''' :'.~ . f,~ J
Resolved, That the Bos~rd of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,
having; in open sessionon the 24th day of March, 1910, opened, ex-
atnined and publicly declared all sealed proposals or bids offered
for the following work, to-~Yit
^'he paving of that portion of Herneine Street in said City,
from the Northerly line of Center Street to the Southerly line of
Chartres Street, incittdin,~ one alley intersection on said Portion
-~ ~ of said` str~:et , Frith Asphalt Concrete Pavement, in accordance with
~~ the'`plans and profiles for said work on file in the office of the
,, Citg~ C'~erk of said. Qity, and in accordance with Specifications No.
2 oz~ file in the office of said City Clerk, which specifications
were adopted by said Board of Trustees an June 10th, 3909, and are
;' .
~~ entitled "Specia.l Speeificatioris for Parsing of streets in the City
` of Anaheim with Asphalt Concrete Pavement„, hereby awards the con-
t.' tract for said work to Fairchild-Gilmore-Wilton Company, the only
bidder therefor, a.t the price specified in its proposal on file for
fiaid ,work, to-wit : /3 f ~ P.," ~v ~a„~.
The City Clerk is hereby directed. to post notice of this award.
eonspi^,uously for five days on or near the council chamber door of
this Board of Trustees, and also publi$h said notice by one inser-
tion in the Orange County Plaindea~ler, a. weekly newspaper published
and circulated in this city, and. hereby designated for that purpose
b;r this Board of Trustees.
Passed by the Hoard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, lurch
24th, 1910, by* the fol~owing vote: ~i
Ayes: Trustees: ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~l.~.c~
Noes : ~"~-+~ ~,,.,
lcT~,...,, ~+.s. ~-~-+~ / President of said Board of Trustees.
~ t~~~-~"
C erk o sa d C y o Anahe m,
I hereby approve the foregoing resolution this 24th day of l~areh,
Presiders o s d B rd of Trustees.