04/11/1912-004.~`~. ~t RESOT~UTION OF THE BOARD OF TRU9T8~'4 OF '!'HF; CI'!'v OF ANAH~;iM: '~H1~REAB, the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim has heretofore caused to be printed and published in the Orange County Plain Dealer", a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circulated in the said City of 9Cnaheim, an advertisement inviting sealed proposals or bide for the cons+ruction of a portion of an O~tfall Sewer f©r the said City of Ana , heim, designated a8 Section I of said Outfall 9~wer, in accordance with the pleas and Qpecifications heretofore adopted bg said Board cf Trust es;~ and on file in the office of the. City`-Clerk of the said City of Anaheim, AND, WHEREAS, pursuant to said advertisement several bids were filed with the City Clerk of $aid City, AND, WHEREAS, it appears to the Board of ?'rustees of the said Citp of Anaheim, that Chamberlain, 1-illiamsan ~ Chamberlain are the lowest . reliably bidd©rs for said work; '1'HER~F'QRF, be it resolved, that the said Board of Trustees of the said Gity of Anaheim, does hereby determine and declare that Chirmberlair}, Willia~neon & Charberlain are the lowest responsible bidders for said work, and that the bid of the said Chamberlain, Williamson & Ghar~bPrlain be, and the same is hexeby accepted and the conti~tct for .said work is awa-xd •d to them upon the tiling of bonds requix®d in and by the said specif- ications on file in the office of the City Clerk of the -said City of Ana- heim; and be it further resolved that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby instructe~~ to return to all unsuccessful bidders the certified checks accompanying their respective bids. :TTATE 0~' CAT IFOFNIA. COUN?'Y OF 0 RANGE, SS. CI'T'Y OF ANAHEIM. I, Edward B. Iderritt, Citg~ Cl®xk of t2ie City of Anaheim, do hereby cextify that the fpregoing resolution waft passed and adopted at a regale r m®eting of the Board of Trustees of the said City of Anaheim, held on the llt~i day oP April, 1912, by the following vote: Aye s(;,,_ . a tee a,t4:o- ~ -~ ~ ' ~,~'' ~ ~' Noes, 'Trustees, `-~-o-,.z_~---- .R___. - 1 -__ .._ Absent, Trustees, ~~- ~~ In witness whereof I have he .rtnto set ~Ly hand and affixed the official seal of the said City of Anaheir,~, this ~~ day of Apri1,191~. ~~~ ~ ~ Cit~T Clerk o. +he City o Anaheim, 2