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. _ , ,, •. ~i.~~~ h~ 1 ~ ~ _-_...~__ BESOZIITTON ORDERING THE' WORK OF PAgING FAST u.>J~~~z a~+B~T -----_ TN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. Resoled, by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheims Seotio~ 1. That the public interest and aonPenien~e require and the Board of T~a~tees of the eity of Anaheim, pursuant to Resolution of Intention N'e~ 244, of the Boaa~d of Trustees of the City of Anaheiffi, Which said re~o2ution Be. 104, .::wee duly passed and adopted by said Board of Trus•• tees c-n the 14th day~of August, 291, hereby orders the following street work: to be done in e~id caity, to-wit: - --_ .~ That the roadway of East Center Street ink'' said City, from the easteily property line oft+ South Orange Street, produced northerlp~; across said East Center Street to the Wester;i, Iy property line of South East Street,--,~~: produced northerly across East Center,` Street (excepting therefrom that-portion of~ the roadway of East Center Street, lying be• . _ tween the Easterly and Westerly-~ property - lines of South Vine Street, produced norther-~ ]y to the center line of East Center Street; { and excepting that portion of the roadway of t East Center Street lying between the ~. Easterly and Westerly property lines of North Vine Street, produced Southerly top' the center line of East Center Street, and ex- cepting that portion of the .roadway of East `• Center Street, lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines .of Bush Street, ppro- duced Northerly to the center line of Easti':" ` Center Street and excepting that portiori 1 of the Roadway of East Center Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly propperty lines of North Rose Street, produced 1 Southerly to the center line of East Center Street, and excepting that por• ' lion of the roadway of East Center Street ~' lying between the Easterly and, Westerly ' property lines of South Rose Streef, produced ~, northerly to the center line of East Center t ' Street) be graded to the official grade and paved with hydraulic cement concrete base' and asphaltic wearing surface. Said work shall be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and specifications therefor, which said plans and profiles, were } adopted by the Eoard of Trustees of the.} City of Anaheim, by resolution, on the r4th I • day of August, rgi3, are numbered "x I7";. and are marked and designated "Plan of pro- .posed improvement on East Center Street; '; ' Anaheim, California," and are on file in the ~` office of the City Engineer, of said City, in the City Hall in said City, and which said specifications were adopted by the Board' of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, by resolu- tion, on the Toth day of April, xgxg and which said specifications are marked- and I designated "Specifications No. ~. For the construction of street paving with hydraulic ~ cement and broken stone, or screened gravel; and asphalt' wearing surface in the City of Anaheim, California," which said specifica- ` lions are on file in the office of the City f Clerk of the City of Anaheim in the City Hall of said City__ .`_, _ __J Section 2: That it ie hereby determined and declared in.pursu-. anc~e of said Resr~lution of Intention No. 1C3`4 and in purauanae ~. ' _"of an act of the Legislature • of 'the State of California, entitled "An act to 'I provide for work in and upon streets, ave• ' noes, Lanes, alleys, courts, places and side- ~. walks wftJiin municipalities, and upon proper- I ty and rights of way owned by municipalities, ~ and for establishing and changing the grades '. i of any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys,. ' courts, places and sidewalks, and providing . ' for the issuance and payment of street fm- provement bonds to represent certain as- ~ ' sessments for the cost thereof and providfn~ ~ a method Eor the payment of such bonds,' { ~: 'approved April y, i9n, that bonds shall be 1 " issued to represent the cost of said improve- o ~* .mr _ _ ~ ~'~'' ment. Said bonds shall be serial, extending gqoer a period of nine years, from the second days of January next succeeding the date of ""^""^ """""~--`-_...~~_ said bonds, an even proportion of the princi- pal sum of which shall be payable annually on the second day of January of each year by coupon after their date, until the whole are paid; and that the interest shall be pay- ' able semi-annually by coupon, on the second ' days of January and. July„ respectively, of each and every year at the rate of six per cent, per annum, on all sums upaid, until ' the whole of said principal and rnterest are paid. Said bonds shall be issued in ac~or- dance with and in the manner provided by~ Q r~ the aforesaid Improvement Act of roc; Sa~ation 3~ All of the herein proposed work shall be' done in pursuance to said act oft Legiisla- ture of the State of California, ented, An act to provide for work in and upopdstreets,' avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places a$d, side- walks within municipalities, and upofi ptoper- -- w`-- ty and rights- of-way owned by 7nunicipalj.. ties, and for esta$1i~hing and changing the grades of any suc streets, avenues, lanessr~) - alleys, courts, places 'and sidewalks, and pro- viding for the issuance and payment of street improveme7,~ bonds to represent ter- '~ Main assessments or the cost thereof and '; providing a, method for the payment of such , bonds," approved April 9, xgu. Srctioa 4. The City Clerk of the C~,ty of Anaheim is hereby directed to poet, QonspiQUOU€~ly for five days, on or near the chamber door of the Bt~ard of Trusts®a of said City of Ana~a.eim a-notice of said work inr• vting sealed proposals or bids and a copy of said. Specificsations Ro. 5 adopted by the. said Board of Trustees on the 10th day of April, 1'~~.3. H® ie also directed t4 cause a Dopy m`r°F said notice to be pub- lfshed Mice in the Orar~e County Plain Dea~.er, a weekly ns~repgper, published and ci~cnlated in said city, which $sid newspaper ie here~- by designated for that purpose. Said notice shall invite sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered and shall refer to the spemifieations posted and on file. Said notice shall require all proposals or bide offered to be aceompanie~d by a check payable to the City +Qf Anaheim, eerti~ied by ~' a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less thou. ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or by a bond for t'ne said e~uaunt so pe-yabl~, signed bF the bidder and two sureties why shall ~ugtify before officer competent to administer an oath in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions.' Thursday, the 9th dog of October, 1913, is hereby designated atxd fixed as the day on which„ up to the hour of eight (8 } Q T clock p. m., the said proposals or bids shall be received and the said not- ieea shall so specify. ., 2r The far®goimg resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this 25th dab of Septemb®r, 1913. President of the Boar of Trus- t®es of the City of Anaheim. S~Ste of California, County of Orange, SS. City of .~n.aheim. I, Edward B. Merritt, City C~.erk of the City, of Anaheim, do here by oertify that the foregoing resolution ws-e regularly passed and a.. dopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of ~aeheim, held on the 25th day of September, 1913, by the following vale,... ` Ayes, Trustees, ~{r_~{,(ti~-•,. 9 i ~L~.t,IC ~~-t.~ ~~ C`~--! C„~,~`~ ~~`~o . Noes, Trustees, ~e-~-t~ - - -- Absent and not voting, Trustees, `-~~-~.~ - In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the the seal of said City this 25th day of September, 1913. City Clea~k of the City of .Qnaheim. 3. 1 2. 3 4 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~-,.,~ ~~ / Q~~ r ~, i ~ ~ ~ RESOLVED that those certain. specifications m~.rked and. design- ated "Spec ificz~tians No. 5. For the construction of street pavira~ I with hydraulic cement and broken stone or screened ~,ra.vel, and aephaJ t wearing surface in the City of Anaheirn, California", pre- p~.red b~ O.E.. Steward, City Engineer of the City.. of Anaheim, e.nd which were adopted Y~y the Board of Trustees of .said City of An-~h~~n2, V tay resolution, on the 1^th dssy of Aprii,1G13, and ~nrhicYi are on file in the ©fficE of the Gity Clerk of the City of Anaheir~~, re axd they are here'r,y a,do;~~t.ed as the specific~a.tions for paving the raa~dway of East Cantor Street in c,aid City of Anaheiyn, frog; the Easterly property line of South Orange Street produced Northerly a.crosg s id East Ce lter Street t the ~eCt?r).~r property line of South. Easy Street a.nd that those certain p1anG ~3nd pro- f i3es nur~rered "1D" , d?si~n~~.ted as "Plan. of proposed. irr rove:- j ~teMtc on East Center Street, Anuheirn, California, " prepared by O.F. Steward, City En~,~.ineer of tLe City of-- knaheirn, be, ~.nd they. a.re hereb~r adopted ~~.s the plans and profiles for the v~ orlt of laying asphalt pavement or East Center Street it said City of Anaheim, Prom the Easterly property Tine of South Orange Street, produced northerly across said Easy. Center Street to t}~~ ~eeterly property line of South East Street produced ?dortherly• across said ~a,st Center Street in said City of Anaheim. And be it f~~rfaher resalved that said spec ificationg Yee and remain on file in the office of the Clerk of said {;ity of AnaY~eim, in the City Hall iri sa.icz city, and that, said plans and prof ilex tie and remair, o:~ file in the off ice of the City En~- ineer of s~i;d City of An^heim, in the City Hall in said City, anal the.t the s~xn~e ?'y?ay here~:.~terbe referred to for x.11 purposes ry the desi~na:tions herein mentioned. The fore~;oiri~ resolution was p~=seed a,nd adopted 1~~y the t;Ta QM Board of Trustees of the City of Anr~l~z~, this''h day of , l ].3 Attest : -~",___~L.~..S~:'-L:-~.lL..., .~.__ Presiden~ of th~ w of S.rustees ~. of t'~Ze ity of ' aheim. clerk of the City of Anaheim. l ... _.._...~.m ,...~,.~ II I STATE OF CALIFfli?lilti, 1 COvT23TY 0~' QR~'~LiGE, SS. 2 CITY C?F AN~~I~I. 3 I, Edward c. ~~Ierritt, Cler k of the City of Anaheim, 4 do hereby .certify tYiot the fore~oin~ resolution was. passed 5 ~. and e.dopted at a re~;ul:~r meeting of the hoard of Trustees 6 of the City of Anaheim, held on the 14th dt~~, of Av~ugt.,1913, 7 by the folSot~rin~ Vote, 8 / / ~ ~l~L / -e, `~~ f?l ~~_. f ~ Ayes , Trustees ~.G-~-c ~~-.-.~ ..._._~ ~~ c~ ~ 9 Noes, Trustees, ~~-~ In .witness v~rhereof I ht~ve hereunto set my hand a.nd affix 11 ed the official seal of the City of Anahe irn, this .14th day of 12 Au~us`,1913. 13 14 15 _ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ., Clerk of the -:City of ..Anaheim. -2-