12/23/1909-002-_ _._.- R!~solutian Of TnterltioTl, 10. z3'!. resolution declaring it to ba t11p intention of the Board. of Tr?z.s teas of thy; ~"ity of Anan?im to order done the ~r~ork of pavin lIerr^.iho atr~P,t, bPt~~een the Ao.rtherly line of ^enter Street and the Southerly line of Chartres Street, irz :,aid. .^..ity. RPSOlv~d, `hat it is the intention of tY1P. Iio~rd of `i'r?,zstees of the City of Ana:neim, State of Cali:i'ornia, to o.rdFzr the following; c.treet ?ror~; to bP ~?on~: ir. s?id City; to-wit : That. th~?t portion of IiE~r.,:~~.t,~= ,_treet in s:~id ".ity, ;f°rOtr~ the D30.rtlxerly line of ;inter StrF'Pt to the Saut11E'rly line of Chartre , ;;trnet, including one alley internPntian on said. pox•t i0i~ of sai~: StrF~et, be paved 'rrit~l asphalt concrete pave?,1F~nt, in ~~.^,ord.an^e T'~ith the plans and profile for sated ~.7ork on rile in the office ot` the City Clark oi' .;aid ~'ity~, and in ~~,cord.an^e ~Rrith Specifications ricz. ~ on file in the office of :~a.id amity Clerk, ~hicli ~;Y~e^ifications ~-rerP adopted try said 13oarc~. of 'rizstF^s on June 10th, 109, a_nd are entitled "Special Speci:~'i^a.tions .f. or Paving of St. r. c~Pts in ~tYie City ~f Anahein ~;rith Asphalt Concrete The Or=yz?~;e "ount,y Pl~a.ind.ealnr, a ~~ree?ply ne~~s~?apPr of general circ?a.l~tian Published anci cir^,?.zlated in said City, i~~ hereb~r dei~- nnted as thFs ne~,~rspapez° in sihi^h thisresolrztiorz of intention and. notice of the p~s:;a~e thereof Nh'~11 be a~ublisliPd. in the manner And by th? persons r~~~~?zirPd by l~~v. 'I'l~ie SupPri,iten.der,t of Str~;ets of saki City is hereby directed to post notices of the pacsa,~;~=~ 01' this resolution in the ~z~nner and. form regtaired b`T 1s?~-r, ~n~? to ^~?.z.sP a similar notice to be publi.~hed ray or?e :~n.~~~rtion ixl : aicl neu~rspaper ire the znanr~F~r r?cy~aired 3~~,r 1=atrJ. ~_C'l? -City Clerk. is hereby dirc~utc?d to ;~o.~t thi::~ resolutian of intention conspicuously ~"ox• t?^ro c~a.ys on or nPa.r the ",h~.mbPr door of slid Boas of Tr1.1StP,0~, and to cause the sa.r•~e to be published by tj?r0 insertions in the m?nnPr rewired by 1~*v, in said. l~re?l~lly ne~rspaper. I here'oy certify t,hPt the foregain~ .resolution ~:~as passed by the Bo?.rd. of TriititeFS of tl~? City of AnaYieim on the 23d day o' Dec- eT~b^r, 1~0~, by the t'ollo?nrin~ vote; Ayes : ~/`` _--~ f- j~.~- ~6~~ ~`~` ~.~ ~ ---. ~k City "leek of said City ot'-AnahE~im. ~~ Presl~len :_ th . BoarcY of Trus PPS of said City of Anaheim,