&'~.d 1eoxi= ~g'~a.~hln. `~3a d~.~' ~~~~a~r .~hq es~m;«aletion ~herea~ €~~ ~rQV:~d~d b~ :~a~t. ~ai~. ba±1~. ~ht~,ll b6 ~ub~aet ~;o '~hE3 ~~n~aroval 0"~'. '~hP, :~ ;~_r1 ~t?`?2"+f~. U'~' ~r~.~~E~~. axe :~o~~.~d ~~~~.ru~t~e~ o~ ~r~e Clt~ as .~~nahoim r~~ex~,reP~ -Llze r~. ~;~?~t uo r+~- ~ mat a o~.d ull i1 l cam. ~h# ~'o~reay~.~. -^e.~c:;lt~.i.it~n lr ~i~;zzed, aK~p~roTred o.nc~. attested '~~' ~~ze t~ii~ 23rt~ d~.~ o:~ C~c~;4b<;r, 113. ~--~--- ~~t'iGL ., ~d~r=ate. ~. ~e:~:e~.~;t. Git~ C;lgr1~ o~ ~_.o C~.~y a:~ x~.n.~r~~.m: c~ ~~zereU~ cert3.fy t"rat the :f'e~re~~a_zac~~ r~~ ~'t~12?i~itS~. v~4~,~ ;,~a~~ed ~,xzd a~3.o~t+~g ~.~; a xe~;ul~.x° x~a~etir.,~, oa:` ~U~~e :F3c.~~rr~ of ~~.~ tee ~ r i;he ~ai~. ~~,t~y' o~ .~'~nah~~ hale o~ the 23rd ~r~,~T o~ c?etaber, 1~1~, ~~~ t}~~ ~~l~.a~t3,~~.g votes ~~ ~ ::L~,a "~ f3 ~ .-,, i;1 ~ t~ :r.3 `U ~.Z1 Cs z`}.a ~ "4t ~'~; ~ III , ~e~'~'~ .~r~.d I :~trtheac certi~~ fhat tho °r3sident off' ~h 13nsacd ~~' ~:r1a.~t+ae ~].~:G7. s~.id re~alut3an on thl~ 23rd day of 4etQber, 113. 4I~d, 4~lIT S~ i~~~'.~Gi~ I,. hav bare to sut ~' b. .anal ~'~ad ®c-~iob~er, 1 the affic~ c,l ..~e€:l c~ ^o,ic~ city tip 2rd day o~~. • z .., ., .. r. .._ ~~~ ... Cit:l ~le~cU of QtaT i~~':.6.n.aheim. . ; ...~.