03/16/1911-005Resolution No. 2,S7 ,S7
The Iloard of Trta.steps of the City of Anaheim do resolve as
That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to publish in
the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation pub-
lished in said City of Anaheim, in its re,-,ular issues of March 23d
and March 30th, 1911, a notice inviting proposals to purchase
Sewer Construction bonds and Electric Light Plant bonds, in the
following form:
Notice of Sale of Bonds of the City
of Anaheim.
Sealed proposals will be received by the City Clerk of the City
of Aliaheiin, California, until 8 o'clock P' H. of Thursday,
tt 1911, to purchase Seger Construction Bonds of said
City of Anaheim in the amount of ninety thousand dollars, and to
purchase Electric Light Plant Bonds of said City din the sum of
Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. Said Sewer Construction T3onds
are forty year serials and are 120 in number, eighty of which are
of the denomination of $1000.00 each and forty of which are of the
denomination of 0250.00 each. Said Electric Light Plant Bonds are
forty year serials and are forty in number of the denomination of
$212.50 each.
All of said bonds are dated April lat, 1911, and bear interest
at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi - annually on
ti:e first day of April and the first day of October of each year.
Principal and interest are payable, in Gold loin of the United.. States
at the office of the City Treasurer of said City.
Of the Sewer Construction D onds, two of $1000.00 each and one
of $250.0(f are due and payable on the first day of April, 1912 and
t of said $1000.00 bonds and_ one of $250.00 are due and payable
on the same day and date of each and every year thereafter.
Of the Electric Light Plant Bonds, one is due and payable on
the fi day of April, 1912 and one is due and payable the
saire day and date of each and every year thereafter.
All of said bonds are issued under the authority of an Act of
the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act author -
izing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns and municipal
corporations for muniripR1 improvements and regulating the acquisi-
tion, construction and completion thereof." which became a law
February 25th, 1901, and all acts supplementary thereto and amenda-
tory thereof, and with the ordinances of said City.
No proposals will be entertained for said bonds at less than
their face value, together with the accrued interest to the date
of their delivery, and all bids or proposals submitted will be con-
strued by the Board of Trustees of said City to mean par and accrued
interest to the date of the delivery of said bonds in addition to
premium offered, whether the bids or proposals set forth the same
explicitly or not.
Bids will be entertained for the entire issue of Sewer Con-
struction Bonds and Electric Light Plant Bonds, or separate bids
may be made for each class of bonds.
The said bonds will be ready for delivery on or about May 19t,
1911, and will be delivered at the City Treasurer's office in the
City of Anaheim, California, or at any designated place, upon the
payment by the purchaser of all expenses incurred by the delivery
of the bonds and transfer of the money, necessary to make delivery
and payment equivalent to a transaction at the office of said City
Treasurer in said City of Anaheim. All bids or proposals providing
for delivery at any place other than the City of Anaheim will be
construed to mean the price bid in addition to the expense of de-
livery, whether the bid or proposal sets forth the same explicitly
or not.
With each bid or proposal submitted for the entire issue of
said bonds, or for the said sewer Construction Bonds, there must
be enclosed a certified check drawn upon some bank in the State of
California., payable to the order of the City zfxXxKknJ= Treasurer
of the City of Anaheim, for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars as a
guarantee that the bidder will purchase and pay for said bonds in
a ^cordance with his proposal in the event that his bid is accepted.
If a separate bid is made for the Electric Light Plant Bonds a
certified check for $500.00 drawn and payable as aforesaid, and
for tine purpose aforesaid, trust accompany each such bid.
The Board of Trustees of said City reserve the .right to reject
any or all bids or proposals.
By order of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, made
at an adjourned. regular meeting Xml:dt of said Board held , on March
16th, 1911.
City Clerk of said City of Anaheim.
Adopted and approved this 15th day of March, 1911.
President of the Board of Trustees
of said City of Anaheim.
Upon motion of Trustee duly seconded by Trustee
t ;le foregoing r' olution was adopted by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees
Noes: Alone. /
9v,►hereupon the President declared the said resolution duly adop-
A •u
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim.