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RESOLVED, that the plans for the following work to be done and
improvement to be made in said--- ----- --- ------ to wit: / .~2
s~/.~'.~. ...... --
G' /I~ R
the -intersection of North Los Angeles
s. street and West Alberta and East Alberta
Streets and the "' -' -
et westert +y -' P
Los Angeles Street Y one-half of North /~ ~/~ ~,.,. ~y/~j.-,~_ ~ /- r ~
between the norther]y `~^"~'~'V /fwti"^~~: "~ ~~- -~
and southerly lines of Wilhelmina Street pro /~ UUU
duced easterly to the center line of Northa ~,t y.~
Los An eles Stre ) _---- - ~ ~~~ ~e~
I ;~~ 1I ~/~ ,,
those portions (Vr~~. ~~,~/~I~-D~ ~.^,1 ~ °
~ of the roauway or gout Los Angeles Street ~ """~'
' included between a line produced westerly to '
the center line of the roadway, of South Los
Angeles Street at right angles to said center ` ~•• •-• r
....r ..-......... ........ .-- -.......
line from a point iwentY-one and 75-LNI feet ...-.--. ~- -~- --- ~,.--- -~ •-. ~'-~--~ -~.-.-• - -~.,.~ .~ • -.'~- -~
north of the south line of t"-neyard Lot G3, as ~ ~ ~~
shown on a map of Anaheim recorded in _ `
Book 4 of Deeds, at pages 619 and G;O, rec- ~ QA~ ~`. r-, 7S/ ~
orda of Los Angeles County, Californr° ;+nd 11°~~ `- ~~/ «<///WWW«<••
:. the north line of Vineyard Lot H3 as shown ......---°--.. ........... ~ ................................ ... ............. ................................................ ~
on said map of Anaheim, ~ ' I
to the centerline of the roadway a ~ outhtLos ~
Angeles Street, and between the cs: rly pro- '
longation of the north line of that certain _ ~ f
water alley between Vineyard Lots G4 and -°~ - -.....-- °--.~ ......-- - ---... ... ... . -- -- ~- - ------ {
H9, shown and designated on said map pf An- ~C ~ I _ ~,~ ~ `,
aheim, recorded in Book 4 of Deeds, at pages ~til
629 and 63u, records of Loa Angeles County,
California, and the southerly line produced ~ ~ ~i
easterly of that certain piece or parcel of land '~ C~ ' -'~-" `' ~ ~ I
dez,ded to the City of Anaheim for street ~ - ~~ --~~~- ~ ' ~ ~.~ ~~ ~ ... 1
Pose~'by Conrad Stueckle on December 18th, ~'~"I~~-~ ~ ^^"~"vV ~'
1912, and recorded in Book 113,
Deeds, Records of Oran a Coun Paee 3f5 of ,
nia, to the center linegof the roadwayoof
South Los Angeles Street ....... ........ .... ... .............. .......... ..... ... .. .........
~ -- - ~Zt.t/f~ ~- ~ a
.' ~~LP of the roauway of said Sonth LOS //~~~" +~
Angeiea Street lying between the north and vc.[~
south property lines of Stueckle Avenue ....... ............................... .... ~........ ........... ...~e~!. ~!_........°-
duced easterly to she center line of the road- E
way of South Los Angeles Street -' -- !
Los An eles Street tym ............. .... or.h..... ...;............................................ .......... ... .................._..... ~,i
-t, t.~lat portion - -
and south property lines of Weat South Street ~?
prod ced easterly across South Loa Angeles h
Street). '
~ ,~ ~ ~ - d
'' s pr r / 9 3b ~ e~d. ~ ~/'/C-- -- -- --- --- - nd s~cbm~itte std this - ------~- --day °f a
j~ ~
j -o'"- ~ ~ ~c~L Owl ~~iaP.G~' ~tr'~- i d
~~ y p ~~f 11
___._____._._____________________~-~5-- be, and the same are hereb ado ted a a d or the
it - j9
plans ands ~ ~~s or doing said wor ~~~. ~1~. ~~ ~°L
~; , C~ i
I hereby certify that t foregoing resolution was duly and regularly introduced and ?
,y. ' , ~
n> \ S
a adopted by the_!Q~+x.,~- - ------ - -- ------------- -------of the-- - - ------------of --~~~~~~-s-~-
~~ i,
s ~,
the----~2_~_J-~__'_-----day of----- ----- ---------------------------------- 19--~-~----~ by the following vote:
~, ~,d~~i+.. - ------- - -.~
~, ~ ~r~,~~n
~; Absent-- ----- ------ ~ ~u-,...~,L~~_- sa
€ '~
j Attest: ''
~f '~
j ~ -
(Seal) ------ -~-,------ ----- --- -- ---- -------------- - -