Resolution of intention No.
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, State
of "alifornia:
1st. That iT, is tiro intention of the said Board of Trustees to
order the following street work to be done in said City, to — Wit:
To open and extend South Lemon street in said City of Anaheim.
2nd. That the, land whioh is by this Board of Trustees deemed
neeessnTlj to be taken therefor, and which this Board of Trustees
intends to take therefor, is described as fol1 to — wit:
All that certain land situ?te, lying and being in the said
nity of Anaheim, particularly described as follows, to — wit:
Beginning at a point 24.75 feet South 15 1/2 deg. East from the
Southwesterly ^ orner of Vineyard Lot ":14 as shown on a map recorded
in Book 4 of Deeds, pages 629 and- 630, Records of Los Angeles County,
California, and running thence South 15 1/2 deg. Fast parallel to
the center line of Lemon Street extended 1320 feet to the Northerly
line of Broad. Street; thence South 74 1/2 deg. ,test along the North—
erly line of Broad Street 56 feet; then ^e North 15 1/2 deg. West
parallel to the center line of Lemon Street extended 1320 feet, and
then ^e North 74 1/2 deg. Fast 56 feet to the point of begini
The said land so proposed to be taken for said .York or improve—
ment is shownyon a. map ��jj adopted
Q by said Board of Trustees at its
'U ~d / 0 I X
meeting held on March h, t*&*, and not on file in the office of
the City "lerk of said City.
3d ThPt the exterior boundaries of the d istrict hereby e stab—
lidhed, =end the exterior boundaries of the district of IAnds hereby
de^.lPred to be affected and benefitted by said work or improvement,
and to be Reses to pay the damages, lost and expenses thereof,
are described as .follows, to —wit:
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of original Building Lot
No. 36 in said City of Anaheim, as shown on a map recorded in Book
4 of Deeds, p ages 629 and 630 Records of Los Angeles County, Cali—