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Pursuant to statute and to the Resolution of
the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,
`,adopted- the 12th day of June, 1913, dtrecting '
!this nottce:-
', Notice is hereby given that the said Board of
'Trustees, in open session, on the 12th day of
iJune, 1913, publicly opened, examined and de- f`
'iclared all sealed Droposals or bids for doing
',the following work ordered in'said City, to-
! wit: Ek
That the roadway of South Los Angeles
'Street in said City from the south property -ine
Cof West Santa Ana street produced easterly
lactose said South Los Angeles Street to the '
;north property line of West Broad Street pro-
ldoted easterly across said South Los Angeles
,Street, lexcepting therefrom those Dortions
' 'included between aSinetproducedgwesteSly to
', the center line of the roadway of South Los
Angeles Street at right ansles to satd center ',
.line from a point twenty-one and 75-IUU feet'
'i north of the south line of Vineyard Lot G3, as
'shown on a map of Anaheim recorded in,
;Book 4 of Deeds, at pages 629 and 630, rec-
~ords of Los Angeles County, California, and
the north line of Vineyard Lot H3 as shown
!on said map of Anaheim, produced westerly
to the center line of the roadway of South Loc
Angeles Street, and between the easterly pro-' `'
'longation of the north tine of that certain' l
H4~shown and designated on said map of An-'
aheim, recorded in Book 4 of Dceds, at pu^,cs
629 and 63u, records of Los Angeles County,
California, and the soudteriy line produced
easterly of that certain piece or parcel of land
deeded to the City of Anaheim for street put- ,
poses by Conrad Stueckle on December IBth,
1912 and recorded in Book 223.'paee 3^,5 of
' ~ Deeds, Records of Orange County, Califor-
nia, to the center line of the roadway of
South Los Angeles Street, and excepting that
portion of the roadway of said South Los ,
Angeles Street lying between the north and
south property lines of Stueckle Avenue pro- . i
doted easterly to the center line of the road-
way of Sou[h Los Angeles Street, and ex- 1
Lost Angeles Street lyi Be between the north
and south property lines of West South Street ~ ,
produced easterly across South Los Angeles
', Streeth be graded to the official grade and !,
'; paved with hydraulic cement concrete base
'and with asphaltic wearing surface, reference
~'~ being made to Resolution of Intention No, ,
,100 passed and adopted by the said board of ;
'..Trustees on the 10th day of April, 1913, t~ or-
jder the doing of said work, for further Patric- ,
And thereafter, on the said 12th day of June, ~,
1' 1913, awarded the contract for said work to the
lowest regular responsible bidder, to-wit:
'I said work in g P~oposal orhbid on file asdfoh '
'',lows: ~
Thirteen and 99-100 cents (5.1399) per square
That it was duly determined by said
Board of Trustees that in pursuance
of an act of the Legislature of the State of ',
California, entitled ~An act to provide for',
work in and upon streets, .avenues, lanes, ~, . ,
alleys; courts, prates and sidewalks within 1 '
munictpahties, and upon property and rights ~ 1 ~;
jof way owned by munic~pahties, and for
`establishing and changing the grades of any ~ ~ ,:
~~such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts,'.
'places and sidewalks, and providing for flit ' '
issuance and payment of street tmprovemcnt
`bonds to represent certain assessments for P
the cost thereof and providing a method ;
for the payment of such bonds," approved
April 7, tgu, that bo>tds shall be issued to
Vrepresent the cost of said improvement. Said '.
(bonds shall be serial, extending over a period '
of nine years, from the second day of January ',
lnexL succeeding the date of said bonds, an ~ ,
!even proportion of the principal sum of , ~
which shall be payable annually on the i
isecond day of January of each year by i
;couppon after their date, until the whole able ~ 1
:.paid; and that the interest shall be pay ~.
',semi-annually by coupon, on the second days
of January and July respectively, of each
and every year at the rate of seven per cent. ~ ~ ~
per annum, on all sums unpaid, until the '~ .
whole of said principal and interest are paid.
Said bonds shall be issued in accordance '' ~
with and in the manner provid~~99ed by the ',
,a[oresaid Imp EDWAR7) cB °1fLRRITT, `
City Clerk of the City of Anahei 21-I '; I
I Dated June 1¢fr; 1913.
.. ~ ~. ~ ~m
~a~e, ,'~33
,. ,,,
~~•-.~ G
ho • /D~ ~~' ~~y
NOTICE INVITING SEALED paving with hydraulic cement and broken
stone or screened gravel, and asphalt wearing
PROPOSALS. surface in the City of Anaheim, California,
which said specifications are on file in the of-
fice of the Ci y Clerk of the City of Anaheim
Pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 101
f the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- in the City hall in said City.
That theaaidBoardofTrusteesfindsinpucsu-
heim, adopted by said Board. of Trustees on ance of an act of the Legislature of the State of
titled"An act to provide for work
the loth day of April, 1913, to the statute and
to a resolution adopted by the Board of Trus- a,
in and upon streets, avenues; lanes, alleys,
tees of the Gity of Anaheim, on the 22nd day
directing this notice; said Board
of May courts, places and sidewalks within munici-
palities, and upon proper:v and rights of way
of Trustees invites sealed .proposals or bids
to be done in
the following street work
f owned by municipalities, and for establishing
and changing the grades of any such streets,
accordance to plans and specifications for avenues, lanes, alleys, cou~ta, places and side-
and providing for the issuance and
said work posted and on file, to-wit:
That the roadway of South Los Angeles ,
payment of street improvement bonds to
&treet in said Gity from ttte rauth property line
of West Santa Ana street produced easterly represent -certain assessments for the cost
thereof and providing a method for the pay-
across said South Los Angeles Sweet to the approved April 7, 1911,
ment of suclh bonAS,
that bonds shall be issued to represent
north property line of West Broad S:-eat pro-
duced easterly across said South Los Angeles the cost of said improvement, Said bonds
extending over a period of
shall be serial
Street, (excepting therefrom those portions
of the roadway of South Loy Angeles Street ,
nine years, from the second day of January
next succeeding the date of said bonds, an
included between a tine prods: wed westerly to
the center line of the roadway of South Los
t even proportion of the principal sum of which
shall be payable annually on the second day of
Angeles Street at right angles to said cen
line from a point twenty-one and 75-lt;r feet January of each year by coupon after their
until the whole are paid; and that the in-
north of the south line a.f C neyard Lot G3, as
shown on a map of Anaheim recorded in ,
terest shall be payable semi-annually by cou-
on the second days of January and July
Book 4 of Deeds, at pages 629 and 6:~0, rec-
California, : nd
ords of Los Angeles County ,
respectively, of each and every year at the
the north line of Vineyard Lot H3 as shown rate of seven per cent per annum, on all sums
until the whole of said principal and
on said map of Anaheim, produced ~*~c^terly
to the centerline of theroadwav a". au;h Los ,
interest are paid, Said bonds shall be issued
Angeles Street, and between the cos.al3 Vro-
longation of the north line of that certain in accordance with and in the manner pro-
vided by the aforesaid Improvement Act of
water alley between Vineyard Lota G4 and
H4, shown and designated on said map of An- 1911.
All ~ f the herein proposed work shall be
done in pursuance to said act of the Legisla-
aheim, recorded in Book 4 of Deeds, at pages
records of Los Angeles County,
629 and 63u tore of the State of California, entitled An
California, and the southerly -line produced
easterly of that certain piece or parcel of land act to provide for work in and upon streets,
avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and side-
deeded to the City of Anaheim for street pur- walks within municipalities, and upon prop
arty and rights of way owned by municipali-
poses by Conrad Stueckle on December 18th,
1912, and recorded in Book 223, page 345 of ties, and for establishing and changing the
avenues, lanes, al-
rades of any such streets
Deeds, Records of Orange County, Califor-
nia, to the re:cter line of the roadway of ,
lays, courts places and sidewalks, and p:-o-
vtding for t~e issuance and payment ofst.•eet
South Los Angeles Street, and exceptinft that
pore+on of the roadway of said South Los improvement bonds to represent certain as-
and providing
sessments for tr a cost thereof
Angeles Street lying between the north and
south property lines of Stueckle Avenue p. o- ,
a method for the payment of such bonds,'
duced easterly to the center line of the road- approved Apri17, 191].
Sealed proposals or bids are to be delivered
way of South Los Angeles Street, and ex-
cepting that portion of the roadway of South to the undersigned, City Clerk of said City, at
his office in the City Hall of said City on or
Los Angeles Street lying between the north
and south property lines of West South Street before eight (B) o'clock p. m., on Thursday,
prod cad easterly across South Loa Angeles
Street), be graded to the official grade and the 12th day of June, 1913.
All proposals or bids offered must be ac-
companied by a check payable to the City of
paved with hydraulic cement concrete base
and with asphaltic wearing surface Anaheim, certified by a responsible bank for
Said work shall be done in accordance with an amount which shall not be less than ten per
cent of the aggregate amount of the proposal
the plans, profiles and specifications therefor,
which were adopted by the Board of Trus- or by a bond for the said amounr, so payable,
signed by the bidders and two sureties who
tees of the Gity of Anaheim, by resolution, on
the 10th day of April, 1913, which said plans shall justify before any officer competent to
in double the said amount
administer an oath
and profiles numbered 1B are marked and
destgnated "Plan of proposed improvements ,
and above all statutory exemptions.
Dated at the office of the City Clerk of the
on South Los Angeles Street, Anaheim, Cali-
" and are on-file in the office of the
fornia City of Anaheim, at the City Hall, this 23rd
City Engineer of the City of Anaheim in the day of May, 1913.
City hall of said City, and which said specifi-
cations are marked and designated 'Specifi- 31m-2 City Clerk of the City of Anaheim.
cations No, 5. For the construction of street
__ ~.. ' ~
~.o° , ~ b
RESOLVED THAT those certain specifications ~~arksd and des-
ignated "Specifications sta. ~. For the construction of streQt
paving ti~ith hydraulic cer:~ent and broken atone or screened gravel
and asphalt ~rsaring surface in the City of Anal~airn, California,"
prepared by 0. E. Stsa~rara, City Engineer of the City of Anr~.heirr~,
be anal they. are hereby adopted as the specifications far paving
South Los Angeles Street in s~~.i3 City of An~~heim, from the south
property line of hest S~~nta Ana Street produced easterly across
said South Las Angeles Stx~:et to the Rorth property line of Vest
~3road Street ,;rodueed easterly across said South Los Angeles
Street, and that those certain plane and profiles nur~ibsxad 1B
designated as "Plan of proposed impravemanta on South Los Angeles
Street, Anaheim, California", prepared by 0. ~. Ste~~ar:~., City
Engineer of the City of Anaheim., be, and they are hereby adoltad
as the plans and profiles for ti18 Mork of laying asphalt r~dvemsn~
on Souti2 Los Angeles Street in s~~id City of Anaheim, f ror~ the
south property line of ~7est Santa Ans Street produced easterly
across said South Zoe Angeles Street to the North property lips
of Kest Broad Street produced easterly across said South Los
Angeles Street in said City of Anaheim.
And be it further resolved that said specifications bs and
remain on file in the office of the Clerk of said Cityr of Anahei~#
in the City Mall in s_~id CityT, and that said plans 84nd pro~'iles
be and remain on fits i~: the office of the City Engineer, of sai~.~
City of Anahasrn, in trip City Hall i~ said. City, and that the
sa~~e may hereafter bs r sfQrrsd to ~~or all purposes by the
designations herein mentioned.
The foregoing resolution m~as passed and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, this lath day of
Apri1,1913. ,;-
Attest : ____
Presi~3pnt o~t~i« Bosx o Trustees
~..[~,H-.~. •~C-~~ ~- of the City of Anahezrr~.
er o the City off' Anal~sir~.
-l -
i, Fdward B. SJlerritt, Clerk o:r the City o.~ Anaheim, do
'' hereby cextify that the foregoing resolution eras ;~asse3 and
adopted at /regular.. ,.meeting of the Boar=:~ of Trustees of the
City off. An,ahei~~ held on the lOti~ 3uy of Apri1,1913, by the
following vote,
Ayes, Tsuste88, ~- ~. ~•~ ~~_.~~a~=.~aG~v ~'.<
In Witness ~~,rhere~af T have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the offic~.al se~'1 of the City of Anaheim, t~~is 10th day of
Clerk of the City of Anaheim.