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-_~ ,.~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ *'P J'7LV7''.~~.° ~`yr "^i- C.~ I'. ,.~t~?.,, ,t..' ~~~1' I. ~`. lJ{`T"~'"~ Y~~ m,.. _ '~.J -l m`T '.~.~~ t, '~. .. ,, rn I~ ~ ~ : '"1~at Lt la 11'.> lnt~n+.ion :~ `~ Lhe ~Qar ~E o~L '~'rus+, ~''~s OZ tie l~1ty U Arl ~.lt~ii;. '`U <?Y'E~~:r +',q :t'ollot~rYin~; ~t:C^,-',t ~;,~-Ur'r~ tU ue :a(~n . li7 .~<lliil. ~:lttT .:U-'V11 . `i'O ~:10~~'a U T' t`i- -~+ . ~ p ilO~ta . . ~'" ~., 1n '~'.'~1;~ City, ~f;tvE~f~~,n `le ~";~~; line o . ~~'~ ,+ ^t e ~t ,~, ~-, <:~ ~: + r ....E 1. _:; , line Qs n~r~.lnlzt titre ~t, a~ tilt; :a:,r.~ zin7-'sn:cs on ~ I.:a~ ca .E An;~:~~aiJ~, ~xtPnsion t „. ~ ,~ ~. lua ,e ~ T Nu„ t><in.e1 ;~n~,i 111eEx In tx,e o.:_ ic:3 of +.,La ~Cou nt~r ~ecor~.iE~,- U T~t~~ ,N.'7~-;1~.i tiOllnt~T, Ci:;,11SOrnldj e31Cc~~`~tl'nF' ~l?7'z ?'?3e?'Vln,~,~ +''.~~,?°'~-- ~rOli t'18 ri~~-t t0 'C1111.L~j., ~T'~-'~:t, vii :?"t f-i ~]:.'u~: f;~ x''''Y;'^1T' ~:~?1~~ J1tca.l:rltr'X1T1 UnE3 OT' t~tV~~9 pipe lln~:;h Jl' t', ~' " ~;JP1i.:lUCt O l Seater, ~''~,S ~~r •yGTrr~l';a ~rl,_i :nor on; or I:orN r~1,3 .~„inaN fox• ± ~ + .1~ .:onc~.;;:.t U~" e1Ao .x•i ~i1 ant~r~~T over , :~.1Qn~ anti aaro~~:~ t!la :~out~~erl~T ten e t ,. w e ~ o~. saki otrBc?t. ~~,-~, T , .~,t,,~Ad??: Tr1at 11sa 'I a n,a ,,,i-., „ . 1,. ,. ,,._.. _ ., _ the :a<i l ;l Ci]. ttr C)~ ~.!1;~rE:7.7:1 ~'3eI`iS nr3uF3:i :=1rtt t,p ~;,i 3 t,;~1t;F;}Z ~;i r,? LOS' f any i ~xr'..1 i:i til° ~Uar:;i O.~ ^'r _-~ t ;`"' +U t r'tiri ' U:at , •-i In f a~~:~a ~ F? t'tBrP'~Or, ~, ~ ~, ..:. .,Lii ~~- f . ~3e~inning at'z~ paint on ~:i~.e ~o~iLi-~erl;~ line a.~ ?',ot t'r~ir+,t>• c};7=~ X31), A,^~:z~.eiJ:. rXt~n.,ion ~,~ si.o~;rn - ,~> y 'J n i'~. 11'11171 Y1,~i. ~ i P, ~"J':' ri I+i • E~'..l:.'~ ~., .. ~77`::X ? 1.1e'i iOr record 117 "ri1F O ~ C 1Ce 0.: tiif3 ~'OlAn'tt' ±- CQ'?'~lE::C OS f~0.3 ~'~'1:r~1~> (;C>1.1"11;~r~ 1i1111Urn1,'l j ~3c^,.i':'t 1;()1171 O:I C~0~~7.n .1. '1•<: ~J'~]..~16" ~,~'i3CrtZF t;r;-'.•' ~t~?t ti~l"',.3ter1~T f.roi, tl~, ~out;1~'a~3t'l.v carnet c}:r' ;,~i~z T,o` ` - ',\ tit°.lxt:T OnA ~ vl} j t~i`Ani:" !S'r>+?rl~~r ul("ln ~~ }t'..7 ~ +-', y~ YY t n .+ . ~ ,~ SJU ,..-i'3rl~r lln'~ OZ '-~i3i~~ ~1ot ~.;ne .J:IU~.~. ):'1~/A iJZ,t ALl,tn'{i ~'.i ~1XEJ~r ~:J~iV~ial .l~~t, 111U- ~ y/J~ ~.~i 7~J, t~/ a ~<~int {;11T'tY' Fret ei~>3t i?t ri7~ilt ~inc;1.~:3 r07:, 'f~l° C:-?Ylt.::r ZlY1? S,. . U.~ eull'lilt k3t:%y~?t j !'ilr'nc1~'; `,+O:Cj;1 ii~>~.2'elll r~ ~ii~ S~'.1 .l cen ,9I ~ 1.ne 1:`tl.c:'~' 1 fi ,r . _ :tour fig{ A >v5/luu t " ~ ~ ~ 1=~ lei. c~ 3 u e lln~ J _' ~~11~X F,ut "~''lli:r`." 7rlfj,,:~r~.c? t:olz.~~::{~1~ `r3 ix ~lun~rf;~~ fi ~t'r s~'ven ci C:J~ .f °r?1;~ ~:ils? U1 .],.i~',~,>~ ,U 1~1-, ~TaulF;rl.~r llne O~fi r~5t ~'trt?atf :. tllenc;~~ ~c,rzt:~;rl~T «lon ° >~z1 ~ 117 ' lEr Cvc~ ~ Lo _.~~ y ' . .. ~~ t~la;~e o: c1~~~in~lin;:;. . ~; ~ins~ ~rie norl.lerl',;T :1,~1 ~ vi' T~xo;z~l tre~3t i~ t*.~~ec,n +1~e " :~terl~r ling v .' ~~est ~tr~,~~t :n i a lin° t~lirt~r _~ ;,~t :~aot ~t T. L;~Ait +axl`T1~~.~ 1rOi1i {'~i=~ ~;ent3r lift? (:J:~ T";<lIn',.lt~',tr~~f:t. • ~ . y _ 1-~. ,.z oard !~:~ rta,~ ..a _ aTe~zr ~t~11,.in~~ nn~ aCl,~re t~lr~t :3ai~;i tRrork ~°~~ill ;~:Pf~ct a:n 7 r~;n~.~'it file 1~;11c.i:3 ~~n.:~ a.7.SLY'tCl t~if~ eXt°Y'lOr TJOLlni~c'irit9S .O'.~ t^.i;liCi~ u~?'' i"i`?r'~1?1c1~'t°r c?C30r ii;-. ~; xn.t ~~Ii.li:;ii ~ i~.~. ;L.LSt21.~.'t iS ..:r,r~u~T Ca'r:Clcir?;A tG %C +1C ~~lf~tl'iCt c~.:i ,'~ ;tv':t an z ~)3n8:~lt~:X ~^Z' 3~].A '~~ '- Orii c~n:7 1.1tprOVE3:p'^i~, any to~~;~.t, t~1 xe?.'ore, tai, ontixe ~1~~~c~r~~:;,~, co;~+, :; an•v~ e:~;~~n~ea sh,~,ll } a ~x r ~; u~ :z_7 -:er~~~~ l:~a,ie o.}.ar,aa~~lt=, :.~<~in~~t, n~:a 5i~a~ l ~e asses ,~i:~l.~ LIX:On t1-' li~fl,,i,~ '~lltiilil a:31~;~ i~i:i';r"iCt, C-1~'~ill: S,3i„~ '~1.?i~:T_~1Ct l i t.~lr:Lt~'.n tl = Ci+, r o.~ ~',n~xi~ail.,, Cogan}°T o . Or...n~~, date u:~ Cali:fornia - ~~ extc,rior bc~un:iarie~ o~ ?v1~ic~1 ~1re ~s.ore ~,~~rtioul=:~rl~~ ~:~~;,crir ~.::; rA~ F~f3~innin~ ~t t;i': aulatLl U`i~itf?rl,r COI'nf3r 0i F~c~t '1'aiirt~t ,~=,t=c"1°li: ~''Xtr~n310n, ", .3 SiOWn on cl I:.iz~~ luF~~°, k;~r 1~T;. i;- 11i?1 ~'`1~;~ 4'ileCl for rJCOrt;A. 1"Il ±~, ~ J iCH t~. t:'? JOU'1 +r T'4?(',U:~"(:~er C ~OEi ~?1~?'. P;~ ~`UUT1t~7 ~ ~'i~l- i~orniz, t~eno~a Wort arl-T ~Alvn~ ti ~:n:~terly line o* ?pots t;'.irtzr ?,n~~ tilirt~' Ona U ~ i~?~i ~ ~31at1~~].V1:31Q?1 9lvit iun~:~re+X S°Vent?r :~iVf; ?n~i --,..... Ci/1V ~f'3e~ j tilen(;tj ~'~~pE:ii"' `r - n } / , ,e.rl p~1r~.11~,1 ,u file ~outl°rlv line o~ Lot .~{,; 1:lrt•,,r Une, C):ir ti",ou~_ar~~~ fi~V`:1 ~1~111 U.1^?."~ ~u i1~99.;.~...~._;-- :xn (',X ~i ~l.tJ ~~9t; I~ ~~'F~ tr.. C O 1: v3.it lln:3 O.i S:llt~, lU~ j ~'il :nca ~3UL1`ii 31Un.'" the ?*1L6~t lln+' 0~: lUtS tl:ir±"' OnP, ,~Y1~~, t;i:lrt~7, tlir38 iiian~rP,•~ !'1Fittr :~8V3n it'?t to t:l~_~ iCiia~: YaV~~it :;oxne:r Q~ ::1~"L X 1C~± tjilrt~rj tiCnCf; U'13t £~lOn~ ttie ,-i<-)laa; 11:'1' Q:~ i%1C1 lo+~ one: tiiO'.a:i711~~ 8i~1t 'iian<~r~?,:i t'.Ven';~r Une :~ni~ i//lU .L :' ',t t' t:iB I~l:ivc. O. C_°`ri 'r ~ a.--. ri.i. a ,, nn7.n~, ;~~xvin~, r,,.~al, ~ in; an~x exclu~i-- ~.,.. , . ink xlv... .~~:~1~.:1 ~iiat ~'ic+, ~lll punlic ,tx-~ ?t:;, :~.v~nu~,s, rc~a3s anti ~~ZLCH:; t~.Cr', irl 1nC ~_~1~'iq~~ ia.n~? r~r~rZt,~11,1a _{ .".XC°1`3tln~ ~!~iC~ Stri~"~ O:i" { lance tv ~a tczkan fvr ;;lu:~in up ~roa;x ~ti ~:~t. F~}'J, '" T: m11:at «11 o:t ,~~i, prvp.,,~ e,;. ~5rvrk ,~T~~1 ~- 1 ~>e ~: ,~ vne In ~--ur:~ua~~e tQ an act o:~ taia ?',~,~i,31at~.r,~ ;~ ~ ±?~~; ~t•-1t° o:c C<~li{'ornia, antitla~:x "~,n Act tv provi~~le nor l~sTin~ out, oy ,~nz;i4_, ~~-t~nr~i11~, wiaenir~ ~trai~ltAnin v yr clc~7inzr up, in ti~v~ivle ur in pert. ~~n ~- 5+r~.;at • ~ .,~ , s ~uax e, R 1ana, a11ev, court' or Y~lac,~ ,.~rittAin t:.unicip~liti?s, rimed ;to co,n~~.eran ~Tl:~ dC^~tilr~3 ~::~?7V ~n~j, c~,~! Z 1~'xn~~ .nth ;ClrOj'`Br±z* nQCBSS.ai ~r p:C CUi1Vc'1'11 ?nt nor +i~z± rur~usa. " A rro ve:~.~SarCfi ~tzr,1889, an:`i file s ,varal act.; a~.-an°i«tary n tlir3r~~~ ,xn,i ;;unrlPr;.?ntar~r tiier~~tn. '~'I~'Tri: That. tiie1iCr,~~n~e County rlain ~-ealer", a weekl~r naiRr~~raper ~~ ~ ~z~~aTiarc:~l ci~arrzcte.r, :publ-i3hed :rid ,cir~cul~::tad ;in the a~~,i~, ~C,'t;,r of n`r~,i.i x.1:1, _ ]~ ~1.`3 'i°'7 ~~~~~T ;l'F3.~1.~?li~.?cA c~,7 t.ti° '.1E3tn;3?")c`3Yiax' 1:1 T1'i3.Ci t~"!e ~'uperint°ndent o~ Ctreata ©~ said City of An~r:iairl;, s~iall cause to be publi:~:iad, in the rr:anner and .form ra:ltzir=d bsr law, notice of the pa-,sa,~,e o.r" tiffs resolution, and thF~ said Suparintr~nden+, of streets o.f ~~aid City is 'ier~by dir3cte;3 to cause notic;~;s o~ the pa<age of t:iis re;olutian to be postss~. in the rl:ann~~r and ~orra ra~uirsd by law, ~xn.a to cau~sa notice si;.ilar in substance to be publicsiad in ir~zid newsraoar 'by ~:o?zr succes.~ivp in.~ertiong t}ier-:off in tine rnannar reluired ky law. l ~~~t t<~F~ ""c>r~~~;oin~ ~e;;c;1u+.,ion off' Intention was passad an3 adopted by file ~3oarci o£ Trustees o.f the City of Anatzeir., on the 35t2-i day o~ F'ebrurtiry,l~~l2, by the fo1l.o~rin{ vote;: A~*PS, Truste~;s ~,~,(~ ~~,f~- ~ Noss, Trustees in ~~vitne ~~ a~liprPo-f I have here~znto sPt n1Mr }ianc3 and affixed tS:e se:z1 of tia said Cit~r of Ana'-ir;ir~l, tYiis lStLi ;,5.~~~r of ~`ebru.:~r~,r, ~~z~;. _ _. ..~...J73,_ ~, Cittr ClArk of tiie City of Ana?ieir... ~~_