Resolution of Intention, No. G~
A resolution by the Board of TrustF~es> of the city o#' Aral~ieim
detprminin~ that the public: interest and necessity demand the ac-
quisition, oon,trii,^t,ion, estPblishmPnt and completion of a sewer
system fo.r the City of Anaheim, inclining the acquisition of.' a sewer
farm, a rig:~t of way thereto for an outfall :ewer, the acquisition
of a septic tank, sewer-pipes. man holes, hand holes, flush tanks
and. a.ll other necessary materials trierefor and all necessary ?ppli-
^.n~Pfi with which to equip and operate said sewer system, including
all necessary expense of laying s~+rq~r pipes a.nd c'oristrtz^ting, in--
stalling and ~°stablishing said sewer system, and all incidental
FxpF~nses connect Pd thPrP~vith; arid. that the estimated cost of said
municipal it=?provemsr~t is ninety thouNand doliA.rs. .Also determin~,.1
that the public interest ana nPcac:;ity d.Pm~~nd the acquisition and ~
construction of additions to the City ~;lectric Light Plant, and the
acquisition and installation of an engine, generator, excitor, switch
board and other electric light applia.nc~;s; a.nd. that the e$timated
goat of said municipal improvement is nighty-five hundred dollars.
Also detprmin_ng thPt the post of said municipal iriprovemerrts, and
each of them, will be too great to tie paid out of the ordinary ~±rr-
rnzal income and revenue of said City of Anaheim.
Be it resolved and determined by the Board. of Trustees of the
City of Anaheim, State of California, that the public interest and
necessity demRrd thr, acquisition, construction, establishment and
completion of the following murzieipal improvements, to-~+~.t
1~'irrst. A eee-er system for thr, said City of Anaheim, including
the acquisition of a sewer farm and the right of wAy thereto for
an outfall serer, the acquisition of a septic tank, sewer pipPg,
MAn holPa, hand holes, flush tanks and all other necessary materials
therefor and all necessary aplslipnoas Frith which to equip and oper-
*te said s~*wer system, including all necessary expense of laying
said. serer pipes and constructing, installing anti establi,~hing said
sewer system, and all incidental expenses oonnFOtPd. there?~ith. That
the estims~trd cost of said municipal inlprovemer~t is ninety thou~hnd
dollars, a.nd_ such cost is and will be too great to b~: paid out of
the ordinary annual-income and revenue of said City; And that it
is advisable to raise the monry for the aequissition, construction
arld coznple;tion of r~Aid municipal improvement by is$uing And selling
bonds of the City of Anaheim in the sum of ninety t}io~igand dolls_ars.
Second. Thr, acquisition and construction of additions to the
City Electric Light Plant, including the acquisition and insta.llR-~
tic~n of an engine, generator, excitor, switch board and other elec~~
trio light appliances, and addition to the Idunicipa.l ~+~Iectric Light
and Pater forks building, That the estimAtPd west of said municipal
improvement is eighty-five hundred dollars, acid such cost is and
gill bP too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and
revenue of said City; and that it is advisa.blo to raise the money
for the acquisition and installation of said municipal improvement
by issuii, ~~.nc! scllirg bonds of the City of Anaheit~ in they sum of
eighty-five hundred dollars.
Be it further Fiesolvec~., that the proceedings for the issuance
a.nd sale of said bonds be conducted in accordance with t~:e ~~rovis-
ions of an Act of the LegiRlat~.tre of the State of California, err-
titied "An Act authorizing the ircurrirg of indebtcdnrss by citiet~,
tor~ns rind municipal corporations for municipal improvements, and
regulating thr° acquisition, conatrii^tion and completion thereof",
and becoming a law February 25th, 1901, €~nd ul amendments to said
Be it further Resolved, that the City Glerk shall certify to
the passage; a.nd approval of this resolution, and cerise the same to
be published ones in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newepa.per printed,
published and. circulated in said City of Anaheim.
I hereby approve the foregoing resolution this 19th d.ay of
December, 1910.
eras den o ~~e oar rus .yes
of the, City of Anaheim.
I, P,d~vard B. tir.,rritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, State
of C~-.lifornia, do hereby certify that the whole rnunber of Trustees
of the City of Anaheim is five; that the foregoing resolution ?gas
pass!xl. and. adopted by the Board of Trustees of said City afi ant
adjourned regular meeting thereof held on the I9th day of nece~nber,
xS10, by the following vote:
Ayes : ,`« C ~~ ~-~-~~.C~.,,,~
_ ;-
Noes : None..
I further eertif'y that the said resolution was signed a.nd A.p--
prov~d by the President of said Board of Trustees on the 19th day
of Deeembc~r, 1910. Ir. witrze~ss whereof I have hereunto sst my hand.
end r~ffiX"ed th~- official eeai of said City of Anaheim this 19th d.t~y
of-Dumber, 191fl. ~1 "_~~-~3. ~ „-,