01/17/1910-009r f.w
~~.g~ 1/ ~
Resol~a.tion of Intention Ado. ,~
A resolution by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheimt
California, determining that the public interest. and necessity demand
the constrazction and completion of the ~nork of paving certain .street
irtersPCtions, and a portion of. South Los firgeles Street in said City.
Iie it resolved and deterarired by the Board of Trustees of the
City of Ar,alieim, "alifornia, that the public interest and nece r ity
c~.emarid tYie ^onstructior: ar~d ^ompletion of the follosFy.;.n4 describFd.
street work in said City, to--gait: Thy paving of that portion of
of frontage
South Los Angeles Street in front of the ?..10.91 feet~~of land owned
by said City ir. !vineyard Lot "G3", on ~vh'ch land. is situate the
~~.,. ~~~
h~unicipal Electric Li~,ht and R, f~^om the Easterly curb line
ai said Street to the center line of said Street; also the paving
of the fallowing described intersections of streets, to-gait
LPi~.On and !"enter Streets; .",ler.:entine a.rid Center Streets; Adel~-
aide ar~d Helena Streets and Center Street; Palm and Center Streets;
Rosh and. "enter Streets on Adortherly half of Center Street; Citron
and "enter StrPtit;~; Ghio:and "enter Streets, on Southerly half of
Center Street; Illinois and Center Streets, on SoutY~erly halt' of
u.~e~-~'N:~.~,~ lZle..ee.aa , uh, l~-,w,u.~e,~..r ~,~.a.~ ~-- ~-a~.~.(e:~ _ ~ _ t
Cent pr Street; t'~est and "enter Stl^eets;^v'alr~ut a~:d renter Street,
on Southerly half of Cer~tex~ Street; Cherry and Center Streets, on
Southerly half of Center Sty°eet; villa glace and. Center Strf:ets~, on
NorthFrly half of Center Street; Thalia and Center Streets; Adams
arid. "enter Streets, or. Southerly calf of Center Street.
Resolved, That it is the intention of said Board of `trustees
to pave said intersections of streets, and said portion of South
Lo;~ An~Ples Street, ~;ith asl~l~alt concrete pavement irl accordanoo
~~ith Specifieat~ons ado. 2 on file in the office of the City Clerk
of said City, ~rhich specifications ~~ere adopt Pd. by said Board of
Trustees on June 10th, I9fl9, ar~d are entitled "Special Specifica-
tions for Paving of Streets in the City of Anaheim ~.~ith Asphalt
Concrete Pavement, ~ -der
£i . 4 C+
Fesolved., That the estimated cost of said street work iu~~~o~""~
and such cost will be too great to bF paid out of the ordinary annual
income and revern~e of said City.
Resolved, That the City Clerk of said. City is hereby directed
to cause this r~solutior~ to be printed and published once in the
Orange Co~inty Plaindealer, a ~uee}y newspaper of general Cir^ulation
printed, published and circulated in said City, ar1d_ thereupon it
--.. --
~I?all be in full force; ~?nc?. :~;~id Clerk shall certify to the passae
and a.doY?tion of this resolution.
President of the Bo~.rd. o Trustees
Of the.. ,."ity Of Anaheim.
I hereby certify th2t the foregoing resolution ~a.s passed and
adopted. by the Board of Trustees of the City- of AI1~heiIfl ~t its 1'e-
gulag n~etin~; held. on the lath day of ~fanu2.ry, 1910, by a. vote of
morF th~.n two--third's of all its r~enbers, to-mit : by the follo~~ing
I hereby approve the fore~oir~; rnsoltztior,~.
Ayes: ~
NO?S: ~ v
I further certify th?t tYze said reso//lotion t~~zs signed s_>nd ap-
proved ~ tie President of ;paid Board of 1rizStP,eS
on the Stith day of Jprnzary, 1910 , '
(seal) City Clerk of said City of AnahFim.