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1 ~~ 2 3 i 4 5 ' I 6 7 8 s 10 ~' lI 12 33 14 ,' 15 ~' 16 ~' i7 I8 19 ~ ~' s 2 0 o, 21 ~ o. 22 !; ~. 23 4 I. 2 4 ~, 2 5 ~! 2 fi 2 7 {{ I~ ~: 2b i r 29 30 s ~,~ 31 P 3:~ ~' ._\ q RESC~LUTIaT3 QP IYTTEISTIO.~? R ,,fit/ RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of the Cit of An~Lheim: Section 1. That the pu'alic interest and convenience require ~, and that it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of tY~.e City', of Anahei~rx to oxder the folio:ing street work to be done in said City, to-wit: That the roadway of South Los Angeles Street in said city from the south property lire of Wrist Santa Ana Street produced ea~t- erly across said South Las Angeles Street to the nortY~ property 1 ne of West Broad Street produced easterly across said South Las Ange ea Street, (excepting tr~erefror those portions of the roadway of ~ South Loy Angeles Streot included between a line produced wester-) lp to the center Sine of the roadway of South Los Angeles Street at right angles to said centsx line from a point twenty one and 75/100 fQet north of the soutYi line of Vineyard Lot G3, as shown on a map of A213Yisi~1 recorded in Bock 4 of D;~®ds, tat pages 629 and 630, records of Los Angeles County, California, and the north line of Vineyard Lot H3 as s~~o~rn on said map of Anahei~:, produced westerly to the canter line of the roadway of South Los Angeles Street, and between the easterly prolongation of the T~orth line o that certain water a11ey between Vineyard Lots G4 and H4, shown a designated on said reap of Anaheim, recorded in Bao~. 4 of Deeds, pages 629 and 630, records of Los Angeles County, California, ai the southerly line produced easterly of that certain piece or p~ ce1 of land deeded to the City of Anaheim far street purl}Dees by Conrad Stueckle on December lbth,l912, and recor~,ed in Book 223, page 345 of Deeds, ~coxds of Orange County, California, to the center line of the roadway of South Los Angeles Street, $~. nd excepting that portion of the roadway of said .South Los Angeles Street lying between the north and south property lines of St~ueckle Avenue produced easterly to the center line of the raaaYvay of South Los Angeles Strcaet, and excepting that portion of the roadway of South Los Angeles Street lying between the 1 d .., 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 ~3 29 30 31 3? north and south pro~arty lines of hest South Street produced easterly across South Los Angeles Street), be graded to the official grade and paved ;pith hydraulic cement concrete base and with asphc.ltic wearing .surface. E Said 4uork sha11 be done in accordance ti~vith the plans, proFile~ .and specifications therefor, Which era adopted ]~y. the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, by resolution, on the 1Gth day of Apri1,1913, u~hich said plans and profiles number 1B are marked and designated "Plan of proposed improvements on South Los Angela street, Anaheim, California", and are on file in the off~c® of the City Engineer of tn.e City of Anaheim in the. City Tlal:l of eai~3 City, aztd which said specifieationa are marked and designat "Specificati©ns ISo. 5. ~`or the construction of street ,paving with hydraulic came_~~t and "aroken stony or screened gravel, ant asphalt ~~earing s~arfaca in the City of Anaheim, California", ~thi laid specifications are on file in the o~'fice o~ the Cit,T Clerk of the City of Anaheim, in the City Hall in said city. Section ~. It is hereby determined in pursuance of an act of the Legislatuxa of file State of California, entitled "gin act to provide for v~ork in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places end sida~~alks within r~unicipalitias and upon property and rights of gray o~rned by municipalities , and for establishing and changing the grades of any such streets avenues, lanes, allays, courts, places and sidewalks, and pro- viding ~~or the issuance and payment of street improvaz~ant bonds to r epresant certain aa~QSSr~ants for the asst therao1 an:1 t,ro- viding a method for the payluent of such bonds" , aj:~pro~ed April 7,1911, that bonds shall be issued to represent the cast of said improv$r.ant. Said bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of nine years, frouz the second day of January next succeeding th date of said bonds, en even proA~ortion of the principal sum of ;which shall ba payable annually on the second day of January of each year by coupon after their ,dot®, until. the whole are paid, and that the interest -u- ~~ i 1 ; shall be payable semi-annually by coupon, on the secar~d days 2 ,' of Januaxy eadd July, respectively, of each and ever~r year at the 3 !; rate of ~Q~ percent per annum, on all .sums ugpaid, until 4 ;~ the whale of said principal and interest are raid. Said Bonds I' 5 ~ shall be issued in accordance with and in tree mariner provided 6 ~, by the aforesaid Improvs~ent Act of 1911.. 7 I The Anaheim Gazette is hereby designated as the news~;apex "' 8 ~ printed, published and circulated in said City in which this ~_ 9 ~' resolution ads: intention shall be g¢l~~aek~~d. 10 l The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim is hereby directed to 11 '' publish t~~is resolution by two successive insertions in said ~ ~,: 12 ne~trspaper, and to pnat the same for two days conspicuously on orb i' ~ 13 near the chamber char of the Board of Trustees of the said City 1 ~~, 14 j of Anaheim. ~ ~; 15 ~ The .Street Superintendent shall imm®diately cause to be con- ~ 16 l; epicuauslp Posted along the line of said contemplated work or 17 ~ improvement, and in (rant of all the property liable to be asses - 18 ( ed, notice of the passe.gs of this resolution of intention in the I9 mannex and form required by last. E' 20 ~ All of th8 herein proposed work shall tae done in pursuance a ~`~ 2Z -paid: act of the Legislature of the Sate of California; emit- 22 ~ led "An a ct to provide far ~~ork in and ripor~ straets,a~renue~,lanst , 23 ' alleys, courts, places ~:nd sidewalks w$thin municipalities, and :_:. 24 ~ t$ion property and rights ~f way owned by municipalities, and fax 25 ~ establishing and changing the grades of any such streets, avsnu s, 26 '` ls.nes, allays, courts, places and sidewalks, and providing far i 27 1~ the is:~uance and payment of street improvexent bonds to reprs- I ~ `~8 '; sent certain assessments for the cost thereof and providing a 29 method for the payment of such bonds", approved April '7,1911. _. ,; 3~ j' The. foregoing Reso3,utiarwas passed and adapted b~T the Board 3=~ ~; of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, t s 10th ~ ay of April,1913. _ ~~~~~ I' A test: Pxesident o he oard. ustee ~~,,,,,.}~.,~(~( of the City o n i~±. '~' sr ~. o~ ~~ie • .ty o~~" Anaheim. j~ ~, I ~~~ 3 ,_ ~ ,~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 to 11 1'~ H 13 14 1 ~, s 17 1a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 fi 27 '~ 8 29 30 31 3~ State of California, County of prangs, SS. City of Anaheim. I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clark of the City of Anahei~ri, coo hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution of Intention ~To. ~ ~ ~ vas a~.opted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 10th day of Apri1,1913, by the following; vote, ~~ lyes, Trustees ~~G~..,ti ~..:/G ~08s, TTLlst888, ~c~,,~,.._ In witness wherecf I have heraunto set my hand and affixed ~, the of:~icial seal of the City of Anaheim, this / o ____day of r~.G - ~ .rte / ~ 1~ is Js ~,.-~.~~ Clark of the City of Anaheim. ~-Ly -~- ~` '1' E3~TIU~ 0 ~. ~o 0 •`ni NOTICE OF AWARD OF CON- TRACT. l Pursuant to statute and io the Resolution of ~ the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana; helm, adopted the 12th day of 3une, 1913, di- [ recting this notice:- I Notice is hereby given that the said Board kk of Trustees, in open session, on the 12th day i of June, 1913, publicly opened,. examined and ! ~ declared a^ sealed proposals or bids for doing k the following work ordered in said city, :o 4 wit: That the roadway of North Los Angeles Street in said city, Erom the north proper- ~ ty line of West Sycamore Street produced ': easterly to the center lsne of North Los Am '' gales Street, and from the north proparty hue of ):ast Sycamore Street produced westerly to the center line of North Los Au- geles Street to the south property line. of Rest North Street produced easterly across North Los Angeles Street, (excepting there- from the intersection of North Los Angeles Street and West Alberta and East Alberta Streets and the westerly one-hali of North { Los Angeles Street behveen the northerly t I and southerly lines of \1~ilhelmina Street pro-'~, ~ dated easterly to the center line of North ; Los Angeles Street), be graded to the official grade and paved with hydraulic ce• ' ment concrete base and with asphaltic wear' ing surface. reference being made to Resolu- tion of Intention No. 101 passed and adopted ', by the said Board of Trustees on the 10th day . of April, 1913, to order the doing of said work, i i' for further particulars: And thereafter, on the said-12th day of June, 1913, awarded the contract for said work to .. the lowest regular responsible bidder, to-wii: j L. A. Paving Co., inc., ai the price k= named for said work in its proposal or bid omfile, as follows: Thirteen and 99-100 (5.1399) cents per square foot. That it was duly determined by said Board of Trustees that in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of ~, California, entitled"An act to provide for work in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, . ~ courts, places and sidewalks within munici- f palities, and upon property and rights of way ; owned by municipalities, and for establishing , i and changing the ¢rades of any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and side- ;, walks, and providing for the issuance and payment of street improvement bonds to represent certain assessments for the cost thereof and providing a method for the pay-'. ment of such bongs: ' approved April 7, 1911, that bonds shall be issued to represent the cost of said improvement, Said bonds ', t shall be serial, extending over a Period of ' ~,. nine years, from the second day of January , next succeeding the date of said bonds, an , even proportion of the principal sum of which shall be Dayable annually on the second day of i -~-January of each year by coupon after their ~ :~ date, until the whole arc paid; and that the in- ', tcrest shall be payable semi-annually by cou- ' non, on the second days of January and July ~ rcepcctivclY, of each and C~'Cfy year at the rate of ecven per cent per annum, on all sums unpaid, until the whole of said principal and wterest arc paid, Said bonds shall be wsued ,.~in accordance with and in the manner pro- ~ vided by the nforesaid Improvement Act of 191 L EDR'ARD A. ~tERR1TT, City Clack of the City of Anaheim. DntcJ Junc lath, 1913. 21-1 G paw a3~ . ~ d ~~ NOTICE INVITING SEALED of way owned by municipalities, and for establishing and changing the grades of any t PROPOSALS. s, such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, cour places and sidewalks, and providing for the issuance and payment of street improvement Pursuant to Resolution of Intention 1\TO. roo, bonds to represent certain assessments for the cost thereof and providing a method d " of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- approve for the payment of such bonds, t bonds shall be issued to th heim, adopted by said Board of Trustees on the Goth day of April, i9r3, to the Statute and a .April q, r9ci, represent the cost of said improvement. Said eriod over a di t i l to a resolution adopted by the Board of at a'regular of the City of Anaheim t T p ng en , ex a bonds shall be ser of nine years: from the second day of January , rus ees meeting held on the nand day of May, igr3, f T next succeeding. the date of said bonds, an ortion of the principal sum of ro n rus- directing this notice; said Board o ites sealed proposals or bids for the in t p p eve which shall be payable annually on the v ees iollowing street work, to be done in accor lans and specifications for said nce to d second day of January of each year by coupon after their date, until the whole are l p a work posted and on file, to-wit: th Los Angeles f N e paid; and that the interest shall be payab semrannually by coupon, on the second days or That the roadway o Street in said city, from the north proper- roduced t S of January and July respectively, of each and every year at the rate of seven per cent. p tree ty line of West Sycamore easterly to the center line. of North Los An- t h per annum,.on all sums unpaid, until the hole of said principal and interest are paid. proper y geles Street, and fiom the nort line of East Sycamore Street produced w Said bonds shall be issued in accordance rovided by the r h westerly to the center line of North Los An- of li p e manne with and in t aforesaid Improvement Act of i9ii. ne geles Street to the south property West North Street produced easterly across All of the herein proposed work shall be ce to said act of the Legisla- i -North Los Angeles Street, (excepting there- section of North Los Angeles t i h n pursuan done lure of the State of California, entitled "An er n e from t Street and West Alberta and East Alberta h act to provide for work in and upon streets, places and courts alleys nes l Streets and the westerly one-half of Nort eles Street between the northerly An L , , , a avenues, sidewalks within municipalities, and upon i- b g os and southerly lines of Wilhelmina Street pro- f \TOrth li y munic property and rights of way owned and for establishing and changing alitres ne o duced easterly to the center Los Angeles Street), be graded to the ~ , p the grades of any such streets, avenues, d sidewalks l official grade and paved with hydraulic ce- ete base and with asphaltic wear- t . aces an lanes, alleys, courts, p and providing for the issuance and payment t concr mee ing surface. rdance i of street improvement bonds to represen certain assessments for the cost thereof and n acco Said work shall be done with the plans, profiles and specifications providing a method for the payment of such i9ir ril d A " therefor, .which were adopted by the Board l . y, p approve bonds, osals or bids are to be delivered ro l d S e- of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, by reso on the Both day of April, ~9r3, which lion p p ea e to the undersigned, City Clerk of said City f said City on ll H i , said plans, and profiles numbered iA are roposed n of "Pl d o a ty at his office in the C or before eight (8) o'clock P. M, on Thurs- p a , marked and designate eles Street An h L the rath day of ~une, rgr3. day , g os improvements on Nort Anaheim, California,'° and are on file in the i , All proposals or bids offered must be ac- arced by a check payable to the City of in n office of tha City Engineer of said City and which said Hall of said City Cit h p co Anaheim, certified by a responsible bank than l b , y e t specifications are marked and designated ess e for an amount which shall not f the aggregate amount of the t "Specifications No. 5• For the construction aving with hydraulic cement and et t f . o ten per cen proposal or by a bond for the said amount, nd two bidd p re s o broken stone; or screened gravel and asphalt f Anaheim ers a so payable, signed by the sureties who shall justify before any officer , wearing surface in the City o California." Which said specifications are office of the City Clerk of the th i - competent to adminster an oath in double the said .amount and above all statutory ex- e n on file City of Anaheim in the City Hall of said e Datedsat the office of the City Clerk of the City. That the saidBoard ofTnxstees finds in pursu- City of Anaheim, at the City Hall of said this a3rd Cit ~9 a ance of an act of the Legislature of the State of y, :bIERRITT, B. D WARD California, entitled ` An act to provide for City C erk of the City of Anaheim. work in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, places and sidewalks within courts allevs , , municipalities, and upon property and rights