06/17/1910-092Resolution :vo. ~~ ~~ ~~ The Board of Tr:zstees of the City of Anahein do hereby r~:solve as follows: That the City Clerk be end. he is one insertion in the Anaheim Gazette, ~iraLtlation printed and. published in inviting proposeals to purcYia~;F bon^. iznr~.er the provisions of Ordinance No. 1o~iT1d form: hereby directed to publish by a weekly newspaper of general said City of Anaheim, a notice of said City to be issued 227 of said City, in the fol- Noti^e of Sale of. Municipal Aonds of the City of Anaheim, Orange County, California. f Notice is hereby ivPr. than sPa.led propo€~als will be receiv~;ct. by the City Clerk of the City of Anaizein, State of California, at :pis office in t~~ Ct1r Hall ~Rxaa[~dx~ickX, No ~. o v East. Center Street Ana~i~~ir:!, ralifornia, until s o'clock. P. l~. of Thursday, xs ~ G 1910, to purchase bonds of said City of Anaheim in the sum of seven thou^~.nd five hundred dollars. Said bonds are fifteen year serials and are fifteer. in number, each of the denomination of five hundred dollars, dated-July 2nd, 1910, bearing interest at the rs.te of five pr cent per annum, payable sera-annually on the 2nd day of July and the 2nd day of Januaxy of every year. Principal and interest payable in Gold Coin of the United States~of America at the office of the ^ity Treasurer of the City of Anaheim. One of said bonds is payable on July2nd 1911, and one of tiaitl bon~3s on the same date of Each and every year thereafter. Said bonds are issued under the authority of A ~a ~.....lti_., 4 k tY~e Act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled "An A4,t autYiorizing the incurrirle of inc~.ebtedness by cities, towns a.nd munir_.ipal corporations for municipal ixaprovements and regulating the acE~~ziaition, constrizction or completion thereof„, which became a lart February 25th, 1901, and all Acts amendatory thereof, and in ar.^,or~.a.nce with the provisions o:f law and the ordinances of said City. No proposalsfor said bands will be entertained for Less than tlLeir face value, together with the accrued interest to the date of their delivery, and each bid must he accompanied by a certified check upon a solvent Bank in Ca.l~farnia in an amount equal to five per ^ent or such bid, which check must be made payable to the Treas- .zrc~r of said City of Anaheim, as security that tYle bidder will pur- ,.ii~.;e an~i r»y for said ~Uondr~ i~~ :~?^•~cr.,~.anrc •~.~it?z his propos~.l~ in the Pvent that his bid shall be accepted, and shall be forfeited to said ^itf irl case such bidder uhall fail to complete such purchase. Tile said bonds shall be ~.elivered in suc~~ ~~lnounts and at such times as the Board of Tr~istens nay determine from time to time, and will be delivf~r~:d a.t he Git~,r Treasurer'; office in said City of An~~h~;im. The Board of Trustees reserve the right to reject a.ny or all bids or proposals Published by orc~_er o.f the Board of Trustees of the City of Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk Of said City Of Anaheim. I ,~~ ,~. `~ i hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~-as passed by the Board. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim at a special meeting `h<~reof duly and reUularly held on the 17th day of June, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Noes ~. o~~ ti c.~ Jity Clerk of the City of Anaheim.