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n a ~~~"" ~ ~ r 1 -BLSODU'PION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTB~B ~DOPTIN~ PDANS A~tD SPL~IFICATIO~fS FOR i'H$ WORS OF PAPTE'G TEL BAADWAY OF' 2 2~ORi'H SOH STRHST 9R'D SOUTH D~dOH STBE&'F ~ THE CITY OF ~.~HEIM. 3 4 8esolv~. by the Board of Trtaste®a ~4f the City of 1~naheims 5 Pbat those certain ap®aif3cationa -rk®d and de$ignat®d 6 "Spet~i~i®atiaYta 80. 5 for the conatructit of atx'+~et pairi»g with 7 hydra~tlie e~a~aent and broken atone or ac>~-ened graT®1 and asphalt $ weari>Aig aurf~-e® in the City of ~aheia`, ~lalifernia.," Prepared 9 by 0. L. Sts~rard, City Bngineer of the E31ty of Anaheim, and to which were a~;opted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana• 11 heim l1y reao~gtion on th® 14th day of A~ii. 191ST and which are 12 on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, 13 b® ani. they ire hereby adopt®d ae the apseifioaticna for the 14 work of paving the roadway of BTarth Dem4a~ Street in said City 15 o~ A.eim, Carom the Southerly property ~i-na of ~*st ~ToY"th 16 ; Street, produced Raaterly saroea said He~i"th Demon Street to the 17 North+~rly px~perty line of hest Center S#reet, pr4duaed I~aatery 18 acroat said h Lemon Street and for tie work of paving the 19 roadway of 3btath Demon Street in said City of ,ffineheim from the 20 3outb~4rly property line of West Canter street, produced $seterly 21 across said gouth Lemon Street to the S~-satherly Q.ty Dimits of 22 said Qty and. that those certain plane ~d profiles, nnmlaered 23 nl ]~'" . d®aited Sa, "Plan of propoa®d ~praveme~ on E'orth 24 Demons Street and South Demon Street, ~ns~.m, Ca~,~.~ornia," pre~• 25 pare by O. ~. Steward, City Engineer at the City of ,dx~ahe3.m, 2s be axe they sxe hereby adopted as the pl~ana and profiles for 27 said work hcein described. 28 And it is further resolved, that the said prpecifisatiox~a be 29 end aremain. Qn file in the office o3 thQ City Cle»k of the City of 30 e~+ in the City Hall in said City ahd that said plena and 31 prof ° se be #~xtd remain on file in the a~tice of the City Engineer 32 ~,1 1. v ., 4 MMxm gLRaYw +i+vu+ ~e..riZe ` .. _ _ y~ 1 2 3 !I 4 , 5 ~~ 6 ~I 7 8 9 10 11 1Q 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i~ sail C~ty of Anaheim in the City Ha11 in said axed that the came s`sy herter be referred to i'o~ al purposed the deaig- iati© here#~ merntioned• i'he foreg~ix~g resolution was passed ax~.d adopto the hoard 4~ erustees of the City of .Ad~eheim this 2~h day f mat, 1413. ~z Presiden o ~- 8r o City ~~ laahe~. -tt es"~; 0 ,• , y,. e~ o e y o e 31'AT~ ' 4~' CAZ~OBNIA, oou~ty of range, : ss. City of Idsaheim. I ' ~dxar~' B. ~®rritt, City " 41erk of Y'th+~ City off' ,@xiahei~e, do t~.erei certi.~t, that the foregoing; reeol?~tion was p~-ssed and a. clopt4t at a rgtalar m~dting of the Board, of Tras'~ee-~- of the City pf heim, field on the 28th deg o~ A~,gtt, 1913, '~~ the ~ollowix~g Motet 4~es, i'stees--~ ~ta~8s '.g~tBtees~~ ~b8ent ~d not vctiag, Tra.stees-- 1~I S ~IHF~©F' T have hereunto yet ~r heed and a~fi.aed the 'f'fttial .seal A~ the City of Anahe3 the 28 of ~ug.• ! stet, 1918. ~`~ . _' e p e 0 9 • S ~~