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_.-_ ~ ~ G, ~ ,~~ ~a ~~. . RFr;~T„JTI~:71~ ~~~' T~i~ I~;~ARn ~F TRU^T^Fc, OF TH^ CITY ~OF ,~NAHFIM. WHFfi~ A~, Pursuant to thA 1a~*.a of tine Mate. of California and Or:iinanCe No.~. ~ ~__" of the Cit~r of AnahAir_~_, a $®neral rriun~'rcipr~l ©lection was held in said Cite of Anah~irr~ on the 8th ~ia~r of April, 191?, for tle puxpose of electing the following officers, to-wit: Two r;:ernb~,r:~ of the Bo~~rd of Trustees for the terra of four year:.. One t~arrib~r o.f the Roard of Truste3e, for +..he tea~~ru of two gears. One city C1Ark. ,one Cit;r Tr~;asurer, AND, VHFRFA ~, there was submitted to the ~lualifie~~ Piectors o£ th° acid Cit~T of Anah©ir:;, at sari election. the question ~riiether or not the several. ruerriber:~ of the Board of Trustees of saki City 3iiot1ld .receive tip Burn of Ten TJo11~rr~ (!~lU,~~UI p~~r r~~onth Aach as compensation for their. .services as sucri raRrnbers of the FJoar;3 o.f Trustees, A°dn, !~H~'RFAS, the several Boaxds of Election di,_i, pursuant. to l:~w, transr;:it the returns o.f s3id election tc~ the City Clerk of the said Cit~r of Anail~irn, ANn, ~HF~;FA^, the Roar~~ of Trustees of s~:~id City iid on the ~~onday next succge,.iing this date of raid election, to-rrit: on the 15th day of April,l~l~; dulJr canvass ti~re returns of said election. NOZ'~, TH~RrFOI~F; be it resolved that said Boar~.i of Trusts®s having du1~r canvassed said xetuxn:~ do find and declare as follows, to--grit: That the total numbex of votes c::~st in :special election precinct nurnl~9r I at said election was six hundrP~~ fiftu four (654}, .and that th8 .following narnes~ candidates for the s~;vPral officer .for ~rhich they were respecta.ve candidates rQceived the nlzmr~er of vat®.~ :yet opposite theirrespc~ctivc~ Harass in said special election precinct nurrrl~er 1, For rhelnrsxs of the F~oarca o: Trust~~=:~ for the tear: of four years, John H. Cook...........u42, Frank Vii. Fox...........14G. ~~ Frank S. Gates......... w11. ,'~.V..1 _. ~i ~~~ . .+K7. August Nage1..,........188. William ~tark..........258. N.F. Steac~rnan.... , .....177. For member of t}ie Aoard of Truetes3 for the term of two paaxs, John ~;•=~mann.... , , .....214. Cx~sorue ~. Harlilnr......, 232. Carl Pre;~s~e1..........,150. For City Clerk, Jacob I, hfcAulatr, .. , , ,7.27, Edward B. Nierritt.....452. For City Tre~suxr~r, Charles A. Aoege...,..~;46. Joseph P. Gibson...... 95. .Tohn nartun{;..... , .. , .253. That in Said special alection pr9~~inct nur:rber one there were 2~.' vote:3 cast in favor of +,:tie .proposition that the sevpralry mer~ibers of tree Boar,i of Txuste9s of the s~~id City of Anaheim shouldr:sceiva tiie sure of Ten Dollars (10.00) per month each as corrrpensation. for tizeir sarvi:,PS, anti t~iat t'r~arc; were 135 votes cast in said precinct again;~t Maid proposition. That the total n~urlber of vote: ,~ast in special alection precinct nurrrber 2 of said election was four hun~ira~i fifty one X451), an:~ filet th® following narneci cundiciates for ~:n9 of!`ices for which they were respective candidates received tyre number of votes sat opnos~ta their respective nar:les in said sp®cial election precinct nurilbe~r 2, For membexs of tie Boar:,. of Trustees .for the t9rr~r of four year:, Joh~~r H. Cook..........210. Frank H. Fox.......,..07. Ftank ~. Gates.. ......147. Auguf~ t Nage 1..........104. William Sturk.........?,22. N.F. S+ea~:~rr,an......... 99. Fox rnernber of the Board of Trustees fox the terra of twa~ years, ~:J~ an~,A~n~ ray r.n~,rFCR~~IA, COUNTv OF ~3RANGE, SS. CITY C~ ANAHFI1u. , I, Edward B. Merritt, City C,lc~rk of th® City of Anaheim, hereby certify... that thr~ foxe~oin~ resolution was intro duc®d at a speci€~l me~ing of the Board of Trusteos of the City of Anaheim, held on the 15th day of Apri1,1912, and that the same was passed an:d adopted at said meAtin~ by the following vote, AYES, Trustees, eI~ .~Q,~~'C, ~~~C ~:J ~~G~t'~..,.,,,_~_ ---~. NOES, Truateg$,_ `.~-d-„~~ In wi+ne~ whereof, I have hexeunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the said City of Anaheim, this JS' day of April, 1912. City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. r 5